The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-06-06, Page 7PAY, JUNE 6, 1973 Custom Farm Work Anhydrous 11311mons Applying ----F.*: SPRAYING iugHING LTIVATING INTING ' r , LAKE RANGE*ACRES. TIMOTHY J. HUNTER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HARVESTING CROP DRYING 529-7561 Ice South District Annual At Belmore :tOfficers, Present Life Membership SouthDistrict•annnal was Delmore, •Tuesday, May over 100 ladies present. me .for the meeting was Learning". The President s, Kirkpatrickealled the 3to order and started with ong, with Mrs. Mundell fano and Mit. Boyle as Wet. Emerson Emke of Hanov board Director pres- t the ratification of Dist- ectors. She was Ito have the 14 directors Range present. 'Enke would like to see ertake part in the • itions of craft articles to 'to Australia conference These articles would betaken to the area con - tat Chatsworth. ting s were brought from •st by Mrs. Frier; from uth by Mrs. Milligan; enter by Mrs. M. Gowan - e Provincial Board ,Mrs. Emke and Frov- .R.0o,Mrs. Harvey • brOught greetings vincial board. Corners entertained with ous fashion show.. nsoring of a Korean child ussed and it was decided tinue this project. It riqt1 to increase the Dist- -and National Delegate member. Emke informed us that t Convention will be 29 and 30• in Chatsworth lurch. Please bring an Or the bazaar table 1;00, undred and forty two reached increase in membership. lirgedid.keep working roject. Therewere adies attended sumMary. :year and 27,150 girls tn 4-H clubs. hike was loud in her t the beautiful luncheon de by Mrs. Robt. Gil - be sent to Banff Con - This article was to be 3representing Ontario. was decorated with outh will be hostess to• onvention in 1974'. Mrs, RtPleY to be on the board with Mrs. acLeod as he assistant. be an item in the country on the spring • board' meeting and the officers conference,. also Mrs. Zellers report on the Erland Lee Home. Mrs. ,Donald Blue gave an inter' esting report on the museuin June 7th the work day at the log. cabin. A house plant or box of plants was suggested to be taken to the log .cabin. Mrs. Nelson Eskrick gave the full report of the officers con- ference she attended as convener • of citizenship and family affairs. A curator's workshop will be • held in Lucknow June 21st. Farm histories and family trees are two of the subjects to be discussed at the workshop. Curators and any- one that wishes to attend are wel- come. Mrs. Burton Hodgins reported on her work in the Federation of Agriculture ,:also reported some of the projects they have in mind. •Other reports were given by Mrs. • H. McCormick on Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. W. Alton on Family and consumer affairs; Mrs. J:-Elliowon Educa- tion and cultural activities; Mrs. Ronald Thacker , Resolutions; Scholarships, Mrs. C. Hollands; Curator, Mrs. S. Farrell; Public .Relations, Mrs. 0. McLeod and Folk Schools Mrs. Ronald Siade, •The President Mrs. Jas. Kirk- patrick gave an interesting talk on the theme "Life is Learning" Her thought was life would be better if more people spoke posi- tive, saw something positive in everything -around us and to find something positive in everything we. do. Learn to see big but keep' it simple. Life, is like a tree the older we grow the more int- erested in life we become. So let us be on the positive side and ' speak and see others on the posi- tive side also. ••• Home Economist Miss Barbara Devisscher gave an outline on short course, forums, and 4-H clubs coming up. Holyrood Branch reported $94.25 came in for pennies for friendship. ^ Kairshea Branch entertained in the afternoon with another fashion fashion parade but was much 1, different than the one in the morning. A number of the ladies that took the short course on "Sew. nig with Knits" Modeled their dresses with Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist as commentator. In the absence of Mrs. Victor oft age Protection !through Life Insurance? CONTACT Wm. J. Kinahan .R. 2 Lucknovi Phone Wingham 357-1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA / PAGE SEVEN •EXPAND PROJECT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for the total project, Robert Em- erson, committed chairma.n told The Sentinel that in view of the large percentage in faVour, the full project, estimated at approx- imately $450,000, would pro- eeed. The Sentinel.carried a story in the May 9 issue indicating that the recreational complex, includ- ing a community centre and new arena, would be undertaken. Estimated cost of this project was about $300,000. Following this major decision, an increasing interest in the vil- lage of Ripley, Huron Township and .adjacent communities made it seem that the including of an indoor year-round swimming pool in the complex was a possib- ility. • A public -Meeting was called for Saturday night and according to chairman Emerson, the large attendance was a cross-section , from all age groups and people in the community. An opinion poll was conducted by ballot at the 'meeting. Question 1 asked if in favourof a community centre and recrea- tion complex in the commuriity. 9550.1ndicated their favour and 550 were totally opposed. Question 2 was divided into two parts, and was answered by those 95% in favour. • • It asked if in favour of an • arena and community centre complex and 1250 indicated their favour. The second part of the ques- tion asked if in favour of the community centre and arena complex, plus an indoor year, - round swimming pool. 83% indicated their favour for this • complete project. It should be understood that . this vote was registered only by those who attended the meeting, Emerson, Mrs. Russell McGuire presented Mrs. Harvey Houston with a District Life Membership • for her outstanding work in the district. Officers for. the coming year were Past President, Mrs. Wm. Arnold , Box 35 Ripley; President, Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, Box 176 Ripley; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Russell McGuire, R. 2 Wingham; 2nd Vice Pres. , Mrs. David Ireland, R. 2 Teeswater; Sec. - Treas., Mrs. Frank Maulden, R. 2 Holyrood;. Public Relations, • Mrs. Orland McLeod, R. 2 Kincar. dine; Curator, Mrs. Stewart Far-. rell, R. 2 Ripley; Federated Rep- resentative, Mrs: David Ireland , R. 2 Teeswater; Alternate, Mrs. Jas. Kirkperick, Ripley; Agricul- ture and eainadian.Industry, Mrs. Harold McCormick, R. 2 Wing - ham; Family and Consumers Affairs, Mrs. Walter Alton, Box 51 Lucknow; Education and Cul- • tural Activities, Mrs. David Eadie, R. 2 Wingham; Citizen- ' ship and World Affairs, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, R. 5 Lucloiow; Resolutions, Mrs. Ronald Thack- er, R. 4 Kincardine; Museum, Mrs., Donald Blue ,•Ripley; Schol- arships, Mrs. Cecil Hollands, R. 1 Kincardine; Federation of Agriculture, Mrs. Burton Hodgins,, R. 2 Kincardine; Alternate, Mrs. Ronald. Thacker , R. 4 Kincar- dine; District Voting Delegate, Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, Ripley; Alternate, Mrs. Russell McGuire, R. 2 Wingha/n; Auditors; Mrs. Angus MacLeod , R. 2 Kincardine, Mrs. Orland McLeod, R. 2 Kinc- ardine; Nominating comthittee ,• District Directors froni. Reids' Corners and Ripley. We wish to announce that .we have sold ourpleat Market to GARRY AND DONNA SUTTON . We hope you will continue to support 'Garry and Dimna-in the same manner as you have us in the • past. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE Button's Meat Market: Russ Button but in view of the fact that the meeting was widely advertised, it is looked on by the committee as an overwhelming endorse.- ment of the complete arena - cornmunity centre °- swimming pool project. • Elsewhere in this issue is a com- plete report of the Meeting as written by the Sentinel's Ripley correspondent Ab It indicates that many questions were asked from the .floor at this information meeting which had excellent audience participation. • The kickoff for fund 'raising for the project will be this Thursday evening, June 7, when a. sports- man's dinner will be held at the Sunset Golf Club, north Of Goder- ich, at $40.per plate. Bob • . Gibbons of Huron is in chage of this event and headliners at the dinner will be Paul Henderson and Garry Doak of NHL and Team Canada fame. Guides Plan For Weekend Camp • Thursday, May 31st marked the last meeting of the Girl Guides for this season. • • The meeting opened with roll call followed by a scavenger hunt led by Kathy Treleaven. The girls then gathered in groups to discuss and make plans for the week end camp to be held June 22nd to June 24th. The girls are reminded to meet at the Town Hall and to be ready to leave by 3,30 p.m. Friday, June 24th„ • The meeting was then .dismis- sed.- Next regular meeting will be in the Fall. The girls would . like to thank all who helped with badge work this past season. • • :NOTICE. RE: LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE • THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CULROSS Public notice is hereby given, that in accordance with the provisions of the Liquor Licence, Act, every person is qualified to vote, who, at the time of voting: — is of the full legal voting age for provincial elections in Ontario — is not disqualified under the Election Act or otherwise • prohibited by law from voting —• has resided in the municipality for the two months next preceding the day of polling; his residence being the place • in which his habitation is fixed and to which, whenever he • is absent, he has the intention of returning is a Canadian citizen or other British subject AND further, that for the purpose of revising the list of voters as directed' by the Chief Election Officer, I shall be at my office at the Township Oarage, on Monday, June 18th, 1973, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. And further, I request that the voters check the lists which are posted at: Poll 1 Concession 2, Lot 16 at the road, Culross Township; Poll 2 • Concession 7, Lot 20 at the road, Culross Township; Poll 3 Salem Hall, R.R. 1, Formosa, Ont.; Poll 4 Formosa Community Hall, Formosa, Ont, TEESWATER, ONT. MAY 31st, 1973 Returning Officer Murray Hackett •