HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-15, Page 14WEDN ESDAY,'AUGUST:1; LAST • GIFT REMEMBRANCE. Whittle! It's a MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You aro rounamberini a Wad ans.. T. • PRYD1 It SON' 'LTD. 1111111',111111111.111; 1 1 1 I ; 111.:65-ituttintuunt\I . " . 1 \ FULLY PROGRAMMED 2 SPEED AUTOMATIC WASH Twelve billy programmed cycles to wash all of your clothes SIMPLICITY clean. A prewash cycle, is also available for eiftxa heavily soiled clothes. Bleach dispenser is/hicluded and controlled by push buttons on the console. Push a program button on the fallY illuminated; leather grained control panel and your SIMPLICITY washer does the rest. A fabric conditioner dispenser is featured. Exclu- sive SIMPLICITY' 2 Year Parts Warranty, Only 27 gailons ,of water required for complete regular wash cycle. Special soap cycle. Whisper-Drive transmis- sion warranted for' 5 years. ibb .simptirity THE HOME LAUNDRY SPECIALISTS Greer T.Y.And Electric ,u ow' Phone 528 ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND and MASONRY IN STOCK ******'************* POLYETHYLENE.: HMil :- 4 Mil 'Mit- In Sizes Up To 40 Feet Wide JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LID. PHONE '528-3118 LUCKNOW THE.I.MCKN.OW SENTINEL!. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LUCKNOW LEGION HALL pothRTIEN LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MONDAY, .UST 20. ' 3 P.M., - 9 P.M. EXHIBITS IN. BY 12 NOON Prize lists and tags are• available from Carrie Milne HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN GODERICH - Don Denomme - 524-8761-VISIT VoINEb., Junior Team Now In Playoff Series The Lucknow Junior Softball team has completed a successful regular season winning 50/0 of their games in a grouping of Int-. ermediate teams. They have now entered the W,O.A.A. playoffs and were grouped against Mount Forest in the first round. Mount Forest conceded the series to Lucknow without playing it 'and the local team will now stand by to play the winners of Tavistock and FUllerton in the W.O.A.A. Junior. finals. ' They are also entered in 0. A. S.A. play (Ontario Amateur Soft- ball Assoc.) and will meet Allen- ford in Allenford on August 18 with the return game 'in. Lucknow on August 26. ated•in Scotland as a defiance of the English ban on kilts after • Bonnie Prince Charlie's. Rebellion was put down in 1745. David MacDonald', D.. A. Mac Lennan and John McKay on the bagpipes and. Finlay MacLennan on drums played several Scottish tunes. Duncan Simpson, Duncan McKay and Finlay MacDonald san a few selections and others joined in the singing of familiar, songs with Lillian Simpson accompany- ing/on the piano, John McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Kay of Auburn favoured us with bagpipe selections and also sang a couple of songs, in Scottish dia lect • A pleasant afternoon and tivep ing ended with everyone sing! The Lord's My Shepherd and A Lang Syne; ALUMINUM. DOORS Full 1 1/4 inches Thick Standard Sizes . 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 8 in. x. 6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft. 1.0 in. x ft. 10 (SELF STORING SCREENS) Over 180 Attend. MacDonald Reunio.r1 The . MacDonald Clan Reunion was held at MacDonald Cedar Grove, Lochalsh, on Saturday, afternoon, August 4th, 1973. Over 180, gathered to,the strain of the bagpipes. An excellent sports program was carried out by.Bob Oirkhaug and Jim Robson with prizes for all. A special feature was toss- ing of water balloons, ending 'up with many a wet contestant. A delicious pot luek -supper was served after which Rd MacDon- ald, President , called ,the Clan together for the business and entertainment. A minutes silence was observed for those who pas- sed away during the year; George Fisher and Michelle Paretes. New additions to the Clan are: Mark Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrew of Lucknow; Rory MacDOnald', son of Mr., and Mrs. Rod 'MacDonald, Chatham; Jen- .nifer Jean Dalton, daughter Of Mr. and. Mrs. Clete. Dalton (Mary Louise Simpson, Kintail). It was an honour to have with us 'Rod MacDonald, oldest mem- ber present , who travelled from • Minneapolis, Minnesota, with • , his daughter Mary Ann and her husband Howard Huelster; Also attending with his father was Rod MacDonald Jr. , wife Joanne and 4 children from Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. Sally Peterson, -daughter of the late Jim MaeDon- ald came from Fullerton, Cali- fornia, and her sister-in-law .'Mrs. Lane MacDonald with her daugh- ter 'Janet Manthos and family came .from Virginia. Mr. and, Mrs. Dan Rose and family, who are home on vacation from Ghana, Africa, were also pres- ent. It was good to have mem= bers of the Lennie family with us from Hamilton, as it was Mrs. Jennie Lennie who was instrumental in getting the Clan together for the first reunion in 1930 and it was her dying wish that the Clan always continue to gather for an annual reunion. An interesting historical sketch• of thearrival in Kintail in 1843 of the ancestors, 'Murdock Mac- Donald and family and the wife and family of Donald, who died in Toronto on the: way, 'was given by BruCe MacDonald. The 1972' minutes were read by. Ethel Jackman and the folloWing officers were elected for 1974; J. K. Agnew, President; George MacDonald, Vice President; Mary Edith Birkhaug, Secretary; David MacDonald., Treasurer; Sports, gin Robson and David Agnew; LUnch, Jean West and Mabel, Sally and Louise MacDonald. A hearty vote of thanks was giv- en to the lunchcommittee , who dO so Much to make the day en- joyable; Entertainment, Lillian Simpson and Bob Birkhaug. We were well entertained with Scottish and other music. George and Murray MeDonald played violin. selections accompanied by Mabel MacDonald on the piano. Mary Lillian Simpson, Helen Simpson and Gayle MacKenzie danced the Highland Fling, ac- companied by Dave MacDonald on.the bagpipes. Cathy. Simp•-• danced the Sean Tribhas (pron- ounced Shawn Trews) piped by D. A. MaCLennan. This is quite a delightful dance 'and it is interesting 'to note that the trans-, lation from Gaelic is "Old Trous- ers", being a dance which origin-