HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-19, Page 24STURDY WORK CLOTHES We .have a good supply of Work Pants - Shirts . Jackets --Overalls Coveralls UIT MARKEI EST PRICES" FOODLAND BONNIE BRAND REAL LOW, LOW PitICE margarine Special '2 Pounds 49 SAICO BRAND 48 OZ. Orange, Juice SAVE I3 Only 2 Tins 8't SAICO BRAND 48 OZ. Grapefruit Juice SAVE I3c Only 2 Tins 85t LEES. 19 OZ. Pineapple Ild-bits KNECHTEL'S TALL. 10 OZ. Instant. Coffee A. MONEY SAVER41 SPECIAL 2 TINS 49( REAL VALUE? Only $1,79 SURF 2 LBS. PRE•PRICE591 Detergent Powder Our Special 49c **** ******************1 VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAOATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22 PHONE LUCKNOW553411, THAT Mary Ann Alton of Trinity' ,4-H Club, Joyce Chamney of Auburn and Valerie Errington of St. Helens were three of twenty girls from Huron County who were . guests of the Western Fair in London.last Friday. THAT a large accumulation of sawdust at the former Lucknow. Sawmill property has 'been burn- ing'in varying degrees over the past several days. It first was noticed last Friday and late Fri- day evening was blazing high. Extremely dry conditions made it a threat to property in that area of town. Firemen ,were on the scene several times on the week end putting water on the" . burning sawdust. Monday morn- ing there were still indications, of the pile burning and it is hop- ed that Monday's rain might be effective in extinguishing the blaze. THE.,LUiRINOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER e...940.04Pdroewsir......Melhes."INPOOOP SEE . . By The Sentinel Cold Weather is coming STOCK UP NOW ON LONG UNDERWEAR We have Stanfields Thermal and Penman 95 and 71 LOOK OVER OUR LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER JACKETS, PARKAS, SKI JACKETS AND JACK SHIRTS ASHTON S MISS MIDWESTERN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Fowler of Blyth and recently was employed in Lucknow at Ashton's Lucknow Ltd; While in LucknOw Bev resided with Mrs. Sadie Ham- ilton. Third place was won by Miss Mildmay, chosen at the recent • Old Boys RetiniOn there. Miss Mildmay is Jane Seifried, 'daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Seifried of R. 5 Mildrnay. Jane, who is 17, is a grade 13' student at Walk-. erton District Secondary SchoOl. For the first time in the contest, the girls choSe "Miss Congenial- ity" froin among themselves. This award was announced and presented on behalf of Lucknow Agricultural Society by John Bruno, a director of the Miss Dominion of Canada contest who has been coming to Lucknow with Miss Dominion of Canada to the Lucknow Fair since 1966. John announced the winner as Miss Drayton, Rosanne Lopers, a grade 13 student at Arthur District High School. Rosanne is 17 and is the daughter of Mri. Doreen Lopers, R. 2 Alma . Other contestants entered in the contest were Miss Atwood Lions Club, Nancy Danbrook; Miss Clinton 'Kinsmen; Joanne Palmer; Miss Chesley, Fall Fair, Margaret MacDonald; Miss Zurich Bean Festival, Sandy Campbell; Miss Clinton Spring Fair, Carrole Weber; Miss Lucknow Fair , Karen Elliott; Miss Walkerton,. Janis Murray; Miss Exeter Derby'Dip, Ann Morrissey; 'Miss Exeter Flowers, Darlene Porter; Miss Kincardine Fair, Sherry Bowes. The first place winner in the contest received $5,0, the second place $25 and the third '$15. Each girl was presented with a gift by Fall Fair' president Omar Brooks. Bob Finlay acted as master of ceremonies'for the beauty con- test and Charles Webster, the chairinan of the event, is respon- sible for the fine show and the large number of entries particip- ating: The judges, as in former years, were Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Geog,- hegan of Hamilton and Miss Dom- inion of C'anada., They spent the day with the girls and had dinner' with them that everting, THAT Beverly' MacDonald of Luckno(v and friend Donna Rowe of Bellwood left Monday to tour Europe.. They flew to Amsterdam, Holland and plan to travel in Europe for about two months.. Beverly, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald of Luck- ' now , graduated with a B.Sc. from Western University in 1972 and last year attended Althouse in London, This past summer , she took Physical Education and • Math courses. She visited the past three weeks with her parents. THAT Captain and Mrs. W. M. Holmes (Lynda Clipperton) and • daughter Jennifer are now resid- ing in Ottawa after a 2 year ex- change tour, in England. Mrs. Holmes is the daughter of Mrs.. Lorna (Reid) Clipperton, former- ly of this community. THAT Mrs. A.. E. McKim of Lucknow and daughter Mrs. Neil Graham of Toronto leave Friday of this week for a bus trip' through the New England States, Boston and Cape Cod. -THAT Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tay- lor returned from a two weeks motor trip to Ft. Meyers, Flor- ida where they visited with their son Ken, his wife and two. boys. Ken has been employed there by. Gilvesey Construction of Tillson- - burg for three months. • THAT Miss Lielia Finlayson of. Lucknow returned recently from a conducted European Tour'. She spent eight day on the continen- tal tour and fourteen days touring Scotland. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Tim Collyer of Wingham left on Friday of last week fof a two week vaca- tion in Hawaii..,, Tim is employed at the Bank of Montreal in Tees- water. THAT Marion Johnstone and June Alton of Lucknow , Joan Irwin and Bonnie B.oyle of Ripley and Barbara Lynn Stanley of Kinloss were among those representing' Bruce 4-H Homemaking Club at Western Fair , London on Fri- day , September 14th. THAT the' Lucknow Boy Scouts could use a bit of an attendance boost to get things rolling for the coming year. At the, opening meeting, there were only five Scouts turned up, four from last year' and one new one. Leaders are Bill,Searle and Gary Koyle and the meetings are held Tues- days at 7.30. • THAT Joan Garrett, 'daughter ,of Rev. and Mrs. George Garrett of Lucknow , was the winner 'of the LucknOW Skating Club "guess the pennies in the jar" contest which was announced at the Lucknow Fall Fair.. Joan guessed $26.90 and was 210 out. The correct number of pennies was $26.69, Visits Here From England Mrs. Ted Amos, the former Mrs,. Sam Chadwick Of the 6th' concession of Kinloss;wasavil or last week in Lucknow at the, home of Mr.' and Mrs. Harveri HousiOn. Mrs. Amos has resided in 14 cashire , England for a numbed years and is accompanied byh'i sister,, Polly, Mrs. B. The ladies are visiting witht110 former's daughter , Pltyllis and) band Rev . lack Bridal and farnil Rexdale , for the month of Sept ember. Mrs. Bridal motored ladies to Lucknow and renewed acquaintances. with 'former hig school friends. . In honor of Mrs. Arnos, t I host and hostgss entertained at luncheon on /Thursday noon al in the a fternoon.and eveningd number of former,neighbourst frielids came for tea. AlsoM e.nt wore friehds from WiOglid, and Wa 1 kerton . They retartiO R:exdale Friday morning. " • " " ter^ TAYLOR - to Mr. and Mrs. Ke ,Taylor of Crampton, Ontario, on Friday ,,August 24th, Meyers Hospital, Florida a SO Aaron Keith, a brother for Idyl WEA'rHERDON - to Mr, and Id Glen Weatherdon (Lynda Game of Kitchener on Saturday ,Sept ember 15th, 1913 , at St, Mal Hospital, a son, Shawn Glen, BY RIVIERA Our' new fall line Of slacks includes 'patterns, checks and plaini; 100% wool LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR Jim and Syke Sutherland LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2126 T HAT 'Barbara Cameron , 13 -year old daughter *of Mr. and. Mrs. Don Cameron 'of LucknoW , has been appointed organist of St. Helens United Church. She suc- ceeds.Cardl Martin of St... Helens. Barbara has been doing !elief work as church organist for about the past year. THAT Roderick Ringel of Walker:- ton won the Saddle in the Rider's Roost Saddle 'Club draw which was held 'at the Fall 'Fair.on Sat- urday. Kenny' Ritchie , son of • Jack Ritchie of Zion, was the high ticket seller for the draw.. Also New FALL SWEATERS BY JANTZEN Pullovers, Carcligans