HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-12, Page 22achers And Registration Figures At Area Schools GENERAL STORE anes Phone 529.72 Wilson; Special Education,, Mrs.. Wm. Ferguson; Fretich, Sam Larracia; Music, !Ors. Dunc Simpson; Principal, Clem Steffler. BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL Enrollment at Brookside was 402, down from 418 in June. Teachers are: Kindergarten, Mrs. Grant Farrish; Grade 1, Mrs. Murray Wilion; Grade 2, Miss Shirley Norman; Grade 8, Mrs, jack Aitchison; Grade 3 - 4, Mrs. Ken Scott; Grade 4, Mrs. Teade Bakker; Grade 5, Mr. Ross Erring- tonrGrade 5 - 6, Greg Hazlitt; Grade 6, Charles Liddle; Grade 7 ,*.Mrs. Lloyd Graham; Grade 7, Arthur Finlayson; Grade 8, Mrs. Gordon ,Anderson; Grade 8, Don Cameron; French, Mrs, Bill Chis- holm; Special Education, Mrs'. Mary Bere; Librarian; -Mrs. How- ard Blake; Principal, Wm. Black. New 4001iment In, Elementary School Edipcption..htRipley, Grades -7 & 8 n • - • Attending Ripley. District HigkSchool. I 1 1111 i I I1 I „ : hui,rrl isr Nek. oar 1 ;Simplicity THE HOME LAUNDRY SPECIALISTS PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOV LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEP3EANER1 TWINTY.1WO R.R. 7 Linickno Teacheri are: Kindergarten, Mrs. Latry,Park; Grade 1 -2, Miss Nancy-Andersan; Grade 3, Mrs. Paul Eedy; Grade 4, Mrs. John Scheardown; brade 5 - 6, ,Mis. Donald Frayne,:(Principal's re- ' lief); Grade 6 '7, Mrs. Tom Ho- : gait; Grade 1 - 8,, Mrs.' Delbert .W6aslOW CENTRAL PUBLIC • SCHOOL Opening day ,enrollrnent,•at LuoknoW, Cenual Public School • was 314, up: four fronflast year. The teachers and their grades and'suhjects are:. Kindergarten, Mrs. Lloyd • Hall; • Grade 2,, Mrs. Robert Camp- * bell; Grade 3 -4. Mrs. Don Bell; Grade 4 - 5. Mrs. Charles Liddle; • Grade 6A, Mrs. Norman Taylor;• Grade 6B, Mrs. Jeff' McMurray; Grade'7, Wm. McKeon; Grade 7 - 8, Mrs. Ken Wheeler; Grade 8, Mrs. Jack Pisher; Special Edu- cation, Fred Flanagan; Industrial Arts, Gordon Cayley; Home Econ- omics, 'Mrs. Alvin Robb; Half- Time Librarian, Mrs. J. Inwood; Principal, Stuart ST. JOSEPH'S - KINGSBRIDGE , Enrollment at Kingsbridge is VU, down lo from last September. KINLOSS CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Opening registratioh was 108 as compared with 109 last year. Teachers are: Grade 1 - 2, Mrs". Harold Elphick; Grade 2 - 3 , Mrs. Rod MacDonald, principal; Grade 4, Mrs. Gerald Murray; Grade 5," Mrs. Ed Hodgins. Heather MacKenzie and Ruth Graham returned to their homes this past week from sumkrier em- ployment at Canadian Keswick. Ruth is back to classes at F. E., Madill and Heatkerlaegins her second year at MacMaster Univer- sity this M,onday. Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Buckton Of Forest visited on September 2 with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hetb Buckton before leaving last week for a holiday in England and Scotla,nd. „ Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton SOUTH. •KINLOSS VIVA. TOWELS, Ass't., 2's JAVEXtIQUID.BLEACH, 64 oz. _ ,,,,, ... .... MAITRE D INSTANT COFFEE, 10 oz...,*4 visited for a few days reef . , with Miss Betty liamiltonkil ara Falls. .` Anne and Jamie Grahame panied their uncle Rennie from Toronto for the weep,* Jamie begins work with a. Welding Company in Tomii0 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. are visiting friends in:prif this week end. - Denver Dickie is attendiiii) S A . E. COnference in h110 kee Wisconsin this wee Linda Sparks has beenJialtei holiday from the Consetyttcp Music Toronto, withlietf# Mr. and Mrs. LorneSplif • A riew expetiment.in education has taken place in Ripley this Fall with the transfer of element- ary school students ,to classes in ' the Ripley 'District High School. Total enrolment in the second- ary level at Ripley District High School is.88 students with 94 stud- ents in grades 7' and 8, in three classes, .also attending the second• ary school in Ripley under 'a new experiment for this part of the, province. The seconclary level is follow - ing a semester system timetable meaning that a student would take one-half his course until. January and the other half after January. RIPLEY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Teachers at the Ripley District High School, and their subjects taught are: - William_ Turvill, Principal, Psychology 41, Secondary Guid- ance, Grade 8 Geography, Grade 8 Guidance; Edward Brown, Phys- ical Education 21 and 31, 'English •22 and 51, Guidance 11 and Librar. ian; Mrs. Barbara Burgess, History 11, 21, 31 and 41 and Geography. Grade 7:8; Reuben Burnett, Eng- lish 21, 31, and 41, 'Geography 11,, 21, 31, '41; and 51; Mrs. Kather- ine Collins, French 11, 21, 31, 41, and 51, English 11, French Grade 8 Douglas Coultes, Math- ematics 11, 21, 31, 41 and 51, Ec- onomics 31;' Samuel Malhotra , Science 11 and 21, Chemistry 41 and 51, Physics---51and. Biology 51; Floyd'. Stanley, Physical Education 41, Grade 7, 7:8 and 8; George Armstrong, History 51, Language 7:8, Math 7:8, Geography 7 (2nd , semester),, and Literature 8. (1st semester);' Mrs. Helen'Henderson, Science 7, 7:8, and 8, Spelling 7, Math' 7 , Language 7, Literature 7 , Geography 7 (1st semester)., Lit- erature'8 (2nd semester); Mrs. Isabel Martyn, Spelling 7:8 and 8, History 7, 7:8 and 8', Math,8, Language 8 and Guidance .7; Terry Kummer, Art 7, 7:8 and 8; Gary McLay,, 'French 7 and 7:8;' Miss' , Jean Campbell, Music 7, 7:8 and RIPLEY-HURON CENTRAL SCHOOL The enrolment at . Ripley-Huron. Central School, including the students from. Pine River Central which has closed and the students are now attending Ripley-Huron, is 274., Ripley-HOron has lost its grade 7 and 8 classes to the Ripley District High School as mentioned earlier in this article.- Without this change, Ripley-Huron would , have seen a record enrolment this year. Teachers and their grades are: Kindergarten, Mrs. Bill' Elliott; ' Grade 1, Mrs. 'David MacKenzie; Grade 1 - 2, Miss Elaine Ellis; Grade 2, Mrs.- Doug MacDonald; Grade 3,. Mrs.' Homer Devitt; Grade 4, Mrs. Bill Peterbaugh; Grade 4 - 5, Mrs. Len Huston; , Grade 5 - 6, Bob O' Donohue; Grade 6, Terry Kummer; Special Edncation, George Armstrong, vice principal; Physical Education, Floyd Stanley, principal. 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