HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-26, Page 2Allan Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew of Lucknow has • commenced his first year in Agri- cultural Science at the University of Guelph. Gail Jamieson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ja • 'eson of Luck- now has accepted a po ition at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital as' Food Supervisor. She commenced her duties on August 31st. + + + + + term of Office of the late Mr. McRae. I have obtained and examined a copy of the 'editorial you wrote and to' which you referred in your letter and I' have as- sumed, therefore that your research in preparing the editorial would make you completely familiar with the' legislation that governs such matters. I can assure you that the appointment conforms to the requirements of the relevant statutes; . I assure you also that the Board did not,take its respon- sibility lightly in securing a replacement' for. Mr.'11acRae, and that it did consider the entire area, represented. Needless to say, I do not think that you would expect the Board to release detailed information concerning the persons considered for the appointment and the reasons for Mrs. White- head's selection. I note the statement that you do not agree with the appoint- . ment method for trustees. You probably realize that prior to the formation Of County Boards no secondary school trustees in Bruce County were elected. After January 1, 1969, however, all trustees had to be elected except when a vacancy occurred during the term of office of a 'trustee. I am pleased that you agree that Mrs. Whitehead' will be an excellent Board member. • Yours very truly, H. McCurdy, Chairman, The Bruce County Board of Education" ••• Up until this point, the subject in question was a • matter of disagreement between the editor of The Lucknow Sentinel and the whole Bruce County Board of Education, pretty stiff odds. But this past week, the Sentinel editor recruited an ally to the cause. It , was none other than the Grey County, ,Board of Ed- ucation who are filling a vacancy in the Durham area in exactly the method we suggested to Mr. McCurdy in our letter of last June. Due to a resignation by a member, who served three mun- icipalities, the Grey County Board of Education was charged with making an appointment to fill the vacancy. An advertisement was placed in newspapers of the area concerned advising of the vacancy and requesting that potential candidates present 'themselves to the board. All interested can- didates were requested to submit their names by a certain' date to the director of education. A special board meeting was called for a certain night to meet each candidate and give them an op- portunity to address the board. The decision would then be 'made by board members, after having given each and every candi- date an opportunity to present themselves and having advised publicly that the board position was vacant. Now doesn't that sound a bit more like democracy in action? The very point we' made-in our letter to the board hairman has been vindicated by the Grey County Board 'of .Ed- e We feel that the Bruce County'Board of Education handled the local appointinent in a very" undemocratic manner. A public announcement of the vacancy should have been made, in all 4 municipalities and everyone would have had equal opportunity to approach the board on the matter. ' WINGHAM KINETTES WILL SERVE COFFEE AND DONUTS For more information contact: Jim Morrison 528-2243 or Tony Johnstone 528-3811, after 6:00 p.m. .13itten By Cal Take Rabies Shot KINLOUGH NEWS • Miss Marilyn Rhody, , daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Gerald Rhody„; had the misfortune to be bitten'. by a' cat and is having to have rabies shots: Jack Webster of Edmonton Alberta and his daughter Susan o Toronto, Mi. -and Mrs. Clayton: Edward of Goderich visited Sund with Mr. and Mrs .. Malcolm la and Hugh:and Mr, and Mrs, Fra Maulden and Keith. George Burt of Toronto spent week end with his parents Mr.? Mrs. Bill Burt, Terry and Paul. Indian Village Is Idea Of- Graham MacDona Nearly three years in the buil ing stage , the 17th century vil- lage of the AttiWandrian Indians now stands near Delaware. The village is called "Ska-na doht" which, in the Oneida ton means "a "village stands again". It was created to look like one which may have been located along, the Thames River about4 years ago. ' At that time, the area was in habited by the Attiwarldrian Ind ians, also known as the Neutrals because they declined topartie ipate in the wars then in progr between the Hurons and the kn. quois. They were later attacke by the Iroquois- and the Neutral Nation ceased to exist, the sup: vivors becoming part of the Seneca Nation in New York Stat The idea for the creation oft Indian Village is attributed td Graham .MacDonald, area super intendent with the Middlesex County Board of •Education, who felt that such-a project would gi pupils an opportunity to learn first hand about native Canadia Graham is a native of Kinloss Township , the son of Mr. and W. P. MacDonald of Wallow. He was 'presented with anioil painting by the comttee in i n charge in recognition of his w on the project. - mot *via THE .iNcocti ow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 'SEPTEMBER STUDENTS .6.01140,.% HERE .AND THERE. • The LUCKNQW SENTINEL LucKtiovi, ONTARIO HTha Oapay Town" On the Huron-Bruce Boundary • SecOnd Cass Mail Registration Number, 0842 Establis 101 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon **mbar of the C.W.N.A: and 0.W.N.A. bstripfion: Rate, $6.00 a year in advance to the U.S.A., $8.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 103 „ . • • .*" • • Action:rOf Grey CpiontySChool Board Mighf Teach A Few Points! • Some months ago, The Sentinel, editorialized on the method whereby the county Boards of Education make appointments to fill unexpired terms of office. These may result from resignations or deaths of members during their two year term of office The Sentinel realized that the appointmeent method is proper in every, way according to legislation that governs such business. But since writing the 'editorial, nothing has changed our thoughts to convince ,us that it is right or fair. The editorial in question was written at the time of the death of the late Ross. McRae of Culross, school board member who served Culross, Teeswater, Lucknow and Kinloss since the formation of county school boards. Mrs. Pearl Whitehead of Teeswater, an experienced school board meniber prior to the formation of county boards, was later appointed to fill the vacancy caused' by the death of Mr. McRae. Mrs. Whitehead's experience and ability will make her a worthy successor. Our criticism of the appointment 'is 'not of the person ap- pointed, but the method used 'for the appointment. .The Sentinel editor is not the only person concerned with this dictatorial method of selecting 'an "elected" representative and, with this in mind, we wrote Harvey McCurdy, chairman of the Bruce County Board of Education expressing our feelings on the matter and asking him what steps had been taken to seek out possible candidates, in the four municipalities served by the late Mr. lVfacRae. The letter to Mr. McCurdy, is as follows: 41 ' mem ' Orool •I•••• ••••• moms • "We notice in the board, minutes where an appointment has been made to the Bruce Board to- serve. Culross, Teeswater, Kin- loss and Lucknow. We know Mrs. Whitehead personally and believe she will be an excellent board' member. We do not, however, agree with the appointment method and expressed this editorially a few weeks' ago. We belieire it to be very undemocratic and in a time when decision making seems to be more remote from the people than ever, this only increases the point. / Our purpose in writing is to ask you how this appointment was made, what investigations into the four municipality area for suitable candidates were made, where the recommendations for such an appointment come from? . It sems to us that some type of public announcement from the board of the existing vacancy should have been made in the four municipalities to enable anyone interested in the' position to have an equal chance. Weretit not for a news story in our paper, the largest per- centage of people in the Lucknow, Kinloss "area would not have even known Mr. MacRae had died. Might we again. emphasize that it is not the "person" who was appointed that bothers us. We have every respect and con- fidence in Mrs. Whitehead. What bothers.us is the "method" and the lack of any offic- ial announcement that the appointment would be made. There might have been dozens of people in our circulation area inter- ested in this position. - We would appreciate hearing from you and perhaps you can clear up some uncertainties in our mind about how this most, recent piece of business was conducted. Don Thompson, The Lucknow Sentinel" Mr. McCurdy's letter in return pointed out the fact that the board was operating within the statutes in making the appoint- ment, a fact we were very' much aware of. It also states that the board did not take its responsibilities lightly in making the appointment but it offers no suggestion as to how names were put forth for the position, a question we specifically asked in -our Metter. Until Mr. McCurdy, or his board can provide us with de- ° tails as to how the selection was made, the doubt will remain , as to how much effort was put into the seeking of candidates in • the four Municipalities. His letter is as follows: Oftimi Immo .1•••1 "This will acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding the appointment of 'Mrs. Whitehead as a trustee to complete the Murray Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morrison of R. R. 1 Lucknow, has been working in Toronto as a salesman with Canad- ian Dressed Meats. Murray is a 1973 graduate of University of Guelph and has been working in Toronto since middle of June. Another son Lloyd has entered his second year. at University of Guelpl in Agriculture and a son Barry is. at Conestoga College , Kitchener in Business Administra- tion. Dale Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter of Lucknow has entered Lainbton College, Sarnia , in his first year Chemical Tech- nology Course. + + + + •+ A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD ON monday, October 1 at 8:30 pie IN LUCKNOW TOWN HALL The meeting will be held to' try and organize.a dub:.,as1 provide informatlim about the Kinsmen Club, 'its auras, tom,: 'nullity involvement. and your involvement as an individual the young men of Lucknow and District are urged toAdefil, and find 'Out how you may be a part of this organization. Met, between the ages of 21 and 40 may become menibers., GUEST S'OEAKERS Bill Stowe, Dunnville, District• 1 Co-ordinator and External Expansion _Chairman Ross 'Wilkie, Harriston, Deputy Governor, Zone B, District .1 The ladies ,and all interested citizens of Lucknow and Dis: trict are urged to come out and hayed any questions answered' concerning the Kinsmen. INSMEN ARE COMING TO LUCKNOW . •