HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-01, Page 17VIC
I Hereby; Proclaim,
and call upon: all ,porSims to observe it al such
Monday, August 6th
South •ICinloss church was filled
on. Sunday evening to see Dan
Rose's pictures of Africa and w
hear, him tell of their
experiences there. It is certainly
a land of contrasts - high-rise
buildings and mud huts, tractors
and hand tools -for farming etc.
In many areas water is very
.scarce. He told of inothers
.walking as far as seven miles to
carry back on their heads all the
water used in their homes. •
Denver Dickie is spending a 'few
days in Oshkosh rd--
ing the Annual Meeting and Fly-
In for the Experimental Aircraft
Mrs. Fred Gilchrist and Mrs.
Peter Arkell (Barbara Ritchie) are
patients in Wingham and District
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Anderson
and Marie came from their cot-
tage at Benmiller to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham on
Sunday. The Needhams spent a
month last winter with the And-
ersons in Singapore. Also arriving
on Sunday were Mr: and Mrs.
John Moir, friends from New,
Margaret Machityre, daughter
of Mr. and'Mrs. Donald C. Mac -
Intyre is at band camp at Beav-
erton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Merle. Middleton
of Millington visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac-
Kinnon and, family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barton and
five children from the state of
Georgia visited last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Graham. John, a nephew of Mrs.
Graham's, is' principal of a large
private christian school in Bain-
bridge, Georgia.
Dan Rose Relates
Life In Africa
Kingsbridge Students Plan Return Trip
To Mg* Ridge, British Columbia, In Fail
rifler. Donations
Ripley District
edical Centre
alter donations to Ripley and
la-Medical Centre ate:
an meign, Anna may MI -
"on Maus, Ray Walden,
Hutton, Mildred Wyids,
e Grove W.I., Williarri Far.,
Fred Craigie, 'Allan Farrell,.
George Henry,' Reid Corners
, Bill Kirkman, Harold •
ney, Jack Elliott, Peter Cam
Ken Farrell, Leroy Walden,
Malden; Glen Hutton, Torn
Cecil Holland, Mac Boyd,
Farrell; Cameron MacAuley,
`Mary McLay, Allan Coiling ,
y Culbert, Derk Beishuizen,
isbuisen, Mervin Culbert
tJohnston, Morgan Johnston
r Pollard, L. Deline, Joe
tr, Mrs. D. Stapleton,.
Foriter; John Smith, Har-
m, John MacAuley , Frank
e, Donald Farrell; .
e McLeod, Mrs. Catharine
e, Ron Brooks, Don -Reid,
Id Thompson, Harvie .
i irson, Donnie Thompson,
y Needham, Art Collins
,11 Collins, Joe, Geraldine
Frank Emerson, Ben Scott,
',9 Scott, George Harkness,
Osborne ; Don Robertson,
IiiRobertsOn, Mrs. Marion
son, Richard McCosh': Gord -
Irt, Den Dore, Roy Collins,
r Gawley, Bob Thompson,
Currie, Jack Farrell, Danny
Bob Fair; Henry Klaas,
es Smith, Mrs. Annie Pol-
Harvey Pollock, E. O. For-
Howard Harrison, Bert •
Elmer Courtney, Stewart
ieo Strauss , Howard TedJackowski, Gary Court-
tabert Helesic.
Eltnes, Cecil Humphrey , Campbell, Glenn Camp-
LYlin Lowry , Elm er „S meltz -
ben Courtney, Allan Mac ,
tack Campbell John
e,lias`Vari der Hoek, Don
Oliver Smith, Archie Lew•
aster MacKay Gordon
Keith Van der Hoek,
;amble, Russell Stanley,
`,oleMan, Bill Piel, Jitri
Ra lph Ntunan Robert ,
Eizo Piel, Glenn Boyd ,
By Bridget Dalton
Grade 7, St, Joseph's School
On Tnesday', June 19th the grade
7 and a few grade 8 students of our
scho61, St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge,
came to school as usual, only to,
leave -from there at about 9.00
a.m. to go,to London,by bus to•
pick up tour pen-pals from Maple
Ridge, British Columbia.
Because of sthe air strike, they
did not leave B.C. until the
middle of the night, hours after
they were supposed to have left.
They were only flown to Toronto
instead of London, but Air Canada
'bussed them to Landon. There we
joined them at Mount St. laseph
a few hours later than planned.
We met our pen-pals and were in-
troduced to Sister Lorraine and
Mrs. Faucher, their chaperons.
Then we were taken on a tour of
the Mother House,
After our tour we loaded the
luggage on to the bus and •climb-
ed aboard where we would have
plenty of time to chat with our
We got •back to the school at
about 3.30 p.m. There our pen-
pals changed into something more,
comfortable and left their lug-
gage until we came back from
the tour we were to take right
• First We visited Burgsma's Four
Seasons Poultry Farms, Then we •
went to see Eedy's Cattle and
Swine Operations'apd then to
Larry Pentland's Dairy Farm. •
After our tours we were served
a delicious supper by the St. Aug-
ustine C. W.L, in the St. August ,
ine Church' Hall.
After a long tiring day, and a
good supper we went home W get
a good nights sleep. '
Wednesday morning we caught
the. regular school bus to go'to
school. When we arrived there
we gathered together. and got on
another bus to go to Goderich for
the day. We went first to the Ont
ario Provincial Police station On
the south side of Goderich for a
tour and then to the Psychiatric
Hospital. In Goderich we went to
the Salt Mine and the Water
Front for a quick view before
going to St. Peter's Church .Hall
for lunch provided by the Knights
of Columbus. After lunch Mayor
Worsell came to talk with our -
visitors and gave them souvenirs-
of•the Prettiest Town in Canada.
From here we went to spend the
rest of the afternoon at, the Goder
ich Museum.
Thursday morning we got up
bright and early to catch the bus
leaving the school at 6.30 a.m.
for Toronto. When we got to
Toronto we visited the
Parliament Buildings, where
we were greeted „by Mr. Murray
Gaunt, M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce,
Next we went to the Ontario.
Science Centre where we• ate
lunch before departing on many
interesting tours. Then on to
Ontario Place. That evening we
were all invited to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray in Don
Mills where we were served .a de-
licious supper. We got home that
night 'at about 11.30 p.m.
Phone 528-363
Friday, our last day of school,
we went to Graduation Mass at
9.00 a.m. •and then back to the
school for the Awards Assembly.
After the awards had been given
out,, the students from B.C. put
on some enjoyable skits and sang
some songs for us. We ended the
Assembly by each school singing
their school song.
That night we had a dance for
the grade 7 and 8 students.
Saturday was a free day. We
could dip as we wished.
/ On Sunday the last day of their •
visit, we met up at the school for
the last-time. There we took
a bus to the. London Airport where
we'waited for their flight at 9.45
a.m. At the airport we said our
good-bye's hoping to see them
all again in the Fall when we hope
w make our return visit to B.C.
Village of 'Lucknow
Gordon Farrell, Mervin Funston,
Carl Ftinston, Ralph Hunter, Wil-
son Farrell Murray •Hunter, Mrs.
E. J. MacLean, W. G. 0: Mc-
Lean, William A. COMM, Cord
on Ettimerton, DaVe Moore.
The foot
Think about it.
When you play tennis, you
wear tennis shoes.When youValk,
you wear good walking
shoes. And when you
work you wear proper
footwear for comfort
and protection.
Take a good look at your
shoes. Make sure they're
not getting run down at the-- -
heel. Change fraying laces.
And check the soles to see
that they're in good condition.
Sure footwork begins with -
proper footwear.
The sure way to
safety is
Your Workmen's Compensation Board
and The Safety AssodatiOns, Ontario