HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-19, Page 20FROM SUPERSWEET FEEDS A Fine-envy Lead Chain 'mulled WHEN YOU PURCHASE. PERFORM HORSE FEED ENQUIRE•AT JOHNSIONE1 MOBILE FEED SERVICE LUCKNOW, ONT. PHONE 528.3534 UTDOOR-ETHICS THE LITTLE OWL 'vrif "IF YOU REALLY WANT ro GET LoSt,REAP A coivipuyss CLOSE `To METAL. OBXECTS. DEVIATION CAN Br DirSTROUS . EVEN A Ki GWEN KNIFE CAN Tw ow IT oFF zopEGREES: ri "I IT tN THE toTcHEN OUT MOT' ACmty)4:6-- IN THE WCIopt Let your money make, money. Good interest is guaranteed with our 5 year term deposits. (Other terms available). Minimum' deposit $500. 'Call or visit your nearest Sterling Trusts representative:. Mr. Alex MacNay, Miller MacKenzie . Ltd, Box 125, Lucknow, Ontario Ripley, Ontario . Phone: 528-3100 Head Office'.Phone 3954661 372 Bay Street, Toron.to 416.364-7495 years. I have found them to be quite fair and anxious to be as helpful as possible. I have fcr this to be through motivation' er than any political consider tions which might attach,to ih member . With kind personal regards. Yours sincerely, Murray Gaunt, VS Hur9n - Bruce. 4th Annual Fall Colour Tour FROM GODERICH TO LAKE OF BAYS MUSKOKA OCT. 2-3 I PERSONALLY :CONDUCTED BY MAC CAMPBEI, COST INCLUDES Two nights accommodal Transportation by . delis washroom equipped cosh. meals• at the beautiful Corm Resort. '74.90 EACH OF 2 SHARING • • SINGLE ACCOMMODATION UMITED AT EXTRA cosy — — Reserve Throlgh THE COACH. HOUSE' HAMILTON ST. GODERIcH 524-8366 THE LAICKNOVIt SENTINEL, 104KNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, .SEPTEMBER RIPTION TO. LUCKNOW SENTINEL When yOu purchase your wedding invitations from, The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive one year's free subscription (value $6.00) to The Lucknow Sentinel ' TALES THAT HAVE BEEN 'TOLD' by REV. DUNCAN. .menvisH LONDON NO TAIL ON THE SHIRT It was summertime, and I was going from farm to farm as day laborer, performing one of those menial tasks of farm life, but ,one that needs doing.. In those days we stopped around four- thirty in the afternoon for supper, and then went out and worked as long as one could see. • A ten hour day would be deemed a luxury and a forty hour week had never been imagined. We had stopped for suppertime and I made my way to the farmhouse, dirty, and ill smelling from my task... • Visitors had arrived that afternoon, and I was deterrnined I was not going into the house proper .to eat with the, strangers. So I called to the dear old lady, to bring me out a bite in a back kitchen, which in those days we sometimes called a stoop. She was insistent that no hired hand would be, treated that way in her home, but I was just as, insistent that I was not going in. Finally, to clinch my argument I did a most unusual thing. "I can't go in with those folks, I said. It isn't the odOr of my, Gaunt .Replies To . Blyth Editor's Recent.(omments Recent articles printed by The Sentinel concerned an editorial in the Blyth Standard by' editor Keith Roulston questioning why Blyth was not progressing as fast as other area municipalities, in- cluding Lucknow , in the establish- ing of a senior citizens housing 'project iri that community. He suggested the fact that ,"politics" were involved. A reply from Reeve George Joynt of Lucknow explained the steps that had been taken in this community. Mr. Joynt said that politics 'played no part in the mat- ter and that the problem centred around a drainage problem in Blyth. The Blyth editor earlier stated that Blyth.had only an opposition Liberal member of parliament , namely Murray 'Gaunt , working for them. The article prompted Mr. Gaunt to write the enclosed letter , a copy of which is reprint ed. • Parliament Buildings, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario. M7A LA2 August 29th, 1913. Mr.' Keith Roulston, Editor, Blyth Standard, Blyth, Ontario.• Dear Keith: I wanted to 'make some comments. about your editorial which appeared recently in the Blyth paper with respect to Ontar- io Housing COrporation and Blyth's treatment by that Corpora. tion in comparison-to Teeswater and Lucknow Specifically I thought I had' better indicate to you what my understanding of the situation •is.' As 'I recall it. late last Fall it was indicated "to' me that the Council of Blyth was interested 'in having. OHC senior citizen's units built in Blyth. Accordingly I got in ,touch with OHC and .I believe Mr. Darcy Halligan of OHC %lent to • Blyth to discuss the matter with the Reeve. ..However, it was in- dicated to Mr .Halligan that Blyth was pursuing .the possibility of instaling sewers and I, know that there has been some discussion from now on you can boast of one man who did crack his shirt tail while working for you." She laughed a hearty laugh as she took in the situation. And pres- ently she appeared in the "stoop" with a well filled, plate of whole- some food, and. all was well. with the Ministry of Environment -with regard to 'this matter. I • think progress has' been.somewhat slow but , I gather that OHC has suggested, that they would prefer that some form of undertaking be signed by the village to instal sew- ers before, they go any further. My understanding is that is has been made clear that this is not 'a nec- essity 'in order to initiate a survey but , it would be preferable. There is only one instance where OHC has built units in our area where sewers,were not instaled in the Town and that is in Tees- water. The policy of OHC and Central Mortgage Housing Corporation is that only in isolat- ed cases will OHC units be built without 'sewer Jacilities. In the case of Teeswater CMI-ICgave its apprOvaL which is required in order that units be built without sewers because , it felt that the units in Teeswater could be ade - quately handled by a septic tank ' system. In Lucknow, Ripley, . Mildmay and Brussels , all of which do -not have'sewers, sur- veys hiye been done but , that is as 'far as it has gone with the ex- ception of Brussels where proper- ty has been acquired from the Town. HoWever, ,CMHC•approv• al has not been given for that either'and is a major hurdle. So of the Ones I 'mentioned the only one that has gone forward to completion is Te'eswater. In discussing this matter with Mr. Halligan of OHC today he infortins me that OHC is quite prepared to do a survey in Blyth if that is the wish. However, OHC cannot guarantee CMHC approval because each applica 7 tion is judged on its own merits and generally speaking CMHC • has been most Jeluctant to ap- prove these applications where no sewer facilities.are present. Indeed , up until a year or so ago, my understanding is they would not approve,them at all. In the case of Teeswater , initially. CMHC rejected the application but, they were asked to reconsid7 er on additional information and later provided .it, I wanted to bring this informa - tion to your 'attention in the hope it would help clarify the issue you raised in your editorial. As a foot note I may say that in my dealings with Ol'IC over the clothes that keeps me out. have no tail on my shirt," and to prove it I pulled my shirt up from my trousers and showed her what had happened. "You have heard the expression I• am' sure," I said, "get a. move on and crack your shirt tail.' Well that is just what I have done. At least one man has worked for you who has done it lit. er ally as well as figuratively." She looked at me at first in horror. Her sensitive' soul was shocked at my seeming rudeness. Then her senses of humor triumphed and, she laughed. quite heartily.' "How did that happen?" she asked. "It is very simple," I replied". We have had some very. hot' days in the last week or two. The shirt had seen, its best' days and I guess is getting rotten. I have perspired a lot , working out in the heat. Bending over with a fork in my hand, day after day has proven more than the • old shirt could take. The constant perspiration, I guess has hastened the inevitable. There was no loud explosion that. I was aware of. But suddenly I knew some- thing had given away, and I removed the last shreds. •So now you see why I can't go. in. And SterlingTrustsOrporation. Guaranteed Trust. Certifkates.. Tociays. interest rate: