HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 18THE LUCKNOW SENT:114E4f I4.14.C.KNOilt ...ONTARIO Combined push button timed appliance outlet. Infinite heat' 'switches just dial the desired temperature: Tilt-up—tilt down mien elements for.easy cleaning. Plug out eleinents and one piece removable drip bowl and ring. Timed appliance outlet — eon., venient for breakfast coffee. Extra large 'storage drawer. lic% movable door -- conveniently pulled out of,_the.way for oven cleaning. Recessed cooking platform — spillguard edges prevent spilling., liquid onto floor. Greer T.V. Lucknow And Electric Phone 528- 3112 WILDFIRES WASTE RERUNS . -COST MOO! / \ .• Help Prev.ent .All Wildarte :A T TEN TION RM.f.RS HAVE, IN STOCK A LARGE SUPPLY OF' WESTEEL -10SCO GRANARIES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY We have erecting jacks to assist ye3111 in erecting (at no charge) or we will do it for You. JUST CALL Lowry Farm Systems AMBERLEY 395-5286 T. • •),I 4.i wgim ESDAYi AUGUR ►rite 54 Ave, S.W., Alberta. • Lucknow. eutinel l; Mario. s .. Dear, W. Thompson, I ain reliclosing a cheque for 6 M9nths'filore of the Sentinel for My mother Mrs. Mary Beaton (nee• McPhee). • Mother for over the past year s been a reSident of one of our auxiliary hospitals due to a stroke Fehrnary10, 1972. I am very 1, pleased to report she has nude remarkable progress as to speech and although, unable to walk with- Atmt,lielp and, gewabout in a wheelchair she does very well and lately has been, going out every So often to look about a big, departmentarstore with the help 'of a jVolunteer helper who pushes her about. 'Sher also makes a • ircp home for all day Sunday via a wheelchair'bus. She celebrated her 91st hirthday January 7th with a few friends in for a dinner party at home. • .1. Now I want to, report how small dip world'seems sometimes. An- ' myering my doorbell one•day last week found a gentleman in- cluging as to cable which had been installed next 'door (S & S duplex). The tenants had Just moved out so he came here recognized hirnfrorn the time I worked in the office of a construe Lion firm first in Lethbridge then moving to Calgary. He was, then a salesman representative for a well known window coMpany and as we had a' contract with his' firm he made many trips to our office. We had quite a chat and I hap- pened to Mention my neighbor had moved back to her home- town and my ,visitor said "It wasn't lucknow" - I really thought Rd heard' him wrong at .first then. I told him "No but my mother is from there, don't tell me you are too, and he said he was born and raised there". Now I will tell you his name as he happens to be your cousin (Adam) Gordon Thompson. I never even thought about it until he -told me you were'editor of the 'Sentinel - Well, we then had a long chat Over coffee about Luck- liold-and I got some snaps and • old photos. out, one of an old" fellow who was a ,well known character and I'd forgotten for the moment his 'name and.Gordon said - "Thats old Jock barns". I also have pictures of Rev. and Mii. McLennan who were there in mother's time' and were parents •of Dora and Cathy McLennan' who later moved to Toronto and are now deceased. This,.I'm sorry. is getting, to be like a short story but did want to tell you. I passed on the news of your winning a wonderful trip and my congratulations and may you and your wife have a wonderful trip. • I'm sorry to have 'to report I'd thrown out the Sentinel with your pictures In it and• couldn't show Gordon. Trusting this has been of inter- est to you , I remain , ' Yours truly, (Miss) Elaine Beaton. , 987 Colborne , London, Ontario. Dear Sirs, Enclosed please find a cheque for $6.00 for renewal of my sub- scription, for another, year. I 'find many things of interest in your paper as I was born there and learned telegraphy there, und- er Miss Elizabeth Henderson. I also lived in Ashfield and West Wawanosh and Goderich and I visit briefly in the summers in parts in and around Lucknow. My father, William Rivers, had a blacksmith shop on main street there for a number of years and I have many pleasant memories of people and places from those days.. I wish you and your paper con- tinued success for many years to come. Your Headquarters AuromATIQ with,* .0 For PITTSBURGH PAINTS FOR THAT. Use Pittsburgh Paints EXCELITE... FIBER :GLASS :•:PAti:'ELS. Size 26" x 8' 26" x 10' Forest Green-- Sunsoft Yellow Ideal For Ihitios, Carports, Fences, Room Dividers And Enclosures ST, LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND and MASONRY ' Sincerely , Gladys (Rivers) Carnochan, London. Ontario.' 267 Kirchoffer Ave., Ottawa, Ontario. The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. Dear Don, Herewith my renewal for an- • other year. Sorry to'bp late but have been spending some time with son Donald in Virginia. 'His medical practice keeps hirn very busy so I usually go down to help him put in his garden as he is very fond of fresh vegetab- les. It also gives Mrs. Mac_ gay and I an opportunity to, get to know our three grandchildren bet- ter. . It may interest those in the Lucknow area who have written me.for advice on bluebirds that the colony which I have built tip laid approximately 100 eggs in each of the past two seasons. This year they hav4 already laid about 120 and there will undoubt- edly be' more. I am glid to hear that Harvey MacDougall is be- ginning to, get good results from his efforts. Wishing you continued success with your excellent publication, I 'remain, Sincerely yours, Graham MacNay. 255 Benchview Rd. , Rutland, B.C. May 10 , 1973. Hello Doe, Well Don I thought I was going to get to Ontario this year to see all the folks back, there, but I am going to England instead', going middle of August and back the middle of September, so it Would be too' late In the year to come to Ontario then,, but hope' to make it next year. ' / I don't know what kind of weather you are having, but it sure has been nice here. Beau& 'fill, all the trees in blossom. quite different'to the cilast where we got so much rain, - Yours truly, • James F. Parkes. lost a lot of weight, I look and walk aS usual. On 7 of June we hope to ale- brat'e our 57th wedding anniVer. sary. I have noticed §eyeral of my old school mates of Kilda* have paised away.. Was so glad to have the Fraok Mauldens and pynard Ackerts 'call on us. I get hits of news,fro the paper.' The Malcolm girls keep. me well posted on what is going On. ' Yours truly, Hugh H.' Malcolm, - • • JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER "LTD; PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW. 1015 N. Louise St. Apt. 2, Glendale, Calif. , 91207, June 2, 1973. The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow , Ontario. Dear Sir, Enclosed is my check for the renewal of the paper for another year. During this last year,I have had a severe stroke which has caused me a lot of trouble. I notice my left side affected, my face also and left fingers and have