HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-22, Page 17Tampico color Pr-810 26-inch Super-rectangular matrix picture tube. Deilcraft cabinet. automatic, tint/G(5100 fine tuning. illuminated Ct)prinel indicators remarkable price7 $61)9.95 4 Greer T.V. And Electric Lucknow Phone 528- 3112 Set Tax Rates For West Wawanosh, Authorize Engineers To Call Tenders For . The New Public Works Building SILVERSTONE ENTERPRISES. POP STOP,. The Infletion Fighter P9P7BY 'THE cASE'. 12 - 30. oz. Bottles Cola GIngerale .Lemon Li Orange 'Root Beer , • Cream Soda 2 - Way Watch for our 1974 Yamaha AfASEHL gtrioismobiles coming' soon. OPEN-9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Daily Allommumma • , • Plus Deposit Same Price Ai Last Year TO KINCARDINE 4TH OF HS tIVENR.stritt • NO. 21 TO INSULATE wow" FOR COMFORT-FOR SAVINGS!' WITH Verm iculite. Insulation 1011N 111'HENPERSON LUMBER Mt PHONE 528.3118 LUCKNOW Nimassiltiosik WEDNESDAY,, AUGUST22 • '4 . The regular session of West Wawanosh Tow,nship Council for August was held at the Hall on Tuesday evening, August 7, with all members in'Attendanee. and Reeve' Lyons presiding. dy-LaW #'6, 1973, was given • third-reading and finally passed , subject to approval of the'1973 Budget as submitted, by the Min- istry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental.Affairs. This by-law, duly presented and sec- onded by Councillors Ritherford and Foran, authorizes the collec- tion of the 1973 tax levy and sets the individual rates. The Town- ship residential and farm rate is substantially unchanged from last year at 15 mills, and the commer- cial rate remains, as well, almost the,same at 18 mills. The County rate, will be 19.93 mills, elementary school rates 15.47 • and'17.20, secondary school rates 13.93 and 15.48.. The minutes of the June and July meetings were read and ad- opted on motion of Councillors Hickey and Foran. , A letter from a resident of the village of Dungannon wa's read to Council, following which a short discussion took place regarding weeds,in the said village. Coun- cil took action on` the requeit in the letter by instructing the Clerk to contact County Weed Inspector Alex Chesney to invest- igatethe complaint of weeds on certain lots in Dungannon: On Motion of Councillors Ruth7 erford and Durnin,,,,By-Law # 14,' 19'12 was given third reading and 'finally passed. By-Law # 5, 1973,' levying a special rate on certain lots iri the Township to cover the repayment of tile drainage loans was given' third reading and finally passed , ' on motion of Councillors Hickey. and Fenn. The Clerk was instructed to write Lucknow Recreational Dir... ector, WM. Hunter, regarding the liner required for the Swimming Pool. A motion by Councillors Ruth- erford and ,Hickey authorized the Road Superintendent to advertise in three local papers 'for tenders for the application of "13" gravel on Sideroad 18-10 Concession 8. On motion of Councillors Foran and burnin the Clerk was instruct- ed to advertise in three local pap- ers for applications for a person to superintend the Township dump for two days per week, beginning 29 September 1973. " • Motion' by Councillors Ruther- ford and Durnin,. 'that West Wawa - nosh Township Council authorize B. M. Ross and Associates of God- erich, Engineers, to call tenders for the Public Works Building construction. ,The road accounts were ordered paid on Motion of Councillors For- an and Rutherford. ' The following accounts, were ordered, paid on inotion of Coun- cillors Hickey and Durnin; Hilliard. Jefferson, 2 tile drain- age inspections, 40.00; A. M. . • Harper, 1972 audit and meeting charge, 820.00; Neuhauser Poul- try Company, 1972 business tax. rebate, 71.01; Blyth District Fire Area, Bakker fire, 220.00; Rob- ert Purves, calf killed, 125.00; Robt. A. Aitchison., livestock '- inspection, 7.00;,J. A..McDon- agh Agency, compensation prem- ium, 91.75; Arnold's General Store, Recreation Committee account, 119.22; Ontario Hydro, hall power, 11.25; Fawcett Metal Products, Todd Drain repair, 50.61. „ROAD ACCOUNTS Harvey Culbert, salary, 284.92; George' Humphrey, operator, 403.70; A. McDonald, operator, 310.14; Colborne Township, boun- dary account, 1907.69; B. P. Oil Ltd., fuel and oil, 300.48; Car- loW Tire, tire repairs, '48.00; Radford's Garage, grader tubes and repairs, 57.33; Robert Stoth- ers , filters, 46.07; George Smyth, posts and welding; 28.50; H. Lobb and Sons Ltd. , mower parts, 12.79; Snell Supplies Ltd. ,, mow- er parts; '7.50; G. & E. Sales,, tractor parts, 61.26; Dawson's, chisel and file, 5.03; J. A. Mc- Donagh Agency, compensation premium, 220.50; Receiver Gen- eral, C.P.P.; U.I.; I.T. 174.19, Bruce Bruce Farm Report MANURE STORAGE STRUCTURES One of the structures of in- creasing importance on the farm today that used. to store live- stock manure. 'Where manure is stored as a solid a grade level concrete slab is usually consider- ed sufficient. However, when one considers the need to control the run-off that can occur from a pile of manure, the concrete pad may need to be enclosed with concrete walls to! contain any liquids..In order to facilitate the handling .of this manure, it may be further necessary 'to consider a small, separate storage unit for the liquid portion only. When considering the storage 'structure for liquid manure, a farmer has several choices. Es- sentially the storage structure bcomes a tank, and may be' — rectangular or circular 'in shape; built below grade level,. part- ially in the ground, or totally above grade; have a fully .rein- forced concrete top that will take tractors, trucks, loaded wagons, etc., or have a roof that will just keep snow and rain out of the tank — or have no top at all. Circular tanks are structurally the most efficient—the least wall area for volume enclosed, least use of steel reinforcing for wall strength. On the other hand rec- tangular tanks can be built by any contractor using regular straight - sided forms, while truly circular tanks require the use of circular forms which prac- tically limits this type of con struction to tower 'silo contractors (who may be hard to get at cer- tain times of the year),. Whether tanks should be below grade, partially below, or totally above depends on several factors: — the elevation of the ground - water level, the required , capacity of, any tank, and the type of manure to be stored. High ground - water levels- can create major, pressure problems for below grade tanks, as well as leakage into the tanks, thus reducing the effective capacity. Above - ground tanks, especially for larg- er volumes are usually 'less cost- ly per cubic foot of storage cap- acity -- but considerably more attention has to 'be paid to .the system used for, manure'agitation prior to removal from storage. Satisfactory agitation systems have been -developed for hog manure, in above - grade tanks, while this is still very much in ,the developmental stage 'for cattle manure. The matter of roofs for manure PERMANENT LIGHTWEIGHT FIREPROOF VERMIN. PROOF tanks is a big topic in itself, and will be dealt 'with in a subse- quent article. ' H. E. Bellman, Agricultural Engineer 4-H EXCHANGE COMPLETED During the week of. August 7th - 12th many Bruce County 4-Her's and their families have been busy hosting .30 4-H'ers and 3 chaper- ones from Scott County, Minnes- ota. A county - wide .4-H dance, roller skating, tour of Douglas Point and potluck family supper at Inverhuron were 'among the many activities in which the hosts and guests took part. 28 „members of. Bruce County 4-H Homemaking and Agricultur- al Clubs and 2 chaperones travel- led to Scott County earlier this year June 29th -.July 3rd. ACCESSORIES FOR THE BEDROOM / Interested in 'a 4-H Homemak- ing 'Club for the Fall Project -- Accessories for the Bedroom? ,If so, contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food for more iriformation. Training Schools for this project begin September 8th. Barb De Visscher, Home Economist SLABS Size 18" x '18" and 24" x. 24" • SIDEWALK • SLABS Size 24" x 30" Council adjourned on motion of Councillor Hickey to 4 Sept- ember 1973, at'8.30 p.m. at the Joan Armstrong, Clerk. ..mosommoisimmousr VVEISER LOCKS Passage Sets Bath Room Locks Key in Knob Sets LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO