HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-07-04, Page 17Ay, JULY 4, 1973 NHIT[CHURCH. and DISTRICT Edith grown of London • e holiday. week end with t$, Mr. and, Mrs.. Bill Mis, Lawrence King, reacher at Bluevale and - charges conducted. Ices on,$unday, The . from -Chalmers Presby-. lurch also attended the at the United Church. y.School.service was Chalmers, Church at 11,15 ere were 25 in attend - yield Watt, daughter of Mrs. Donald Watt of iew east and on Monday, met by Rev. George 'elanie and Heather at airport and brought to the her aunt and uncle Mr. Millan Moore, where spend the summer holi - id Mrs. Tom Gore of n visited on Wednesday . t with Mr.• and Mrs. Fred Mrs, Tiffin and Mrs. e school chums in Saskat- Henderson and friend of ;kvisited Sunday with Mr. Wesley Tiffin. id Mrs, Ben Moss, newly - n Petrolia, were Monday lith his grandparents Mr. Ben McClenaghan. arsday evening Ripley .. oft Ball team and White - laved with a score 25 for, nth, 21 for Ripley. Id Mrs, Gordon Anderson ild were at Kirkland Lake home their daughter Pat- son R.N. and On the way ey called on Mr. and Mrs. ear and family on Sunday THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,evening. On Thursday of last week Mrs. A. Feria and het daughter Marg- aret; Mrs. •Glen Erb also of •Guelph, and daughter Betty Mrs. -Harold P.enfold. of Elora. called •on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson to•;lrearnof the late. Andrew, Bob and Maggie Ferrie. In the Tweedsmuir Book Mrs. Emerson had pictures of Andrew. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Simpson, the former Ferrie home. Then Mr. 'and Mrs Simpson sent them to the horn. e of Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Mc- •Cienaghan, who were former neighbours of the Ferrie family. On Saturday, June. 30, Mrs. .Bessie Mulliss and John Clipper- ton attended the wedding of Mrs. 'Mulliss' son Robert Mulliss and Karen Wilson at Salford United Church. . Mrs. Mulliss had spent the week previous with her sister Mrs. Cousins of Thorndale R. 2 . .Mr. and Mrs.: Robt. Mulliss will .reside in Ingersol. Mrs. Russel Chapman spentlast week with Mr. and Mrs.. Ross Smith and Bradley of Russeldale. On .Saturday Mrs. Chapman assist- ed Mrs. Smith in the opening of her new store, "The Country Spire" at Russeldale containing a store and tea room on the upper part. Mr, and -Mrs. Reliison Falconer and family of Sarnia visited on the week end with Mr. and - Mrs. Robert Mowbray and also Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mowbray and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mowbray from Stir- ling and Bay City, Michigan vis- ited at the same home. and Mrs. Ron. Russell and family of Mississauga spent .the 58/ Z8r O/8ar6we8 LDS Cutlass 2 door hardtop, V8, fully equipped • Mans 4 door, V8, fully equipped HEVELLE 4 door sedan, V8 automatic, power steering and brake: HEVY Nova, 4 door, 6 cylinder, power steering and _brakes HEV El Camino, V8, low mileage 113 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtops, fully equipped CHEVELLE,,4 door sedans, V8 fully equipped RD Galaxie 500 4 door hardtop, automatic, power sharing and brakes ' // HEV Impala .2 door hard op, V8 automatic, "power stnring and poWer brakes NTIAC Catalina 4 door. hardtop, V8 automatic, power *ming and brakes LYMOUTH 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, PSWSr brakes EV 4 ton 6 cylinder tm Pickup, V8 automatic b Cuitom 500, 4 door V8 automatic CHEVELLE $tationwagons, 4 door,:VII automatic, power ng ' ��������������������♦����e�����a��\\� y, N SALES LTD. PHONE. 523-4342, • We can tend to nearly every type of enterprise manufacturing ... wholesale and retail trade ... tourism and recreation construction .. , agriculture ... transportation and storage. II you need t'nancra{ assistance to start, expand. Or modernize you business esti usa anywhere in Canada, your requirements with us. SIM pridiwwwx 111 1••• PAO.. $IVRNTIIN Ask fort is o or from our representative, MR. J.D. BRINKLOW who will be at;l The Bedford Hotel,' G•ODERICH, on I Monday, July, 9th, 1973. from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.in.. Telephone: 524-7337 . If you rectuire financ,,uj to strut, modernize, or expand your business, and ,ire unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terns and conditions, pet haps IDB can help you INDUSTRIAL L1EVELIIPMENT HANK 197 York Street,: London, Ontario N6A 1B2 week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smyth. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Carman Whytodk arrived home from' Wingham Hospital on Tuesday last. Misses Doris Wegniilliu and Beatrice Stutz of Winter-thur,' Switzerland were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smyth and family on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. David Bean of Brampton spent' the holiday week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. • Miss Joyce Tiffin of London is :spending a two week vacation•with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross and Mrs. Earl Caslick were Sunday -evening visitors with 'Mr. and Mr Jim Taylor. .,Mr. and Mrs. E. Beecroft and Karen visited on Sunday with Mr. ' and Mrs. Kirk Beecroft' and 'Angela of Exeter. Karen remained for a holiday. A. surprise birthday party was held on Saturday evening at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Caesar for Randy Scott. Randy received many gifts. Simon de Boer of Rid'getown spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Pete de Boer and on Sunday 'evening visited With Mr. and Mrs. Victor'Emer- son and other Whitechurch friends. On Friday Misses Janie and Susan Moss of Plattsville visited with their grandparents Mr., and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. They were on their way to spent the week end at a cottage at Point Clark. Other visitors at the McClen- aghan home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville on Mon- day and Tuesday, and on Wednes- day Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Alton and family of Ashfield. Mrs,. Al' Olson and her daugh- ter augh-ter Mrs. Dave'Richeson.of Livon- ia spent Thursday to Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and visited Russ Ritchie in Wingham Hospital. Miss Rhonda Gibson spent the week end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDon- ald of St. Helens visited Sunday evening• with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and 'Trevor of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and ,Mrs. Wallace Conn. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis and Jeffery of Hanover were Sunday visitors with his mother Mrs. Doris Willis. ' Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caslick of Cul- ross. , end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Garnet Farrier and attended the McClenaghan on Saturday attend- Estey and Fisher wedding and reception Friday evening. Miss Ruth Elliott of Goderich ,spent the week end with her par-' ents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott. Mrs. Curran and her mother `Mrs. Robert. Purdon of Belgrave were Sunday evening callers on Mr. and •Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. • Mrs. Ashby, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,Ashby, Kathy and Kimberley of •Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson of • Wingham and Kathy and Kimberley remained for a holiday. Mr'. and Mrs.. Tom Robinson and. Paul visited Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart Coupland•and family of Waterford and brought Kevin i •Coupland home for holidays. On Friday evening ,Whitechurch. Juveniles played with Walton Juv- eniles at Wingham with a score ,Whitechurch 7, Walton 6. •y • On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Joan, Shirley, Joey, and Mrs. Orville Tiffin attended a Ball Tournament at Owen Sound. ed the wedding of Richard Mc- Clenaghan and Janis Plastow at St. Thomas Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mr. '.and Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jason of Wingham spent last 'week in Detroit returning Mon- day evening. Quite a number from White chutch attended the George Estey and Doris Fisher wedding and re- ception on Friday evening in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer -and Kevin of 'Streetsville spent • the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .Allan Falconer and Tony and Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Mowbray. 1$. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of 'St. Catharines .spent the week end 'with Mr. and Mrs Victor Emerson OnSunday they all visited with Jac 'Aitchison at Huronview. • We are sorry to report that. Russel .Ritchie was last week ad- mitted to Wingham Hospital. The community wishes him.a speedy. recovery. The July meeting of White-' church W.I. will be held July 9 at 8.30 in Whitechurch Commun- ity Memorial Hall. Hostess Mrs. Albert Coultes. Roll call name a woman prominent in world affairs and why. Motto a sufficient measure of•civiliza•- tion° is the influence of a good woman, Mrs. Lorne Durnin. Top is - F. W.I.C.:and A.C. W. W. , Mrs. Russel McGuire. Music of. Other Nations by Public School. pupils. Lunch - Mrs. Robt. Ross, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. Dave Gibb. On Friday Mrs. S. Smith, formerly Dorothy Baird, and James Baird of Hamilton called •on Mr. and . Mrs. Victor Emerson seeking information re the Baird .family.. Robert Baird lived on the lot now owned by Mr; and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and Dana of Windsor spent the week • • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw of London and Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Shepherd of Sarnia were Sunday . . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Joan, Shirley, Joey and Mrs. Orville 'Tiffin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John. McInnes of Silver Lake. REMEMBER HE YOUR.Eo CROSS TO HELP Tom and Wayne's Whitewashing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PhoniWaynekennedy 48298'1,