HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-12, Page 10TM. THE ,IAKICNOW .SENTINEL l!..UcKNOW..: ONTARIO.
AT .
DWIGANNON uNinp .touRal..
unday, September 16th
11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. SERVICE
Guest Minister
of Port Stanley who formerly attended
Dungannon United Church
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Lucknow Unit 2
Mrs. Garfield MacDonald wel-
comed eighteen members and one
visitor of unit .2 of Lucknow Unit-
ed Church Women to her cottage
at Point Clark for the September
meeting. ,
The meeting began with Mrs.
Eldon Henderson reading two
poems -"Judge Not" and "A Friend
Next Door". Hymn 356 was sung
`followed by prayer. The roll
call was answered with an ex-
change of recipes. Miss Helen
Thompson and Mrs. James Wraith
reported on the visiting done' dur-
ing the summer. Mrs. Dexter
and • Mrs. Gibson will' visit the
shutins during Septernbe.r. Mrs..
Raynard Ackert , gave an article
on Christian and Missionary. Educa.
Mrs. Gordon Ritchie presided
for the program. Mrs. Bert Alton
gave a reading "To-day". Hymn
376 was sung and Mrs. Nelson
Raynard read the scripture from
Ephesiang followed by prayer.
Mrs. Dexter had 'a reading on Daw
• -4,
. .WhIS
The September meeting of the
afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.
S. of the Lucknow Presbyterian
Church was held in the Sunday
School room' with an attendance
of fifteen. Mrs. Jas. Little ,
presided and opened the meeting
with a' quotation from Ephesians,
chapter 5.
After singing Psalm 94, "Give
thanks to God, call on His name:,
name", Miss Sadie Johnston gave
the Bible Study. "Whom say, ye
that I am", reading the scripture
from the 16th chapter of Matthew.
This was followed by prayer by
Mrs. Morgan Henderson.
Correspondence consisted of
two thank you notes, and 2 letter
from Mrs.- Beryl Davidson repres-
enting the Huron Perth Association
of the T.B.R.D. 6 drawing atten-
tioito the ill effects -of tobacco
smoke on smokers, and those who
come in contact with it. An
invitation to meet with the ladies
of South Kinloss on October 3rd at
8 p.m. was read, also an.invita-
don from the Lucknow Evening
Augxiliary to 'attend their "Pot
Lucie supper on September 18th
at 7 p.m. The Supply, Secretary
announced that the money alloca
tionlad been sent to the Presby,
terial treasurer and Christmas gifts
and clothing for the bale should he
sent in now.
Following 'roll call, a moments
silence was observed for a former
member., Miss Elizabeth Reid.
The visitors reported making
two hospital visits and twelve cans
on shut-ins. •
Mrs. Jas. Smith had the Mission
Study, a review of the Mission
work started 'by Dr.' Buchanan in
India. Mrs. Noble Johnston read
a poem. The -hymn, "0 Master
let me walk with Thee" was sung
and Mrs. Robt. Reid closed the
meeting with prayer.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
10 a.m. Sunday. School
11, a.m. Morning Worship
The Centennial Book is available
at The Lucknow Sentinel, Fish-
er's Barber Shop and from Mrs.
Ena. Henderson.
Lucknow Unit 3
On September 4, Unit 3 of
Lucknow United Church Women .
met at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Kirkland with thirteen members
and one visitor present.
Mrs. !Kirkland cpened the meet-
ing with a short poem, "A Note
of Smiles". Mrs. Harold Tre- .
leaven was accompanist for the
hymns. "Where' Cross the 'Crowd-
ed Ways" was sung,' followed by
the Lord's. Prayer.
The roll tall was answered by
a favonrite verse of poetry.
Arrangements were made for
flowers to be placed in the church
during September. The treasurer's
report was given by Mrs:. Lawrence
Mrs. Lorne Woodi presided for
the prograrn. The hymn "Sing
to the Lord of Harvest" was sung.
Mrs. McLeod had charge of
devotions, reading from Psalm
139. The theme was "Uneerstand-
ing" . Enlargement of understand-
ing leads to an uplift of
spirit and an outreach in love to
others. Prayer followed.
"An Old Irish Blessing" was read
by Mrs. Walter Alton.' '
Mrs. Treleavengave an inter-
esting study on communications'
and publications in India. All
publications are 'government con-
trolled. There are fourteen
languages; each paper may be
read by up to twenty-seven
people. It is very difficult for
a free-lance writer to make a
living.. •Mrs. Treleaven also re-
ferred to the work of the late
'Malcolm' Davidson and his wife
of Brucefield.
A crossword puzzle on India
was done by members. Mrs'. Wm.
Helm gaye two readings., "School
Days" and "A Teacher's Prayer".
The hymn. Jesus Shall Reign" was
sung and mrs. Woods clOsed with
Lunch was' served by the com-
will hold -
throughout the summer months
• Rev. David 'Freiman •
J. W. Van SteMpvoort
Pastor ,
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. Service
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
Hymn Sing, 1st Sunday
\ of the month, 8:00 p.m.
The executive of Lucknow
C. G. I.T. met on Monday night
to plan for• the coming year. It
was decided that the• group will
hold its first meeting at. the
United Church hall at 7.00 next
Monday, September 17th.
Many ideas were discussed: -
a beach party ,or travelling supper ,
a camp out, a movie for child-
ren on Saturday,' September 29th,
our Christmas Vesper Service , a
TV 'show on Singtime about C.G.
I.T. , Mystery Mothers or adopt-
ed grandmothers, our support of'
our Foster Child in Peru for the
third year in.a -row, carolling at
Christmas time, the change, in
the middy, inviting another group
to hear a' report about Camp
Council, a bus trip, crafts, mov -
ies to see., service to the nursing
homes, and our mission study.
We decided to have 'an election
of officers at our rust "meeting
arid to plan a party for the follow •
ing week. All in all, it looks
like another year crowded 'with
activities and fun.
C. G . I . T. registers with both
the Presbyterian and United
Churches but any girl 12-17 is
welcome. Girls who are 11 Nit in
grade 7 may join. There is, a
$2.00 membership fee and the
'C.G.I.T. middy is the required
Whitechurch UCW
• mirriciitiatiimiiqo'
Whitechurch U. C. W 'held their
regular meeting September 4 - '
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Albert Coultes.
The convener of Citizenship
and Social Action, Mrs. Elwood
Groskorth, was .in charge of the
'meeting. She opened with the
poem , The Bridge Builder.' The
scripture was read by Mrs. Carl
Weber. Mrs. Fred. Tiffin read
the story, One boys redemption
by, the helping hand of another.
Mrs. Groskorth conducted a quitz.
Mrs. Carl, Weber then ledin
prayer followed by a hymn. Mrs.
Fred Tiffin gavp the closing pray-
LUcknow Unit 1
Unit1 of Lucknow United
Church ‘Women'iliet at the home
of Mrs. Ross; St for their-reg-
ular meeting with'. Mrs. E. W.
• Rice'presiding.% Mrs. Sam Gib-
son and Mrs. were the
committee irrcharge and Psalm'
96 was read by' Mrs. "Mctulloch.
• Mrs. Wilbur Brown read for medi-
tation "The Man Upstairs" folloid-
ed by praierby mrs. Ewart. Taylor.
Mrs. Al Iridn'read- a paper on
"Take Time", saying we
should make the, most of our time
as golden opportunities pass ,and
God does not hurry us , but: is •
always present.
Mrs. Zetta 'Henderson gave a
very interesting "resume of her
trip by bus to the: west coast writ-
=ten in verse by one of the ladies
on the tour. .
An interesting reading on "The
• Mizpah Benediction" was given
by Mrs. Sarn Gibson.
This part of the meeting was
convened by Mrs. Gibson and
Mrs. Rice presided for the remain-
der of the meeting. •
The roll, call was answered- by
"Something in torday's society
that 'should be changed", with 10 .
members present.. , •
The.meeting was closed with
a hymn, prayer. and , grace and 1
Junch was served by, the commit-
tee in charge'. Mrs. Rice thanked
Mrs. Shiells, 'the committee and
all who took part.
son City and The Ballad of Hard
Luck Henry.
Mrs. Garfield MacDonald spoke
on the life of Dr. Margaret Strang
as a 'medical missionary and
teacher in Alberta. • She also had
an interesting discussion on the,
'closing of churches.
"Five Steps To Successful Pray-
er" was read by Mrs. Raynard
Ackert. Hytnn 321 was sung and '
the meeting closed with prayer.
Lunch was served.
Rev. Robert Nieholls, B.A.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
God becomes believable to us,
only through what he does, and
through the people who are in-
volved in that action.
Helmut Thielicke
Lutictiow Unit'
Unit 4 of theknow United;
Church Women held their Se
ember meeting at the home
Mrs.. George Jardine,
Ernest Ackert opened the
ing w ith. a verse "A Thankful'
Heart". CRoll call was asswei
by ten with an exchanged,
favourite dessert recipes,
offering was dedicated.
'The.committee in charge(
over for devotions. Mow.'
the hymn "Stand Up, SMnd
for. Jesus" , Mrs. Gordon
, read the scripture, Luke16,',
meditation was taken by lvid,
Gairy Ritchie. Mrs. Gordon,
Johnstone read an article "
Christian" and Mrs. Garry Pi
gave the prayer, followed by
hymn "We Plough the Fields'
Scatter". Mrs, Gordon Cayl
played some Indian music,
Mrs. Gordon Johnstone it
ed our study "Land is the Of(
God" . The Green Revolnk
Indian was given by Mrs, S
Reavie • Mrs: Johnstone&
the members into groups to .,
answer questions on the study,
Mrs. Jardine was thanked(
the use of her home by Mrs,'
ert and she closed the tnee
With the benediction, Itinth
served by the committee,
Gave Travelogue
On India To W.
Mrs. Gib Hamilton was
for the South Kinloss
Sept ember meeting-held in t'
Sunday School foornof the c
MrS. Brtice Hamilton presided
and the meeting opened with
singing of a Hymn and repeal,
the LOrd'i Prayer..
Mrs: Colin Campbell of W'
ham, guest speaker, showed
of India and gave a cow
on each slide. Mr. and Mist.
Campbell visited India the
2 summers. In her omen,
Mrs.. Campbell told of the se
and crowds of people in Ind4
the extreme poverty existing
the country. She also made'
tion of the different relfgioas
the geography. of India, Mrs
Philip Steer thanked the spec
for shOwing her slides and fa
interesting Commentary.
The, Junior Choir girls sang
couple , of songs which were
ed E by all. The roll call was
answered by Education in
Hymn 387 was sung, "Speed;
Servant" followed with the
Study , John 17 by Mrs, Leo
Clarke. The offering pray
given by Mrs. Ira Dickie,
A piano solo by Beverley
was enjoyed. Mrs.. Philip S
gave the courtesy ren,iarks.
582 was sung and Mrs. 1)011
'Grahani gave the closing pea
Grace was sung and ides
served by the hostess and dit
er for this portion of the
The presidenoMrs, Malan
Moore presided for the bu
Arrangements were made fa
ing Brucelea , W Havenalk
October. Mrs. Wardrope
Mrs. Thompson were ago
to provide a,programme for
lea Haven. .The minutes 54
read by Mrs. Russel Chapma
in the absence of Secretary
Dave Gibb. The treasurer
Albert Coultes gave her re
The roll call was aniwered b
members giving a current e v
The meeting was closed
Prayer. A Birthday Tea was
then served..