HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-17, Page 1noon McNeil , 17 months of was the first prize winner 12to18 months class at the Lueknow. Fall Fair Baby Con- test. Shannon is -the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McNeil of R.R. 6 Goderich. :nation Complex Canvass Stands At 0,000, Ripley Huron Lions Pledge 000 As Club, Plus Personal Donations ecanvass for the Ripley-Hur- creation Coniplex is well on q And donations to the pro- kkat approxirna tely 000 the: first of the week.' al cost of the project is ,000 and the, local committee lbthe canvass and fund rais- tojeets, has set its fund rais- cnlat $150,000. The re- der will be financed through iand the general tax rate.. ubstantial boost to the pro- bill Taylor Is 4ured In - !ph) Accident Taylor, son of Mr . and knan Taylor of LucknoW , 41ously injured, in a two car OR near Georgetown on Sun- September 30th. 0 is a patient in Georgetown iii with multiple injuries linclude a badly fractured nid leg injuries , a fractured let, broken bone, in hiS foot Oced ribs, After being led to hospital his spleen 'ed and he developed phleb Oen his parents visited Uhe week end , they found nproyed and he hoped' to beed from hospital in a short Be will, however , have to for further surgery on his a later time, iilfriend, who Was with :the time is in Peel Memor- spital, She was injured and iadly fractured thigh and in traction for three She is from the' George-, tea, driver of the second car Pinjured.: He is a patient • )101nd Hospital. IhaijuSt completed a two )ptenticeship as an ernbaln4 ig the training in George- He was scheduled to start 16 in Oakville the next The Lucknow Village tax rate for4973 was set on TueSday of last week at the regular meeting of council. Comparison with last year's rates is rather confusing and diffi- cult as Lucknow ,,and all munici- palities 'in Bruce County, are now on the' new market value assess,. ments. With the increase in all assess- ments to the supposed Market value of the property, all mill rates have taken a corresponding decrease to raise the same amount of money. However, all taxes in the vil- lage will be down this year. Assis- tance from the province with in- creased grants has helped to make this possible. The new mill rates, with last year's mill rate in brack- ets, had market value assessment been used then , are: FRACTURES LEG INJURED IN EARLIER ACCIDENT Emerson Howald Injured In Weekend Accident, Waits Injured In Car For Several Hours Through The Night • Champs in Their .Own Bathtub Barry Nicnenagh , lst vice prcs- ''ade navigating; the machine Which ident acid Gold lq..Ook;:, with. h at and glasses, president of the Luck-, pow Distirict Lions Club, art pic- tured in the Lucknow Farr par. won them first in the recent bath tub race staged by the Howick Lions 'Club. NO 0.00 A Year In Advance .00 Extra To U,SA. SEN IN la WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17;1973 Sim* Copy 15O 20 Pans LUCKNOW TAX RATE WILL BE DOWN ject was announced this 'week ,by Committee chairman Bab Emer-, son. .The .newly formed Lions ••• C-10, in- Ripley -Huron had pledged $50.90 from the club over the, next five. years. In addition. to the club pledge.,'each:Lions Club member indicated a $100' • 'Voluntary personal donation. to the. fund. At the 'last Lions.Club meeting,• about 25 of the 35'- mere ben 'were present when this was decided.. It was a .:Unanimous decision al all present.' • A therrnorneter .is set 'up se'up in the',Fipley• Park to chart the , graWth of the fun. Canvassers from:the committee are now out . in pairs on each concession in the • township and four people are •work ,ing. Ripley. 'Letters-, and brochures explaining the project are being sent ,through the' mail to summer ancl'seasonal residents of the town- ship. • •. If good weather holds',and the plans proc eed as 'qUickly as is hop- ed '; construction. could start with - in a -.few weeks.. 'However , un-. suitable winter weather could post• pone the start until the spring, Agreement To Dismantle Old Woollen Mill Lticknow Vihage Council., in preparation for the construction of the new Canning Street.bridge which was destroyed a year age when a. truck loaded with grain collapsed the 'structure , approved • an agreement with Anderson Flax Products at their council meet-, ing last week which will -see,steps being taren to prepare the site for the `new bridge. The agreement , which was endoised by council, was such that if the village will pay And - erten' FlaX 'Product's $100.0 to coy - CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Emerson Howald of Lucknow, seriously injured in a motor accid- ent on Highway 86, dear Lochalsh. one year and nine months ago ; is a patient in Wingharn Hospital as the result of a second accident early last Saturday morning, Emeison was-proceeding north on the Lucknow7South Kinloss Church road , north of the Lucknow CNR station. He failed to nego- tiate the turn as, he approached the Church, veered to the right, chipped the steps at the chiirch mausoleum, broke through the railing around the steps , went through a fence and struck a tree. Alone at the time ,Emerson was Sells Home On Havelock Street Ross MacMillan of LucknoN4 has sold his Havelock Street home to Mr: •and Mrs. E. W. Rice of St. , Helens. Possession will be next spring. Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan bought the home from the estate" of Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie about six years ago and retired from their farm' on the 6th 'of Kinloss. Mrs. MacMillan's death occurred since that time. / 'Ross plans to live in Watford where his son Hugh and family reside. able to get out of the wrecked car, but because of his leg injur- • les., was unable to walk. He got back in the car and remained there for several hours until being found in, the early.morning. Provincial Constable Andy Bur- gess of Kincardine Ontario Prov- incial Police , who investigated the accident , said the accident happened about 3.30 a.m. and , CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Kingsbridge Schoo Group In B.C., Part Of Exchange KINGSBRIDGE NEWS On Monday morning, October 15 the grade eight students at St: Joseph's School and the grade 8 class of last term, their chaper- ones and visitors left London Air-. port for Maple Ridge , British Col' umbia, as part of an exchange. The students from Maple Ridge were here in June. The chaperones. are: Mrs, Larry Park, Mrs. Torn Hogan, Mrs. Mark Dalton and. Bill Van Osch. Those travelling along with the.. group are; Larry Park ,,Mark Dal- ton, 'Mrs. Bill Van Osch and Mrs. Clem Steffler. They will be re- turning October. 23. RESIDENTIAL: General 5.465 (8.09); County 2.043 (3.84); Public School 4.200 (4.81); Sep- arate School 5.625 (6.56); High School 3.184 (3.83). Total Public 14.892 (20.57); Total Separate 16,317 (22.32). COMMERCIAL: General 6.613 (9.33); County 2.043 (3.84); Public School 4.667 (5.34); High School 3.538 (4.26). Total Public 16.861 (22.77). Ashfield Set Mill Rate For 1973 .HFIELD COUNCIL The rcigular meeting of Ashfield Coun1 /4..1 was held October 2 with all members present. 1973 Tax Notices have all been sent out and are due on at before November 1st , 1973. The total mill rate on Farm and Residential Public School ratepayers is 83.83 , down 3/10 of a mill from 1972. The total mill rate on yarm and Residential Separate. School rate- payers is 89.12, up 1 2/10 mills from i972. A' discussion was held on the in- creasing number of claim/is for livestock killed by dogs. Council decided that in future all claims must be accompanied by a Veter-,' • inary Certificate and that' the . stock valuers be notified, Warren Zinn was appointed to CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Leonard Courtney Named As. Shipper George McDonald of Ripley will retire next month as livestock shipper in the Ripley area after serving that position for. over '15 ' years. Applications. were received by • the Ripley Shipping Association for a successor and the twelve ,directors chose Leonard Courtney of the Amberley area, Leonard resides at the junction of High- i way 21 and the 2nd of Huron. He will take over his new posi- • lion on November 15th. Damage and Loss Of $1 5,000 In Truck Accident A single vehicle accident on Tuesday afternoon of last Week had an estimated dainage to the ': vehic,le and loss of cargo of $15 ,000. A tractor-trailer of C. and M. Transport of Lucknow rolled on its side on the Courtland Avenue exit ramp of the Conesto- ga Paxkway in Kitchener. , Driver Bill Moffat Of Lucknow was treated in' hospital for facial lacerations and released. The truck was loaded with over 200 pigs destined for Schneider's in Kitchener. 93 of the pigs were lost. A passing trucker took the.surv- ing pigs on to the packing plant ,of the J. M. Schneider Co.