HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 14WEDNESDAY, OCTQBE CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - KNOWN WINGHAM ONTARIO • IMILIPIG. OTOS. IE. M "WELLWORTH LOOKING FOR" sP EFFECTIVE MON. OCT. 8 TO SAT. OCT.13 WATCH FOR THESE ADS THEY'LL. SAVE YOU MONEY CEPACOL Ammo vo HAIR SPRAY 7 ounce SUGG.' LIST $1,89 HALO SHAMPOO 8 ounce SUGG. LIST $1.09 ANTI-BACTERIAL MOUTHWASH GARGLE 14 ounce SUGG. LIST $1.38 ONE-A-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS. plus IRON —100's SUGG. LIST $4,75 BUFFERIN TABLETS 48's SUGG, LIST 99c CLOSE-UP s TOOTHPASTE AND MOUTHWASH IN ONE 100 ml. size WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ELMER UMBACH I.D.A. DISCOUNT PHARMACY LUCKNOW PHONE 5284004 THE LUCK. NOW SENTINEL,. kUC.K..P.IPW, ONTARIO. snowmobile races. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins and family, and his mother, Mrs. Frances Wilkins attended the wed- ding on Friday evening of Ronald Wilkens of Paisley, held in Walk- erton, and the reception after the wedding in Formosa Hall. Earl Swan'Jr. and his daughter , Norma Jean 'of.Galt spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swan and family. Bryan Ritchie, a student at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and family. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie in the passing of Frank's ' sister ,. Mrs. George Saunders of Walkerton Nursing Home,, former- ly of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins and family and Mri. Frances Wilk. ns had Sunday Thanksgiving supper) at Charlie's brother's, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilkins of 9th conces- sion of Ashfield. There were 32 attended the supper. Mrs. Frances Wilkins returned with hei Lounge, AY. SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY S TO 7 P.M. FULLY LICENSED UNDER. L.L.B.O. CLOSED MONDAYS : 'TUESDAY TO SATURDAY LUNCH -12)100N TO 2 P.M. DINNER 5 P.M. TO 7 P.M. ZION On Thanksgiving Sunday, Mr. and Mri. Allan Gibson and family had their parents, Mr.. and Mrs.. Al Irwin; Mrs. 'IVIvshall Gibson; her brother,' Mr. and Mrs.. Robert liwin all of Lucknow In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rivett called at the Gibson home from St. Marys. Mrs. Rivett was the 'former Phyllis Gibson. Mr.and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland .had their family home for. Thanks- giving, Mr. and Mrs. David Kirk- land and fathily of Lticknow; Mr. 'and\Mrs. Donald Kirkland and family of Kingsville; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirkland of Etobicoke; Nency Kirkland of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jerome and Mrs. Morris Jerome went to Hamilton on Sunday owing to the' death of a friend. Douglas Faragher of Hamilton spent the • week end with his friends at the Jerome home. Jim, Donald and Philip Jerome, Mel Ritchie and Bryce Ritchie spent .Sunday after- noon itln Varna at the Hully Gully BROWNIE NEWS The Brownies opened their meeting on October 2nd by playing two games, "Statues" and: "One, Two, Three" . Anne Alton set up the Toad- stool for BrOwnie Ring, Snowy Owl did inspection for complete uniform and 'clean hands. we closed Brownie Ring with the Brownie Prayer. At,Pow Wow Tawny Owl present- ed Suzanne Kirkland and Anne Hamilton with their Sixer stripes and July Hunter received her Seconder stripe. The Pack then held a discussion on the meaning of our Brownie Motto, Smile and Goodturn. The requirements for the Collector and Toymaker Badges were received. . The Brownies and Tweenies, then, had .a game of "Human Ladders." The meeting was brought to a close'with the Squeeze and Taps. son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkins of Paisley for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Ritchie, Brenda and Bruce had Sunday, Thanksgiving supper with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie of. Luc know . Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Mrs. John Hunter and Nancy attended a rela- tive shower on Sunday afternoon for the bride to be of John Phillips at the home of his mother Mrs.. Leonard Phillips of Wingham. On Thanksgiving. Day, Mrs. John Hunter', Raymond, Jeffrey, and Nancy attended a family gathering at. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Menary's new farm east of Dungan- non. Following is .a list of, Winners at Dungannon Fall Fair, further to those published last week. LADIES' WORK Best apron, Mrs, Wesley 'Heim- pel, Lady's dress, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. Bill Black, Lady's Pant Suit,. Mrs. B. Black Best. Granny Gown, Ma*, Heimpel; Child's matching set, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs.. B. Black. Place mats, Mrs. Gordon Smyth, Mrs. Colclough. Doll's Wardrobe, Mrs. J.H. John- stone, Mrs. Heimpel, Child's gar- ment, Mrs. Randy Kerr, Mrs. Black. Poncho, Mrs. Heimpel. Pillow, case embroidery trim, a Mrs.. Colciough, Mrs. Heimpei, Pillow case crochet•-trim; Mrs. Blanche Kerr, Mrs. Heimpel. Cushion (new idea); 'Mrs. B. Smyth, Mrs. Heimpel, Crib Quilt; Mrs. Blanche Kerr, Mrs. Douglas Kerr. Matching set of doilies; Mrs. -Gor- don Smyth, Mrs'. Heimpel, Baby Jacket and booties, crochet; Mrs. Blanche Kerr, ' Mrs. Colclough„ Baby jacket and booties, knit; Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. HeimpeL, Child's, fancy cardigan, Hat and matching scarf, Ladies T.Y. skip- pers. Mrs. Colclough', Mrs. Heimpel. Liquid embroidery' cloth; Mrs. Heimpel, Display of three articles in liquid embroidery; Mrs. Heimpel,' Mrs. Linda McDonald. Rug, braided; Mrs.. Heimpel,' Mrs.' Colclough, Rug hooked; Mrs. Heim- pel. Stuffed toy - • Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs.' Colclough. Best piece. of fancy 'work done by lady-.70 years or over; Mr's. Cure Schwanz, Mrs. Mary' Barr, Cotton pieced quilt. Mrs. Blanche 'Kerr, Mrs. C,olcloUgh: Quilt appliqued and embroidery; Mrs. Alvin Kerr, Mrs. W. Heimpel. Article knitwear made by 4.-H , girl; Sandra NivinS, Sally Kerr, Special Quilt Liquid Embroidery: Mrs. Heimpel, FLOWERS Despite weather conditions there were many nice flower arrangements with the chief win- ners being Mrs. :Russell Brindley, Mrs. J.H. Johnstone,. Mrs, Gordon 'Smyth and Mrs. Alvin Kerr. The biggest squash 'Weighed over 50 pounds. • DOMESTIC SCIENCE -Unbaked squares; Mrs. Randy Kerr, Mrs. Alvin. Kerr, Date, and Nut loaf; Mrs. Herb Williams, Mrs. C. Blake, Orange Loaf, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Linda McDonald, Bran Muf- fins; Mrs. H. Wilkins, ' Mrs. Joe Courtney. Dutch' Apple pie, Blueberry pie, Cherry pie; Mra. L. McDonald; Mrs. H. Wilkins. Plate of Tarts; Mrs. H.' Wilkins, Mrs. Doug Kerr, Cupcakes; Mrs. L. McDonald, Mrs. H. Wilkins, Cookies; Mrs. Blake, Mrs; W. Heim- pel, Brownies; Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. Bill Black. Chocolate layer cake; Mrs Colclough, Mrs. R. Brindley, Whitt layer cake; Mrs. Colclough; Mrs Bradley. Banana layer cake; Mrs Johnstone, Mrs. R. Brindley, Dark Fruit cake; Mrs. Blake, Mrs J Courtney, Light. Fruit cake: Mrs Blake, Mrs. Colclough. Unbakedn Dessert; Mrs. G. Smyth Mrs. H. Wilkins, Home•mad candy; Mrs. Alvin Kerr, Mrs. Smyth. Chocolate fudge; Mrs. Doug Ker Mrs. Heimpel, Three jarn;Mrs. Bi Black, Mrs. Blanche •Ketr. The jelly; Mrs. Gordon Smyth, Ti' pickles; Mrs, B. Kerr,' Mrs `f Smyth. Salad Dressing; Mrs. Alvin Ke .White Bread; - Mrs. "Frank Thin; son, Mrs. H. W ilki ns. Brow,n Broil Mrs. Frank ThompsonrMrs: Kerr, Clover • Leaf Rolls; Mrs.I Thompson, 'Mrs. H. Wilkins: Six. Chelsea BunstMrs, F. Thom son, Mrs. H. Wilkins, Shortbre Cookies; Mrs. Blanche Kerr, M. D. Kerr, Tea Biscuits ; Mrs. I Wilkins, Mrs. Linda Mao Scones ; Mrs. H. Wilkins, Mrs McDonald; Salmon Loaf; Mrs Brindley. . Special Occasion Cake - Mrs Brindley, Mrs. A. Kerr, Mr Wilkins, Chocolate cake; (Fr) Cadbury), Mrs. Colclough, Mr Johnstone, Mrs. Brindle) Chocolate cake; (Neilson Jerse Cocoa)- Mrs. Colclough. Graham Cracker Cake; M Brindley, Mrs. Linda McDonal Mrs. Johnstone. J.M.Schneiderll specials: Apple pie, Mrs; Lint McDonald; Chocolate cake, Mi Colclough; Butter Tarts, Mrs di Courtney. FINE ARTS Scene in oil;; Mrs. H. Wild Needlepoint picture; M Colclough, Mrs. Heimpel, Liqu embroidery on velvet; Mrs. McDonald, Mis. Heim;' Homemade wax 'candle;.M Colclough, Mrs. Heimpel, bri wood; 'Mrs. J.H. Johnston, 'Heimpel. Article from plastic c tainer; Mrs: Colclough, Mrs, Smyth. Article in Ceramics; M Linda McDonald. ' Best Poster; prizes 'donated Ashfield Federation of Agricultu and there were many lovely pm displayed in the hall. Winners w Ruth Alton, Ken Metzger; L Elphick, Grace Alton, Sha Howse. PET SHOW Fait Bantams; Shannon For Persian Kitten; Steven WO, cat; Michael Durnin, Best Ki (any other); Denise Maize, Rabbit; Susan Brindley, Hie Brindley. Best pair Rabbits; S ' Maize, Cat family; Colleen Out • Rabbit family; Brenda Dor Unusual 04 Ray Forgette, Errington. PAGE' FOURTEEN , PHONE 357-3862 2 —.1973 DODGE NIONOCO '4 door hardtops, fully equipped 1971 METEOR Rideau 500,' 2 'door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering and brOres and radio 1969 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop 1969 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio 1969 MUSTANG, 8 automatic,,power steering and radio 1968 METEOR Rideau 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic power brakes and steering 1968 PLYMOUTH Satellite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic with radio 1967 G.M.C. 3/4 ton pickup, 6 cylinder 1959 FARGO 1 ton stake 1957 G.M.C. 3/4 ton truck Dungannon Fall Fair Winners