HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 15• ',NELL WORTH LOOKING. FOR" • JOHNSON'S" BABY. SHAMPOO 8 Ounce • SUGG. LIST $1.39 SECRET &Opel. Dry ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT 6 ounce aerosol ADORN Self Styling HAIR SPRAY 6.3 ounce SUGG. UST $1.89 Trade Mark RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 5 oz. —Sugg, List S1.39 BUFFERIN BUFFERIN rAsr PAlly RSLIEP wen No grower, upsiL COLLATE DENTAL CREAM with MFP Regular or Winterfresh 100 tablets SUGG. LIST s1:79 lettsm=z01 PAGE gsroy,AUGUST 8„ 1,17 .. • Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Lexie MacLean, daugh- ter of Mx. and Mrs. Allan Mac- Lean of Collingwood , on. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ddn Rose and family, Sheila, Alyson and David , and Dan's mother Mrs. Steve Stothers were in the area this week. Dan is home on leave from. Africa. They intend to leave for Emo and Winnipeg this week to visit friends and relatives, before returning to Africa for another year. Summer visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collinson and Jackie were his cousin Mrs. Robert Hall, Cindy, Marty and Tracy from Shakespeare. Bob Jr. , Donald and John Sinip- son have summer employment in the Delhi area. They returned to Delhi Sunday evening after spending the, week end at their homes. Mr'. and Mrs. Pete Agnew of Michigan and their families Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burkhogg of Chic- ago and Mr.' and Mrs. J. K. Ag- new and family visited with the MacDonald's this week end. Mrs, Sadie Blue and, granddaugh• ter Miss Lisa Paretes 'of Detroit visited with the, MatDonald Clan on Saturday. Mrs. Ewan MacLean motored to Petrolia on Sunday to attend spec- ial services in the church which she formerly attended. Mr. Carnohan of Ripley has taken over the services in Ashfield Presbyterian Church while aev. X. ,Rooney and Mrs. Rooney are on vacation.' Church 'Services are at 9.30 a.m. this month. Mr. and Mrs. Rod MacDonald of $trathroy visited in this area 'on Saturday. R I NOW Avmuung ON t and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES , Interim financing On now construction or land development . FOR REPRESENTATIVES' IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6525 Collect Hoed Office — 56 Weber. St. 4.1 Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR. INSTANT CASH KINTAIL ST. HELENS. • of Richmond Hill were week end 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre visitors with. Mrs. W. I. Miller and Isobel. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Garnmie and Loree and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gamrnie, Jeff and Donnie attend- ed the Gamrnie -Rodgers wedding in Vancouver on Saturday. Paul Curran visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner and family of. Lucan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corrigan of Barrie were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller and family. Howard Huelster and son Ross of St. Paul, Minnesota were also visiting the MacDonald families. Mr. and Mrs. George MacDon- ald of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald. Bill Black of London was home for the holiday week end with his parents Mr. and •Mrs. Walter Black. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe of Listowel spent the week end visit- ing with Mr.' and. Mrs. Walter Black and family and Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack McGuire and family. Several from this area were at the Beef Barbecue in Ripley on Sunday evening sponsored by the Ripley Lions Club. Mr. and Mrs. Bert White and family of Birr spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. Harold Stacey of Barrie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family and Mrs. W. IL Ham- ilton on the week end. Karen McNairn of Seaforth is spending a few days visiting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. Doug Jones of Kitchener visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Walter . Black and family during the 'week end. Congratulations to--Mr. arid ' Mrs. David Rigg of Orillia and formerly of this community on the birth of a baby boy, a wee broth- er for. Adon. Mrs Vera Blackwell,•Laurie and David of. St. Ann's visited • with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Hamilton. and family on Riday. David stayed for a few days holidays. Mrs. Blackwell is a, sister of Mrs. Hamilton. • Several from this area attended the Craft Festival held in the _Lucknow arena last Friday and Sturday. Graduates From Victoria Hospital LOCHALSH' NEWS Congratulations to Miss Donna • Wylds, who placed so well in the graduation frorn Victoria Hospital School of Niirsing on Friday. Donna will now try her R.N. exams this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wyldi of Ripley and Mr. Dan Wylds were all guests at the graduation exercises. On Thurs- day evening Warren .Wylds 'attend - .ed, the Father and Daughter ban- quet with. Donna. Henry MacKenzie isn't as well as his many friends would like to sed him. Miss Donna Elphick is attending a camp near Huntsville for a couple of weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. David Elphick were recent visitors in the North and journeyed as far as moosonee by train. They also visited at . Moose Factory. Fred Ritchie of Huntsville is visiting In the community. Mrs. Robt. McIntosh arrived home from University Hospital, where she had been a patient fol- lowing surgery. • Week end visitors with Mr'. and,. Mrs. Art Matthewman were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Waldie of Acton. Week end' visitors with-Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles were Mr. and Mrs. Donald: McCharles and • family of Chatham and John Mc - Charles Of Petrolia. Scott and. Heather McCharles remained Wm. J. Kinahan R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone Wingham 357497 SUN LIFE' ASSURANCE COMPANY OF 'CANADA with 'their grandparents for a holi- day. • Me. and Mrs. Harold Elphick and family spent Sunday in Miss- issauga with Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson. OLIVET 'tors this week end with Colin MacGregor and Bob Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- of TorontO. George has e misfortune of breaking his a fall, while repairing the hishorne. s. Isobel Oke of London is her parents Mr. and Mrs. wes.. Her twin daughters' and Katliryn•are spending days at Belgrave. Eltrier (Frances) West Of , olbourne visited last. week Mrs. Dick West. During her he family held a reunion home of Mr. and Mrs. El- theltzer,and family of Hur- ownship. gratulations to Miss Donna , daughter of Mr. and IVIrsi en Wylds. who graduated as a from Victoria Hospital last yin London. Ss Doris Wylds of Toronto d with her father Dan WyldS eek end. and Mrs. Robin DaVey ennie of Toronto spent the end,with Mr. and Mrs. Don- irripson. ;'and Mrs. Jack Allan, and Bill of Camlachi visited the week end with Duncan and the Simpson families. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie, ed to Ottawa to attend the g of,his niece Lynda . erof Mr. and. Mrs. Ray: Dianne MacKenzie is eling at Camp Iona , Bala Muskoka area. Flor'a Sirnpson returned oh Saturday after attending lona for ten days as Junior Or. e 4acDonald visited in n. His cousin Brian Beatty d home with him for' a ay, and Mrs. Gordon on and Glenn of Delhi visit- ali Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simp- er the week end. visiting with Bob Simpson's as Jan Simpson , who is ng a University Summer Course at London, and Kaye of Stratford . Lane MacDona ld, Mrs. Manthos and family , Lane Os, Christine and Christoph- itginia are at Amberley and visited In this corimiun- week end, ck MacDonald of Minnea - Minnesota was home for Donald Reunion on Satur-. With Mr. MacDonald Sr. son Roderick, Joanne and Halliday, Roderick III, 11(1 Louise of Des Moines, Mr, MacDonald's dangh- Ann and her. husband ID IRMO 0111-1COIRIE EFFECTIVE MON., AUG. 6 TO. SAT., AUG. 11 WATCH FOR THESE ADS. THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ELMER UMBACH i. CNA • DISCOUNT PHARMACY LUCKNOW PHONE/5284004 • , , THE. I,.UCKNOW SENTINEL, LOCKNOW, ONTARIO