HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-19, Page 9 REYNOLDS SflNflN IIIIIES Os N. S. • S. "OA %N.% N. %N. Se • %. \ N. Ith. se S. %. N. N., N. 'hk, N. N. N. Nkk 116 •400.04. EspAY, SEPTEMBER.. 913: yd Huston Is w President Of cDonald - Moore August 31, a very enjoyable ng was held at Reids Corners to celebrate the McDonald - e Clan Reunion, and a very turnout, deapite the hot and d weather, wag there. rray McDonald and•gitest Ettue from Stratford.wel- ed the clan by playing the outside the hall. They played a few numbers at time in the hall. , yds' Orchestra and membeis e clan provided modern and ime music fora the evening Chester Ernmerton he squares. lunch time Vice-President d Huston frOm Toronto very by_took the business part of rogramme in the absence of dent John McDonald who 'is the Wingham Hospital. Huston expressed that the e clan sends: their best wishes: O ROVVNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO eltiVEinv oritEAThe FRI:, SAT., SUN.—September 21. 22, 23 Whattlid happen on .2...I'LL the Cahnlawassee River? • • A JOHN 500NMAN FILM • SIarrinq JON VOIGHT • BURT REYNOLDS PAI4k/1810N0 TECHNICOLOR • 'From Warner Bros . A Warner Comrnunicaitons Company • IENINNESECRETOTTHE eon ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RESTRICTE D IO II MIT 0111 4S RI 0111 OPENS 'AT 8:00 SHOWS .START 'AT ,DUSK 'SAN 116•1040400.146‘`," \\‘'.00•••••••••••\ ••••••••••••••••••••N`0%. "TINIVIENT fri. 21 ut. 22 SATURDAY 110101 purinnuin mminu a m30 On ATINEE u 1:. , • N., MON., TUES., WED.. TWEE.: ONE SNOWING ONLY P.M. FRI. SAT, 2 SHOWINGS 1:30 - 0;15 AN ANDREW L. STONE PRODUCTION PANAVISIONO METROCOLOR. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW4 ONTARIO ,PAGE. LYCEUM THEAT RE WINGHANI ONTARIO PHONE /5 '630 WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 19, 20, 21, 22 ' Daily 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. Saturday Matinee 2:00 P.M. "He's just about the nicest guy you never scxwr MOM JOINE$ tosibk WHIAJ GOT in HeRe. INS inViset,e.., BLIT ROW I'M VisiaeL. SUN., NON., SEPT. 23, 24, 25 One Showing Daily at '7:15 P.M. VINCENT' PRICE Area Students / Commence Studies SOUTH KINLOSS Miss Betty Colwell began her studies at Althouse Teachers' College this past week. • Rod MacKenzie entered his fourth •year at Western.. University Brian Keith is 'back to Humber College ,for :his second year and Brenda Ritchie starts her first year at Centralia this week. Miss Eileen Burt' of London has had two weeks vacation at, the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burt. Mr. and Mrs ! Johnny'Rosa (Kathy Sparks) of Anderson, Ohio who have been taking' part in the Quinton J. Everest Crusade at Auburn this past week, contribut- ed musical' numbers at the South Kinloss Presbyterian church ser- vice on Sunday morning. The October meeting of Kair.7 shea W. I. is planned for Thurs- day , September, 20 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ira Dickie. Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, District President , will be guest speaker and Mrs. George Young will give tips on tailoring from the course she had 'recently. 13est wishes of all go to Mr. and Mrs. W. G.. Reed on their 60th wedding anniversary. GODERICH to John. Lloyd 'then called on the Sec- retary-Treasurer Murray Hender- son to, read the minutes of the last meeting. 1973 was the year of electing new officers. Our new President is Lloyd Huston' from Toronto, Vice-President , George McDonald from Wiarton 'and Secretary-Treasurer Murray HenderSon, Lucknow., Prizes were given out for the following: Youngest girl, Renee McDonald; Youngest boy, Alex Boyd;'01dest couple with ages added ,together, Mr. and Mrs. John McMitrChy; Lucky chair, Mrs. John Ferguson; Grandfather with most grandchildren present, Bert McDonald;' Driver with the most passengers in the car , Elwin Pollock; Farthest dist- ance , Mrs. 'Harvey Steele, Livon• is , Mich.; Newest car, George McDonald , Wiarton; Largest fam ily present, Bert 'McDonald. 'The births arid deaths in the last year were given by Bob Court- ney and a minute's silence was ob- served-. The chairs were then moved . back and dancing resurned until the small hours of the night, THE GREATEST TRIPLE-BILL EVER! Sally Kellerman DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOUtt • Area Students Commence tudies DUNGANNON NEWS Peggie Young, daughter of Mr. and Mr\s. Torn Young on Monday began a two' year course in Dom- estic Science at Centralia. Shelley Alton is a student at Western University in London, taking a natural science course. Good Luck! ' Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Spar.ks froth Southampton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Watt and daughter , Carol, froth Detroit and Mr'. and Mrs, Glen Olson from Goderich were guests at a birthday, dinner for the latter, (Cathy), at the home of ,Mr. ,and and Mrs. Freeman Olson on Sun- 'day Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fowler from Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers visfted:on Friday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Fowler. On Saturday the U.c .w. cit;- ered to .the Culbert-Young wed- ding. The community extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Culbert (nee Linda • Young). They will be living on the 4th concession of Ashfield DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY .8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524 9981 Township on the former Petrie farm. The friends in this community wish to extend congratulations and best wishes to,Mi.' and Mrs. Thomas Webster on the, occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. on Wednesday , September 19th. Jim Orr of•London spent 'the week end with his mother Mrs. Wm. Orr and Robert and attended Lucknow Fair on Saturday. Miss Lori Purdon spent the week end With her friend Miss D. Mac- Donald of St. Helens. Miss Ruth Elliott returned to Centralia College on Monday to resume her studies. • • Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Stewart and family Of Lamhe,th were Sun-7 day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • Walter Elliott and family. Miss Joann Laidlaw of Goderich visited Monday and Tuesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr, and Mrs. ROnald Beecroft and. family of Wingham were Sunday visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs.. E. W. Beecroft. Miss Jane Laidlaw , who enter- ed School of Nursing •at Victoria Hospital on September 5 spent the week end with her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. -$ .• • ......,, .. oil • KINCARDINE ' ...,:-1.- ...-...., 4.-_-___ , Beach. ' it/ .i..i. ...., • .--,- .ciwgsi.- -, i - ..,, '1,,- . ; •Boiler ........... _.,„.-;„,,.. ..., .1p. o., - . . . • The Films CANNIBAL GIRLS and . MO'ONLI'GHTING MISTRESS • has been held over in Winnipeg' . in :their Plate* . . . . FRI.-SAT.-SUN. SEPT. 21-22-23 ... THE INITIATION There is the lane and the place i n eythoung „„,,,,.,„,,„, ,..,,„i.,,,,,,,,,,„ r•,, NE ,J1Af • ai. . tX3 . S 442,,SUSIIII y y gals Pre' -...- e Ens again : ',DUI Mr . ' ' f,asclite Petrf • Mike Manihiki'. .. ' . .