HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-10, Page 12LOWER INTEREST RATES
1st and 2nd, Mortgages
anyiehtire in Ontario on ' '
Interim financing on new construction
or land ,davelopment
• • (519) 7444535 Collect . .
Head Office S6 Webet St. E.; Kitchener, Ontario
October 11'
to December 31
Starling today, for he 13th consecutive year, the
Old MIS brings to Its many Mends and customers
their annual Factory Outlet Sale.
We may bo In a new bidicling but our name Is
the. same - a name that. for over 13' years people •
'have come to rely upon for uncomparable values
In men's and ladlee' leather coats, sheepskin
rugs, pure virgin wool blankets, gloves and ac,.
Ce41"117. ' The Old. Mill uses only the finest
' quallry of leathers available. Talk to
our courteous sates stiff and ask
them to explain and even show you
the different qualities of lerthwi.
You'll notorily find value at the Old
MIll but beauty of design and superior
workmanship. •
Ileciut•The'Old Mill is associated
with a 'Tannery and Fellmongery our
. prices have remained • tow even
though the world market prices on
wool and leather have escalated.
Thirteen yiers ago The Old'
Mill originated 'the Idea of of-
faring leather and woollen
• products to lhe. publiC at lac-
. tory •oullet prices. This Is still
our aim - lowest prices and •
highest quality. The Old Mill-
leather specialist before the
age of leather - the leader: now
In the age of leather. Take a
drive to our location, out In the
country, just 1 mile south of
Myth, on highway 4.
Open pally 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.,
Friday and Saturday 9 cm, - 9
p.M. Sundays 1 p.m. -.8 p.m.
MTH 01140 .
. .
The marriage of Marianne '
Beets, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Doet Beets of Listowel and Doug-
las Dale Gollan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Follan of 'Lucknow
took place in a double ring cere-
mony in. the Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah's Witnesses Wingham on
June 16th at 4 p.m.
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride chose a full floor-
length' gown of nylon, lace over
nylon net tulle, 'with long sleeves
tapering to pointed wrists. The
split waist, straight at back,dips
at centre front and three deep,
scalloped-edged tiers began at
front and tapered around the back
of • the skirt. She wore a floor-
length three-tiered veil of nylon
net tulle edged with nylon lace.
She carried a cascade of red
roses , white carnations and tiny
white mums.
Maid of honour was Miss Annie
Beets of Listowel, sister of the •
Bridesmaids were Miss Elly
Beets , Listowel sister of the
bride , and Miss Gloria Gollan,
Lucknow, sister of the groom."
They all wore identical high
waisted gowns in varying• pastel
shades of trevira. Each carried
Couple Will lire In cknow:
a nosegay. Of assorted flowers.
Miss Irene Beeti, sister of, the
bride was flower girl and wore a
long gown of txevira , similar in
style to that of the bride. She
carried a .cascade of flowers sim-
ilar to the bridesmaids.
Timothy Gollan, brother of
the grooM, was ring-bearer and
was dressed identical to the groom
in a :white suit S and wine coloured
shirt and red carnation.
Groomsman was Barry Gollan
of LucknoW, brother of the groom.
Ushers were Steve Gollan,
Lucknow , brother of the groom,.
and, Aldeit Beets , brother of the:
bride. All wore tailored 'navy
The music was• prOvided by Mis-
ses Gail and Judy •Gollan, Luck-
now, sisters of the groom.
The bride'S and groom's mother
wore gowns identical to the brides-
maids in a mauve with a corsage
of yellow roses and lilies 'of the
valley. •
• An open reception dinner was
held at the Wingham High School
followed by a dance and' lunch.
Following a' honeymoon to the
Haliburton district the couple will
reside in their trailer in Lucknow.
Honoured Prior To LeovingArea
Mr. and. Mr's. Doug Martin
KINTAIL NEWS Rooney's farewell sermon before
entertained at a farewell dinner / Cookstown. The theme for his,
party on Tuesday of last week in leaving for his new charge at sermGood, . n w
Rooney. Guests included Mrs.
mr • as "Let Us Be Thankfu
honour of . Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth to andMrs. Vincent
Isobel Martyn of Ripley, Mr. and Thibodeau and Jeffrey of Wind
Mrs. Ewan MacLean, Mr. and spent l
Mrs. Duncan Simpson and Mr.
Thanksgiving week end w
her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Alex
Family Dinner On
25#h Anniversary
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Joe O' Keefe who celebrated
their twenty-fifth' wedding anniver-
sary on Saturday, October 6th,
the actual date is October 4th.
A special anniversary mass was'
concelebrated at, St. Joseph's
Church on Saturday afternoon by
Bishop McCarthy. Father Cyril
O'Keefe of Montreal, Father •
C. Labelle , and Pastor Father-Ed
Dentinger also took part.'
A family dinner followed at
the Maitland Golf and Country
Club; Goderich, with 'the recep-
tion at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe have a
family of seven; Marianne , a stud-
ent at Western University, London;'
Joe *, Nancy , Kathy and Tom, all
students at the Goderich District
Collegiate Institute; and John and
Ann Marie , students at St. Josephs
School, Kingsbridge.
Bishop McCarthy was the priest
who officiated at the wedding •
twenty-five years ago and Father
Cyril O'Keefe is a brother of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van Diepen
left last Friday for a three week
visit with their relatives in Hol-
Kathy Hogan of Western
University, London and Anita
and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers. A Famish. - .
service given' to the Carruthers
have closed their traitor tamp
David and Grace Maci<enzie
beautiful china flower arrange r f
ment ,was presented to Mrs. Roori-
years as head nurse. A book of
the season and will return to Lo
don for the winter months. ey in recognition of her 'excellent
presented to Reverend Rooney..
Miss Margaret Simpson has
Nursing Home for the past few
The evening Was spent with slides continued her'nursing studies in
and music and a delicious' srnOr- Kitchener. and has been there fo
poems called 7Friendship" was
the past two' weeks. Margaret
and her friend Glenn Ferguson
ents Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sinfl
spent the week end with her pat
gasbord lunch was served by the
Many from here attended th
oFOn UFrRidGaIyEtLeSv eJ On iInNig Ca tH AU sRhCfiHe id airportis Jan tosi3SinlP noTsha
• Prepa ratory service was held Bertnuda.
Presbyterian Church with corn- Federation of Agriculture bang
munion services on Sunday. 'New held at Saltford Hall last That's'
members who joined 'the church , day evening and enjoyed hearid
were Janet , Fairish (Grant); Lori the guest speaker, the Honoid'
Collins (Lloyd); Catherine Simp- able Eugene Whelan„, Federal
son (Robert); Lorraine MacDon- . Minister Of Agriculture, address
aid (Alln). it was Reverend the dinner meeting.
Al Drennan of Guelph Over
Is iving with hi
Hogan of Guelph University spent
the week end with their parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard.
Miss Tony Dalton, ,Detroit, was
a week end visitor with her broth-
er Ray Dalton and Terry.
sity spent Than g
parents and Was a guest at the
Due kworth-Pacluette Weddin
Goderich on Saturday,
Donald SimpSon was home
London University:with Ills,,Pa!;d
ents for Thanksgiving wenn'