HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-19, Page 10YPS President WHITECHURCH NEWS, Whitechurch Young Peoples Society met Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John de Boer, The scripture and pray- er were taken by Cecil de Boer and D'ougla's' Ross. The election of officers was, held, President , Jim de Boer; Vice President , Douglas Ross; Secretary , Cecil de Boer; Treasurer, Rhonda Gib- son; Social' Conveners, Judy , Jamieson and Kay Wilkens; Press Reporter , Earl Thompson. 'The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Gibson. Earl Thompson and Kay. Wilkens 'be in charge of scripture and prayer. The benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was then served. Mr. E4mrs. S $p W1SE THEIR QUALITY AND SERVICE. IS BEYOND . COMPARE,AT PRICES THAT ARE If RCM. r FAIR' Johostone s Furniture Phone 5284013.1 ••••••••÷,44,44-0444-•-•-•-•-•-•44 PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED.' CHURCH. AT LocHALSH will hold MORNING WORSHIP AT 11 A.M. throughout the Summer, months' • Rev. David Frowner' minister • giving prayer by Mrs. Roy Collins. Others who took part in the program were Miss May Boyle, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. Del- bert Eedley who.gave readings' and Miss Edna Boyle conducted 'a hymn contest. It was learned with regret that the Right Reverend H. F. Apple- yard , Bishop of Georgian Bay is retiring as we looked forward to his yearly visit in our parish, where he began his ministry 44 years ago. • The hymn "Now thank We all, • our God" and prayer closed the meeting and refreshments were served. The courtesy remarks were giv- en and the October hostess will be Mrs. Roy Schneller. This will be a work meeting when a quilt will be quilted for the bale. POINT TO .PONDER Great souls prove their great- ness by making opportunities where others only make com- plaint. GE TEN Guest-Minister REV. RAYMOND LINDSAY of Monkton sPEciAL MUSIC EVERYONE WELCOME r ..'CALVIN UNITED CHURCH ST. HELENS • lokrsary. Services Sunday, September 23rd AT 11 O'CLOCK WILL BE HELD'ON Rev. Karl Sievert Was Guest Speaker At Anniversary THE LUCKNOW LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister SEPTEMBER 23rd 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship SENTONIEV. LUCKNOW. ONTARIO • .X0 do 'Net is... WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Kingsbriclge C Monday , S eptember 10 the' Kingsbridge C. W„L,held Mei monthly meeting in St. Josep Parish Hall with 16 members' one visitor attending. President, Mrs. John,Howao brought the meeting to order i Fr . Dentinger led' in the Pra Leag' er and Prayer of the Anti* Abortion League. • Fr. Dentinger gave the scrip ture reading. Fr, Sullivan wip come for forty hours Octolit 22, and 23. The Pro-Life Mt ing is to be held in Goderich ober 18 at 8.00 p.m. Mrs. Cyril Austin gave the,', treasurer's report, Correspond:; epee consisting of thank you was read by •Mrs. AntoneVai0 Osch. The Deanery meetingii to be held Wednesday, Sel)teq: ber 26 starting at 10.00 a.m.it Kingsbridge Parish Hall, The Church Hall will be cleaned September 25. A donatian .4 be sent to Huronview Ladies' AUxiliary, Mrs. Mark Dalton read at article from the Catholic Re re• Pornography found in Fond'I. Stores. Mrs. Joe Courtney re ed on articles entitled, "Why Catholic Schools Should Be sr• VI/fiat's New • At Huronview ,Several of the residents travel- led by bus to Biyth on Saturday to attend the. 'Threshers Reunion and , all report, a pleasant afternoon. The Christian' Women's Club of South Huron, who • visited the HoMe on the second Sunday even- ing of the manth, held a sang service in the Chapel. The ser- vice was•led by Mrs. Luther of Hensall accompanied at the organ by Mr. Luther. Marie Flynn of Clinton, Mary Taylor, Norman Spier and Jerry Collins provided the music for Monday's activities with vocal solos by Morgan Dalton. Sixty-five residents took advan- tage of a spedial showing of the film. "Sound of Music" at.the Park Theatre in Goderich on Wed- nesday 'afternoon., A great deal of credit is due to the manager Mr. Lyndon and- his staff for their many acts of kindness during the after- noon and in making 'it possible for the folks to see this fine show. Flowers were the theme for the "FaMily Night" program this week sponsdred by the Clinton Horticul- tural Society. Harvey Howard one of the Family Night voltinteets and 'an active member of the soc- iety, was chairman for the even- ing. 'Ted Davies showed' coloured slides taken during a visit to Hol- land as well as giving a very int- eresting commentary: Mr. DaV- ies showed pictures•of the beauti,- fill flowers andithe floral floats at the spring festival. Orie hundred 'corsages were prepared and pres- ented to, the • Residents by members of the society and the junior club. Sev.eral residents with September birthdays, lucky numbers and also over ninety years old 'received bouquets for their looms. ' DUNGANNON' NEWS Anniversary Services were held on Sunday in the Dungannon • United Church at 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. conducted by Rev., Clarence McClenaghan. Rev. Karl Sievert 'from Port Stanley was guest speaker and gave two inspiring sermons:"Man's Rebellion' based on Genesis 11: 1-9. and St. MattheW 18: 15-20, and "Paul's Epistle to Canadians". Read Isaiah 40: 1-11 and 2, Corinthians 5 , verse,11 to. chapter 6 verse two. He and his wife, Heidi, and four 'children were welcomed by, former friends who •enjoyed a visit during the noon luncheon. Special music was beautifully given by the choir under the or- ganist, Karen Riven, at the morning service. In the even- ing the McMillan family olGod- erich brought messages in music and song. Floral arrangements given by Mrs. Ettabelle Bradley in memory Of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Alton, were— much appreciated. Attendance at each service was very good. CGIT Meetings Commence Monday Lucknow C.G.I.T. held its first meeting on Monday evening' aeseven o'clock in the pnited Church Hall; Mrs.' Nichalson led• in three games, Mrs. Nicholls in a sing/song, and Mrs. Cayley led a Worship service -about Feelings using the Simon and Garfunkle. recording of Bridge Over Troubled Water. After ,the opening ceremonies conducted by past president Nancy Warren, a treasurer's repOrt'Was given by past treasurer, Susan Clark. Cathy Jamieson gave a short statement about experience at ,Cainp Council The group decided to sponsor the UNICEF collection at Hallow- e'en. Plans were made for a travelling supper next Monday night , leaving the church at 6.00 p.in. The $2.00 membership fee is due on October 1st at the latest but is payable before that. Plans were discuiSed for movie on•Fri- day evening, September 28th, and Saturday afternoon,' Septemb- er 29th. It was agreed to try to rent Greyfriar's Bobby , the story of a Skye terrier in,Scotland. Letters from our Foster Child in 'Peru were read. It was decided to hold the elec- tion of officers next week after the 'travelling supper. The wear ing of middies except for -slacks on the last. Monday night of each month was discussed. The sug- gestion was made that we do a TV show ab,out C.G.I.T..on Singtiine, the United Church TV shOW. Several bashful giggles were the only response to this suggestion. The meeting closed , with Taps at 8..30: Supported" and "Religion in Schools" found in the Registei;. The League members and Fr,: Dentinger and Br. Carl Vollia been invited to Mr, and bly 'Leo Cosinke'i Wednesday* ember 12, Mrs. . Eugene Frayne read letter from our•DiocesanDke Fr. Spencer urging members'M attend the Deanery meeting;,; roll was 'called by Mrs, Fray Mrs. Howard read a letter Alliance for Life re the Arresp of Dr. Henry Morgentaler, letter asked us as League mem bets to write to the arrestingn er and to the. Minister of1ustfe, using him to not drop the char against this man who must h( held responsible for his illegi1 acts. The League are putting on. Antique Display at LticknowF Fr. Dentinger in his tnessap urged us to bring a spiritualut lift to our families and friends' "Mrs. Cyril AuStin movedM the meeting be adjourned. Dentinger led in. Prayer. Du lunch the Mystery Gift Was by Mrs. Joe. Courtney. • Lucknow Piesbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23rd -10 Win. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship The Centennial Book is available at. The Lucknow Sentinel, Fish- er's Barber Shop and from Mrs. Ena Henderson. , LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort 'Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, • 1st Sunday of the omonth) VISITORS WELCOME KinloUgh ACW KINLOUGH. NEWS • Mrs. Gertrude Walsh 'was hostess for the Angliean Church Women at her home on Thursday afternoon and presided for the' meeting,. be-1 ginning with the "Harvest Euchar- ist" from the Liiing Message: The hymn "We plough the fields and scatter" was sung and, Mrs. Ronald Thacker read the scripture. The members prayer, the Prayer partners prayer and the Lord's prayer were all repeated in unison. Mrs. Jack Scott gave a well prepared paper on the theme of Harvest 'for the meditation. Mrs, Midford Wall read the com- munications and thank you. notes. All of the ladies answered the roll call with the word, "Harvest':, Mrs. Walsh told of the pleasure she had' While visiting in Saskat- chewan to have a telephone conversation with our Prayer part- ners• Rev. and Mrs. George Hon- Ai this was a devotional • meeting all enjoyed the program prepared by the conveners Mrs. Roy Schneller and Mrs. Roy Col- lins. Mrs. Schrreller began with thoughts of Harvest time and also the origin of the hymn "All the way my Saviour leads me" and all joined in singing the hymn and also a reading Labour Day is past , concluding with a prayer, "The Lord of the harvest", "A Bible Quizz" arid a Thanks- LOVE'S somn LAST to,1 Y.111 GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whether It's a MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You ere rememeerie9 I food 011 LET T. PRYDE & SON LTD. HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REOUIRION111 7 18Grr°"141C14 Don DONOMMO - 524 4761 ••