HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-17, Page 13Take a close look
at the 1974 John
Deere Cut-Away
they play hard.:.,
See the great new John Deere
Snowmobiles for '74 during our
open house. There are, seven new
models —power selections from
292 to 440cc's: And you, can ,
choose John Deere's neyv slide
rail 'suspension system or proven'
bogie-wheel suspension.
.and make play
out of hard work
This Winter throw away your
shovel; With a John Deere Snow
Blower'you can clear a blizzard
from your walkS and driveway
almost before the snow stops
falling. Select from 5-, 7-, or 8-hp
remodels,26- or 32-inch cut. With
a John Deere Snow Blower to
walk behind and a John _1
Deere Snowmobile to
ride on, winter is great
fun. .
355 Josephine Street, Wingham, Phone 357-1416
See the new
John Deere
Snow Machines
at our
Witethar It's a /j •
You are rensambarIng a loved one.
PRYDE Ift .$011. LTD.
IN GODERICH - DON Denomme - 524-8761 VISIT
couple Will Live
In Stratford
Rev ...Grant Mills officiated
when marriage vows were exchan- •
ged betWe ,- Patricia Ann Jordan
and•Samt i Wayne Davis. Glad-
ioli forn-,2:d the baCkground for
the ev ling ceremony performed
in Thamesview United Church,
Pullarton on September eighth.
Mrs. W. C. Thorne played the •
Love Theme from Romeo and
Juliet far the bridal music and
Was accompanist for Miss Dorie
Robinson when she sang Love ,
look at the Two of Us and We've
only just Begun.
•Parents.of the couple are Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Jordan, Mitch-
ell, and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley
Davis, Fullerton. ,
The bride, given in marriage
by her father , had chosen a full
length gown ,of candlelight organ-
ia styled with a natural Waist-
line, long sleeves and matching
hood. Motifs of French Alencon,
lace accented the :bodice and
narrow bands of the lace trimmed •
the cuffs and.hood and enchanced•
the full Watteau train that flowed
from the bodice. Silk ribbon -
appeared at the waistline; form-
ing a semi-belt with;two small
bows. Her bouquet was of yellow
roses and baby's breath.
Sisters 'of the bride, Miss Janice
Jordan and Miss Mary. Jordan,
both of Mitchell, were maid of
honor and bridesmaid respectively,:
while the. groom's sister, Mrs.
Carolyn -Harris , R. R. 1 Fullarton
was also a brideimaid. Janice
wore yellow , Mary , pink and Car-
olyn green. Their' frocks were fash-
ioned of flocked polyester with ern•
pine waistlines, bell sleeves and
ruffles. Their wide-brimmed
picture hats were sashed with
ribbons and their bouquets were of
white and coloured carnations, .
both matching their frocks.
Ed Lawrence of Scarborough was ,
best man and. ushering were Terry
Davis and Bob Harris.
The reception was held at the
Legibn Home, Mitchell, where the
bride's mother welcomed guests in
a dress of flowered nylon sheer
'with a green corsage. Mrs. Davis
;assisted , wearing a frock of figur-
ed mauve doubleknit with a "yel-
lOW corsage.
Leaving on a trip' to northern.
Ontario the bride and groom wore
matching pant suits of brown and
white polyester knit , the bride's '
corsage being of yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis are resid-
ling at 245 Goff Ave. , Stratford.
The bride is a granddaughter of
Mrs. 'Clara Webster, Lucknow.
Guests attended the. nuptials
from Edmonton, Scarborough,
Windsor , Lucknow , Peterborough,
Brampton, Fullarton, Mitchell •
and surrounding area ,
MAY, OCTOBER 17, 197.3
Wm. Kinahan
WI Speaker
)ctober meeting Of "the
Women's Institute was
tile home of Mrs., RUssell
Wednesday evening , the
Armstrong Wilson conduct -
nisinessfor the month.
es were appointed to--
he Arei Convention at.
mend for the convention
Chatsworth on October
d nth. The ladies voted
to a banquet in December
D to make the Christmas
for sale as usual. Mrs.
fpNay is in charge of the
Ind cookies for sale at the
lm Hospital in November ,
tations•to come in at the
eeting. The reports of the
D committee and the Pine.
Dmmittees were read.
Wilson asked the ladies
land observe a minute's
in memory of their late
;Mrs. George Saunders..
Plyrnond Leddy presided
:program,' opening with a
poe add the singingOf 0 Cana d a.
rs,- J. L. MacMillan gave a
splendid talk on the motto "A
resolution to help today's youth".
Some things she stressed were to
pt them involved in something
Worth while and to keep them
busy; older people sometimes
place temptation in the way of
the young; the lack of discipline
in the home causes trouble; as „,
our young people go through •
school they should have more prac.
tical work to do along with their
stud,ies. • •
The ladies all joined• in a sing
song after which. Mrs, McNaugh-
ton gave several readings 'on Oct-
ober and. Hallowe'en.
The guest speaker , Mrs.. Wm.
Kinahan spoke on 'Color blind-
ness" and gave many interesting
facts about how to tell if you a
have this defect and how it came
about. This talk was enjoyed by
all and Mrs. MacMillan thanked
the speaker and presented her
with-a gift; •
Mrs. Leddy closed the meeting
with a poem and the Queen was
sung followed by the grace and a
lovely lunch was served.' Every-
one thanked Mrs. Alton for having
them at her home.
Huron Township
Council. Minutes
Huron Township council held
their regular meeting on' October
1st with all members present.
A letter was read from the Min-
.istry of the Environment follow-
ing an inspection of the Township
dump and they requested that
burning be stopped immediately.
A new trench is to be dug and
covering should be done more
The.•Point Clark Beach Associa-
tion sent a letter protesting the
building of a Recreation Complex
and copies of letters to the Min-
istries of Treasury and Community
& Social Services.
None of the tenders for the sale
of the old township shed were
accepted and council is trying to
negotiate privately.
Township accounts of $7,160.46;
Rbad accounts of $9,763.09 arid
Tile drain 'Debentures of
$15,600.00 were ordered paid.
Meeting adjourned to meet on
October 15th and November 5th
at 9.,30 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn,
Mrs. Allister Hughes, Mr. and
Mrs. Elwood Webster of Wingham.
and Mrs. Wallace Conn attended
anniversary services 'at Lucknow
United Church Sunday ev-ening
to see the pictures and hear the
commentary' Rev. Johnstone had
on his charge at. White Fox , North-
ern Saskatchewan.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson
were Sunday evening visitors with,
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray
and Mr. and Mrs. •Alan Falconer
and Tony were at Stratluoy Sun-
day and Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Falconer.
Paul Falconer of .Sarnia spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mowbray.
Mr. and -Mrs. F. G. McGowan
of London were Thursday and Fri-
day guests with their daughter Mrs
Ronald JamiesOn, Me: Jamieson
and family of East Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn Su
day afternoon visited, with Mr. an
Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jason of
Wingham. • —
Mr.. and Mrs/Le Roy Rintbul,
Carol/Kimberley and Debbie
spent the week end with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul
and family and her parents Mr:
and Mrs. Stanley Black and family
of .8elgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Rin-
toul have moved from Kettleby
and their address is nowsKing , R.
Frank Jamieson arrived home
on the week end.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Bill Willis is a patient in Victoria
HoSpital, London.
Mr. and Mrs., Wallace Milligan
Mary Lou and Clara of Streets-
Ville , spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer and
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn on
Sunday at tended 'anniversary ser.-
vices at the prated Church , Luck-
now, where Rev. Robert Johnstone
of First Westminister Church, bin-
don had charge' of the service.
They also visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Milton, where Mr. .
and Mrs. Harold Johnstone ofParit
hill, parents of Rev. Johnstone,
and other relatives' also visited.
Rev, Johnstone is a nephey of Mr.
and Mrs., Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Millen of Teeswater.
Mrs. Edith Brown of London
spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hill Evans.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
ley Tiffin were Mr, and Mrs, Jim
Ruddick of Goderich through the
week and Sunday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Wilson of Wingham.
Mrs. Earl Caslick visited with
'Mr. and Mrs. Bean Caslick of
Kincardine from Thursday to Sun-