HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-22, Page 1SWIMMING t ROLL.SKATING, BALL AND.PICNIC
four Recreettion Committees Will Wind
Up Ball Series By Stagin0 chainpionships
In CoOlunction,With Family Outing
A meeting was held at Brook-
side School on August 9 of the
Recreatibn Committees of West
Wawanosh, Ashfield Kinloss and
Lucknow , in preparation for
setting up the finals for softball.
It was decided to hold a field day
at Lucknow ball park on Sunday,
September 2 starting at 1, p: m. ,
for_the last games of the playoffs.
In case the finals are completed
prior to September, the champ-
ions would be challenged by an
all-star 't earn of that particular
series. The swimming pool and
roller rink will be open through
the day.
Refreshments will be served
at cost price by the four Recrea-
tion Committees. Mrs. Harold
Cook and Mrs. Walter Arnold are
in charge of ordering food. Clar=
ence Doherty is in, charge Of bar-
becuing. The four recreation
committee chairmen are to have
four others to help serve, Keith
Kilpatrick is in charge of ice
cream bars, and drumsticks. Herb
Wilkins and Bill Black are in
charge of soft drinks. Bill Hunter
was appointed. treasurer for the
day, , :as well as preparing the
grounds and getting umpires. Bill
MacPherson is in charge of a loud
speaker. The Kinloss committee
is in charge of cleaning up the
In case of bad weather, these
activities will be postponed one
This day has been planned to
be 'a family outing'and a chance
for everyone to see some
excellent games of ball.
Ashfield Township Award Contract Of
$52,460 For New Township Garage
Ashfield Township council met The' tender of R. Nicholson Con.
on August 7th. All members were struction of $1675. was accepted
,present and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved. CONTINUED ON PACE 19
rs. McNaughton Top
Exhibitor In Summer Flower. Show
hristine MacMillan, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford Mac -
Ilan of St. Catharines , gradit-
:d from St. Joseph's School of .
!sing, TorOnto. She is a grad
to of Denis Meths High School.
She has accepted a position
th the Lakeshore Psychiatric
.pital, Toronto..
Christine is the granddaughter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacMil-
of Lucknow.
ow Village,
nc Briefs, '- • ..
nit of interest from .the Aug -
eeting of Lucknow Village
ncil include the following:
motion to hire Terry Coombs
rn village trees, at an approx.
to cost of $700, was rescinded.
er negotiations in this matter
being conducted by council.
0.00 AYeir In Advklai Extia To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1973 Sinp1. Copy 150 20 pilase
Mrs. Walter Dexter. '
The winners were:
Glads, Mrs. Alex Andrew , 'Mrs.
Joan Robinson, Mrs, John Emer-
son; Annuals, Mrs. Joan Robinson,
Mrs. Harold Treleaven; Mrs. Jim..
McNaughton; Perennials, Mrs.'
Alex Andrew, Mrs. Walter Dexter
Mrs. Jim. McNaughton; Floral
Arrangements, Mrs. Jim McNangh-
ton, Mrs. Harold Treleaven, Mrs.
Margo Tebbutt', daughter 'of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman de'Bruyn of
R. R. 5 Lucknow, 'graduated rec-
ently from the Owen SoUnd Reg ,
ional Scholl of Nursing.
Graduation exercises were held
on July.28 at Owen Sound Colleg-
iate and Vocational Institute in
Owen Sound. Mrs. Tebbutt ,has '
accepted a position on staff at
the OwerrSound General and Mar-
ine Hospital.
Nursing Graduate Bus Schedule
Changes With New
School' Boundaries
Nursing Grad
eve G. W. Joynt vacated the
in favour of councillor, Mnrv-
lomon and' Mr. Joynt made a'
on'that the January 9, 1973
cure granting the Lucknow
cultural Society $400 be
ed and that the matter be'
What An Egg
Can Do !
ks. Hilda Birks of Blackpobl,
land visited last week with •
'and Mrs. Harold Greer and
ily of Lucknow .
his friendship extends back to "when Ilene was stamping
for Britain in Mount Forest.
put her name and address on
gg and received a reply from
They haVe Corresponded
since and when Harold, and
visited Britain two years
they met for the first time. is year she has spent three..
In visiting her two Sistersin
da and is very 'favourably
4ted with the country.
da and Ilene paid a 'call to
`Mount Forest Produce" and
he egg grader who suggested
Istilg the egg and in 1978 is tthe job.
With the negotiating of new
'boundary lines for secondary.
'school students formerly attend-
•ing the' Winghan-1 District High
,School, made earlier between
Huron and Bruce County School.
.Boards, students in parts of Huron
Township, Ripley, the north part
.of Kinloss and a small section of
"Greenock will no longer.be attend-
ping Wingham District High• School.
Montgomery Motors in Lucknow
have received an extension of
their present bus franchise' to
'haul some of these students to
'Kincardine and Walkerton Smolt-
-clary Schools, depending on the
-courses they are taking. Many of
the Huron Township students will
be hauled to. Ripley where they
wild board other busses to continue
their trip to either Kincardine or
Walkerton. The students from ,
north. Kinloss will also meet con-
necting busses at a point yet to be
Area People At
60th Anniversary
In Vancouver
A diamond wedding auniver-.
sky was celebrated on Saturday
in Vancouver, B.C. for Mr.- and
Mrs. Ewart MacKeith.
Mrs. 'MacKeith was the former
Jean Johnston of Ashfield. At-
tending from here were. Mrs. Mac
Keith's sister Mrs. Grace Farrish
,of Lucknow , Grant and Lois Far-
rish of Ashfield; a brother Wm.
Johnston of Ashfield and daughter
Mrs. Stewart MacLennani a broth-
er Noble Johnston of Lucknow and
his wife Jessie; Mr. and Mrs.
George Moncrief of Ashfield and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall
of Kinloss. '
All those attending made the
-trip by Air Canada for the happy
Lake Huron Storm
Batters Cottages
And Property Again
Lake Huron went on the rarit-
page on/Monday and high winds
whipped up waves of gigantic
size and strength.
Cottage owners along parts of
Lake Huron, already battered by
high water last year and this year,
'took another beating described by
some "as bad as anything' that had
happened earlier".
From late afternoon on Monday
on into the night , the force of
the waves and water smashed at
cottages and properties that sit on
a low level. Man made
protective devices proved helpful
'in some cases but were washed 4,
away in some lOcations.
By Tuesday morning as this was
written, the force of the lake
istorm had eased off and property '
owners were assessing the damage
Dave Cox from .the Huron Coun
y ,tauntrag,,;Board was present and
Outfitted the services of, the Plan-
ning Board arid assistance avail-
able for shoreline protection..
The Workmen's Compensation
Insurance and the Bond On the
Treasurer were renewed with
John A. McDonagh.
The low tender Of Bart Con-
struction Ltd. , Kincardine of
$52,460.00 was accepted to con-
struct a new Township Garage Sub-
jeCt to the approval of the Minis-
try of Transportation and Comrnun
Five tenders were, received;
with the higheit $76 ,867.00
The 15th annual Summer 'Flower
Show of the Lucknow and. District
Horticultural 'Society was held in'
the Legion Hall, Lucknow on -
Monday , August 20th with a good:,
crowd of viewers in attendance.
Many tables of well arranged
flowers made the hall look very
attractive. The judges for this
event were Mrs. Zetta,Henderson
and Mrs. Ross Shiells and the com-
mittee was under the leadership
of Miss Elizabeth Robinson and
School Days At Lucknow Public About 15 Years Ago ,
4 •