HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-07-04, Page 6roe rx Notice T:o Credutors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN THE ESTATE OF MELVIN MORGAN , STANLEY Iate of the Village of Lucknow, the Count, of Bruce, tiaragProprietor,deceased. All ;persons leaving claims. against ?the Estate. of .the above named.. deceased who died on or About May, 12, 1973 are hereby notified` to send to the, the» under- - signed on or before the 20th day . July; , i97,3 their names • and full particulars » of their claims. Immediately after the said date the , estate will- be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which ; notice has : been. re- ceived Dated. at Ripley, Ontario this 14th day ' of June; 1973. ~' CRAWFORD, MILL &, DAVIES, Barristers, Ripley, Ontario - Soiicitors for ' the Administrator THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CARD OF THANKS! I would like to thank all those, who sent cards, gifts and visited! me while I was in hospital,' Thanks • also to thosewho have. helped •on . the farm. Special. thanks to Drs. Corrin,, and,. Mc- Kim and thenurses on the second floor.. Bill Haldenby We would like to thank every- one 'who so thoughtfully remem- bered Heather with gifts, cards and visits, while she was inthe hospital and since returning. home. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of HENRY.-.DONAIS Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate. of Henry Donais, , late . of the Village of Lucknow, in the ,County of Bruce,. Retired Merchant,. »deceased, who died 'on , or about. the 4th . day of May, 1973, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the under- signed Solicitor for the Estate on or before . the 6th ' day of .July, 1973,after which date the Estate Will be; distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard. only to the » claims . of which the Executrix shall then have notice, Dated/ atListowel, .Ontario, this 11th day »of\June, 1973.. R. W. ANDREW, \ Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the » Executrix' Sincerely Sharon and Allan MacDougall Osborne Picnic Held At Tiverton. The 4th annual Osborne Picnic• was held at the Tiverton _ Community Centre on Sunday June: 24th with 74 members signing the register. Mrs. Mildred Johnson,, Ripley, had on display. a Family Tree she had started. This proved very interesting and names were added to ,it. After an afternoon of visiting for the older members 'and games for the youngsters,. Grace • was sung and ;we sai down a� to a bountiful supper. ' Congratulations go out this year to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams of Port Elgin, who in May celebr- ated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. T� help celebrate . the occasion they broughtan anniversary cake to share with everyone at the picnic. We the undersigned wish to ex- press heartfelt thanks to all who helped in rescuing us from Hayes Lake on June 21. Particular thanks are extended to » Arthur. Breckles and Steve Eckenswiller and to. Mrs Wm: Haldenby for their part and to the Lucknow Fire Dept, for their help. Wm. G. Tilden, R.R. 1 Harriston ' Chas. M. Tilden 228 Wellington St., St.Thomas. Womeh Are :Kicking. The Cigarette Women areconcerned'about smoking and health. Here is how - two women stopped smoking. Mrs./43. eliminated smoking episodes one by one; and she:. trained .herself .not, to smoke.. The first to go was smoking in .a car any car. She smoked any time of day, as many as she wanted to, but not in a car. , Then she elim- inated the after breakfast cigar- ette, igar-ette, later the after lunch,' and so on throughout the day. One by one she went through andgradual- ly eliminated every .single smok- ing situation. Mrs. R. tried a 'different t, story. She did not buy cigarettes. As her husband smoked she used to sneak around getting butts out of ashtrays. Finally she,decided to level with her husband, so he agreed to »hide his cigarettes, and remove » any butts in ashtrays. So . finally there were no more cig- arettes to smoke and she quit. Recently someone wrote: "I had dinner with a' man • who was speaking abouta woman friend of his. He said she was one of , the most elegant and immaculate' women he had ever seen, but she had a very dirty habit: she smok- ed. This impressed me very . much and after thinking it over for about a week I stopped smok- I wish to thank all who sent cards and called on me while I was a patient in. Wingham and District Hospital; also Drs. Mo - Kim and Corrin and for the good care, I received on second,. floor. Special thanks to those who help- ed at the time of my accident' and to my good neighbours on the hill at home. I do appreciate the im- mediate response .that Home Care has provided. The many acts of kindness will not be forgotten. William, Houston I wish to express my :thanks to. everyone for their flowers, gifts, cards,', letters and visits that I received while I" was ill at home and also during my stay in. Wing - ham Hospital. Special thanks to Kay Crawford and also the John E. Hodgins family for their help at home. My family and I will always remember your many acts of. thoughtfulness. Marion Gillespie Congratulations also go out to a bride and groom of one week. . Mr. and Mrs.. Dennis Scholtz - nee Dorothy Wagner, of Lucknow. Prizes given out were- The youngest member present, Vaugh Sawyer (»Glen's son); Girl in pig tails or pony tail, Edna Evans; one having oldest penny in pocket Tom.. Williams; Man with most, colourful tie , Alf Sawyer; Lucky. door number, Alf Sawyer; Lady with largest Ear -rings, Pearl Williams; the. lucky :chair, Mrs., Pearl MacPherson; Oldest member present, Mrs. Gertrude Wrightson. The president Bruce McPherson WEDNESDAY; JUty` SDAY I. wishto announce the closing of my 11 on » June 3Oth as f willbe pursuing post prw. studies. I would like to thank all my patients their- faithfulness and for makingmy, tin Wingham so enjoyable. r; K. Wesi X01 avi to.. VENDOME HOTEL TEESWATER 0 0 0 • 0 •, 0 000 00 •044009!! ' ENTERTAINMENT & »DANCINGI IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 6 AND 7 ' Crossroads Bruce Farm Report DAIRY PRINCESS COMPETITION This year's County. Dairy Prin- cess » Coj mpetition will be held at Mildmay's Centennial celebra- tions, » Monday, August 6th. 1972 Ontario. Dairy Princess, Sherry Pollock of Ripley, . will be and secretary -treasurer, Joy McLean attendance. Miss Pollock's win We wishlto . thank everyone who was so kind during our recent bereavment. All was deeply ap- preciated. Cliff Emmerton .& Family Gordon & June Elliott & Family. Srnelzay: Sayan LETS MAKE ROSES1 FIRES OLP EA5N..ONEo! Make forest fires "out of style!" were again returned to office for 1974.. . The new lunch committee members are Dorothy Williams, Pearl Williams, Eileen Wagner, Eva Begg; Sports, Jim Vance and Glen Sawyer.. Next Year's picnic is to be held same place - Tiverton Communi- ty Centre ,. Same time - last Sunday in June. ing". If quitting smoking is one of YOUR problems, ask your lung association for copies of the news- paper in which these stories and others are reported. There is no charge. Write- Christmas. Seal ' Association, 634 8th Street East, Owen Sound , Ontario. N4K 1L8. LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Of tractor, combines, swathes and general, farm equipment on W4, SAT., -JULY 14, 1 2:0. GORDON BRINDLEY FARM» 1/4 mile north arid I/2 mite east of Carlow or 7 miles N/E of GOd.Nch TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL 5244451 DISTI NTIVE, WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations"from our complete catalogue. For you ... a Keepsake copy of your Invitation in luxurious gold. by INTERNATIONAL OF STRATFORD THE. . LUCKNOW SENTINEL in Toronto has sparked renewed interest in/ the » competition . and the committee are hoping a good number of girls will put forward their names to enter this year's. event. Single girls, from sixteen to twenty-five are eligible and may obtain . an application by contacting the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture - and Food Office in Walkertoni:. DAIRY DAY Dairy Day - 'Elora Rfsear& Station, July 11th, 10:00 'a.m. to 3:30 p.m. — Cattle Research Centre. An interesting and worth- while" orth=while"program has been ar- ranged. Wagon tours; presentation of. programs . re -- raising dairy heifers; "silage feeding systems; and the most profitable type of dairy cow .to own. Soils and Crops Research — 90 minute tours and discussions on three areas of interest: . 1. Cereals new varieties; wheats of . the 70's; influence of planting dates; weed ..control; drainage; erosion; etc: 2. Corn, Sdybeans and. Faba Beans - ..varieties;"'affects of tillage and roW widths;- weed con- trol; -fertilization weather \ and agrometeorology. ; 3. Forage—' new 'seeding and management; future crops and breeding for increased .protein;,: effect of snow cover; and manure management: - Several displays will also be available » including "flow to solve the high protein. feed costs" and "Livestock housing and fly control". 'Bob Ferguson, . Area Fieldman, Milk Industry. Branch FREE PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE . • • . Control of Wasps and Bees — a pamphlet giving useful inform- ation on how to destroy unwanted bee and wasps nests. Fly Control in Barn: and. Stables — a. fact sheet describing the different chemicals available, their application rates and any specific precautions ' as to » their use. The Outdoor Barbecue — a booklet with barbecuing hints. This publication also contains recipes for various marinades and barbecue sauces. Fresh Canadian Vegetable -- a 34 page booklet' listing great n has it that ese e� f givi nr is a tinter ,varie ren's e out( is ac 'ing t glo-5'� brow *qui N�11; S e::coi variety of vegetables ani ation on how to buy, st pare, cook and serve number of recipes are eluded. .Color:, Associate Agricultul, Box 1330, Waikertok RETIREMEN INCOME THROUGH LIFE INSURAK CONTACT. Wm. J.Klna R.R. 2 Luck, Phone Wingham 311' SU N LIFE .ASSANA COMPANY OF CAN 1 Yei