HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 12PAGE TWELVE THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL". LUCKNOW, : ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, •SEpTEAgagiiit Nancy de Boer Elected President On 'September 21st eight enthus- iastic nieinbers met at the home • ,,. of Betty Colwell at 1.30 for the first meeting of the course "Ac- cessories for • the Bedroonau . The • name"Chamber Charmers" was chosen, for the -club. The officers were elected. Nancy ..de Boer is to be president; Margaret MacIntyre vice presid- ent; Mine -ColWellsecretary and . Karen Doelman as press reporter. .-Values of colours, was discussed , samples of bedroom decor 'were looked at and painting was done . on a colour wheel.' ' The next meeting' will be held , ,at Mrs. Haldenby's next Friday, • September 28 from 7.00 - The girls are looking forward to a delightful course. Bed Bugs The second meeting of the Bed Bugs was held Monday, September 24th at the-LUcknow, Public School at• 7.00. p.m. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge. Roll call, "The colours I plan to use in, my bedrooni," was answered by all members. • Lorna Boyle, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. These were adopted as read. Coralyn Henderson read the treasurer's report. It was decided upon getting green for the covers. One suggestion was made for the covers but it was decided to wait until next week'and have each girl come with at least one idea and then vote'. . Mrs. Boyle reviewed the differ- ent kinds of colour harmony. She had prepared a large Colour wheel' and this was used to show the col- our harmony' more clearly. Discussion dealt with•arrange- ments of a room. Suggestions and ideas were made when.arrang- ing furniture and hanging wall . accessories. ' The 4-H Creed closed the meet- ing. Kitchen Kuties The fourth meeting of the Kings- bridge Kitchen Ku, ties took place at the home of Mrs. Eugene rrayne. The members made saus- age and tomato bake and potato pancake. It was decided to make pizza and green,salad at the next meeting. It was decided to have the next meeting at Mrs. Tom Hogan's on Saturday, September 29 at 1.30. The meeting was closed with the 4-H motto., Linda Young is 4-H 'President At the first meeting of Dungan- non II 4-H Club officers, were elected as follows: President, Linda Young; Vice President, Frances Logtenberg; Press Reporter and Secretary, rotate; Treasurer, Barb Culbert. The third meeting was, held on September 20 at 7.00 at,Mrs. Howard Culberts'. Roll call was answered with a recipe from Eng- land, Scotland or Ireland. The pledgI'was repeated and then Fran gave the secretary's report and Barb gave the treasurer's report. We discussed a name for the club, but came to no deci- sion. 0 'Lori Pentland was chosen as next week's secretary and press reporter. 'In discussion we filled out our hand-out sheets on "Brit- ish Tradition". Irene demon• strated English Trifle and then we adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held Wed- nesday. 26 at 7.00. Zippy Trinettes The fourth meeting of the Zippy Trinettes was held on September. 22, at CherylHackett's. The president called the meeting to order , and all repeated the 4-H pledge. The roll call which was "A food purchased today which was commonly made at hoine", was' answered by 'the nine mem- bers present. Mary Anne Alton • read the minutes of the last meet- ing and' Barb Wilkins read the busi- ness Minutes. The next meeting will be on September 29 at Susan kvin's. Home assignments and handout sheets of the last meeting were taken up. The members read and discuised Canada becomes 'a , na- tion and German, Dutch and Bel- - gian Settlers. Country Cuisines Dungannon Country Cuisines fifth meeting was held September 19 at the horne of Mrs. Dan Mac- Innis. All members were present. The countrieswe studied were Italy ,'Hungary, Greece, Turkey Yugoslavia, Romania Albania and Bulgaria. Debbie and Sharon made spag- etti and meatballs. with chocolate milk to drink. All the members enjoyed everything prepared. We decided for achievement day we will do the demonstration • "Treasure Trove". Elaine Stew- art will be the commentator. Different men:hers were appointed to do the diiheS and •prepare the meal for the next meeting. The next meeting will be held on September 26 at 7,00 p.M. Happy Handicrafters . ,Clubs one and two of the St. Helen's Happy Handicrafters met for their 2nd meeting of the pro- ject World of Food in Canada on . September 18 at the St. Helens Hall, The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge. Roll call: Name a Canadian food used by early settlers, was answered by all members. Discussion; "Early ' Canada" and "Heritage from New France". The handout sheets were filled in. Demonstration; Annette. Kirk- land and Bonnie Humphrey made a French-style onion soup and croutons. Genevieve Kinahan and Lori Miller made Grand Peres. The recipes were all from the member's pamphlets. Clean up was done by Genev- ieve Kinahan and Lynda Lyons. The.meeting clbsed with the 4-H Creed. Brenda Grubb , Is 4-H President, On Thursday , Septeriiber ,20, the first meeting of Lucknow No. I was held in the•Lucknow Public School. The name of this club is "Accessories for the Bedroom". Leading this club is Mrs. Leonard Ritchie and assisted by Mrs. Vern- on Hunter. The meeting came to order by repeating the 4-H Pledge. Mrs. Ritchie went over the requirements for the club and record books and pamphlets were handed out. The election of officers went as follows: President, Brenda Grubb; Vice President, June Alton; Secretary, Nancy .Alton; Treas- urer , Marion Johnstone; Press Reporter, Joanne Ritchie.' Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Hunter led the discussion which involved colour. Colour harmony was dis- cussed and the colour wheel dis- cussed. -For next week each girl is to have the colour wheel colour- ed. The meeting closed with' the 4-H Creed. Rabies Continues Huron Problem • 'Rabies in animals in Huron County continues to be a problem. The number' of confirmed cases during the first 8 months• of 1973 was 53 for the period. This figure was 52 confirmed eases for the same period in 19'72. The 53 animals were comprised of the following: Bovines 17, • Swine 1, Dogs 1, Cats 4, Foxes 18, Skunks 10, Rabbits 1, Wolves 1. The above figures, however ;'rep- resent a marked increaF in con- firmed cases in cats. During the past 7 years, Agric - niture Canada , Health of Anim- als Branch, in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit, has sponsored free Anti-Rabies Vaccination clinics :for dogs and cats in the county. The sponsor- ing groups have therefore decid-, ed to again hold Anti-Rabies Vac- cination clinics in 1973, in an, 'attempt to limit the spread of CAR SHOWING AT SCHUTZ CHRYSLER FRIDAY & SATURDAY GODERICH SA 'SWAY INVESTMENTS AND.. CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519 7441-6535 Collect / Hood Office — 5i Weber, St. E., Kitchener,. Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH ' 0.111.1111111. 11.1111, LOWER INTEREST RATES NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on . , RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL' and FARM. PROPERTIES ,Intorim financing on now construction or land development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA'. PHONE Get these erful names Shur-Gain on your side! a- PRODUCT' USED AS AN AID IN , Shur,Gain GERM KILL —the prevention of bacterial infections. Germ Kill-the disinfectant with producer, processor and professional recognition. Shur‘Gain -getting cattle back on feed ELECTROLYTES after periods of movement, stress • and dehydration. Shur-Gain -the prevention and treatment SULFAMETHAZINE Of shipping fever, respiratory problems, white scours and : septicemia. Shur-Gain PENICILLIN STREP -protection' against calf pneumonia. . ShUr-Gain '-protection against 'calf '‘TETRACYCLINE pneumonia, calf scours, diarrhea and stress vitamin deficiency, • 1 Shur-Gain TYLAN •200 -protection against calf pnwmonia, shipping fever and metritis. Shur-Gain -prOtection against calf INJECTABLE A.D.E.. pneumonia, calf scours, diarrhea and stress vitamin deficiency. Shur-Gain UTERINE BOLUS -the treatment of uterine infections. Shur-Gain -the treatment of scours and - SCOUR BOLUS ' diarrhea. Available at your Shur-Gain Feed Service Dealer animal health service Anderson Flax Products, Limited LUCKNOW -PHONE 528-2026 rabies, to dogs and cats from wild animals, particularly skunks and foxes. • They therefore strongly urge all owners of dogs and cats to take advantage of the FREE Anti-Rabies Vaccination Clinics which will take place from October 1 ; 1973 (in northern areas of the county) to October 17 , 1973 .(in south areas..) Please Oonsult yourl newspaper and radio statioaf .locations, dates and times, Rabies is a OW disease of mals which can be spread to and is usually fatal in ail/ CONTINUED ON PAGES RInEY ABATTOIR . COstom Butchering — CUring-and Smoking Cutting and —PastWrappitid:;! a0 HOGS AND CATTLE. ON MONDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Fridays ONLY ON FRIDAYS dayoskill With Two Big Coolers, We• Are Able To Hang Your BO F I 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your. Requirements #r.$ For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef,,,,t4 and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing 111°'" ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YO0 PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395 -2905 STORE 390