HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 7* ON SALE (While Quantities last) Starting ... AII.Other Sale Heins On Sale * NOW through September • . 29th. A BAG One per family o r Supply Limited 70\ o:rdeN°s/Pilheans • TAME BALSAM & BODY Instant conditioner, 4 oz. $1.09 • CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO, 4 oz. .99 • VICKS nVAPO-LYPTUS" Cough Drops .... . .15 .79 .92 • WRITE BROS. RETRACTABLE BALL POINT PEN .49 • COLGATE DENTAL CREAM, Personal Size ... .47 • WILKINSON SWORDMASTER BLADES, 5's .98 • • PRO TUFTED TOOTHBRUSH AP • .39 .49 Total Value $1.-.58* *Approximate Value based on Manufacturers . Suggested List Prices et the Time that Ad was Prepared! INTENSIVE CARE • 14 oz. LOTION or 18oz. BATH BEADS I.D.A. EVERYDAY MULTIPLE TONI e . 71 ROME v GGAISI PERMANENTS SU S2.9 • ANTIPHLOGISTINE A535 Rub, /4.oz. ▪ CEPACOL MOUTHWASH/GARGLE, 7 oz. • I.D.A, BATHROOMIISSUE, 2-Ply,,2 Roll Pack • • DUST PAN, plaitic • ANACIN TABLETS, 12's, RAIZ phi. 671,1611(it 'dr O ekr: ; VITAMIN "C" 100 mgm. Chewable tablets, 100's. VITAMINS I.D.A. EVERYDAY MULTIPLE VITAM INS Plus IRON WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES (Ascorbic Acid) 100 mgm, 100's SAVE ON THESE AND MANY OTHER SPECIALS NOT LISTED ABOVE THE4,U.CKNOW SENTINEL, IeLICKNOW, ONTARIO PAQI • Sinai 26 Esp". SEPTEM.3..ER RPLE GROVE and Mrs. Burton Collins ed the wedding two weeks f W. and. Mrs. William Bell roit and Mr. and. Mrs. Bell on their honeymoon called latives in the neighbourhood. they visited with were e and Bob Emerson, Mr. and Gordon. Patterson and Mr.. . Burton Collins. Mr. and W. J. Bell of Point Clark. • ent an evening with the and the newlyweds. Don McCosh was among those who, attended the funeral of Mrs. Milton (Marion) Pard at Mount Brydges on Wednesday.. Mrs. Pardy was the Editor in Chief of the Home and Country Magazine of the F..W,I. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Robbie visited last week with Mr. and. Mrs. Don McCosh of Ripley. Many•of the young people of this area attended the Ripley High • School dance on Friday. Mrs. George Emerson visited , with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill of CAR SHOWING AT SCHUTZ CHRYSLER FRIDAY & SATURDAY GODERICH Walkerton last week. Mrs. Claude Dore Sr. of Bervie was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rhody on September 20; The occasion was little Matt Rhody's birthday and since M'rs. Dore's birthday 'fell on the' 21st of September they celebrat- ed •together. . Mrs. Francis Boyle visited on Thursday with her mother Mrs. Ed Farrell of Kincardine. Pte. Jim Dore spent the week end at his home here two weeks. ago. His•first week end home since June. Those who called on Jim were Jamie Farrell. Bob Needharn, Kevin Harrison and. Carson Brooks. . Mr.. and Mrs, Don McCosh,, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliot, Joyce and Ian, Mr. and Mrs.Howard Thompson and Don Forster were dinner guests of Dick McCosh on' Sunday. LANGSIDE Glad to report Jim Moffat has been released from the Wingharn and District Hospital._ C.O.C. The regular meeting of the Langside C.O.C. was held Sun- day. The meeting opened with a singsong led by Nancy de. Boer. Mrs.• Young read a story about the. American Indians and told smile -, of the Indian's legends. This led to an interesting discussion.. The , groups then divided to work on crafts and play games. YOUNG PEOPLES The Langside Young Peoples held their regular meeting Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer. The next meet- ing in two weeks will be held at • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bregman's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall, Wingharn visited, Mr. and Mrs. Jim• Young and family, Su7:lay. Mother Passes In England WHITECHURCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs, Bill .Evans left by plane for England on August 28. They arrived on August 29 and that day Mr. Evan's mother,enter- ed hospital. She later passed away. The day before they left ' for horrie they attended her funer- al. They arrived home on Wed- nesday, September 19th. The community extends their sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. Evans in the,passing of his mother. We are pleased to report that Mts. Eunice Gillespie was releas- ed 'from Wingham Hospital on. Tuesday. . MrS. Russel Ross and Mrs, Joe , King were in London on Wednes- day, where they visited with Russel Ross at Victoria Hospital, London and found him progress- ing as well as could •be expected. „We are pleased to repOrt that Murray Adams was released from Wingham Hospital on Monday last. Mr. Lloyd. Clifton of Mount Forest and friend were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Murdock. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Porteous of Lucknow Were Sunday callers on • Mr. andMrs. Via& Emerson. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Fell of Tor7 onto were Sunday visitors with Rus- sel Ritchie. Mrs. Emma .Bagg of Toronto spent last week with her daughter • • Mrs: Elwood Groskorth and Mr. Groskorth. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Mowbray were Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer , Lynn, Paul and his friend of Sarnia. !Irian Falconer is attending Col- lege at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin MeClenag- han of St. Thomas visited on Wed nesday last with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and brother Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc• - Clenaghan. ' Ted McClenaghan of KitChener Spent the week, end with his moth- er Mrs. Lillian McClenaghan. Miss Linda"-Hoffos of Toronto was a w.eek end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Murdock, Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon, Misses Nancy de Boer, Helen 'Wlersma were at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow Sunday afternoon where they-pin on a religious service. Nancy de Boer read a poem and Mr. Murd- ock gave a talk on the 23rd Psalm, Many old favourite hymns were sung with Mrs. Murdock accom- panying on the organ.