HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-15, Page 840.1111IIHIB Freeman - Olson Gravel. Pit • 1% Miles West Of Dungannon CHOICE CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL SAND, 3/4 STONE, TOP FILL• FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE • PIT RUNGRAVEL ALL LOADS WEIGHED FOR YOUR ACCURATE MEASURE 10 METRIC TONS - 22046 LBS. • weekly to conduct his practise *here. The building adjoined the Bank of Montreal and was the former home of Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Spence. The Legion had not completed immediate plans for the use of the building. Railway travel was reported to have 'reached a new peak with even branch line trains hauling many passengers. ' • 50 YEARS AGO AUGUST 1923 An advertisement in the Sentin- el placed by the local Creamery, on. New Egg Regulations read as fcrllows - "The 'Dominion Govern- ment has passed a . law making it compulsory to buy and sell eggs or a graded basis. Eggi 'are classed as Extras, Firsts and Seconds. To• day's prices are Extras 240, Firsts 200, Seconds 150." Space Usability Survey In Bruce The National Shelter. Program covers a multiplicity of activities from preliminary sur- / DAZZLE HER, WITH A Give Your Loved One A Diamond Engagement Ring FOR PRIVATE EVENING APPOINTMENTS CALL 528-3532 OR RESIDENCE 528-3940 SCHMID'S JEWELLERY AND CHINA OWNERS - W. JOS. and DEAN E. AGNEW LUCKNOW - PHONE 528.3532 "DIANA ROSS HAS TURNED INTO THIS TEAR'S BLAZING DIANA ROSS /5 KINCARDINE "7"1""` BILLIE' HOLIDAY NEW MUSICAL ACTRESSr PADA'.40uNi Pr,TURIS PP(' 9:4':'[.70C:V sen t DIANA ROSS IN "LADY SINGS THE BLUES' BLUES • 'lam •,,.)rroV.) BILLY DEE WLLIAM; rm, HARD PRyoR L.ecteo.e, SONE • • a t. • •S S it!-•q SYS.C,I.Lvelftg • • or d r.A1P15 (74 Ary .N1 , • • I ;IAD • PLUS Aug. :1940-21 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Onsbdorl • A uHlvERSni. AftfASE one nose. bt ICESSAIS SLIM rECIONICISI • "TRICK BABY" AND "BLUE" -Ws still the same old story, alight for love and glory." "41)11 ACA S. SA A" 1,4U1)tIvAntlii z73*, I It, I i 1 ,titN . i LIS .111 t• 1,X4!' PLUS ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S 11::11;1'.11::::114 111 . 11. 111 11 1111111"1"Ilillill 1 a shattering tale of pSychological terror JON FINCH . ALEC McCOWEN BARRY FOSTER , BILLIE WHITEL AIN • ANNA MASSEY BARBARA LE IGH.HUNT • BERNARD CRIBBINS ymEN MERCHANT 5"""'" by 0,0trid by - I( E 'Aug. 15.16-17:18 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 No n Special Savings Ar Accounts YICTORGI~ VG TRUST COM P ANY SINCE 1089:: • Lyle. Zurbrlgg, Manage '5244381 100 KIngeton Eluded meet again on September 4, , 1973 at 7.30 p.m. or at the 61" of the reeve. FRASER MacKINNON, Clerk. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, loUCKNO:10g, ONTARIO • 'PAGE. LIGHT, • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST:15,ltn flIME:k _SALE. ,W ON • LORNE . REID SHOE .REPAIR - HO RTICULTURAL SOCIETY FLOWER SHOW MON., AUG. 20 .•••4••••'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES • WITH MARGARET THOMPSON o••••••••••••••••••••••••4**4t•••••••••••••••• '• • etc. , l'1.1 07;, David MacKinnon, , mileage , 8.04; J. E. M1cDo,n- ald , tractor repairs, 4,23; Pol- . lard Bros. Ltd" calcium, 4:,234.03; Niagara Chemicals, brush kill, 660.25; Jean Sehu= reacher, clerical assistance, 30.00; Huron and. Kinloss Tel. System, garage, 34.29; JOhn Shawalwater, , backhoe , 30:00; Murray's Gen.' Store Supplies, 7.27; ,Dick. Elliott, pit owner, 9.60; Carmen Whytock, pit own- er, 131.90; Gerald, Murray ,. pit owner, 662.10; Ray Stanley, load and haul gravel, 3480.80; Mary Cleland, pit owner, 7.20;' Rec. General for Canada, Un. Ins. 41,75; Rec. Gen. for Canada, C.P.1,. , 62.46; Rec. Gen. cor for Canada , Income tax, 168.75; Brian Doelman . land purchase for const. , 42.00;: Currie Col- well, land purchase for const.', 39.00; Fraser MacKinnon, land purchase for coast., 21.00; Jim . Murray, land purchase for coast, , 20.00; Lorne Eadie, land pur- chase for coast. . 90,00; George Carter, land purchaie for coast., 42.00; Peter R. Carter, land • purchase for construction, 19.50; Barry Johnston, land purchase for construction, 63.00; Earl Hayes, land pUrchase for cOnstruc- don, 42.00; ,James Burt, land purchase for construction, 65.00; James McGillivray, land pur-_ chase' for construction, 27.10; Ron Machan Hdwe. , shovel, 8.51. The meeting was adjourned to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 • The following accounts were ordered paid. GENERAL ProNi. Treasurer, Tile Drain Deb. #1-1972, 468.54; Donald Huffman, fox bounty, 4.00;' Law.: rence McLeod, fox bounty , 4.00; Fred Edwards", fox bounty, 8.00; Marilyn. Rhody; fox bounty , 4.00; Fraser _MacKinnon, telephone and stamps, 18.19; Lucknow Sentinel, supplies and adv't. , 11.60; Bruce- Grey R.C.S.S., balance 1973 requisition. 79.00; ITT Lighting Fixture, equipment for. White- church Lights, 868.92; Fraser ' MacKinnon, mileage to Court of Rev. at Kitchener, 23.28; Bob Purvis, sheep claim, 45.00; Fras- er MacKinnon, part salary •less ded. 293.70; Rec. Gen. for Canada, Un. Ins. & C.P.P. , 13.32; Bob Gilchrist, livestock insp.. and mileage, 5.06; Ron Machan Hdwe. , Rec. equipment, 11.11; Doris MacKinnon, clerical, 36.00; Wm. Evans, att: at waste ' site etc. , 111.80., HIGHWAYS. Frank Schumacher, pay less ded. , 451.23; Donald Wall, pay less ded. ,,308..32; Harold Smith,, pay less ded. 533.82; David . MacKinnon, pay less ded. , 423.90; .Thos. MacDonald, pay less ded. 80.62; Emil Ottnad, • leather for grader seats, 9.63; Hackett's"Farrn Equip., mower repair, 14.20; McArthur Tire, sprayer tire, 24.78; Wilkens Gar- age,' seal beam, 2.14; Ont. Cul- verts and Metal. Products, C.M.P. 476;52; McGee Auto Electric, repairs, 54.52; Dorn Road Mach.: inery Co. , grader repair, 36.30; B.P. Oil Ltd., gas, diesel, etc. , 508.35; Eric 6ox Wholesale, Kim towels, 25.63; Frank Schu- macher, telephone, mileage vey work to completion of reg- ional and local community shel- ter plans. The 'major shelter plan• ning effort up to the present time has been aimed atdeterrnining the full extent of our resources and in this respect the work carried out to date has been considered as the investigatory 'portion of the program. • The purpose of the National Shelter Program in Canada is. to save/fives and reduce casualties in the event of a nuclear • exchange involving North Ameri- ca; its ultimate objective is the provision of adequate' protection for the public. Before., egional and local community shelter plans can be prepared, a space usabil- ity survey must be completed. / This year's Space Usability Survey is part of the DND/Canada EMO Student Summer Employment Program. It was initiated by the Canada Emergency Measures Organization and developed'i'n consultation with the' Emergency Measures Branch of Ontario. , Under. the overall direction of the Canada 'Emergency Measures ,Organization, the Space Usabil- ity Survey will' be supervised and administered by EMB Ontario with students working through Municipal Einergency Measures Co-ordinators. Working with. C. K. Black, EMO Co-ordinator for the County of Bruce are: Christopher Lyon, (Team, Leader); 'Hazel .Braithwaite. Helene Van Houten, Sandy Rand- ell, Trudi Ekvall. 10 Years Ago • AUGUST 1963 The. R,athwell Shoe Store remov- al.sale created quite a sensation in the "community and was a big success; Bargain conscious 'shop- pers were lined up outside for some time before the store open-, ed at 10 a.m. and when the crowd swarmed in they jammed the store to capacity, so that it •Was necessary to .lock the doOr. As customers were served "re- • placements" were, admitted. This procedure had to be followed until the noon hour. * The sale was launched prior to the rniid -September moving.of the Rathwell Shoe 'Store from its • then present location to, the form er telephone office building in • the Joynt Block across the street. 30 YEARS AGO AUGUST 1943 .The Lucknow Branch of °the Canadian Legion purchased• the former Spence home from T. E. Convay, Kincardine barrister.. Mr. Convay bought the 'premises three years previously and for a time visited the Village