HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-08-01, Page 1COUNCIL 'REQUEST THAT ONTARIO HOUSING
Survey Finds That 20 One Bedroom
Units Are Needed In Lucknow To
Fill Need For Senior Citizen Housing
oda Ritchie, daughter of.
and Mrs. Allan Ritchie, of
i, graduated from Owen.
4 Regional School of Nursing..
aturday, July. 8th.
raduation exercises for the
sof sixty-three students were
I at Owen Sound Collegiate
ational Institute.' -
renda has accepted a position .
ie Wingham and District
ilcknow Village
ounciltiefs .
rant Gollan, Superior Maintenl.
i:4rvice; was hired to strip
Own hall office, entrance
dowrstairs ; shampooing rugs
fairways at 6¢' per square foot.
!try Coombs was hired to
On around the hydro lines
Oloughby Street, as required ,
(e approximate cost,of $700.
HaW 6, requesting the clos-
l?fLticknow's main street for
Walk sale days , was rescinded
kBusinessmen's Association
red to use Inglis Street from
11:11?ell to Willoughby.
, i
Ototion was passed to
Ibine the arena' committee
'recreational Committee under
board for grant ptirposes. The
sentatives were to remain -
same with four members of
Ito sit the combined 'd
;veu vastereceptacies were
W In Hospital
uson Reid of R. R. I Luck-
passed away in Wingharn and
let Hospital on Friday, July
his 84th year.
funeral service was held.at
Xenzie Memorial Chapel.
W on Sunday ,
July 29th ,
,interment in Geenhill Cern
WO A •Year In Advance.-- 52.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1973 Shsglo Copy 15c
raduate Nurse 125 Crafters' Witt Participate
ird Annual Lucknow
raft Festival Is Slated
For. This Weekend
This is the week of the 3rd
annual Lucknow Craft Festival"
and,officially opening the two
day event will be Paul 'Bennett:,
Executive.Director of the Canad-
ian Guild of Crafts in Ontario.
Mr. B,ennett promotes Crafts and
Hobbies,and their sale.' •
Assiting in the opening cere-
monies will be Ross Whicher
M.P. for Bruce; Robt. McKinley,
M.P. for Huron and Murray Gaunt
M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce as well
as representatives of the Ministry
of Agriculture and Food and the
Ontario Craft Foundation.
The ConVeners and their com-
mittee are pleased to present
what they believe to be the best
Festival yet.
Over 125 Crafters and collectors
Brother Dies
• William J. Herbert., brother 'Of
itte"tii8kfibvi vii` dge clerk A. E.
Herbeif;':clied suddenly at a sum-.
rner,cottage.near Midland on Sun-
day. He was 50 years of age.
Mr 'Herbert who resided in
Thornhill, is survived by his wife,
two daughters and one son, two •
grandchildren, his brother and
two 'sisters.
His body was donated to 'York
Unlyersity for research: A melt-
orial service, will . follow .
Owen Sound Grad
Miss Nolda Miltenburg, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ries Milten-.
burg, R. R. 7 Lucknow, graduated
from the Owen Sound-Regional
School of Nursing on July 28.
The graduation exercises were
held in the Owen Sound
Collegiate Vocational Institute.
She 'has accepted a position
at the Wingham and District
General Hospital.
of.antiques are 'to be on hand
inside and outside the Lucknow
Long hours of planning and
preparation have gone into the
third annual. Lucknow Craft Fest-
ival and there will be something'
of interest to everyone' as well
as lucky draws and. food hooths,
where one can either buy a snack
or a meal, 'or take home some of
the' fine products of the country
kitehens and gardens.
Candy, ice cream and refresh-
ments will be available along
with trinkets' or souvenirs.
Ciadh Mile Fealte (100,000
welcomes) is the slogan for the
Craft Festival. August 3 and 4.
Friday hours are 12 noon to
10 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.rn'. to
6 p.m. It's at Lucknow Arena,
don't miss it.
Serious Iniury •
In Ball Game
Mrs. Grace Hopf ofinCknow
has beencseriously ill in St. Jos-
ephs 'Hospital in London for the
:past. week.
Mrs. Hopf fractured her nose
when. struck by a ball tipped Off
the bit,in the local ladies soft-
ball league. The fractured nose
was set at St. Joseph's 'Hospital in
London and Grace was home for a
week when the, injury started to
About a week ;,through the
night, she was rushed by ambu-
lance to St. Joseph's Hospital
where the bleeding continued. ,
Surgery was performed later in
the week.
Mrs. :Hopf was receiving blood
transfusions and her condition was
still uncertain the first of this
Canning Street
Bridge Tender
To Be Called
Lucknow Village Council will
proceed with the construction of
the Canning Street bridge in the
village this year.. Plans have
proceeded tope point where the
tenders are being called , and
providing that a suitable tender is
received , work will proceed this
year. ,
The estimate of 'replacing the
bridge , complete with the neces:-
sary approach, work, has been set
at $66,000 by the village engin-
eers B. M. Ross and Associates of
The old, bridge , located at the
"Flax Mill" in'the sonth end' of
Havelock Street, was destroyed
when a load of•grain went through
the. structure about a year ago..
Traffic an this road has been
"dead end" since the loss of the '
bridge , a main ho?kup with
the east and west sides of town in
that 'areas
A recent survey of the village
of Lucknow by Ontario Housing
Corporation, at the request of
the village council in Lucknow
has produced a report, that recom-
mends consideration be' given to
the development of 20 one-bed-
room units for' senior citizen hous-
ing in Lucknow.
Last February, Lucknow Council
passed a resolution requesting the
Ontario Housing Corporation to
conduct a survey to determine
the need and demand for local ,
senior citizen housing., on a rent-
geared-to-income basis.' Ques-:
tionnaires and explanatory pam-
phlets, were mailed out in March
and were distributed to persons
over 60 years of age. Advertise-
ments were placed in The Sentin-
On June 13, a research analyst
Presentation To
George Lockharts
Mr. and. Mrs. George. Lockhart
of Lucknow were presented with
an electric toaster and hassock
by -their former neighbours and
friends- of the 4th concession,
Kinloss. „ •
The presentation was made
last Friday evening at the Lock-
hart tiome by Mrs. Lloyd Mac- .
Dougall, Mrs.,, Jack Needham
and 'Mrs. Ira Dickie.
Graduates From
Humber College
Garry Carruthers, son of Mr..
ana Mrs. Elliott Carruthers of
Ripley, graduated on June 6th'
from Humber College of Applied
Arts and Technology as a Funeral
Graduation Exercises were held
at Humber College. A dinner•and
dance followed at the Skyline
Those attending were Mi. aid
Mrs. Elliott Carruthers, Boyd and
Blain and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Garry has been with Jerrett Fun•
eral Chapel in T'oronto and has
accepted a position commencing
August 19th with William's
Funeral Home,. St. Thomas.
visited Lucknow and ,analysed,
the questionnaires received up to
.that date. Of the 44 who replied,
19 were very interested and needy,
10 thought they might be interest-
ed at some future time, 6 were
not interested. and 1 was ineligible.
Based on this report, and on
the advice of Ontario Housing, the
village council forwarded a reso-
lution requesting that considera-
tion be given to the establishment
of 20 one-bedroom units to serve
this community. The village
agreed to contribute 7 1/2% of
annual loss arising out of the oper-
ation of such, senior citizens hous-
In their survey of the village,
the Ontario Housing „`Corporation
found that the senior citizens pop-
ulation of Lucknow was 34.550
compared 'to the provincial aver-
age of 12.3%.
Taiwan Friends
Visit Grave "
A lather and son, who were
friends of the late Dr. Hugh Mac-,
visited his grave recently
at South Kinloss -Cemetery ,'and. , '
placed flowers in remembrance.
The two gentlemen, both from
Taiwan, were assisted by
Pharis Mathers Of. Kinloss who'
happened to meet them when they
were seeking the location of the.
local greenhouse to buy flowers.
The father, who is a minister
of Taiwan Presbyterian Church,
stated that he.had been the best
friend of Rev. MacMillan. r He'-
did not speak English but his son-,
who., is presently in 'the United
Statei, spoke fluent English.
Learning that Hugh's brother'
Ross lived in Lucknow; they were.
very interested in meeting him •
and 'were taken to-his home by Mr •
Mathers. Unfortunately, Ross
was away on holidays at the time.
Pharis also assisted them in
finding the grave at South Kinloss
Rev. MacMillan ministered for, ,
many years in Taiwan, known to
many as Formosa.
Area Residents On
Overseas Tour
Mrs. Bessie Farrell of Kincar-
dine, the former Bessie 'Moffat 'of
Culross and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Ackert of Holyrood were among
the 47 people in a three week
guided European Educational' Tour
recently sponsored by the Rural
Learning AssociatiOn and Region-
al Folic Schools:
dountries toured inclInded
France; Switzerland, West Germ-
any, .Holland. Denmark, Swed-
en , Belgium England and Scot-
While they were in Denmark,
they attended a three day banish
Folk School.
Also attending from the area
were Mrs. Harvey Ackert and
'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Slade of Kin-