HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 16$Tat AVAILABLE
Before The Ago:.
of Miracles •
Memoirs of a Country Doctor
Dr. Johnston was born 'in West Wawanosh
Township and was a general practitioner in
Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his
life and practice in this community.
In Ripley
'which her older sister Katherine
held a year ago. They are the
granddaughters of Mrs. Ellis Gos-
sell 'of Ripley,.
dollars was taken in at the di
tion ball game at the Friday fa,
fair night at the :park and over;
sixty at draw at Saturday's fa,
where P. :A. Macintosh of St.'
Thomas was reportedly a wing
Bob Emerson reported on theca
cerned' citizen's`committee
meeting, with the council An
account of this appeared in la:
week's paper.' Another meetin
iiiarheid on Tuesday evening p
this week:
A Ripley Agriculture Society
meeting was' held on Monday
(Thanksgiving) evening with di
cuision on the recent fair,
• Soon the fail fair season will
be draiving to 4 close. Two• more
to go - .WalltertOn's Little Royal,
jormerly. the, 'Christmas fair this
Week. 1411'1013th Octoher and
'Toronto's Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair November 9 to 17
in the one big Wilding, the Coll.-
. seunr at the north east end of the •
• Exhibition Park. .
Last .atnrday, October 6th, the
weatherman had a fine day for
fairs. Exhibitors and attendants
from this Huron-Ripley area were
divided between Tiverton and.
Teeswater. Tiverton had the
Durham Girl's Drum and Bugle
Band which was in Ripley the prev-
ious Saturday and the Lucknow
Pipe Band ,while Teeiwater went
with their own Highlanders Band.
Teeswater had 'an improved band -
nice music and a brighter plaid
uniform this year.
It was nice to meet the former
Irene Mahood who was raised on
the fourth of Huron Township, .a
former student at the Ripley Dist-
rict High School and a track ath-
lete •on our team. She is now
Mrs. EVan Smyth of Formosa and
is the new secretarrtreasurer of
the Teeswater Fair. Irene was a
very busy lady on Friday and Satur
day as all who hold these offices
with fairs .know too well.
Miss Donna Craig of Kincardine
Township, this year's Bruce Coun-
ty Dairy Princess, took part in the
Tiverton fall fair officially de-
claring it open last. Saturday..
Donna rode in the'parade at Rip-
ley and took part here. Donna,
the second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Craig, won the Bruce
County. Dairy Princess competition
When the big Teeswater fair
day draws to a close , everyone's
concern must be to get their car
out from its parking place and
home. Safely. Unfortunately 'one
car failed to safely. make the last
curve. on the road about four mil
es east of HolyrOod ended in the
ditch snapping off a hydro pole
and bringing down the heavy pow-
er lines. The car was reportedly
carrying kload of Holyrood
area young people who were taker;
to In/Ingham Hospital, for treat-
ment. To this writer the location
would be "y" intersection of
the eighth concession, of Kinloss
running east from HolyrOod and ,
joining into the boundary r .1 •be-
tween Kinloss• and Culross
which always seems to be an
'angle' road.
One big featurepf the Saturday
morning show is the 4-H calf pow
at Teeswater. In the senior calf
section for Holsteins there were'
26 calves entered. These paraded
around the ring on the hill at'the
east end of .the grounds \single file
and in a clockwise direction while
the judges picked out who was to
go into the first line , then the
second and third. The girls and
boys leading their animals wore
clean 'white 4-H unifornis and it
attracted considerable 'attention
and interest. On making 'a
tour of the barns on the east hill
the writer and Fran were made
aware that it was about to take
place by Jim and Dorothy Need-
ham. Among.the many lining the
snow fence around the ring .were a
number from Huron, Donald Mac-
Kay, Jack Farrell, Jim Needham,
Jim Farrell, Gordon Bridge, Wal-
lace Polloc-k, Mrs. Leonard Reid ,
mrs. Murray Walden.,.Mrs. Elaine
Pollock. In the senior calf sec-
tion from here'were Dianne• Mac-
Kay and Mike Pollock, both
leading their calves in the big cir-
cle. Dianne's calf •could easily be
picked out as it the blackest in
colour. Both Dianne and Mike
were placed by the judges in the
group of first prize winners. The
junior Holstein Calf section had
well over 30 entries. In this
section was Carol Mackay who
placed in the first group. of win-
ners. Dianne and Carol are the
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald MacKay and Mike Pollock,
Sherry's younger brother is the son ,
of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pollock
both families on the tenth conces-
sion of Huron Township. To .add
excitement and. concerna big
hereford calf broke away from the
young boy leading it and ran
through the Holstein circle. This
was before the Sentinel publisher
got out in the enclosure to take
pictures of the Holstein calf show ..
Another man having a busy day •
was the Bruce County extension
assistant , Daryl Ball, who super-
vises all Bruce 4-H clubs. Also
in the Holstein calf show'ring with
their calves were the two sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fischer of
Belmore. George had a senior
calf while•his younger brother
Kenneth had a junior calf. Their
mother is the former Lucille Pol-
lock, daughter of Mrs. Ernie Pol-
lock of Ripley, and she
is also the aunt of Miss Sherry
Pollock, last year's Ontario Dairy
Princess..Lucille is a graduate of
the Ripley District High School
and was its champion
ping ;gong player whilc attending
Ripley Fire Chief Doug Liddie
has just handed us a copy, of a very
interesting and informative paper.
It is edited by Irwin Lobsinger or
better known as "Lobie" of Walker.
ton. It is called Fire.Preventor
and this is, the first issue for this
season. It is ,now in its' second
annual edition and pertains to--
fire protection and fire fighting
solely within the county of Bruce,
from Tobermory in the north down
to the south boundary with Huron
and east to the. Grey County bound
ary. Its front page has a map , Of
Bruce coloured red with the 15 fire
departments and their areas mark-
ed out. Also a "know your Fire
number" - Ripley's number to call
is 395-2622 and Lucknow's num-
ber' is 528-3131. On the "Ripley"
page there is a picture showing
the Ripley truck loaded with
young boys and girls from the-Rip•-•
ley Hnron.Surnmer playground pro-
gram. The ones on the truck
were from groups under. instructors
Janice ,Reeves., Carol MacKay and
Susan Brooks. There were five
other high school girls 'acting as
instructors, Donna Needham,
Nancy McGuire , Gayle Huston,
Dorinda Forster and Patti Mac • -
Donald. The Ripley page also
describes the change-over of the
fire trucks and equipment to the
new Huron 'Township Municipal
Garage at the east end of Mal-
colm Street in the north east corn-
er of the village. Ripley's fire
depirtment covers "below the•
hill" at Lake Huron and had sev-
eral calls to the Point Clark area
this summer. Up to this year the
Ripley Fire Department answered
calls from far and wide and past
chief Gordon Scott could write a
book on his memories of fires
throughout the whole area.
For deputy reeve of Huron
Township, Bob Emerson of Pair-
ple Grove, Monday 'of last week,
OctOber the first , must have been
a very long day - one of those
with no ending. First it would
be chores at the home farm, then
the regular Huron -Township coun-
cil meeting in the hall at Ripley
with its , constant delegations
and individuals meetingith
them, then" in, the evening back to
the same table on the stage in
Huron township hall. This time
Bob was chairman of a meeting
of the committees dealing with
the Ripley-Huron Recreation Com-
plex which lasted close to mid-
night - longer than this writer
could stay after working all day.
Attending this meeting were
Bob himself, Doug Coultes , Rip-
ley District. High School
math teacher and secretary of the
committee , Allan Irwin, Kenny
Macbonald, John D. MacKay,
Roddy MacDonald, Ab Wylds
Cliff Emmerton, Jim Needham,
Danny Dodds, Elmer Courtney
Bert Elliott , Daye Henderson,
Jack Farrell, Cannon Courtney,
and Mrs. Marg Rouse. A report
by Kenny. MacDonald 'on soil dril-
ling stated that 'the site was good,
solid land suitable for building.
Elmer Courtney reported that 226
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Well the grain sheaf show at
Teeswater was a tie round.
Tran Wylds of Ripley, Norman
Schmidt of Walkerton and Ab
Wylds each had a first, second
and third with E. RaiSMan picld
up all three fourths. This mad
all concerned more or less hap
The long way up on the displa
stand , in the arena Made it pos$
to gliMpse thein on a TV shm4,
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