HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 141973 7 74 .COURSES UPHOLSTERY LIQUID EMBROIDERY PHYSICAL FITNESS (Women) NEEDLEWORK TYPING. (home use) TYPING, Credit 'course REGISTRATION SEWING ART BASIC MECHANICS HOME ECONOMICS Home Sewn Garment: Grade 5 and 6.- Norma MacIntyre, 'Kathy • Brooks, Susan Hedley; Grade 7 and 8 Patti Lou Irwin, Maigaret 'MacIntyre; Knitted Article: Grade 7 and 8 - Linda Moore; .1-land Embroidered Article: Grade 5 and .6 - Susan Thompson, Kathryn McKim, Laurie Clarke; Liquid Embroidery: Grade 5 and 6 - Annette- Elphick. INDUSTRIAL. ARTS Sheet Metal: Grade 6 - Randy Guay, Rick Conley, Kevin Mach- an; Grade '7 and 8 -Pat Murray; . Hand Wood Work: Grade 6 - Aus•-- tin O'Donnell Randy Guay, John Hopf; Grade 7 and 8' -Dennis Hed- ley, Patrick Murray, Grant Frook; Lathe. Work: 'Grade 6 Mike Mc- Donagh, Rick Co9ley, Randy Guay; Grade 7 and 8 - Grant Gilchrist, David Hanna, Dennis: Hedley; Crafts - Copper Foil; Grade 6 - Mike McDonagh, Aust O'Donnell, Donald Ritchie; Grad 7 and 8 - Wayne Bell, Rick Coo icy; Crafts - Leather Work; Grath 6 - Paul Irwin, Randy Guay, tun tin O'Donnell; Grade 7 and 8 Patrick Murray; Rick Whitby, LIVESTOCK Beef Calf: Marilyn Ballagh,* Wayne Ballagh , Lyn Miller, Nan cy Dickson , Ralph Dickson; Dai9 Calf: Marilyn Ballagh; Lamb: Ricky Martin, Lynn Miller; Mari et Hog: Ricky Martin, Steven .A Iron; Goat: Stewart Sayer, Dar4 win Sayer. ti WEDNESDAY, sEPTEMBER THE .k.10CKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Public School., Winners At, Lucknow. Fall • F There were a good nuMber of Bannerman, Kimrny Jo Bolte; entries in the Public School Corn- Grade 4, 5 and 6: Lori-Anne Faw- PCtition at Lucknow Fall Fair. throp, Stephen Machan, Richard Dire9tors:in chaige were Mrs. Ira • .Moore. ' Dickie, Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist , CRAFTS DOnald MacIntyre , Mrs. Kindergarten: Cathy Snyder ,' Robt.*Struthers and Mrs,. Russel Janice Codk, Timothy Tremblay; Irvin. . Grade 1, 2 and 3; .(a) Lucknow ' Lea. Ann Fialdenby of Kinloss. Central Public School, Connie and Patrick Murray of Lucknow Stanley and Linda Vander Klippe , were the-girl and, boy with the Paul MacIntyre; (b) Carol most points in the Public School 'Bannerman, Michele Van Boven, section.. Each won a library book Karen Young; Grade 4, 5 and 6: donated by Education„School Sup- (a) Lod HaCkett, Heather Mc- , plies. Cracken, Greg Gardner; (b) Susan MUSIC . Fawthrop, Jan Van Boven, Jim Grade-3 and 4: Collette Kenyon, Smith; Open and Special Educa- Teresa Murray, Kay Morrison; tcon:, (a) Linda Moulton, Lynne . .Grade 5 and6: Hilda de Boer, Nicolson, Sandra Moulton; (c) Sandy McEwan, Ellen ThOmpson; David Ross, Va-yrie McDonagh, Grade 7 and 8: Ruth Alton, Connie Jack Whytock.. Preiss, Kim 'Haldenby: • CREATIVE WRITING SCIENCE • Grade 2: Jennifer Tait, Scott • Grade 1; Lucknow Central Pub- McKim, Barbara Maize; Grade 3: ' lie §chool, Brookside Public Scott. Fawthrop, Suzanne Kirkland, School, Kinloss Central Public Richard McArthur; Grade 4; Mary School; Grade 2: Richard Duiker,.. Ann Ritchie ,.Bonnie Clarke , Alan Karen Eckenswiller, Shirley Loree; Rivet; Grade 5: Alice'Vander Grade. 3; Mary Stanley Renee Klippe,- Linda Moulton, Carol Duiker, Karen Young:' Grade 4:' Bushell;. Grade 6: Janice Van Murray Gilchrist, Lori McKim, Stempvoort, Jill Murray, Grace - Brenda Phillips; Grade 5: Jeff Alton. . Van Stempvoort, Dean Gunby WRITING Beverley Bell. - Kindergarten: Marilyn Jamieson, SOCIAL STUDIES. Janice Cook, Cheryl Smith; Grade Kindergarten; Sherri Irwin, Celia Chandler, Debbie Stan-; Michael Griffith, Lianne Young; ley , Jamie Bere; Grade 2; David Grade 1: Lynn Murray, Rosalea Hawkins, Linda Vander Klippe; Cameron, Tracey McDonagh; Robert Kerslake; Grade 3: Jean- Grade 2; Lucknow Central Public ette Pellstier , .Collette Kenyon, / School; Grade 3: Suzanne Kirk- Michelle Van Boven; Grade 4: land, Connie Stanley , Sandra Rosemary de Boer , Lea Anne Hald-i Irwin; Grade Mary Anne Ritchie, ,enby , Doreen Jefferson; Grade 5: , Lea Anne Haideiihy, Bonnie "Lori Anne. Jamieson, Carol Bush-- Clarke; Grade 5: Beverley Bell., ell, Beverley Bell; Grade 6: Mary Alice Vander Klippe, D6nald de Lynn Cayley, Lorna Boyle, Shar- Boer; Grade 6; Jill Murray , Janice on Pollock; Grade 7: Barbara Van Stempvoort , Susan Thompson; Loree, Linda Moore , Barbara Grade 7: Margie Lanting,. Kim • Cameron; Grade 8: Connie Preiss, Haldenby,. Paul Bushell and Grant Elaine Whitby, Nancy Alton. Frook. FLOWERS • • . ART Asters: Kathy Brooks, Lynn Mil- Kindergarten to Grade '8 (collec- ler; Zinnias: Lea Anne Haldenby d6n of 6 pieces of art from each Steve Errington, Kathy Brooks; grade) - Grade 1: Kinloss, Brook- Coimos: DaleGilchrist; African, side; Grade 2: Kinloss; Grade 3, Marigolds:.Tracey McDonagh; Kinloss; Grade 4: Kinloss; Grade French Marigolds: Lea Anne Hald- -5: Kinloss. Kindergarten and - Grade 1: Wendy Forster, Debbie Hedley,.Heather. Moulton; Grade 2 and 3: Collette Kenyon., Carol •••04.••••••••••••\•• R/ ••••••1‘•%•••%••\N\ N•N•••• NEW THIS YEA • AU.1.14.24%.4 Ripley District School • • 4++++4444714++++++++++ Thursday, October 4 at 8 p.m. - Fee $10.00 COURSE SCHEDULE lststerm: Oct. 4' - Dec. 6; 2nd term:: Jan. 3 - March 7 PROPCORN THE REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM FOR STORING HIGH-MOISTURE GRAIN The Propcorn system combines the ad. vantages of sealed storage and drying' methods has proven successful in both and commercial trWs is a pure, colourless, liquid • Small capital investment • Increased harvesting capacity • Saves time, saves money •• More flexible grain storage • Faster and more convenient grain handling • Reduced: field losses • immediate installation easy and low. cost • ProduCes top quality feed • For further information on this revolutionary highooisture storage system, 'write ,NIAGARA CHEMICALS, Butligton, ° consult your local Niagara dealer — HACKETT BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT PHONE 5283530 LUCKNOW 'TEESWATEFI FALL FAIR OCT. / • 4, 4.\ -LES • ALSO NEW! • METAL SCULPTURE CLASS $ 30 IN PRIZES! Contact Fair Secretary Mrs.. Evan Smyth, R.R. 1 Formosa (392-6338) before October 1, for information and entry forms enby, Nancy Haldenby , Greg Gibson: Rose for teacher: Lori McKim., Etta Belle MacDonald, Kenny Irwin; Collection of an- ••••••••0•••••••%•%•••••.0%sh•••%••••••••••• NkNNAS,••• nuals: Kathy Brooks, Lea Anne Haldenby, Susan 'Hedley; Arrange- ment in coffee mug: Kathy Brooks , Susan .Hedley', Lea -Anne Haldenby; Dahlia; Kathy Brooks; KathyGladiolus: Brooks. • VEGETABLES ' Carrots: Mary Ann Ritchie, Suz- anne Kirkland , Judy Hunter; Beets: Kendra Purdon , Mary Ann Ritchie, Judy Hnnter; Tomatoes; Lea Anne Haldenby, Sharon Struthers, Rosale'a Cameron; pot-, ato; Murray de Boer , Suzanne Kirkland, Heather Young;' Cucum- bers; Wendy Forster , Kendra Purdon; Decorated Rimpkin: Ken- neth Irwin, Rosemary de Boer, Judy MacDonald; Best display of home grown vegetables: Kendra Purdon, Lea Anne Haldenby, Lawrence Clark. BAKING Peanut Butter Cookies; Sharon • Struthers, Lea Anne Haldenby, Mary Lynn Cayley; Light Cupcakes,. Murray Gilchrist , Kathy. Brooks, Lori McKim; ,Tea Biscuits: Marilynne MacIntyre, Mary,Ann Ritchie Kathy Brooks; Brownies; Mary Ann Ritchie, Mary. Lynn Cayley, Lea Anne Haldenby; Chocolate Layer Cake: Lea. Anne Haldenby , Etta Belle MacDonald , Vicki Scott; Maple Cream Candy: Kathryn McKim, Lea Anne Hald- enby , Dale Gilchrist; Chocolate Fudge Candy; Mary Helen Mac-. Donald , Lori Mc Kim; Dagwood Sandwich: Mary Lynn Cayley , Nancy Thompson, Susan Thomp- son. POULTRY AND. PETS Purebred Dog: Arr Simpson, Bernie Hartemink, Jody Edwards; Dog, any other kind:Sandra Lud- wig, Roger Ludwig, Darwin Say- er; Persian CaIt: Wayne McDon- agh, Alex Purvis, Michael Jan- sen; Cat, any other kind: Mary Anne Ritchie, Heather Young, Karen Young, Ross Kerslake; Pair Pigeons: Michael Jansen, Robert Kerslake, Ross Kerslake, Gary Sayer , David Kerslake; Pair Bant- ams: Ivonne Hartemink, Bernie Hartemink, Theresa Jansen, Greg- ory Gardner, Monica Hartemink, Johnny Husk; Pet in CoSturne: Ed- die Husk, Lisa Husk, Nancy Hald- enby; Unusual Pet: Susan. Hedley , Sandia Gardner, Leaman Sayer, Bruce Hedley; Rabbit: Darrel Cranston, Jim Cranston, 'Sandra Gardner , Sandra Ludwig, ,Donald Ritchie, Liane Young; ,Pair 'of • Guinea Pigs; Johnny Husk, Jim Cranston, Jim Kerr. • Propcorn controlled • Propcorn chemical • Nkk