HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 10Minister Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL TEM OF THIS CHURCH SEPTEMBER 30th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship', The Centennial Book is ava1I at The Lucknow Sentinel, Fu! er's Barber Shop and from Mr' Ena Henderson. Unit 3, St. Andrew's UC Mrs. Dan Pollard entertained Unit 3, of .St . 'Andrew's Ripley. Mrs. Carnahan was coined to her first meeting in Ripley . The. meeting was in charge of Mrs. WM. Arnold a Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick. MILD MacDonald led the worship, . assisted by Mrs. Wm, Tranter, Mrs. Orah Crawford was assi,sta by 'Mrs.' Kirkpatrick and Morgan Johnston in the presenu .tion of a Skit on Stewardship. Mrs. MacDonald had.a 10ely reading .and :good Bible•conteSt Mrs. Arnold told of Ken Mc pan's work, in Homes of Hope i Bangalore and Calcutta this slid riser and a 'letter was read from leader in one of these homes thanking memberS for a donatia which had been used for cupboards.. The October meet- ing will be held in, the church with all Units present. and:speall er to be Mrs. ,Welch of Paisley. Lunch was 'served by Mrs. Mor g Johnston and Mrs. Donnie Coll • • LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whether It's a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You are reenembering a loved one. HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN UODERICH DE It SON , LTD. T. p VISIT Don Denomme 524-8/61 STILL AVAILABLE Before The Age of Miracles Memoirs of a Countiy Doctor BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON $6.95 Dr. Johnston wa's born in West Wawanosh Township and was a general praCtitioner . Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER PAGE TEN • Second Dedication t Ashfield Church On Sunday s September 16th, 1973... the folloWing Books of . ?raise -were dedicated at Ashfield Presbyterian Church: one by Earl MacDonald and Alice Bogie in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald, Irene and Bill; one by Mrs. Emile Mac- 'Lerman and family in memory of !mile MacLennan and Eldon MacLenpan three. by Miss Sadie C. Johnston Reg. N. in memory of her three brothers Williath, „David and' Richard , and sister Mrs. Reuben Wilson;,two by the, Donald 'Simpson Family in, memory of Elliott Simpson; one by Mrs. Mary (Ross) West and family in Mernory,of Isnr; and Mrs.. , . Roderick Ross, Kenzie and Gord- on Ross; one by Jim and/Irene (Ross) Nelson and family'in mem- ory. of Mr. and -Mrs. Roderick Ross, Kenzie and Gordon Ross; one by Jean (Nelson) McGrath andJatnes Nelson in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson; one by his •family in memory of Donald Lean Mac- Donald; two by Duncan MacRae and Jamie .MacRae in memory of their parents John and Jessie Mac-. Rae; four by Mrs. George Lead- better and Mrs. Clark Finlayson _ in memory of Mr. Colin MacGreg- or, Mr Charles. MacGregor, Mr. Fred MacGregor, -Mr. and. Mrs. • 'Roderick MacGregor; one by Mrs. Mary (Ross) West in memory of Jack West; two by 'Duncan Mac- Rae and Jamie MacRae in mem- ory of their sister Jessie and their brother Ian. Also presented to Ashfield Pres- byterian ChLuch were four Books of Praise by William and Edna Ross, Audrey Ross and Douglas Ross. St. Helens UCVV The St. Helen's United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. W. I. Miller on Tuesday, Septem- bet.18. The meeting opened with the hymn "Come let us-sing to the Lord" , followed by The Lord's Prayer in unison. , Mrs. Allan Miller presided at the piano.' Fifteen ladies, answered the roll call, a verse with the word "woi- shipi". Mrs. Charles McDonald read the'scripture Acts.18, 1-8. Mrs. B. F. Green read "Making sense of our church going" followed by the hymn "Lord of our Life, God of our Salvation". Mrs. Don Cameron read "An Autumn Prayer" and Mrs. John Cameron read , "What does Christ- ianity Mean?" "Only one thing" was read by Mrs. Tom Todd foll- owed by Psalm 91 in unison. 'The worship closed with the hymn, "The Lord is my Shepherd" and prayer by Mrs. Lorne Woods. Mrs. James Hummel with ten • of the ladies in attendance pres- ented an amusing skit called "Tell me Doctor.,. In it two doctors try to diagnose what , is wrong with the U.C. W. and pre- scribe a cure for it. Mrs. J. Hummel read "You Can't' Take . It. With You". Mrs. Gordon MacPherson pres- ided for the business. Mrs. Mac- Pherson gave the treasurer's re- port. The. October,meeting will , be postponed until OctOber 15th because, of Thanksgiving and will' be held at the home of Mrs. Tom Todd. Plans were made to buy plants for the church for Armiver- sary service on September 23rd. The hymn "All the Way My Saviour. Leads Me" was sung, fol- lowed by grace. ' Mrs. Sheldon Martin and Miss Isabel Miller served a dainty lunch and Mrs. John Cameron made the courtesy remarks;. Entertain W.M.S. At Supper Meeting The Evening Auxiliary of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church be- gan their fall season with a pot luck supper held in the basement of the Church on Tuesday, Sept- ember 18 at 7 p.m. The ladies of the afternoon W.M.S. were guests at this meeting and 29 lad - iei sat down to a delicious supper. Mrs. Ron Forster was in the chair for the meeting in the ab- sence•of president Mrs. Jack Mac- Donald. The meeting was opened with Hymn "He 'leadeth me". The business and correspondence was discussed. The next meeting will be the Thankoffering on Tuesday , October 16 at 8 .p.m. Roll call was answered with the W.M.S. purpose. The Hymn " "Faith of our Fathers" was, sung. Mrs. Virden Mowbray gave the scripture and meditation. Mrs. Edward Brown sang two lovely solos. The topic was in, the form of a play.called "The Edge of the Village", dealing with the custom of choosing.a bride fora son and the dowery that was paid. Taking part. in the play were Mrs. Ross Gammie, the groom;' Mrs. George Stanley, the mother of the groom; Mrs. Jim Little, father of the groom; Mrs. Frank Hawthorne, • sister of the groom; Mrs. Gordon Fisher, the bride; Mrs. Norman Taylor, father of the bride. A presentation was made to Mrs. Isobel Mullin by Mrs. Noble Johnston, on behalf of the. Even- ing Auxiliary, as she has left our group, and is now living in Goder- ich. Mrs: Jim Smith .expressed thanks from the ladies of the after- noon W.M.S. for the invitation to attend the supper meeting. The closing hymn was "Son of My Sour' and Mrs. Noble John- ston led in closing prayer. At 6.00 on Monday evening 24th rode off on Glen. Walden's hay wagon driven by Bill Hunter. The first stop was' for juice at the homes of Mrs. Virden MOwbray, Mrs. Tom AndreW and Mrs,. A. J. Wilson. Salad was served by Mrs. Harvey Webster, Mrs. Jas. Wraith and Mrs. George Newbold. Meat and a bun were served by Mrs. Stuart Collyer, Mrs. Elden Henderson and Mrs. Noble Johnston. 'A casserole dish was served by Mrs. Glenn Noble, Mrs. Cyril Brown and Rev. Robt. Nicholls: jello and cookies were served by. Mrs. P. Newbold ,.Mrs. Harold Treleaven and Mrs. Gordon Cay- ley. A brief business meeting took place to organize duties for the showing of a film, The Three Lives of Thomasina on Friday at 7.00 p.m, and Saturday at 2 ..00 An election of officers resulted in the following executive: Pres- ident , Cathy Jamieson; Vice President, Mary Ellen Havens; Secretary, Lynda Campbell; Treasurer, Brenda MacDonald. The group welcomed 13 new members and now has a 'member- ship .of 28, This yeir the group is truly ecumenical with 14 girls from the United Church, 9 Pres- byterians, 2 Anglicans, 1 Baptist, 1 Catholic and 1 Lutheran. ',4-•-•-•14.•4444 PRESBYTERIAN REFQRIVIED CHURCH LOCHALSH will held MORNING WORSHIP AT 11 A.M. throughout the summer months Rev. David Freiman .minister •-••••••-•-•-•-•-••••-.444-.4-•-•-•-•••••• NovottoNotio,wo ,".",..,, CHRISTIAN LUCKNOW REFORMED CHURCH' J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 aim. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, 1st: Sunday of the month) VISITORS, WELCOME Mrs. Jack Needham Speaks On India The September meeting of Trin- ity U.C. W. was held in the Church basement on Thursday afternoon, September 20, with an attendance of. thirteen members and four visitors. The meeting opened with prayer by the presid.= ent Mrs. Jim. Hunter. The roll call was answered , with a verse containing "Thanks" . Hymn 146 was sung; then Mri. Hummel read the scripture and Mrs. Char- les Wilk4 gave the • meditation. Mrs. Hummel followed with another short period of devotions and Hymn 148 was sung followed .by prayer by Mrs. Charles Wilkins. Mrs. Bill Andrew had the. Study Book on India. She intro- duced her mother, Mrs. Needham, to us who has been to India during 'the past year. Mrs; Needham : then gave us a most enjoyable talk on her trip to India. Ifwas very, interesting to hear her tell of meeting the girl that her Sun- day School class had adopted years before. The Thankoffering.-meeting for fall will be held on Sunday even- ing, October 21st. .Mrs. Hummel presented the society with 'a copy of "The Greatest Is Love" which is to be used for devotions at our meetings.. 'The business .part of the meet- ing folloWed, and then the meet ing closed with singing Hymn 249 and Mts. Hummel closed with prayer. A dainty lunch was serv- ed by the committee in charge. LUCKNOW UNITED CliURCI Rev. Robert Minister SEPT•EMBER 30th 10:00 a.m. Sunday Sch 11:00 a.ra, Morning Worship Special music by The- Century Singers, a youth instrumental and voo group from Paisley POINT TO PONDER It is, not a doctrine of salvati that brings newness into .41 lives but it is the Saviour 611 self, a living being. Helmut Thielki Lucknow Presbyterian Chun Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., RR