HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-13, Page 20"Atilt IWINTY
. • •
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• SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 200
•A 38%. Swine Supplement used at
200 Ib. per ton—to make 15% Dry
Sow Ration and a 14% Hog Grower.
SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 300
A 40% Swine Supplement used at
• 300 lb.' per ton to make.'a. 16% Hog
Grower and 16% Nursing Sow
Ration. i/
SHUR-GAIN. .Swine Supplement 400
A 42% Swine SuppleMent for use
• with corn. To be used at 400 Ib. per
thn'to make a 16% Hog Grower and a
•16% Nursing Sow Ration.
Three new supplements to keep feed
quality high and feeding, simple. Ask
about SHUR-GAIN Swine Supple-
ment 200-300 and 400.
18 - Month - Old Culross Child Seriously
Infured As Tractor Rolls Over Him,
Is Hospitalized In London
Little Shawn Gregory Fischer ,
eighteen -month-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Fischer, Culross,
is a patient in Sick.thildren's
• Hospital, London, as a result of
•a tractor accident.
Shawn's brother Teddy, three
and• a half years .of age, had
climbed up on the farm tractor
• releasing the brake and causing
the machine to' pass over the
little fellow. The hind tire
passed over his pelvic area.
He was takento'Wingham Hos-
• pital. then on to London, fearing,
a rupturedbladder and kidney
damage as well as a fracture to
. the pelvis.
As the Sentinel goes to press,
latest report on little Shawn was
Rev. Garbutt Smith, Stratford
and Miss Eileen O'Brien,Goder-
ich attended the Annual Meeting
of the Ontario TBRD Association
in Toronto recently..
A topic discussed at the meet-
ing was the proposed change of
name of the Canadian, Ontario
and local Associations to the
• Canadian' Lung Association, the
Ontario Lung Association, etc.
In making the change the Ass,oc-
iation shortens the unwieldy name
that has existed since the change
of emphasis, from TB to other
chest diseases.
• GIVE es. so more will live
Mrs. Angus Martyn of Ripley
and Bruce and Virginia Bell of
Toronto were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
MacInnes„ •
• Allan. MacDougall spent the
week end in London., We are .
glad to hear Heather is improving
and may be home this week.
Rev. J. R. MacDonaldof Rose-
ville, Michigan was a week end
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira,Dickie. Other dinner
guests on Sunday were Mr. and,
Mrs. John C. MacDonald, Mrs.
Jas. Lowry and Miss Florence Mac-
Donald of Ripley.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Maclntyre were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bannerman and Michael of
Kinloss and for the evening meal
Rev. J. R. MacDonald, Rev. and
Mrs. Glenn Noble and Mr. and
Mrs. Virden Mowbray.
• Congratulations to Miss Betty
Colwell, who graduated from
Western Uniiiersity on Thursday.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall
were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mac-
Dougall of Bayfield, Mr. and
• Mrs. Grant Farrish and family,
Mrs. Wilfred Farrish and Mr. and
Mrs. J. .A.. Needham.
Mrs. Janet MacConnell of '
• Mildmay visited on the week end
with Mr. 'and Mrs. Herb Buckton.
Sincere sympathy is expressed
to Mrs. J. 'L. Burgess and family.
The Rev. J. L. Burgess was a
former minister at South Kinloss
and Kinlough Presbyterian chur-
ches. • .
• The June meeting of Kairshea
W.I. will be held at the home
of Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall
•Tuesday, June 19. • As this is the
special Sunshine Sister meeting
it will begin with a pot luck
• luncheon at 1 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Maulden
were in Welland on Monday
attending a Retirerpent Dinner
for her sister (Jean) Mrs, Arthur
Phillips and also visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Palmer., Chris-
tine and Scott.
Mrs..A.' Morland of Kincardine
visited' on'Sunday with M. and
Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller and Siev-;
en. •
Mr. and Mrs. William Mac-
Pherson -of Concession 10 visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Smeltzer of Lurgan were also
visitors at the- Scott home.
• Mrs. Midford Wall,,Mrs. Roy
Schneller and Miss Edna Boyle
attended the Deanery meeting at.
Kincardine on Monday.
• Little Tammy and Kim Mac-
Donald are with Mr'. and Mrs-.
•Gerald Rhody and Marilyn for
awhile. •
Mrs. George Graham is hostess
to the Anglican Church Women
on Thursdayafternoon June 14th
at 2 p.m.
We' extend sympathy to Mts.
Burgess and family in the death
of Rev. J. L. Burgess a former
minister in the Presbyterian
Church here. The funeral was
held on Monday from South Kin-
loss Church with burial 'in the
adjoining cemetery.
Leonard Stanley, Lansing,
Michigan, visited over the week
end with his sister Mrs. Marretta
George Graham returned home
fronrSault Ste. Marie, where
he visited with friends. • He
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Graham. •
• Congratulations to and Mrs.
Kenneth MacDonald on the arriv-
al of a little son.
Mrs. Charles Hodgins
ham, Mrs. James Alexander
son David of Orchardfark,h
York, visited on Monday)1.1
Edna and. May Boyle.
Mrs. John Ross of cone
10 is a patient in the. Win
and District Hospital. .11,,
wish her a speedy recoyqii„i
mr.. and Mrs; P. A, M
spent Saturday in Baitie.titit
and 1VIrs. Donald Fisher -,1
and. Kara.
,,Mr. and Mrs. GeralchG'
Peterborough visited Over'.
weekend with the Sutort4
Mr. and Mrs. Gera1d'
Marilyn and Mr. and IV*,'
Rhody and Matt were S041
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Wayi
Rev. and Mrs. George Garr)
were dinner guests with Mr; ar
Mrs. Gerald Rhody on Friday:
'Congratulations are ext4
to Dr. Donald J. Hodgina;"
-Mr. and Mrs. Jack HodgN'
graduated with honoursf*
Guelph Veterinary C011004
was also presented with th,(
adian Arrny Veterinarian -
award. Dr. Hodgins is env
at the Veterinarian
Mrs. Weir Eekenswiller
ceived word of the illnes4
niece Mrs. Jean Blackwell
hospitalized with spinal inc
Mrs. Blackwell has visited he;
several occasions. ,
We extend congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sutton, w
have purchased the Meat Mar
• in Lucknow. We wish them
success.' Gary, sonof Mr. a
Mrs. Lyman Sutton, grew up
this community.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gil
of Stfatford visited on Friday:,
with relatives and friends here
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thom
of Dungannon spent Wednesda
evening of last week with
• and Bill McPherson of Holyt'
... an extra degree of excellence.
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Power transformer * Vastly improved sound
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