HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-12, Page 16Married In elensUititedChutch
Having discontinued my own business I wish
to extend ,my thanks to the many customers who
have favored me with their patronage over' the
years I have been• in business ,in Plumbing, Heat-
ing, Electric Wiring and . associated services in
Lucknow and area.
I would be pleased if, you would continue the
same courtesy to the Lucknow District Cooper-
' ative with whom I am now associated and' I trust
we can continue to provide prompt and satisfact-
ory service.
11 A.M. - 2 A.M.
Our New :Fall Hun
- Photo by Snyder
The 'marriage of Sharon Louise
Jamieson; daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Jamieson, R. R. 2 Luck-
now and Daniel Richard Montgom-
ery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Montgomery of Wingham, took
place in St. Helens United Church
at 3 o'clock Saturday, August
25th. The church was decorated
with pink mums and white daisies
in lighted candelabra. Rev. J. ,
Hummel 9fficated at the double,
ring ceremony.
Given 'in marriage by 'her father,
the bride chose a full-length
gown 'of white silk crystelette
with full Bishop sleeves, high Vic-
torian neckline, empire waist.
scalloped bibbed front„ frill all
around bottom of dress and small
white daisies all over dress. She
wore a jewel-style headpiece
trimmed with ribbon lace and
"pearl trim. -Her long rounded -
cathedral train was aLo trimmed
around edge with tiny white dais-
ies. The bride's flowers were tiny
red roses.
Matron of honour was Miss Car-
ol Webster of London, a friend of
the bride.
Bridesmaids were Miss Barb
Montgomery, Wingham, sister
pf the groom and Miss Marlene
Jamieson, Wallaceburg, cousin
of the bride.
They were all dressed in iden-
tical gowns of turquoise with .
bodice and cuff of long sleeves
in white lace and square scallop-
ed neckline with trim of turquoise
ribbon through white lace. They
wore white lacy picture hats
August 1973'
By Andrew. Muir
In reporting the ,news for Aug-
ust , first let us congratulate Jos ,,
eph Ditner on winning 2nd prize
for one of the hand braided mats
he exhibited at the C,N,g
On AngUst. 8th, 36 of the resid-
ents and several. members' of
Staff took a bus trip, arranged
Mostly by the resident council and.
paid fot by•the residents who went`
on the trip , to 8unny. Valley
Wildlife 'Farm neat Owen Sound.
As the day was ,hot and the trail •
.tosee.all.the animals quite leng-'
thy , some of us could not .make it
all the way around. But it was. a
pleasant outing -though the meth- .
bers of the staff .must have found
it hot and tiring pushing wheel
Chairs around the uneven trails.
But they did it willingly .and .
Cheerfully.. • •
• On the afternoon of August 10th
quite a large group' of preschool.
i children .froM "Tot Lots." put on..
an interesting performance. of ..
action songs for which we wish to .
thank them*.
Then on August 14th we had our
monthly birthday party' for yhich
the Whitechurch W.I. provided '
the entertainment. Miss' Wilson
occupied the- chair and'i regret I
did not get the name of the lady
who played the piano. Four
young lassies sang several songs a
and Mrs. Emmerton gave several
readings. We also had -
some community singing. Mr. Ed
Walker then showed a large num-
ber of ,pictures on the screen
which he had taken mostly while
travelling in Western Canada
and England and Scotland. Re-
freshments' were', then .sery ed and
gifts presented, to those -
having 'a birthday in August
follows: Mrs, Margretta Thomp-
son, Mrs. Ann Wall, Mrs. Lottie
Shelton, Mrs. Annie Marshall,
Mrs. Pearl Dimond, Mrs. Mary
Ann Setley, MrsT-Ethel .Cruic k-
shank, Mrs. Henrietta Whyte, Mrs
Ann Galliher, Frank Lang, Ar-
thur Sheane, Roy Caslick, Andrew
Muir, Simon Lambertus, Robert
Stewart, George Keip and Joseph
Westenhoffei. • •
011 August 15th we had the .
annual barbeque supper on the
east lawn outside the auditorium
as.the weather was quite favour-
able. We suspect chat if the cul-
inary skilL'Of Messrs. Thompson,
Moore and Hesch and the cater-
ing abilities of the Women's Aux-
iliary were more widely known •
they might have been •
commandeered' to cater for some
event during the recent Royal visit
to Canada.'After the feast was
over and things cleared away the,
sounds'of revelry filled the' audi-
torium as youth' and beauty tried ,
without much success, to assist
age and 'infirmity to trip the.
light fantastic to the strains of
modern music freely provided by
"'Crain" a quartette of young
musicians who have just recently
organiied. Youth also provided
a "Rapid Transit" dande for
many in wheel chairs. It must
have'been a unique and reveal-
ing experience for some of the
senior residents to get an insight
into modern entertainment even
if their ears did ring for the rest
of the night.
' Another event which was enjoy-
ed by quite a number of residents
was the pancake lunch in the Mild.
may Community Park on August
22nd. It speaks well for the
brand of mix used and the skill of
the cooks that we have not heard
of any ill effects from the num-
and 0,C„. which she had taken
a recent trip. In closing we'en': joyed a 'treat of ice creti n at
pear from a box full Mrs. mea ' s,
had brought in,
Only one service was held
Chapel in August, that by the Gil eon's Camp of f-lanover,
One resident died during the
month, Mrs: Abbie Ferris who 1; passed away on August 9th, 1:
The following have come to
reside with us during August,
Wesley Abell, Mrs, Ann Gallih
Wm . Wehen.kel,' Miss Meryl Si gI art , Miss Emma .McCluskey,
Gertrude Orbright, Mrs, Laura
Reinhart , John Schwartz and qi
elius Zettler.
We are pleased that Or, Rob to Son was able to come to our loch hospital from Victoria Hospital';
in. London where he had been
patient for some months, and to
have a short visit from himt0
Brucelea Haven to meet fame
patients and staff. We sincerely
wish him continued impiovemei)
in health and mobility.
In closing we would, like tot'
press our appreciation to the pa"!
sonnel of "Experience 73", Gin;
nie Gunri and Judy MacDuffint',
their throughtful helpfulnesian
maturity, of mind and
deportment. Yes and that apply
also the the many youngpeople;
who have been assisting in the 4:
various', duties in the Haven dun
the holiday season.
Having a Party?'
Let us supply you with
our delicious
'Just let us know in .will rYthing (1°1
Fadvraniceeanddwe sCusuhjecve ken
strcks napkins to drum
OAOS Soaves
trimmed with matching ribbon
and carried baskets of pink mums
and white daisies. They also
wore pearldropneCklaces, gifts
of the bride.
Groomsman was Bill Montgom
ery of Wirigham, brother of the •
Ushers were Terry Jamieson,
R. R. 2 Lucknow , brother of the
bride and Wayne Irvine of Wing-
ham friend of the groom. They
all were dressed in black
Jim Robertson of London was
organist.' Soloist was' Mrs. Bud
Wyles of Sarnia.
The bride's mother wore a full'
length dress of lilac polyester
crepe with: long sheer sleeves and
beaded trim and 'corsage of yel-
low and 'white mums.
The groom's mother wore a
sleeveless full length dress of ,
deep pink polyester crepe with
beaded'trim and &corsage of 'pink
and white mums.
A reception and dinner were
held at the. Lucknow Anglican
Hall and 'a dance followed in
Wingham Legion Hall. -
For travelling the bride chose a
navy plaid dress with white collar
and cuffs and black accessories.
She, also wore a silver locket, a
gift' of the,groorn.
Following a wedding trip to
Northern Ontario and Niagara
Falls the couple will reside in
Wingham' where the groom is
employed at N. D. Cameron
Wholesale in Wingham. The
bride is a secretary for X-ray
technician in Wingham Hospital.
bers consumed by some of the par-
takers.. Our thanks to swim mem.
bets of the Ladies 'Auxiliary to '
and the Crafts Department and
some members of the Staff who a
assisted and, especially to "Exper-
ience 73" Miss Judy MacDuff and
Ginnie. Gunn, whose brain child I
believe it was, and who along
with the assistance of: Mr. Moore,
developed it into a. very pleasant
outing. '
The final social event of the
month was provided by the Solway
W.I. on August 30th. 'With Mrs.
Cook in the thairiand Mrs. Fen-
nell at the piano'We'enjoyed a
period of community singing.
Other items on the program were
piano solos by Heidi Sc,hnurr and
K. Richardson. Accordian solos
by Angela Faber and Darlene .
Baetz. Amazing was the skill at
Baton Twilling by members of
Hanover Highlight Majorettes with
Miss Suan Logic, teacher. First ,
a' duet by Connie Brill and Dar- •
lene Baetz and'solos by D. Baetz--;
Valorie Thaw and teacher Miss S.
Logie. A very amusing skit or
dialogue was put on by Mrs. Bert
Caslick and Mrs. Wm. Ostendorff.
A game in which whoever held a
passing article in their hand when
the music stopped was given a
prize, was then played. Mrs.
Caslick then showed pictures on
the screen, mostly of Alberta