HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-15, Page 10MMUMm. 21111011PUOIHAnim *,? THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L UCKNOW ,ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUR('' • ings August 2nd 'at B.0(114.4'i; Mrs. Alvin Robb•opetothi, pose repeated in unison., a hef meeting with the which the group listened tot4 Lord's Prayer on record. Scripture, taken from matt verses. 2 was read by* Russel Swan, followed by h 270. and prayer by Mrs, crai rish. Mrs. Robb gave a re; "The Miracle -.You" by M at ,S.. ,cigar folloWed by prayec, • Mrs . Gordon Finlaysonslta slide s on her trips to Portugar 'Mexico , which were enjoyed everyone. about our first teat and Ro school call attended was ans. w ed by 16 members. 'Offertoty. prayer . was 'given by Mrs, West. Business followed ,ati: invitation is .extended from 14nloss• Church, Wednesday ing ;October 3rd tat Sp, After close of meeting andi grace sung a delicious lunch served by hostess and commi in charge. PAGE 41.4444-11÷114-•••••••••••0444,44 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane of ._ Guildford, Surrey England are en joying a'holiday with their niece Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Page and fam ily concession 10. Miss. Carolyn Fawthrop return- ._ ed home from vacationing at Parry Sound with her grandmoth- . er „her brother David and sister Janice. 'Mrs. James Hodgins, Tammy and Michele have, been visiting with her parents and other Mem- vegt."/%04:100"6"10940•61"6.04010.91 "k".". bers of, her family at Windsor. • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton re- _after a few weeks turned home holiddy.in Western Canada, where they visited with his broth- er Albert Shelton and family. Mrs. Pearl Lloyd of London visited on Friday with Edna and May Boyle. Mrs. Powell Sr. visited here at the home of her son Reg Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins of London spent the week end here. , `Beverley Hedley visited with her cousin Patti Lou Irwin. , The Anglican Parish Holiday Service will be in St e Pauls• Church, Ripley next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mr.. and Mrs. William J. Mac- Pherson of R. R. 1 Holyrood last week end attended the Oldfield- Shuker wedding at Grimsby. While in that district they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and Mr. 'and Mrs. Art Roy' at Hamilton and with.,•Mr. and Mrs. •Kenneth Young at Dundas. Marianne and Michelle, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rhod were able to,come home from 'London where they were hospitalized for a time. • Harvesting in this area 'is well on the way'and good crops are re- ported. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Collison and Lois Nicholson of Georgetow erich with. Mr. and Mrs. Roy visited over the week end with, Graham. their parents Mr. ,and Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Jim Munro of Nicholson. Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs'. Alex Jarn'ie and Kim Langford return- Percy and Wayne visited recently ed to their home in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ball of Tobermory. after spending awhile with their 1973 Le Mans 4 'door, V8, fully equipped 1973 CHEVY Nova, 4 door, 6 cylinder, power steering and brakes 1973 CHEV El' Camino,: V8, low' mileage. , 1973 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 2 —1973 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedans, V8, fully equipped 1973 FORD Galaxie 500 4 door hardtop; automatic, power steering and brakes 1971 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door' hardtop, V8 autoniatiC, power steering and brakes 1970 FORD custom 4 door; V8 automatic 1970 CHEV 1/2 ton 6 cylinder 2 1970 CHEVELLE stationWagon, '4 door, V8, automatic, .power steering 1972' HONDA Motor bike, low mileage •"4,4 •1•••••••\•••••••••••••••%S.1•••••••••% CAR SALES LTD.' MYTH PHONE 523-4342 ANY ICINLOUGH • PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED CHURCH AT LOCHALSH • will hold MORNING WORSHIP AT 11 A.M. throughout the summer months _Rev: David Freemen minister Hre÷•-•-•+4-40-0404+40444-4044+•-• LUCKNOW • UNITED. CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, p,A.. Minister 'SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER SERVICES Joint services with Lucknow and. South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches , 11 a.m. Morning Worship , July 1st to July 22nd In Lucknow United Church July 22nd to August 12th In Lucknow Presbyterian Church August 19th to September 2nd South Kinloss Presbyterian Church • ' grandparents Mr. and. Mrs. Nicholson While Mrs, Cliff Lang- ford was` in the hospital. Larry and Lisa Evans of Erin visited with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and on Sunday they accompanied their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Evans of Whitechurch to London, where they attended a family , reunion. t, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perky visited Saturday evening in God- Bert South Kinloss WMS Mrs. Annie MacIntyre was host- ess for the August meeting held in the Sunday School room of the church. The meeting opened by the president, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton' reading a poem "My Life of Wear ing". The -hymn Rock of Ages was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The Bible Study, John 16 was led by Mrs. Sparks and discussion by those present. The roll call was answered by naming an Indian Harvest. The offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Jirn Burt. The Study Book on India `was ANGLICAN ' CHURCH OF CANADA SUMMER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES PARISH OF LUCKNOW AUGUST 19th St: Paul's, Ripley — 11:00 a.m. AUGUST 26th The Ascension, ICinlough 11:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2nd St, John's, Bervie 11:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 9th St. Peters, Lucknow 11:00 a.m. THE REV. H. JENNINGS PRIEST - IN - CHARGE •••••0%.,~9."096~94;"."."09."."~".."."." LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN . REFORMED CHURCH. J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. §ervice (Dutch, lst Sunday of the month) Hymn Sing,' 1st Sunday of the month, 8:00 p.m". VISITORS WELCOME Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glemi Noble, B.A. B.D. Minister / Phone 528-2740 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH NO SUNDAY SCHOOL -DURING AUGUST SUMMER SERVICES Services at 11:00 a.m. Joint Services with Lucknow United Church and South Kinloss Church i•••••••11•••imul. • At 'South Kinloss Church • August 19, 26, and September 2 mrimer:rmr. The Centennial Book is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, Fish- er's Barber Shop and from Mrs. Ena Henderson. Awmor WOVI given by Mrs. Allan MacIntyre. Articles for the bale are to be taken to the next meeting at the church. Mrs. Jim Burt gave the court- esy remarks. The September meeting is 'to be 'in the, church September 5 , 8 p. m'. , Mrs. Gib Hamilton.hostess, Mrs. Colin Campbell of Wingham is speaker. The hymn, I heard the voice of Jesus say, was sung and Mrs. Lorne Sparks closed the meeting with, prayer. Grace was sung and lunch serv- ed by the 'hostess and directors • Mrs. Allan MacIntyre and Mrs. Jim Burt. Mrs. Duncan Farrish opened' her home to, the Ashfield W.M.S. combined. July and August meet- Ashfield Enjoy Travelogue CO-OP Barn Spray (With net. Readily diluted with w IRonnel) — Ready to 'use for, deodorized kerosene or fuel i spraying n and around •livestock CO-OP Stock'. Fly Pow buildings. Four to six week fly (with Ciodrin) — Long Iasi and, insect control with each CO-OP Fly Bait' Granules — Shaker-tOp for direct applical residual contra of horn, sla cans, etc. Contains Dichloryos to . and house flies, and mosquil spraying. • Scatter bait for barns, sheds, to livestock. 'CO-OP Cygon '4E — Controls di!utinp. Apply after heel }1 Killer pens, poultry cages, garbage Gets 'flying insects in the air, co-Op.Warble CO-OP .Va-Por Fly Strip — spray along animal's ball without contact. COntrols flies Ruelene) — Kills warble I, up,to 4 months, Ideal for homes,'• to November 30th. and milk rooms. before damage starts. Pour control "resistant" flies. flies in and around livestock tivity ceases, from Wien buildings for 6 to 8 weeks. Dilute *Trademark Registered 9 shedS, animal buildings, storage , to 1% before spraying (contains Dimethoate 45%). Also controls insects 'in fruit and vegetable bps. CO-OP ,Livestock Spray (with Ronne) and Pyrethrins) — Ready to use. Protects your dairy and beef cattle, hogs and horses from horn flies, stable flies and mosquitoes. CO-OP Backrubber Solution (Cry) -- Controls stable, horn CO-OP" Livistock Spray .C-V.-- Providesvery effective protection! :Ready-to-use: for spraying dairy and beef cattle:. Gives quick knockdown and re- isidual fly 'control. Flies can bug your st and reduce your prafi Lucknow District 01 Phone 528-2125 CO•01) Chemicals, for complete insect control progranil and house flies, and lice on and beef. cattle. Contains Ci and Va bona . No dilution requ CO-OP Barn Spray and B rubber Concentrate - 0 purpose economy. Contains R