HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-22, Page 9THE t•UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PiACHE" TEN STILL AVAILA BLE Before -. The Age • ...of Itratles Mernoirs. of a Countri. POW gy DR.!.W.7 .111:0011: JOHNSTON. $6.95 Dr. Johnston was born' in West Wawanosh Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in. this cotnmunity. • MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE • AVAILABLE AT HE ,LUCKROVII SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST na; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Camp- bell, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tait, Nancy and Janet , Sarnia; Mr. and. Mrs. Clair MacDougall, Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey ' MacDougall, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs.. Otto Deline, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tully, Owe'n Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McInnes of Beausejour, Manitoba and son Finlay of Gillarn, Manitoba spent a week at Rennie Graham's cot-7 „ tage nearKincardine. A family reunion was enjoyed there on August 12th. While here they also visited, at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.• Leonard McInnes and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham. ; Chalmers WMS WHITECHIJRCH NEWS On Wednesday, August' 15 at 2 p,m, at the home of Mrs, Wm. Purdon, Chalmers W.M.S. held their meeting. The president Mrs, Bill Rintoul presided and opened the,meeting with a poem "Joy". Then she welcomed the ladies. Mrs. Bill Purdon read the scrip- ture, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt gave- the meditation planting and reaping from Psalm 126. She compared a package of seeds in which there is life, 'mystery, des- tiny. Mrs. Wm. Purdon led in prayer. Mrs. Lloyd' Murdock gave a reading' What God hath promised. Mrs. Wm. Rintoul gave a reading and the roll call-was answered by,11 with a Bible verse with word Feed. An invitation was received from South Kinloss W.M.S. to a meeting there on October 3 with a special speaker and slides. The leaders for next month are Mrs. Don Ross and Miss Annie Laidlaw. Mrs. Johnston Conn in- vited the society to her home in Wingham for the September meet- ing. Mrs. J. Conn treasurer gave her report/. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mrs. Wallace Conn gave a ANI CAR SALES LTD. BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 1973 CHEVY Nova, 4 door, 6 cylinder, power steering and brakes 1973' CHEV El Camino, V8, iow mileage 1973 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 2 — 1973 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedans, V8, fully equipped 1973 FORD Galax'. 500 4 door hardtop, automatic, power steering and brakes / 1970 FORD custom 4 door, V8 automatic 1970 CHEV 1/2 ton 6 cylinder • 1968 PONTIAC 4 door sedan V8 automatic, power steering 1964 MERCURY 350, 6 cylinder chassis and cab (nor certified) 2 — 1970 CHEVELLE stationwagon, 4 door, V8, automatic, power steering 1972 HONDA Motor bike„ low mileage 197: Le Mans 4 door, V8, fully equipped. N4.••••••••"••"\\‘‘‘‘‘•••• •\‘‘S.N.N.A•"4. KINLOSS PIM of The largest sales in this area took place on Saturday for %and Mrs. Allister Hughes. 7%4o auctioneers were busy selling froin10 a. m., until after 5 p.m. MargOtt, Norma and Marilynne Macintyre had an interesting vacation in Toronto with their •.11nOle sandy and. aunt Marian Nicholson and with their uncle Ally Vaunt Josee and Johanna in Allston., • Fred Gilchrist was'able to return home from Wingham and District. Hospital. Another.neigh- boikr. Jelle de Jong, is .now a pat- ient there, Mrs. Leonard Clarke's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Glenford Davis of Brantford , visited on the week end at the Clark home. Other . visitors were Mrs. Clarice's sister, .Kathy Davis and another sister Md., John Edwards and husband John. Kathy Davis .was guest Soloist at the church service at South' Kinloss on Sunday. / Mr. and . Mrs. Allan Thompson, Donald, and'Karen of Toronto spent a week's vacation at their farm horhe. Miss Christine Thompson is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton McKee 'in Allis- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- all, Mrs. Wilfred Farrish and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Farrish left by air on.Tuesday for a week's vacation in British Columbia. Mr. and. Mrs. 'Ira Dickie left from Malton,•August 8 •for a week's holiday with their son, Douglas, in Corner Brook,, New foundland. Nancy Burt has secured an office position'in'London and Sandra keith.hai also found em- ployment in Oakville. :Miss Isabelle Macintosh of Hamilton has been visiting at The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie. :Visitors this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neeharri included Mr. and Mrs. ,Gordon Bruton, Corunna; Mr. and Mrs, James Needham and grandsons Kevin and Kenneth, HOwell, Mich.; Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Kimball, Corun- reading The Old Church. The topic was' given by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Thanks was .eattended to Mri. Wm. Purdon for preparing the meeting. Mrs. Wm, Rintoul gave a Quizz on Harvest. A reading What have you given away? Mrs. Rintoul - gave the closing prayer: The Ladies Aid meeting was held. The offering was received. It was decided to buy paint for the manse kitchen and bathroom. The courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. J. Conn. Grace was sung and the hostess Mrs. Bill Purdon served lunch. Kingsbriclge CWL On. Monday evening,. August 13, the Kingsbridge C. W . L. held their monthly meeting in St. Joseph's Parish. Hall with 13 members pres- ent. • President , Mrs. John Howard, brought the' meeting to order and Fr. Dentinger led in the League Prayer. Spiritual Cbnverier, Mrs. An- tone Van Osch, gave the scrip- ture reading and reported on Masses given to our recent depart- ed parishoners, prayers said at the funeral home, and a gift of a crucifix to recently married Mari- lyn MacIntyre. • Correspondence consisting of thank notes from Larry Wal- lace and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne were read. • Treasurer, Mrs. Cyril Austin, gave her report. A dona- tion will'be given to Combermere,, the Jesuits, Childrens' Aid. Soc- iety and the Resurrectionist Mis- sions in Bolivia. Mrs. Eugene Frayne, Member- ship convener, called the roll, ' There are now' '70 members. Mrs. Mark Dalton was presented ' with a statue of the Holy Family on the occasion of her:recent 25th wedding anniversary by . Mrs. An- tone Van Osch. P Mrs. Joe Courtney, Social Ac- tion"and Cultural Life Convener, reported on, Mrs. Lambertus' birthday party celebrated' by some league members, Frank Sullivan's birthday, new citizens Mr. :and Mrs-: Arie Van Diepan and Mr. and Mrs. John Miltenburg. Mrs. Fred Crawford, -lunch convener, give her report on the Craft Festival and the lunch, cat- ered by the League on August 11. Mrs. Mari< Dalton reported that Betty Henclriks has volunteered •to help with guides. As Christian Family Life Convener, Mrs. Dal- ton eported on. Pro-Life and stressed that members join Pro- Life and buy the Handbook on Abortion. A meeting concerning Abortion and Pro Life will be held in the fall. Mrs. Frank Ri.egling, Consumer Convener, gave an interesting reporf.on ideas for the homemak- er. Mrs. Tom Hogan reported on • the 4-H Club starting soon and asked for a leader to help her • with the club. .Fr. 'Dentinger gave a spirit- ual talk in which he stressed that we be' a sign in life. He urged all to be strong in Pro Life and get others involved. ,Ft. Sullivan is coming in 0&ober to give 40 'hours for the schOol children and members, of all the parisheS. Bishop Carter is coming to our church next Sunday, August 19 to say Mass. Donuts and coffee will be served afterwards. - Fr. Dentinger led in the' Prayer of the Anti-Abortion League and the Prayer for Priests.,. .During lunch the Mystery Gift T.iwas won by Mrs. Tom Hogan. ..~4.1/11, .4014•01..01 0Plroriliff‘• ANGLICAN. CHURCH OF. CANADA SUMMER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES • PARISH OF LUcKNOW AUGUST 19th St. Paul's, Ripley -- 11:00.8.111. AUGUSTIOth The Ascension, Kinlough 11:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2nd St. John's, Bervie 11:00-a.m. SEPTEMBER 9th St. Peters, Lucknow 11:00 a.m. THE REV. H. JENNINGS PRIEST. IN - CHARGE Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2'740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF .THIS CHURCH' . NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING. AUGUST SUMMER SERVICES Services at 11:00 a.m. Joint services with Lucknow United Church and South Kinloss Church At South Kinlou Church, August 19, 20, and September 2 The Centennial Book is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, Fish- er's Barber Shop' and from Mrs. Ena Henderson. ,LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van StempvOort' Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service `2:30 Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) Hymn Sing, 1st Sunday of the month, 8:00 pt. VISITORS WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED CHURCH AT LOCHALSH will hold MORNING WORSHIP AT 11 AIL throughout the summer mo Rev. David Freeman minister 14444,44444+••••-•44+4•4441 . LLICKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B,A. Minister SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER SERVICES Joint services with Luinow Roil South Kinioss Presbyterian Churches 11 a.m. Morning. Worship July 1st to July 22nd In Lucknow United Church July 22nd to August 12th In Lucknow Presbyterian Church August 19th to September hi South Kinloss Presbyterian Church • ewAiw