HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 119, 1973 SEPTEMBER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE .ELEVEN GENTLEMEN: PLEASE ENROLL ME IN ( ) SEND DETAILS ON ( ) THE FOLLOWING COURSES: 1. Location 2. Location Name „. Phone' Address I enclose . cheque, - 'money order for fees in the amount of $' . I understand that my full tee will be refunded if the course is not started, and my fee less five dollars will be refunded if I withdraw and so notify the College before the third session. DATE SIGNATURE Georgian College - N Applied Arts and Technology 1150. 8th Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario- OFFERS THE FOLLOWING FALL 1973 EVENING COURSES IN SOUTH BRUCE KINCARDINE No. Course Hours Day Sessions Start Fee *Life Drawing 60 Mon. 20 Oct. 8 $35 Off Loom Weaving 60 Tues. 20 Oct. 9 $35 *Painting 1 60 Wed. 20 Oct. 10 $35 Pottery for Teachers 30 Mon. 12 Oct. 8 $35 Child Psychology. 42 Thurs. 14 Oct. 11 $20 Effective Supervisior 25 Tues. 10 Oet. 9 $40 Construction Retail Management 25 Tues. 10 Oct. 2 $40 HANOVER No. Course Hours Day Sessions Start Fee *Accounting — 75 Tues. 25 Oct. 9 $35 Introduction Forkner Shorthand 45 Wed. 15 Oct. 10 $25. Gas Installer - 90 Mon. 30 Oct. 8 $55 Oil Burner Service TBA Driver Education 43. Tues. 14 Sept. 1,1 $50 Managing 'Money and 24 Tues. ° 8 Oct. 2 $20 Minimizing Taxation Credits and Collections 25 Tues. 10 Oct. S2 $40 WALKERTON No. Course Hours Day Sessions Start Fee Horsemanship 20 Mon. 10 Oct. 8 $35 *Sociology 621/2 Tues. 25 Oct. 9 $35 Insurance — TBA , Fundamentals Retail Management 25 Wed. 10 Oct. 3 $40 TBA: DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED The courses listed in this brochure are designed for people who wish to continue their education as, part-time students. They are designed to be interesting, informative, and to provide an opportunity to improve business ability, technical skills, artistic abil- ity and craft skills. All courses are open to any- one nineteen years of age, or. over. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are offered- for college credit but are also open to-anyone wishing to take them for general interest. The college can develop new courses which may not be listed here, but which would meet the 'needs: and interests of the people in Grey and Bruce, Please 'give us a call", if you have any suggestions. Days of classes and starting dates are subject to revision when enrolment is determined to suit availability of instruc- tors and required facilities. Georgian College reserves the right to cancel any course in which sufficient enrolment is not obtained. 'FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: 1. .Telephone 376-0682 in Owen Sound . 2. Visit the', Owen Sound Campus of Georgian College at 1150 8th, Street East any Monday to Friday 9 'a.m. 'to 5 lira. 3. Fill out ,and mail the request form below to: GEORGIAN COLLEGE 1150 - 8th ST. EAST OWEN SOUND, ONT.' 1973 Le Mans '4 door, 1/8-,--fully equipped 1973 CHEV, El. Camino, V8, low mileage iL 1973CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1913 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedan, V8, fully equipped 1973 FORD Galasie SOO 4-door hardtop, automatic, power steering and 'brakes 070 FORD custom didoor, V8 automatic )968 CHEV 4 door, V8 automatic 1964 MERCURY 350, S cylinder chassis (not certified) • , 1972 HONDA Motor bike; low mileage 0999i1111111111 811MIIMIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111081981Wiliffiliimmiumffinniimmimili11. 1914 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES ON DISPLAY SEVERAL USED 'SNOWMOBILES IN STOCK 1111ammatiiimaiiammilaaaaa000000000001019imimiamaliammammaimaamin, AM 'S CAR SALES LTD. PHONE 523-4342 lalmers WMS magcHuRcH NEWS echurch W.M.S. meeting Id on Wednesday , SePtem It the home of Mrs. John- inn at*2 p. m. The preSid- ;. Bill Rintoul presided , led Oland opened the g with the poem The Best in Life are Free. The '0 Lord to Thee I cry" was Lloyd Murdock read the re. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt prayer followed by .the sing- "Come let us sing". well card was signed by be sent to Mrs. Earl Cas- 1Wingham Hospital. The ral meeting is to be held at iers Church, Whitechurch evening on October 15. inch is to be sandwiches and s, Wliftechurch is to have ical number. Mrs. J. ,Conn P. Craig are the wel- committee with Mrs: Wes- iffin in charge 'of registra- On October 3 in the even-: intechurch W.M.S. are in-, to South Kinlbss. iitechurch W.M.S. Thank- ing service is October.17 at afternoon; Guests to piked are Whitechurch and in Brick U.C,. W. , Langside, now, and Bluevale W.M.S. e Brian Ross received the ng which was dedicated .by. John de Boer . fie roll calf was answered by ,th an item from the Record lad Tidings. Mrs. Conn alter gave her report. tss Annie Laidlaw gave the cc, One Hundred Years of tons: The hymn, Jesus' calls re the tumult was sung foll-O-W• the closing prayer by Mrs. itCoulter. to Ladies. Aid meeting, was St. Peters A.C.W. $t. Peter's'. A .C. W. held their September•meeting in the Parish Hall with a good attendance. The President , Mrs. Mole , took the chair and began the meeting with the business. It was decided to , make turkey pies early in Octob- er. Due to the increases in cost of meat and other foods, it was decided, to raise the price for banquets to $2.75. The ladies 'felt the cost is approximately the same for turk- ey , beef or ham, so will quote one price. Any second hand clothing is to be given to Ruth Thompson for her disposal. Mrs. Mole opened the devotion• al part of the meeting with the A .C. W. prayer and the Lord's prayer. Mrs. Tom Pritchard gave the meditation using as, her text st. Matthew 11:28. The roll call was answered by "Why I came". Everyone was happy' to be togeth er after the summer break. Pray- ers were given by Mrs. Pritchard and Mri. L. Hazelden. The closing thought "The value of a smile" Was read by Mrs Ernest Gaunt. Mrs. Mole closed the meeting with the benediction. Lunch and a social time follbwed, CAR SHOWING AT SCHUTZ CHRYSLER FRIDAY & SATURDAY GODERICH then held. , Mrs. Muidock reported they had purchased the paint for the , kitchen and bathroom at the manse and had arrangements nrade'foi putting it on. The Collection' was received. Mrs. Rintoul closed the meeting. Grace was sung and the birthday tea was served._ Dungannon UCW The September meeting of the Dungannon U, C, W. was held on Tuesday. , September 18 in the church basement at 8.30 p.m. The president, Mrs. Lorne Hasty' 'was in charge with Mrs. Leonard Reed at the piano. Mrs. •Clarence McClenaghan and Mrs. Derk Logtenberg con- ducted the devotional. Hymn 405 'was sung followed by scrip- ture reading from Luke and 'a short meditation by Mrs. D. Logten- berg. Mrs. McClenaghan, with poster illustrations, read a poeni on "Christian Living'' followed by prayer. Mrs. Logtenberg dedicated the offering'. Mrs. Elma Reed asked that a card of thanks be sent to Mrs. Ettabelle Bradley, of Goder- ich thanking her for flowers plac- ed in church on Anniversary Sun- day. Motions that $100.00 be given towards the new gestetner and also a 30 to 40 cup percolat- er be purchased were carried. Mrs. Hasty thanked all whO had helped at the Culbert-Young wed- ding on Saturday and those who served' lunch on Sunday after anniversary services. At the close of the evening Mrs. McClenaghan showed pictures on Nepol and India also some of Rev, and. Nts. UreStewart Of Seaforth With Mrs. Eva Moses. A dainty lunch served by Mrs. Ivan Rivett and a social time en- joyed brought the evening to a close. What's New At Huronview Eight volunteers from the. God - erich Township Women's Institute visited the Home on Monday to • assist with the afternoon activities. Mrs. Driver, with violin and Mrs. Cox, piano joined' the regul-, ars,. Mary Taylor; Norman' Speir. and Jerry Coiling to provide the old time music. Five new Resid 7 ents were welcomed, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen, Mrs. Chambers,' Mrs. Watson and Mr. McCreight, Thirty-two Residents with Sept- ember birthdays were honoured On Wednesday afternoon at a party sponsored by the Ethel,and Moles- worth Womens. Institutes. Mrs. Pearson, President of the Ethel Institute and M.C. for the ocoa- sion introduced the program which, included a Sing A Lorigled by Mrs. Fodden accompanied by Mrs'. Stan Speiran, a piano, Vilin violin duet by Cecil Bateman and Norman Beirnes, accordian solos by,Mrs. Pfeifer and vocal solos= by Peter Dekker of Molesworth accompanied by Mrs. -Freeman of Gorrie. Gifts were presented to the thirty-two celebrants fol- lowed by a social half hour. Mrs. Paisley, who had the •honour of having the most September 8irth- days , expressed the appreciation • of the Residents. The "SilVer Strings" , who have been visiting the Home regularly since they were organized three years ago entertained on Family ,Night. This group of young musi- cians, from the Winthrop area , have, become very popular with the Residents playing some of the new tunes as well as.some of the old favourites. Mrs. Ryan, a native of Winthrop thanked the entertainers.' •