HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-12, Page 15lEsDAY.g. SEPtEMOIER 12, 1973 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO vENDOME TEL TEESWATER <1 <1 <1 <1 0 0 <1 0 0 0 <1 <1 <1 0 0 <1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 11 <1 Go , 000•0 ENTERTAINMENT &. DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 AND 15 Stringdusters • islam.101101.11111.11111.111.1111111111k . his Week In Ripley PAGE PIPTIOIN News From Huronview MINISTRY OF REVENUE GREY-BRUCE ASSESSMENT OFFICE (REGION NO. 25) 345 EIGHTH STREET "EAST, BOX 670, OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO TELEPHONE NUMBER 371-1121 ZENITH 64220 ASSESSMENT NOTICES for 1973 on which' taxation in 1974 will be levied will be mailed on or before September 14, 1973,1n all municipalities within the County of Bruce The assessment' roll may be examined' and discussed with' an- assessor at the above office from September 17th to October 15th, 1973, between the hotws of 8:30 A.M. to 4:45 P.M., Monday through Friday.. THE LAST' DAY FOR .MAILING AN APPEAL AGAINST AN ASSESSMENT IS OCTOBER 15th, 1973: The assessment roll will be available for inspection during office houre at the office 'of the Municipal Clerks after October /1st. THE ABOVE INFORMATION APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPALITIES The Township of Albemarle Amabel Arran Brant Bruce Carrick Culross Eastnor Elderslie Greenock Huron Kincardine Kinloss Lindsay • St. Edmunds Saugeen J. R., COSTELLO, Regional Assessment Commissioner Assmosioi r The Town of Chesley Kincardine Port Elgin Sduthampton Walkerton Wiarton The Village of Hepworth Lion's Head Lucknow Vildmay Paisley Ripley Tara Teeswater Tiverton Miss Joyce Elliott of concession 10 east in Huron Township is the new clerk assisting Mrs. Grace Murray in the Lawri James Groc- ery store on main street. S. ' .On Monday afternoon of last week, as' soon as the railway strike was over, a freight train appeared in Ripley. It had sever- al cars, leaving a couple here ane taking away two grain cars., from the lads Treleaven,elevator here. Later in the week, 'men were working 'one the siding lead- ing to the elevator.. West Wgworiosh Council MitMes. BY AB WYLDS a Wednesday of last week, nan Schmidt of Walkerton and dy14s.toured up and down the ession roads of this district, ing the corn fields entered in local field crop competition. otaltere were 26 !nding from the South. Line of sardine Township to the second cession of 'Huron.. 'he farmers of the Olivet- oky HolloW section ,•.for the .. and consecutive year , led the npetition. For the best cob n Gordon Roulston scored 93 nts out 01100, followed by oald MacTavish with'92. Then Ing the tenth concession it s Francis Boyle 91 and . Donald icKay 90. In the ensilage corn- tition the top standing was versed with Donald MacTav- '93 and Gordon Rotilston 92. ien back to the tenth again th Gordon Patterson 91 and Ran"- lityle 90. ers with good fields inclUd- Hugh Mason, Morley Scott, . C. MacDonald,' Eugene and idon Bridge, Mike Snobelen, il Danforth, BilLand Bob Scott , 01Snuon, Mel and Wallace limit. Even those scoring less 0180 points had good yields of in. * Incidentally for those' away frorr S area , corn harvesting for en- ge, or in' other words silo ling, 'is underway. The farmers taking advantage of the dry. editions Oitions in the fields to get on ih this work. Corn harvesting, .ehines And large boX-like en ,•• ge wagons hauled by tractors. common sight on the roads corn cutting crews move from to farm. • West Wawanosh Township Council met in regular session on Tuesday September 4th at the Hall. All members were in atten- -dance and Reeve Lyons presided. The minutes bf the August meeting were read and adopted on motion .of Councillors Hickey and Foran. • Three tenders, 'to load and haul approximately 10,000 cubic yards of "B" gravel, received by the Road Superintendent, were Opened at this time. A motion by Coun- cillor Rutherford, seconded by COuncillor Durnin accepted the tender of Don HUnking, Clinton, at,37¢ per cu. yd. Applications received by the Clerk for the position of Dump Superintendent were then opened. On Motion of Councillors Foran and Durnin, Council accepted, the application of James Devereaux for a probationary six-month per- iod. A motion by Councillors Ruther• .ford and Hickey authorized •the Clerk to advertise in three local • papers for two Weeks , that the Township Dump would be closed • on 22 September with the two-day per week opening to commence / on Saturday, 29 September and Monday, '1 October. A letter from Kinloss Township regarding the amalgamation of the recreation and arena commit- tee was tabled pending more nec- essary information. A letter from the Huron County Health Unit regarding the licen- - sing of food premises in the County was placed before Council ,No action was taken.' On motion of Cotmcillors Foran and Hickey 1970 dog taxes of $10.00 were written off, and two, out-dated cheques for $15.00' and $3.00 were cancelled: The road accounts were passed for payment on motion of Coun-,' cillors Rutherford and Durnin. The following general accounts were 'ordered paid on motion of Councillors Hickey and Foran: Wm. J. Mc Whinney , fox boun- ty, 2.00; George Smyth, gates for dump, 65.00; Sheldon Martin; mowing grass at Cenotaph, 30.00; Ron Machan Hardware, Rec. Committee account , 6.93; Harry Girvin, tile' drainage loan, 1780.00; Harold Gaunt, tile drain- age loan, 3480.00; Village of Lucknow, 1973 Fire Dept. retain- er , 500.00. ROAD ACCOUNTS Harvey Culbert, salary, 280.55; George Humphrey,• operator 484.85; A . Mc Donald , labour ,: 118.99; B.P. Fuel Ltd., fuel oil,' 3,77 .85; Gordon Daer, cutting weeds, (Auburn), ,8..00; Harvey • Culbert , truck allowance, 300.00 Receiver General, U.I.; I. T. , 158.33; West Wawanosh Fire Insurance , fire ins premium, 6.00; Martin's General Store,' gas, supplies, 13.63; J. A. Mc - Donagh, compensation premium , 3:43. A motion of Councillor Ruther- ford adjourned the meeting to 2 October at the Hall at 8.00 p.m. ; or at the call of the Reeve JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. A lighted scroll of the Lords Prayer and a praying hands plaque . were presented to Huronview by Henry Leishrnan and unveiled by the Administrator, Mr. • Archibald, at a dedication service on Sunday morning . Rev . Whinnie , chaplain of the Horne, in Ids tries. sage paid special tribute, to Mr. Leishman In recognition of the gifts. •Mrs. Jan BAsma was guest soloist. "The Band" played their last ', concert for this season 'on Monday afternoon. 'This group, with • Dwayne Lipner as their leader ' include'. Wendy McAstocker, Gerda Potzel, Paul Cummings, Ernie Pfrimmer, Ernie McMillan, Elizabeth Scarman , Marie Boyle and Stephen Sinith. This Oppor- tunity for Youth Program has been very successful as it has a great deal of enjoyment to the Residents of Huronview as well as several Nursing Homes in the area. Eight tables of euchre and crok- inole were played on Wednesday with volunteers from the • Vanastra Opt-Mrs. Club. Peggy Hammond ., Marlene Thurlow and Sandy Winfield assisted with the games. Slide pictures of special events 'and.birthdays taken during the past yin. at the Home were shown on "Family Night": The Huron- view orchestra , with Miss Pearl Gidley at the piano, Mrs. Mary ?Taylor mouth organ and Norman ,• Speii violin provided musical numbers for the program. were received in last week's mail. The yellow school buses Are again a familiar sight travelling along the roads. • Last Saturday the Ontario Thresherrhen's Assocation held - their annual "get together" and convention at 131yth. It Seems rather• unbelievable that there are a great many men now farming Who have never forked grain sheaVes into the elevator at, the front of a threshing separator. At the Old' Time Fiddlers competi- tion held at the Threshermen's day, 'Albert Tout of Ripley placed fourth and he was also awarded the prize for being the oldest -player in. the competition. Friends in this area offer him their congrat- ulations on this Occasion. * • *. Mr. and Mrs. George McDon-: ald and Mr. Murray McDonald of Ripley are getting ready for their cottage•sale. 'A nest of bothersome bumblebees in a build ing on the adjacent lot of Mrs. Adeline Hackett was removed this past week so George and Murray could get on with their work, on furniture and other antiques. )duet Church, at the corner ksecond and fifteenth rill' It was the little brick 4h three corners,or blocks Ikea Ripley on the fifteenth d` Donald McCosh of Ripley rms son Dick McCosh of / Ae. Grove recently dismantled hoilding. Reports circulating., *confirmed • were to the ' tt that the land site would be• le into a scenic picnic grounds. be, this would be very nice. On Thursday of last week, with. the stifling heat wave of the past eleven days moderating Morrison MacKenzie of Inverhur - on started the first "honey lift". Over a hundred boxes from two yards in the northwest part of Hur- on Township were' loaded and ttxucked into the Ripley bee house for the first of the season. * The Ripley Agricultural Society held their September meeting on Ivloticlay evening of this week. President of the Ripley-Huron fair board this, year is Hugh Mason with vice presidents Morley Scott and jack Farrell. must be the start of the fall 6. The weather, although y and nice, has a, cool tinge. Sky is filled with floating , 4 white cumulus Qiouds. Orange monarch butterflies the birds are gathering in t for Migration , and the fall reason is on. In fact the, prize of the Royal Winter Fait in :oliseum building in Toronto