HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-23, Page 6THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW 18,000 Holstein Bull At Canadian Classic Salle ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY11, `ICE Re Pellef Guns IT IS. UNLAWFUL TO FIRE A PELLET G WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF .LUCKNOW, ANYONE.FOUND LOITERING, WITH A GU IN THEIR POSSESSION, IS LIABLE T PROSECUTION AND ' THE SEIZURE p SAME. . Reeve and Council Village of Lucknow Norsdale Montvic Emperor was the second highest priced bull at $18.000. 4n the Shore Canadian Classic. Holstein sale held. May 8th in Glanworth., Ontario. Heis a son of the Class Extra sire Downa- lane Reflection Emperor and from the dam Norsdale Rosemary Delight. He was consigned by Stuart Hutchins R Paris, Ontario.- LUCKNOW FAIRGROUNDS TUESDAY, JUNE 5 2j SHOW S,. 6 and 8 p.m. Sponsored b Lucknow Recreation Committee UNDER THE BIG TOP Shown with Emperor is (left to right): Robert Brown of the Canada Department of Agriculture; Health of Animals Branch; Jiro Millington and Tony Roman, pur- chasers on behalf of Rockwood 15 TRAINED ANIMAL eat CIRCUS ACTS 90 MINUTES OF CIRCUS THRILLS DARING AERIAUSTS FUNNY CLOWNS TICKETS FROM LUCKNOW RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADVANCE -- Child 0.00 Adult $L25 AT DOOR - Child =1.25' Adult t$L50 Prices Incl Tax • GREATEST CIRCUS FOR . THE MONEY • International Livestock Ltd. , Georgetown, • International Friesian Sales and Global Holsteins Export • • Ltd , Gormley, Ontario; and Norris Messenger •, Ripley, • Ontario. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Equipment will be held for WM. BROOKS At Lot 30, . Concession 6, Kinloss Township, S miles west of Teeswater, '/2 mile south of County Rdi 16 On MONDAY, MAY 28 at 1:30 p.m. OWNER: Wm.: Brooks AUCTIONEERS "Wallace Ballagh, 392-6170 Grant McDonald 395.5353 CONSIGNMENT SALE will be held At, The Teeswater Arena Of Household Effects , & Antiques. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6 at 7:15 . P.M. ,Articles will be :soldon a Com- mission Basis. For further particulars or any- one wishing to consign articles, contact: Auctioneers:' Wallaced Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 3924170 ' or Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395-5353 CASH AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery,. Livestock,. Household Effects and Antiques will be held for PERCY & GEORGE GREGG Lot 47 and 48 South Durham Road, 1"/4 milesouth of Bervie On SATURDAY, • MAY 26th at one o'clock Percy and George Gregg, owners Bill Irwin, auctioneer CASH AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects & Antiques will be held for MRS. (REV.) JOHN 'HILL 2% miles south : of Pine River Store and 21/2 miles . north of Amberley on . Hwy. 21 at Pine River Manse, N.W. 'corner . of Hwy. 21, Con. 4 Huron Township On SATURDAY, . MAY 26 at 1:30 p.m. Organ, 2 organ stools; sofa, what not; 2 rockers; wicker chair; pine table; pedal sewing machine; 3 dressers; 4 ' cane chairs; 1, maple, • dining table, square; 2 black plant tables, 15" diam.; square oak table 30 x. 30; butternut buffet; butternut desk; 2 oak library table (desk); anti- que Chinese '. trestle table and chair; taiestry, . 3 . gauges of needle. point; Afghans; small. Canadiana; bread board, and .knife; rolling pin; iron; canning set; oil lamp; fitted tool case with drawers for tools,hand made. tools; teacan; coffee 'can; flat- ware; china; music; records;. old chairs (kitchen); foot stool; mar hogany spoon box; electric sa* and 'table; lawn bowling balls; garden. tools; ' crocks; ` mantel clock; electric lamp; skiffs; anti- que china 'cabinet kitchen table single spool bed; 3/4 metal bed; spring and mattress; old picture frames; linens; busts of John. A. McDonald and Blake; rare books - e.g. (a) Illustrated . Historical County Atlas Northumberland ' & Durham counties 1878 — Toronto;' (b) The Masterpiece of German Art in sets of 25, biographies in- cluded, 1884 n-cluded,.1884 Gebbie and Co. Phil- adephia, tints and black (half and half) sketches; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Owner and 'auctioneers not responsible for accidents or injuries in any way connected with the sale Owner: Mrs. (Rev.) John Hill Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, --F Ripley, Phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 392.6170, Complaints have; been received :by Luclmo Village Council concerning . reckless and dang ous riding of bicycles on the sidewalks:: Please .take notice that it is unlawful to ride bike on the sidwalk and of fenders'will be for prosecution. LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE N . TERMS CASH 1230'.'SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Gordon Brindley Farm- 11/2 miles north and 1/2 mit aatd: Carlow or 7 milds north-east of Goderich, Ont. TRACTORS OF ALL: SIZES & MAKES Ford 00000,1-14, WD 6, Farman A, MF 35' 3 cylinder with loidn, ED 40 AC, Ford with loader, MM 445 with loader, 8,1 ti tN Fords. EQUIPMENT MF 36 12' swather, Vaei�sNile 12' swether, Ford 815 12' i*$1* with conditioner,' 141: No. NI Harvester with hay and corn hl Fox Blower, Versatile sprayer with 50', boom, A. -C 5.16" botm semi -plow, I-11 hay bine, Case 36 plate wheel disc, J•D mowsr skit rake, M -F manure spreader, 50 gal of Surfactant Sus Atrazine spraying; Large section of Snowmoblla, •includnp l new Polaris machines, Riding Lawn Mowers, etc.. TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE GODERICH 52476451 LUNCH BOOTH ON THE GROUNDS R1PLEY: ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping -- Sausage, Making — Fast Frit HOGS' AMD CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS. Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two BigCoolers, We Aro Able To Hang Your Bed F 1 To eeks, Whatever Your RequirementsAre For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beet p' and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YO ABATTOIR 395.2905 PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. STORE 391 ''..