HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 17Now. Guaranteed Investimeni Certificates •Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporaiion VG The senior Trust Compam. devoted entirely'to serving the people of Ontario. r,.T.RUST COMPANY. SINCE 1889 Serving & investing in your community Lyle Zurbrigg- Manager 524-7381 100 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH Married In Ripley United Church MONUMENTS sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correOfty designed from quality material, rely' on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. litirrot4ESTABLISIIED OVER SIXTY YEARS PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO ti SDAY,'OCTOBER 10, 1973 THE 1,IJCKN.OW SENTINEI„,1.1JCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN . What :s New At Huronv;e%w The Bakelaar Family along with Allan and Brian Van der Ende , provided special musical numbers at the Christian Reformed song service on SUnday evening. The service was led by Aire Van der Ende with devotions by, Rev. Buek• ema. Mrs. 'G. Henderson of Bruce- field joined the regulars Mrs. Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins to provide the old tyme music for Monday's get together The Annual Bazaar held in the Auditorium on Wednesday afternoon was quite successful with a good attendance at both the tea and sale. The residents were entertained on "Family Night", with a music- al program arranged by Marie Flynn who also played the piano accompaniment. Jim Murray and Norman Speir with violins, Lorne Lawson mouth organ; step dance and vocal solos by Debbie Flynn and Sandra Dale piano solos provided an hour of fine entertainment. South Kinloss Miss Pat Sparks and her friend Miss Lilian Chan, both from Western University, spent the holiday week end,, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks. Currie Colwell has been north, moose-hunting. Lloyd Graham and William Dickie left on Fri- *day for the Temagarnin area. The October meeting of Kair-' shea W.I. is planned for this Thursday, October 11 at the Kair- shea Hall. Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist will be hostess. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Keith and family of Scarborough visited Sun- day at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Evan Keith. Brian was also home from Humber College for the week 'end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist and boys visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Kincardine. Rennie, Anne and Jamie Graham were all up from Toronto for the holiday week end.. The annual Thanksgiving family gath- ering was held at Rennie's cot- tage near Kincardine. Denver Dickie attended a Con- struction Industry Machinery Assoc- iation meeting in Chicago on Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs. Reid Smith of Arva and Reid's. Mother from Lon- don were.Sunday guests with Mr: and Mrs. John Needham. Visitors during the week 'end , with Mr. and Mrs.. Fraser „ MacKinnon, David, Murray and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKinnon of Guelph and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Susan of Hamil- ton, Home for Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie were Rod, from London, Connie from Toronto and Heather 'from 'Hamil- ton. - LOCHALSH Mrs. Ewan MacLean spent the week end 'in Sarnia and attended the 125th anniversary servie.-. there 'in St.. Georges Church.: Mr. and Mrs. -Allan McChar- les and family of Montreal .were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Cal- lers in the same home 'were Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Milne of London. Congratulations are' extended to Miss Margo Matthewman who ' was one of the graduating class who were honoured on Friday at Guelph at the University there. Mr. and Mrs. Art Matthewman attended the graduation exercises. Sympathy is extended the Mac - Kendrick families in the passing of their sister Clara who was buried at Lochalsh cemetery on Tuesday. Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto spent the holiday with her father Dan Wyld-s* and other members of the family. Rev. Kenneth Rooney preached his farewell, sermon Sunday at Ashfield Presbyerian Church, Moving to,Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Farris'h are busy attending hockey.games with both sons involved at dist- ant points. Kenneth with the Stratford team and David with the Sudbury team. Mr. and Mr's. Duncan Farrish spent Sunday in London. with ' Mr. and Mrs. Doug Farrish along with other members of the Far- rish family for Thanksgiving. Oil drilling is taking place in the on the farm of Leonard Courtney, the former Hendon Barkwell place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 14atherton of Elmira were recent yisitors' in the community. The bride given in marriage by her father wore, a gown of white- swiss dot with floral printed in- serts in• the bodice and sleeves. She wore a floor length veil' and carried a bouquet of pink roses and white and yellow daisieswith pale blue velvet streaMers. Her attendants wore floor length gowns of white swiss dot 'over yellow with scoop neckline, and ruffle collar. They carried bask- ets of multi-Coloured flowers and streamers. Matron of honoUr was Mrs. Courtney MacDonald of London , sister-in-laW of the bride; Maid of honour was Miss Carol Court- ney 'of Kitchener , cousin of the bride; Bridesmaids were Mrs. Michael SnObelen of Ripley and Miss Kathy Davies of Mississauga , sister Of -the groom; Junior:brides- maids were Misses Margaret and Carol Holmes of Millarton. The best man was Terry Craig of Dublin. The usherS were Jim Rogers of Scarborough, Rosi DaV- ies of Wirigharn , brother of the groom and Courtney MacDonald of London, brother of the bride. The groom and his attendants wore tuxedos, the groom wearing white jacket and the attendants wearing pale blue jackets-. The guests were received at Sutton Park Inn , Kincardine by the bride's mother wearing a gown of pink chiffon with a Corsage of pink roses. .The groom's mother wore a two piece floor length dress in shades of rose with'pink and white corsage. Mr.' Alan R. Mill of Wingham • 0 - Photo by Snyder. ' DAVIES - M • Commitment of their wedding vows was made 'by Corinne Marg.-. aret MacDonald and Gerald Don- ald Davies at Knox Presbyterian Church., Ripley , on August t8 , 1973, with Rev. C. Carnochan of St. Andrews United Church. Rip- ley, officiating.' The bride is the daughter of ,Mr . and Mrs. John C. MacDonald of Ripley and the groom .is th' son of Mr. and Mrs'. George A. Davies of Mississauga. Yellow candelabra in multi7col-. oured floral arrangements decorat- ed the church. Music was 'provid- ed by former classmates of the bride who were all from London. Miss Heather Jordan played' trum- pet for the processional and re- cessional music accompanied by Mr. David Tupper, organist. The soloist was Mrs. Cheryl Harrison who sang "Simple Gifts" and the' "Twenty-third Psalm" arranged by R. Vaughan Williams. was master of ceremonies. Mrs., Cheryl Harrison accompanied by.. pianist. Miss Penny Brooks of Lon 7 ,don sang "You'll Never Walk Alone". An evening of,dancing was enjoyed with music provided. by Boyd's orchestra. Following a trip through Northern Ontario, Mr. • and Mrs. Gerald Davies are resid- • ing in Mildmay. The bride is on the, staff of Walkerton District Sec' ondary Sthool and the grOom is an office 'manager in Walkerton. Prior 'to the marriage of Miss Corinne MacDonald and Gerald Davies; showers were giOn for her by neighbours at the home of Mrs. Alan McLean, assisted by Mrs. Doug.MacDonald and Mrs. D. A. MacDonaldi girlfriends and • former classmates at the home of Mrs. ,Michael Snobelen, assisted by Mrs. Ron Farrell; Courtney and .Blue relatives at the home of Mrs. Gary Courtney',, assisted by Mrs. Donald 'Courtney and. Mrs. John , Norman; MacDonald relatives at the home of her aunt , Mrs. Burton Griffith of Bervie assisted by her sisters; West and' Dairies relatives at the home of the groom's aunt , Mrs..C. C. West , Toronto. A community shower was held at . Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley, arranged by Mrs. Jack Scott,, Mrs. Bill McCreath and Mrs. John D. MacKay. Mrs: Walter Lock and Mrs., Ross Martyn were in charge of an enjoyable program. Mrs. Allister MacKay read the address to the bride. A trousseau tea was' held by the bride's mother , Mrs. John C. MacDonald on the week end prior to the wedding. The groom was entertained, by friends in Mississauga. acDONALD !,Once $24,000 jeation Grant [Honourable Leo Bernier, of NatUral Resources and; iGaunt, M.P.P. for Huron announce the approval of lodal grant of $24 000 to itland Valley Conservation iity for the Falls Reserve Nation Area, iarea comprises some 229 if-land in the Township of Conhty of Huron.. :Authority proposes to carry' tiler development work in' *rvation Area which will extension Of the'workshop fg,congtruction of a perm- gatehouse, extension. of 1.rvices in the camping hplovement to the camp- :Mice building; develop- if i toboggan and ski. slope , area and completion of the ltails. The original 1:4ast- ifor the Area will lie IT- nd other general develop. ,ork carried out. • iJember municipalities a.t the Authority's share of Kings ridge Girl Guides The Kingsbridge Girl Guides opened the meeting' with the Guide prayer. ,The members got into their patrols and attendance was checked and fees collected. Mrs. Van Diepen handed out mem- bership fee sheets.- The girls then- made popcorn to eat while they studied their guide promise ., the guide laws and the motto. After' the girls had studied the . laws we. played a game using the guide promise and laws and the motto. After cleaning up the, church hall the girls decided who Would do the camp fire next week. The Kingfishers were elected and the meetingp closed with taps.'