HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-08, Page 12* 0.INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS ' tei ACCESSORIES ASK .FOR dot NATIONZ:, LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS COME IN AND ASK. FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER THE .. ,LUCKNOW L'SENTINEL .444,40.4440.414•411401041.4..44144440411********440i • LOOKING.. BACKWARDS. THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES. WITH MARGARET THOMPSON • 11•41••••••••••Ik•••••••••••••••••111111•••14....... THIFLECKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,: Y'L LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN FORMED MACH W. Van Stew/oat Pastor SOVIC.11: a.m. Service p.m. Service $Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) ilYma Sing, 1st Sunday of the month, 8:00 p.m. WiliORS WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED • . CHURCH. Rev. Robert Nicholls, -B.A. Minister 'SCHED1.11,E SOMMER SERVICES Joint iamb* with Lutkillow. and South .1(Inlose- Presbyterian Chui3Olvis '.• • • 11. a.m. *ades- Worship • July '1st to July 22nd In Lucknow linked Chili* July 22nd to August 12th •Ia LucknOvt•PresbYterian.:. ChurCh • AuguSt. 19th. to September. 2nd .,SoUth IOnlOss Presbyterian • .Chnich. • "....1.004•!%"";%••••""rb"."."^~^,A"10. KINLOUGH i••••••••••••••••••;.•-•444.4+4 • PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED CHURCH AT LOCHALSII will hok. MORNING WORSHIP AT nA.M. throughout the summer months Roy. David Frogman nikdider Viee****4+,*, •494444.9444. siP*0*/**WW,011/4~440"*Iref•OkflOWIR Lucknow - Presbyterian Church Rein, gem Noble, B.A., B.D. Miniator Phone 5284/40 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING AUGUST. SUMMER SERVICES Services at 11:00 a.m. Joint services with Lucknow United Church and South Kinloss Church At Lucknow United Church July 1, 8, 15 and 22 At Lucknow Presbyterian Church July 29, August 5 and 12 At South Kinloss. Church August 19, 26, and September 2 • The;Ceatemnial Book is available. at The Lucknow. Sentinel, Fish- er's Barber Shop, and from Mrs. Ena Henderson. NOW0.041.0%.*..04.."0.%.044A.0111,4~.014.04.0 \Aro and Mrs. Dan McInnes and family of Blyth.. „ Mrs. Bill McPherson of R. R. 1 HolyroOd spent last Thursday'in Hamilton. Visitors during the week with Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith were Mrs. Douglas Palmer, Christine and Scott of Weland, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips of Fonthill. Miss Susan Barr returned `home from Winnipeg where she 'visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott visit- ed on. Sunday. with. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reid, concession 4 Huron. Mrs: Don Gillespie, who has been a patient' in University Hos- pital, London, returned home. We hope she will still' continue, to improve. _ Mr. and. Mrs. HOward Bennett of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr.' and Mrs. Art Hildenby./ ' Mrs. !aural Hewitt of Cayug4, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hewitt of Waterford visited over the week . end with relatives here and' at Kincardine. Hear Speaker On Children's Aid. The August meeting of the St. Helen's Women's Institute was • held in, the hall with nineteen members and two visitors present. President Mrs. Allan Miller presided for the meeting with Mrs,' Gordon Struthers acting as secret- ary in the absence of Mrs. Ross . Gammie who was away to Vancouver to attend their son's wedding. The meeting opened with the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect., The roll call "Little things that make life beautiful" Was well responded to. The treas- urer's and assistant treasurer's report was-given. During the business period the bus trip for September .6' was discussed with the bus leaving at 7 a.m. All members to let head of their group knoW at an early date if they plan ongoing. -Group 2 are to be in charge of, the planning of the Webster wedding. Fall Fair Day plans were discussed. Group 3 are to make all plans for a bake sale in the near future. A special collection was taken for the Children's Aid. .Mrs. Gordon MacPherson presided for the programme. Mr.- Heath of the Huron County children's Aid was the guest speaker. He was ''introduced by Mrs. Harold 'Gaunt and thank- ed and presented with a gift of • money for the Children's Aid by Mrs.. Ernest Gaunt. . • Mrs. Peter Chandler presented the motto "What we make of our homes 'is more important than what our homes are made of". Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, gave, a' reading "It's Nice to be Important" but it is also "Important to-be Vice". A lively sing song was enjoyed. The singing of "0 Canada" closed the meeting followed by the Institute Grace. While lunch was being prepared by Mrs. Gord- on MacPherson and Mrs. Bob Aitchison a contest was conduct- 20 YEARS AGO AUGUST 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colwell moved hom St. Helens to Ripley. They-sold their St.' Helens prop- erty to Ross Errington. The memorial gates and orna-, mental fence at South Kinloss Cemetery were dedicated at an impressive ceremony on Sunday, August 2nd to which a large con- gregation attended. • A hand-carved pine cradle, that possibly rocked the first child born in this village, was on dis- play. for sale, at Garfield Mac- „Donald's second-hand furniture shop. The cradle belonged to , Eli Stauffer, first settler here over 100 years previously. It was in 1850 that Joel Eli Stauffer first set: foot in "Stauffer's Corners”, later to be briefly known 'as Balaclava before receiving the permanent name of Lucknow. James Somerville' followed Mr. Stauffer in 1851. 40 YEARS AGO , AUGUST 1933 The, Lucknow Citizen's Band made a very creditable • showing in their class at the Waterloo. Music- al Festival. Many from the village attended the event. Two buses were 'chartered from'Luck- now.- One transported the Band members, who numbered twenty- ed by Mrs. Rosie Errington. A social half hour followed. Many members contributed newspaper clippings about our community to the Curators'for the Tweedsrnuir Book. one, as well as several'other villagers. The second bus was en: gaged by the. Lucknow Fire Com- pany. Effective August 1st, a C.I\f,R, pick-up and delivery service was, extended to include Lucknow, Under .the new arrangement, ear-tage charges at both shipping 'point and destination were borne by the C.N.R. as well there was a marked reduction in freight rates. • 60 YEARS AGO AUGUST 1913 After ten yearS on the 'job, Isaac Morrison disposed of his draying business in Lucknow, the purchaser being John Sheriff of 14/Ingham. 'Lucknow's recently established industry, Fred Eaton's Marble - and Granite Works situated on Main Street , was rapidly grow- ing and another expert worker wal employed. The 'new employee Was Samuel Hawkins who re- ceived his training in the guar-' Y; ties dnd shops , of England. PrOmotion examinations for 5•. S. No. 12 Huron were as follows; Form 1 to form 11 - Freh Colling., Helen Scott, Edith Breckenbridge ; Jr. IV to Sr. IV • Sadie Gee , Cecil Robb; Sr. Into, Jr. IV - Rhena Coiling, Warner Finlayson, John Hodgkinson, Charlotte McDonald, Gertie • Breckenridge,' Robbie Strathdee; Sr. 'II to Jr. III - Ross Black Gordon Fraser; Jr. II to 'Sr, II - Sadie Coiling, John Leshoni Mary Hodgkinson, Rena Fraser, Alice HarringtOn, Margaret Mc- Intosh; Primer to First Book - 0liVe Robb, Orville Finlayson. Teacher, M. Strathdee. • Dale and Bob HaldenbY and Gary Medley left during the week for a trip to the West Coast. A reception was held in Holy- rood Hall on. Friday night for Mr.' and Mrs. James Munro (Sandra ' Percy). Mrs. 'Norman Fry of Harriston spent Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Haldenby. Jim Schneller .spent: the past week with his' grandmother Mrs. Herman Rieck at Petersburg, who had the misfortune to fracture her arm. Mrs. Marretta .Hodgins is visit- ing %at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert of Stratford-visited on Friday with Edna and .May Boyle: Visitors over the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. 'Roy Schneller were her brother Adolph Rieck and Mrs. Irene 'Tshumi and their daughter Mrs. Donald Earle, Ruth Ann and Debbie of R. R. 4 Ingersoll. Mrs. Wayne Rhody returned home from Goderich Hospital. Miss Winnifred Percy entertain- ed ladies at her home on Thurs- day afternoon, when a social time was enjoyed. .Mrs. Marretta Hodgins had a -birthday party forlher grandson Darryl Hodgins and entertained several of his friends. Darryl and Robin Hodgins of concession .2 Huron spent ,a few days' with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins. A social evening was held in the Presbyterian Church on Tues;.• day evening to honour the Rev- erend T. J. and Mrs. McKinney who are leaving shortly for Port Hope. A. number from here attended the 'Craft Festival at Lucknow: The Holyrood Women's Institute served the Saturday noon luncheon Visitors a week ago Sunday , with Mr. and Mrs. 8111 McPher- son, R. R. 1 Holyrood were Mr.