HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-22, Page 2ANNOUNCEMENT
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straughan,
Park Street, Goderich are pleas-
ed to announce the forthcoming
marriage of 'their eldest daughter
Linda Elizabeth to Mr. Donald
Charles Johnston,. son of Mt. and
Mrs. Charles Johnston, Nile, Ont-
ario. The wedding will take
place on Saturday, September .15.,
1973 at 3.00•o'clock in 1<nox
Presbyterian Chnrchr, Goderich.
The folloiving editorial appeared last week in the Blyth
Standard with editor Keith Roulston having some pointed ob-
servations on that community's efforts in securing senior citizen
Keith wants assurance that the rules are the same for all
communities ' and that politics• playS no part in the establishing
• of such facilities for the elderly.
The Blyth article read:
The subject of Senior Citizens' Housing for Blyth has
been on many people's minds since election time last fall when
it first gained some attention.
With the present housing shortage in town there is no doubt
such a project is needed badly. Ontario. Housing Corporation
builds and runs the Senior Citizens projects at no cost to the
municipality. The apartments are clean and bright and are
geared to the income of the resident. ,
Blyth council, through the aid of Murray Gaunt M.P.P.
has been pursuing the subject with Ontario Housing Corporation
for several months. It was revealed at a recent village council
meeting that OHC refused to have anything to do with planning
a building in Blyth until a committment was made in writing
that Blyth was going ahead with its sewerage project. That
sounds fair since it costs more to erect an apartment building
in a. Inunicipality 'without sewers than in one with sewers.
It 'is fair,, however,. ONLY if the same rules apply to every-
one. Apparently, however, they. don't. At about the same time
Blyth council decided toseek a senior citizen's apartment build-
ing for Blyth early last winter, a similar decision was made in
the Village of Lucknow. Lucknow has not even tinted that it
is prepared to install sewers. Yet already OHC has' conclu'cted a
survey to determine the need for such a' project in Lucknow and
has reported that a 21 unit building is planned.
Similarly in Teeswater, another village- without sewers,
land has already been purchased for an apartment project.
Brussels, which is no closer to having sewers than Blyth, has
already had a survey conducted in that village for a project.
Another 'project is in the works in Bayfield.
Somewhere something sounds funny. Isn't it time the same
rules were applied to everyone. or does it matter how much pull
one has politically. The reeves in at least two of theSe cases .
are local Conservative party organizers while, with Mr. Gaunt
helping Blyth o we 'have only a Liberalgoing for us. Hopefully,
this isn't the. case.' Hopefully the days are gone when patronage
flourishes, in Ontario. Cases like, these, however, make you won- der.
va A imusemow
Flues can bug your stoc
and reduce your profits
lucknow District Co•o
Phone 528-2125
• I OH Pion TWO
For-the many hundreds, who
have chosen the shores of Lake
Huron for their annual vacation:
this summer, they chose wisely.
The weather for beach residents,
not to mention the many'other
vacationers who' holiday in the
area and 'never see the beach„
has been almost perfect.
Following a• Miserable summer
in 1972, this' year has given us •
more than we are in the habit .of
The beaches of Ashfield arid
Huron Township have been wide-
ly used, this summer and as many
have commented 'from time to
time , "sometimes we really '
don't appreciate them."
On our overseas jaunt this sum-
mer, we had the opportunity to:'
stay overnight at Rapollo in Italy,
on the Italian Riviera?. People,
• by the hundreds, flocked to this
Italian resort, area to sit on the
rock and pebble covered beach
(no sand), bath in the filthy wet-
er which looked like garbage had
been duMped in it, and, pay high
prices to do so.,
Here in, Bruce and. Huron Count-
ies we have miles and miles of ,
unpolluted, sandy ;:fresh water
shoreline that we have , ccime to
accept without fully appreciating.
• The knowledge that' it is'
increasingly appreciated by some
is evident by the fact that Choice
front row property 'is no longer
available and cottages have been•
built several rows deep along the
Twenty-five years ago lake-
front property could be purchased
for "a song'.''... No one anticipated
its future value. We know of one,
property owner on Lake Huron who
this year turned down an offer of
115 ,000' for 'his lake-front building
lot. Not a farm, or, subdivision;
mind you, just a small lot!
with Some skepticism.
The fact is that this' wall has
stood up like no cement retaining
wall would ever. It; looks as
good, today as the day it was
built and, in our opinion, adds
a bit of character to the approach
to our main street which would be
lost with .a cracked, chipped
bare cement wall, the normal •
type 'of retaining wall 'in years
A good deal of credit' for the
condition and appearance of the
gabion wall today must certainly
go to the local Bruce County work
crew who did the installation.
. themselves. •
• * *
Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknovi? , Ontario.
_I have recently read about the ,
large crowds which attended the
Lucknow Craft Festival sponsored •
by the Lucknow Agricultural Soc
iety. It must have been.a great
financial success. In the same
article were a number of
derogatory 'remarks about the
Lucknow Arena concerning'
inadequate toilet facilities,
lighting, ventilation, booth, etc.
It might be brought to the
attention of the authors of the
above mentioned, remarks that the
west end addition contains seven
flush toilets and two urinals.
Three of the flush toilets they
rented to exhibitors, one they pil-
ed high with garden hose, rubber
mats-, baker's trays, etc.. Any
failure of the three remaining toil-
ets was Undoubtedly due to:
heavy traffic or improper use. - I
would suggest that in the future all
rooms containing toilet facilities
be left open to the public and
that the men and women's toilets
and rest rooms be monitored by
the sponsors. •
. . The main floor of the, arena is
illuminated,by 15,000 watts •of
Tight, the equivalent A:if a 150
watt bulb in.a ten, by ten room.
sufficient light to find a pin on
the floor.
With,a high humidity and a
ninety degree temperature, out-
side , a steel roof and five hundred
people inside , nothing short of
a huge expensive air conditioning
system' would .lower the tempera-
The booth was designed to
provide between meal
snacks for a maximum crowd of
600 ; not to feed a crowd of 6000.
As a suggestion i would advocate
the cleanup of sponsor 'owned lots*
west and south of the Arena,
the purchase of a mobile barbe-
cue or portable kitchen and put
your tables and chairs to use. Or
as an alternative, leave it to the
restaurants. They have. the facil
Four days were necessary to ,set
up and conduct the festival. The
Arena committee co-operated
ittabt: re-arranging and eliminating
roller skating schedules at a loss
edpautr til.itroenhaunwdarsedieacnedntfloyrty.sew
in revenue to the'arena , donm
hthurneder et dh thousand nd six
per, year', or ten dollars per day,
rental fee, the equivalent Of one
hundred and ten admissions or a
they should only pay a one day
at hr ilzma snannuda
wu ce Payofof;
festival there are those who feel
Among the sponsors of the craft
so little?
Murvin Solomon,
• • Luc know Councillor. •
and house flieS, and lice on dairy
,and beef cattle. Contains Ciockin
and Vapona. No dilution required,
CO-OP Barn Spray and Back-
rubber Concentrate -- Dual
purpose economy. Contains Ron-
ne'. 'Readily diluted with water,
deodorized kerosene or fuel oil,
CO-OP Stock Fly Powder
(with Ciodrin) — Long lasting
re'sidual control of horn, stable
and houseflies, and mosqUitoes.
Shaker-top for direct application
to livestock.
CO-OP Warble Killer (with
Ruelene) — Kills warble grubs
before damage starts. Pour or
spray along ,animal's back after
diluting. Apply after heel flir ac•
tivity ceases, from September 1
to November 30th.
*Trademark Registered
A few years ago, when the
County of Bruce built the gabion
• 'wall on Stauffer Street, just north
of Highway 86, it was a complete-
ly new type of retaining wall' for
this' area and many loOked on it
"The Sepoy Town" -- On the .Huron-Bruce. Boundary
Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847
' Established 1873 -- Published Each. Wednesday Afternoon
, ?Amber of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.NA.
StIllacriPtion Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8.00
Donald C. Thompson, Publisher
Councillor States
Position On
Arena Operation
CO-OP" Livestock Spray
C-V — Provides very effective
protection I Ready-to-use for
spraying dairy and beef cattle.
Gives quick knockdovim and re-
sidual fly control. -
CO-OP Barn Spray (with
Ronne!) Ready to use for
'spraying in and around livestock
buildings. Four to six week fly
and insect control with each
CO-OP Fly Bait*Granules —
Scatter bait for barns, sheds,
pens, poultry cages, garbage
cans, etc.' Contains Dichlorvos to
control "resistant" flies.
CO-OP Va-Por Fly Strip —
Gets flying insects in the air,
without contact. Controls flies
up to 4 Months. Ideal for homes,
sheds, animal buildings, 'storage
. and milk rooms.
CO-OP ,cygon 4E — Controls
. flies in and around livestock
buildings for 6 toS weeks. Dilute
to 1% before' spraying .(contains
Diniethoete 45%). Also cpntrols
insects in fruit • and vegetable
CO-OP Livestock Spray (with
Ronnel and Pyrethrins) —
Ready to use. Protects your dairy
and beef , cattle, hogs and horses
from horn flies, stable flies and
CO-OP Baokrubber Solution
(C-V) Controls stable, horn
CO6 OP Chemicals,
for complete insect control programs,