HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-19, Page 1S
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'jects. Fund was announced,, appli-
cation was made by the village
of Lucknow for assistance i,n the
completion of the district' medic-
al centre.
Confirmation of the local
approval was received on Tuesday
of this, week from D. Parsons,
Municipal Subsidies Branch, fleas
ury and Economics.
The project approval for the
Lucknow Nledical Centre was for
a total expenditure of 890,000:
On this project, labour costs from
the 1st of June to the end of Nov-
ember will receive a 50%, subsidy
and labour costs in the winter
months, from December 1 to May
31, will receive a 10010 subsidy.
• The .project is a Federal- •
Provincial orie ,and with provincial
approval now received , it is ex-
pected that the fede,ral approval
will be forthcoming within:a
.:.-ouple of weeps. •
Teeswater.AreaGirl, Lorie Ritchie
-Is Nary Azi Miss Midwestern Ontario
Single Copy 1Sc
Spent Nine Days
On Tour To Russia
Misses. Lena Robinson and Ruth
Thompson•of Luc know , Ruth's sis-
terMiss Margaret Thompson of
Toronto and Lena's friend Miss
Lila Youngblut Of Goderich return-
ed. September .11th from a nine day
holiday to Russia.
The conducted tour was through
the Registered Nurses Assoclation ,
of Ontario and was arranged by
Professional Seminar consultants
at Ottawa.
Principal cities visited were
Nloscow and Leningrad with a
five hour stop-over on the return
trip at Amsterdam, Holland.
Loses Finger In
Farm Accident
Wayne R. Redmond, who resid-
es with his mother .Mrs. Mary Red-
Shoot Wolf In
St. Helens Ares
Rick Humphrey of St. Helens
shot a wolf on the road , just north
of St. Helens, on Saturday even-
The animal was first noticed by
Sally Dorscht in the area around
Todds farm as Sally was going to
the store•at St. Helens. She re-
turned to the scene with her uncle
and they later went to Rick Hum-
phrey's. •
Rick eventually spotted the
animal on the roadway near the
residence Of Art Woodcock. At
first believing it' to be a rabid
fox, it was shot and later found
to be a wolf.
There were porcupine quills
in its mouth. Police were notif-
ied and the wolf is being checked
out for rabies , the results Of
which were not available at time
of writing.
09 A Tear In Advent. -",;2.00 Extre To U.S.A.
24 Pages . •
Fair weather on Fair/day con-
tinues to be ,a habit with Lucknow
Agricultural Society.' The 108th,
annual 'event was held on Friday
and Saturday Of last week and it
proved to be one of the better
fairs held in the village. Luck-
now seems to have'a monopoly on
good weather Fair days. Satur-
day was warm and sunny. for the
first part of the day during the
parade and opening ceremonies.
The sun .did gain. and the wind
became cool later in the day,
but, nothing to affect anything at
the Fair except , possibly the
baby contest where some shelter
from the wind would have been
welcome for the mothers, small
babies and judges.
Ritchie, 19, pictured on
t, daughter of Mrs. Alvin
of R.' R. 2 Teeswater is
Miss Midwestern Ontario.
s chosen from among 14
ants at the Lucktiow Fall
Saturday. Lorie represent-.
owel where she was named
towel Fall Fair. She is a
consultant with a Listowel
,Agency. She fOrmerly
d F. E. Madill 'Secondary
was crowned on 'Sat tirda
"by, Miss Dominion of
, Deborah Ducharme of
t, Ontario, whO is pictur-
e left.
,new Miss Midwestern Ont-
isthe right to enter the Miss
'ion of Canada contest in
is Falls next summer.
!1(1 Phce winner in the com-
hwas Bev Fowler, 21, of
rho was Miss Blyth Lions.
the daughter of Mrs. Violet
oval has been received by
lage of Lucknow frbm the
:e of Ontario under the
Capital Projects Fund for Ice in construction of the
:ornmunity Health Centre.'
et discussions with neigh-
Municipalities had reach-
stage where final plans had
nnpleted by the architect gris for the new medical
Ithe Winter Capital. Pro-.
Writ Filed Against Village By Transport
Co. Whose Truck Went Through Bridge,
Council Discuss Repair To Pool
the "Flax Mill bridge" in Lucknow
Lucknow concerning ;the Johnston
Transport truck which collapsed
just over a year ago. The truck
been issued against the village of
A Bruce Comity COurt Writ has
.postings as to load requirements.
the bridge was not in adequate
repair to withstand the weight of
the vehicle and that there were no
hands of the village insurance .
•'The mafier is presently in the
company. was extensively damaged and
much of the load of grain was
stating that they were holding the
village responsible for the damage
from State Farm Insurance im-
mediately after the accident hap-
to John W. Johnston's 1966 'Mack
pened, • in SeptenTher, of 1972,
truck and Freuhauf semi trailer.
The:village received a letter,
September meeting 'of Lucknow
estimate presented by the Contract,
Home. The estimate of $1500
Village Council included an
ing firm presently building the
new Pinecrest Manor Nursing ,
Other buSiness discuSsed at the
The insurance company stated
that it was their contention that CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
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Approve Assistance For
Medical Centre Project
Couple Mark 60th Wedding Anniversary
At Weekend Gathering In Lucknow,
Area Residents For Their Entire Lives
A popular and highly respected
Couple of the Lucknmit district, ,
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reed ,
observed their 60th wedding
.anniversary on Monday , Septem-
ber 17th.
Open. House was held at the
Anglican Parish Hall, Lucknow on
Saturday, September 15th both
afternoon and evening, when a
large •number of friends called to
extend congratulations and best
Mrs. Reed is the former Debbie
Webster. The couple were mar-
ried sixty years ago at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D4 K. Webster. The cere=
mony was performed by Rev. Mc-
Kinley of Lucknow Methodist