HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-09-12, Page 6I would like "to thank friends and neighbours for cards, gifts and visits while I was hospital- ized, also Doctors Corrin and Mc- Kim; nurses on 2nd floor and ambulance service. All was 'deep- ly appreciated. Jelle' de Jong We would like to express our sincere thanks to friends, neigh- bours and relatives for all ex- pressions of sympathy, flowers, donations received and food brought in, at the time of our ber- eavement. A special'thank you to MacKenzie Memorial Chapel and Rev. Glenn Noble.' Donalda Scott Walter Scott Clayton and Marion Leddy Our sincere thanks and apprec- ation to friends, neighbours and relatives, for kindnesses and ex- pressions of sympathy at the pas- sing of W. David Scott. Spec- ial thanks to Mr. and Mrs. John Wraith and Mr. and Mrs. George Wraith. Gordon and Vera Scott Donalda and Walter Scott Lucknow Sentinel', Lucknow Ontirio. I was' impressed by the over- flow of visitors to the Craft Fair , and the editorial by The Editor of the Blyth Standard. Building any housing without sewage seems "risky" ...septic-tanks aren't that marvelous. Anyone who has ever lived on the ground-floor (1 never have) has had memorable exper- ience of overflows and backups... PM* SIX Tt E LA/C.00101N-SENTINKII,..14/CKNOW, ONTARIO' vigonspAY: __ sEPL___EisER it it THANK YOU • The Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club would like to acknowledge and thank the following for don- ations to' their annual Labour Day Merchant's Tournament: Treleasien's Mill, Allan Hackett,' Massey Ferguson, Flak Mill, Se- poy Drive-In, Symes Bros., West Wawanosh Insurance, Gordon Finlayson (scales), Bob " McIn- tosh, Ron Forster Septic tanks, 'Porter's Septic Tanks, Brock Cle- land, George Jdynt, Drs. Corrin and McKim, Supertest Garage, Sunoco Garage, Ford Garage, Lucknow Bowl, Gordon John- stone, Liquor Store, Grant Chis- holm, Art Helm, C. & M. Trans- port, Sutton's 'Butcher Shop, Bud Hamilton, Fina Garage, Lucknow Machine Shop, Fairview Dairy, James Boyle, Finlay Decorators, Greer's T.V., Seigrist's '5 to 1.00 Store, Fisher's' Barber Shop, Sepoy Store, Ashton's Store, Log Cabin Restaurant, Agnew's Jew- .•ellery Store, Hall's Red and White, Umbach's Drug Store, Machan's Hardware, Bank of Montreal, Sanderson's Store, Mayfair Restaurant, Finlayson's Grocery, Co-op, Lucknow Sent- inel, Johnstone & Sons, The Beauty Boutique, Village Shop, H. & B. Discount, Bob MacKen- zie, Lucknow Fruit. Market, Pet- ter's Shoes, Lorne Reid, Silver- wood •Dairies, Henderson LUDV" ber, McDonagh's, Insurance, J. E. MacDonald Garage, London Tire HURON PLOWING MATCH . SATURDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 15 —.Coimneneing at 9:30 a.m. The Howard Datar's Farm 1 mile north of DASHWOOD' QUEEN CONTEST -- Horseshoe Pitching Admission Free 49,10,u60,to.tc49-$.9x~tuoftt.oltowzra. CARD...OF...THANKS. 46th ANNUAL TENDERS FOR fOR 'TER :MANAGEI SALE AUCTION' SALE Of immaculately kept recently purchased furniture and appli ' &flees, bedding and linens, small utensils and kitchenware, dishes and home accessories.' Being sold On behalf:IA the owners who are moving.,. Being conducted through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES AUCTION CENTRE WIngham,, Ontario SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 12:30 Included are -- good 3. pc. moderen bedroom suite; Sim- mons Beautyrest mattress and box spring; PilloWback recliner chair; Philco solid state stereo- phonit record player and F.M. receiver with multiplex in beauti- ful walnut cabinetry; 2 Electro- home speakers (satelite); recent- ly purchased bronzetone dinette suite; set- of matching living room tables; brown chesterfield; 4' box spring and mattress; G.E. window type air conditioner in good condition; recent Westing- house television set; twobuffets, complete bedroom suite in walnut About one year old; good clean almost new box spring and mat- tress; davano' suite; immaculate chrome and black kitchen suite; cedar chest; exercise bicycle; several odd chairs and good tables; solidly constructed ping; gong' table; almost new Frigi- daire deluxe dryer; some good well-kept tools and quality "Mr. Fixit" accessories and two good electric motors; some immacu- late bedding and linens; nice sel- ection of dishes; smallwares; small appliances and utensils. / Auctioneer Jack Alexander Preview: Friday, September .14 2:00 p.m. till 0:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. till sale time for complete auction information J. A. Currie 357-1011 Manager Estate Marketing Services Wingham, Ontario "Our reputation is our recommendation" CLEARING AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects &, Antiques will be held for GEORGE McDONALD At Lurgan Beach, Cottage No. 60 Turn,West at Pine River Church. on Hwy. 21 and follow Auction Signs to Lurgan Beach north of the river On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 AT 2:30 P.M. Captain chair; leather rocking "hair and foot stool; chesterfield chair; coffee table; round ex- tension table oak 3 boards; six round back chairs; kitchen table; 4 chairs pine 'seats refinished; kitchen extension table with 2 boards; chrome table; cherry. table'; 4 chairs press back, lady face design; rocking chair; arm chair; chest of drawers; 2 box spring and mattress; 2, fan back chairs; head board; 2 dressers; wash stands; oak desk; wicker stand; end tables and stands; floor lamp; coal oil lamps; crocks and jugs; china; cooking dishes; cutlery; pictures; clothes rack; barbecue;' pillows and linens; other articles too numerous to, mention. Auctioneers Comments ' Ths is a good' line of Household Furniture and Antiques and hest to go as cottage is sold. • TERMS CASH, ' Owner and auctioneers not responsible for accidents or injuries in any way connected with the sole GEORGE McDONALD, Ripley, Prop. • Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley, phone 3954351 Wallace Minitel), Toeswater Phone 392-6170 AUCTION SALE . CLEARING AUCTION 'SALO Of High Quality Grade Holstein Milk Cows and Equipment will be held for 'BILL DE JONG At Lot 32; Concession, 1, East Wawanosh, 1q miles east of Auburn or 5 miles west, of Blyth On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Commencing at• 1:30 p.m. 40 milk cows from • United Breeders sires for several years; 9 cows (6 yr. old) are from Per- seus blood lines, most of herd fresh in mid summer. Breeding dates & ages given day of sale; 4 Surge milker units; pipeline for' 40 cows; 2 Surge vacuum pumps; step saver with 95 ft. of • glass line. TERMS OF SALE — CASH Owner or /auctioneer not • risponsible for accidents George Powell, Clerk Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer CARD OF THANKS I would like to say thank you for • visits, cards and treats while I was in hospital. It was much appreciated. Leonard Irwin A sincere thank . you to all friends, neighbours and relatives, who in any way helped to make my 80th birthday celebration such, a happy one; to my daughter and son-in-laW at whose home it was held, to those who called person- ally and also for' the many lov- ely gifts and cards. • Mrs. Ethel MacDonald The Rev. and. Mrs, T. J. Mc- Kinney express their deep apprec- iation to the members and ad- herents' of Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater and Kinlough Presbylerian Church and to their many friends and neighbours for their inany beautiful gifts and good wishes received: prior to their moving to St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church, Port Hope, Ont- ario. They are most grateful for all the kindness shown them, and express their thanks most sincer- My. CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS • 'LUCKNOW ' , Phone 529-7524 or 524-7081 'FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and ' Industry KINTAII. ..e.... ... Cletus. Dalton and Eugene Simpson were dinner pegs s Frayne went to Georgia this week, to attend a shOw, of farm Machinery. Viiitors with Mr. and Mrs. Greg,' Whitechurch; and Mrs.. wMeaeckI.ntyre. They left Monde' / MacKiw Duncan' Simpion on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. J oe MaChan, Waterloo, and Mrs. titre motored to , Yorktou Bill Gibson and- her daughter Saskatchewan, to vi sit with hi 'Fisher of Wineham and. Rhonda and,. sons Bill and brother Dr. anci ktrs. Arch daughters, Mrs. •Carnian Jean Carruthers, Julia and An- Guelph stayed at the Mark returningmarilyn htionmdenoFbriliasylemofanli: drew, Goderich., tyre residence during thei • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. parents' visit in the West. . Bruce MacDonald were Mr,. :Mr. John Simpson, Doak and Mrs. Admit •Donaldson of Simpson and Miss Nlargarel Glasgow, Scotland. Mrs. Simpson were dinner guests re Donaldson was the former Saturday evening 'Donald Simpson. - M dl,(entt Miss D' . mer employment at Won- ' returned ' from Bala, in ianne a Mary Dempster who lived at Kintiiil 50 years ago. Robbie and Debbie Muskoka :this lend ai Berland. They stayed with Mrs. area wee I, Charles Jones. " ter being camp counsellor the MacDonald''have spent their Summer in London with sum- for 1.. MacDonald's sister, Mrs. the sumMer• weekend with Mr. and Mrs. son visited. in Chatham will Mr, and Mrs. D1.111C80 SOP Congratulations to the ak Rev. • this week aftei and :bridge ball team, aged. ' formerly of the Kint.ail area. weeks Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rankin Mr and Mrs. Larry MO Mr. and Mrs. Robin Davey trophy against North Ashfield tyre visited in Ashfield for t and Jenny of Toronto spent the and :under, for winning their holidays. Wednesday might. ' ' R ev . h k Mr United Church' 12 9 d. h I'd ys at their sum Ap the pulpit , Carnochin of RiP1 9 mer home at Mount Forest.] pen mg. o i a , K. Rooney will bend too lad I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards, letters and flowers,, during 'my stay at London University Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to those who supplied the transportation there and home again. This indeed was greatly appreciated. Mrs. flhea Whitby • I want vto thank friends and neighbours,' for their kindness, cards, letters and visits during my stay in- Victoria Hospital. Their kindnesses 'will long be re- membered. Janie McInnis To all who remembered me with cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was in hospital and also when 'I was at Mississauga. I would like to say a sincere Thank You, also to those who helpedat home and brought treats since' I returned. • . Mrs. Harvey Alton John and I . wish to thank friends and neighbours of Dun- gannon area for the beautiful gifts of coffee and end-tables, and lamps we received. Sincerely Deb and John Meurs FOR LUCKNOW ARENA Tendered weekly salary to include all nee. essary assistants. Assistants to be paid by Arena Manager.-- Lowest or any tender not necessarily iccepted. All applications to be filed at Town Office, not later than 12 noon, October 11 1973, Duties to commence November 1, 1973. WI . . A 104 LUXURIOUS GOLD li..7014 A e()N1 'METH, SELEO'iON SHE' edding Invitations oirt KEEPSAKE COPY ) f 04 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Readers Write . • • in the most modern of dwellings; Once ,, in the early days, so l ': am told , Luc know supported the hotels. Has no one given though to accommodating visitors to the Cra ft. Fair , tenants of Senior Cit' izen Hosuing , by converting the present residence of Pine Crest Manor to a Hotel? 'My mother knew the residence, as her girl- hood home; her father was Fredo erick George Grundy. Think" about ie : Yours sincerely, (Miss) Winnifred J. Mall. ' INTENDED FOR TWO WEEKS AGO Saturday evening with. Mr. an . ,Mrs.. Gordon Fergt ison,of Delhi he e SimMprs'on and johnS171Mpissson'MpargiaarieA't fourR SneYunsdacy9. h81 for t 4