HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 14with Met* l/sagitor Svits. 1973'Le Mins 4 door, VI, fully,equipped 1O73 CHEVY Nova, 4 dew, power'steering and brakii 1973 CIHEV El Cimino, VI, low tilleaga 1973 CHEV Impala 4 deor hardtop, fully equippud 2 — 1,73 cHEVELLE, 4 door .sedans, VII, fully equip* 1973 FORD aalatcle SOO 4.door hardte,p, aUtOm. atic, pomp steering and brakes lit711 PONTIAC Catalina 4 deOr hardtop, VO automatic, Power steering and brakes 1970 FORD custoM 4 .door, VII automatic 1970 CHEV 1/2 tali cylinder 1970 1 ton pickup, VI autoniatic 1970 CHEVELLE sfationwagon, 4 door, V power steering 1972 HONDA Motor bike; low mileage socsavealssmizOgsSweisFs*sscsai.m.soomaissoculaigiss ( CAR $ALE$ 'LTD, BLYTH -fHONE., 5234341 , automatic, LOVE'S LAST GIFT RENIEMBRANCE , Whether It's a • MONUMENT • MARKER IRSCIIIPTIDN You are roaemberIng a loved ons. LET • T. PRYDE SON LTD. IHNEGLP0DY0EgicDHECIDE ON YOUR MFMORIAL REOUIRIENSTI ingiT. • DON 5244/61 AT ° militlill1111111111111111011111111111111111101111111111111111111111111e. I .$200. iN PRIZES VINCE MOUN'TFORD // 8 FINALISTS TO BE CHOSEN AT PRELIMINARIES TO BE .HELD IN KINCARDINE TOWN HALI.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st AT P.M. MAIL ENTRY OR CONTACT MRS JOHN CUTTING KINCARDINE, PHONE 3964910 8Y AUGUST 10th PA0111 IIVURTESti S 4.13Y AB: lAryws Last Saturdaya evening' was adt, vertOed. as- Fathily. Fun Night in ' Ripley:and it was just that as the fine summer evening made it enjoyable to he outside. Couples. and groups Walked along the Ole . walkdnwit to the Community Park it; the Huron Township hail. A good ::crowd; was in attendance to play-113AF and, try the games of chance. During the 'early part of the eveningthere"Was 'a ballgarne for entertainment with the Squirts Vs k MothetS• Howard. Harrison hand- led the game behind the plate witli-Mrs. Janice. Rutherford on the bases.. Mrs. Judy Coiling connected for a home run for the Mothers. Ripley Huron 4g- ion members were In charge of the games of chance. Among these were Bill Tranter, Lloyd Wylds, Don Paquette, Don McLay, Bill McCreath, Kenny MacDon- ald-, Wilfred. Gamble, Howard Hodge, Clarence Pollock, Don Maion and many, more. Once-again Doug Coultes prov- ed himself to be a good sport as he was the target in the popular water dunking, game. An out- door dance on the pavement by' the high school and township hall finished; the program. Proceeds of the 'evening were for the Rip- ley, 'Huron and DistrictitRecrea- ticin Complex. A lunch booth was operated on the grounds. • S. * *1 * * * With last Saturday' being the first fine hal-Vesting day in the past two weeks there was a line up of grain-boxes and trucks loaded with fall wheat stretching back from the Ripley elevator to the 8th ,.concession. This was the first lons line up of the season. Jack Treleaven and Johnny Smith had a busy night getting the vehicles un- loaded. Grain was also going to the seed cleaning plants of Har- old Courtney/ in Ripley and Mike In Ripley Snobelen On the fourth Concession West in Huron Townihip. The flow resumed onSUnday arming as the harVe4t now here and every day Of good weather cOunts, During the month of August the congregation of Knox Presbyter- ian Church in Ripley will be attending Sunday morning ser- vice in St. Andrew's Church to-, gether With the St. Andrews congregatiori4 Rev. Cecil Carnochan will be in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Carnochan and family come to Ripley from Cardston, Alberta. Ittev. and Mrs. George Bali are now in Milverton. They were,recently featured•in a news .artiele 8tratford Beacon Herald neWspap4r. It was nice last Sunday toghbar the chimes pealing out over the village. * * This coming Saturday morning sees George McDonald's second sale starting at ten o'clock in the Huron Township hall. • Last year it was held in the Ripley District High School auditorium. George has stated that the display of articles will be open for the public prior to the sale start. Many articles are collector's items. 4! * * * * * • * , Mr. and 'Mrs. Alfred Beal of Stratford and Inverhuron and Mrs. Fran Wylds of Ripley attended the funeral of their uncle George . McGavin last Thursday afternoon in.Seaforth. Interment was in Maitland Banks Cemetery there. building material for his house. Neil Hefkey of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huskier on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex cotton, and two boys who have been vacationing here are away back presumably. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McRae and Debbie left on vacation last Saturday.. Prior to their leaving their house was marked for sale. And Norman Barnard was home' for the week end. Jim Moirier of Hamilton was at his home in Ripley on Satur- day. Riends are sorry to hear that his wife the former Anna May McLay,,is a patient in St. Jcieph's Hospital in Hamilton. On a matter of local histPty this reporter recently erred about the old RipleY Post Office build- ing present ownership. It has been owned'for the past two years or so by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Austin of Bright. Mrs. Austin is the former Mildred • Wardell, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Les Wardell.. The upstairs of the old. Ripley Post Office on main street was recently left vacant when Myrtle Emmerton moved to Kitchener-Waterloo. * 41 5 5 * 111 Mrs. Evelyn (Gordon) Bridge received the good news of being the top exhibitor in quilts at this year's Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. Her' quilt featured a Scotch Thistle design and was her own creation. It won first pr4e in Its class and then was judged against all the other first prize winners when it was again placed first and given the Special Award Prize. Last , year Mrs. Bridge- featured an Alsike Clover design to win the same prizes. In fact this is the fourth time Evelyn has won this special award.. Her quilt is on dis- play in the setter Living Centre at the C.N.E. grOunds. She was notified by letter from Mrs..Elsa Jenkins manager of the Women's Division of the Canadian i<Lation- al Exhibition. On Sunday evening, four to eight o'clock, the Ripley and Dis- trict Lions Club held their annual Beef Barbecue in the community park at the Huron Townshp hall in Ripley. It is a popular event and was well attended. President of the club is Clayton Nicholson. Treasurer Reuben Burnett of Pine River kept the event well adver- tised over the past weeks. Mem- bers had the assistance of their wives in holding the meal for the public. Donald Blue of Ripley was hospitalized last week in Kincar- dine, as Was also his•daughter , Bertha', Mrs. Bill Scott of conces- sion four west in Huron township. Visiting over last week end with Mr. and'Mrs. Donnie Fludder and daughter Tammy were her sister Glenda, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gardner of Clinton and. Mr. and Mrs. Jake lioaisma of Kitchenee- Waterloo. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stobo of TeesWater visited recently With Fier brother Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. • , Mr. ,and Mrs. Peter Steer, Tracy and Heather of London and her mother, Mrs. Peter Cook of Lucknow spent Sunday with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and family. Carol Ritchie spent holidays last week with her giandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Bogie of NilMre.. and Mrs. Jim Hunter, Wanda and Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Ritchie attended the services at the homecoming of the Pres- byterian Church in Lucknow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. -John Morris of Hamilton spent the week end with their. daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jerome and family. bn Sunday Mr. and Mrs'. Char-' les Asbaugli of -Hagersville visited her mother ,• Mrg. Lulu Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Binbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jerome of Mount Hope arid Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Jerome of An- caster 9ent Friday with their cousins' at the Jerome home. Paul Spitsbury of London is spending a few days with his dunt ,and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne , Cook and family. Also at the Cook home , Wednesday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smuck , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Srnuck and Mrs. 'John McLaugh.,: lin of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry George, Jennifer and Betty Jean Foran of Nova Scotia spent Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Raynard and family. • Mr . and Mrs. Frank Ritchie ha their daughter , Mi. and Mts. Frank •Riegling , Craig; Todd, Lisa and baby Carl Riegling of Orangeville And also Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter and Wanda for paturday itipper. Mr. and Mts. Russel, Swan, Linda , Kevin and Margaret atte ed the Calwell Reunion at Purple Grove., ,Sunday Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter, Wanda and Mrs. Hunter's parents Mr . and mrs . Da n. Nicholson of . Lucknow attended the Emerson Reunion on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Harl • Ackert of Kincardine. - Kenny Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Radcliffe, Guelph; spent a day recently at Port Mg' Beach. Mrs. Radcliffe-and fad are spending the summer months at their farm home at Zion. Down Route 403 - Malcolm Street - this past, week Mrs. Evelena (Charles) Wyld is baCli home with Niels and Nora Fred- eriksen. Murray Weber has unloaded two truck loads of Entries Wanted For Amateur Talent Night TO BE HELD AT CONNAUGHT PARK KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Saturday, September 1st THE INCKNOW SENTINa, L.UCKHOW; WARM: WEDNESDAY, AUGUty