HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-23, Page 4'A: °t4 1►A EONNt, • THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FOR SALE FOR SALE. 1968 AMR Javelin, mileage 49,0000, black .withred' interior, best offer, phone 528-• 3313,. CUSTOM CORN AND BEAN' planting- 34 inch row, John. Johnston,, R.R. 2 Auburn, phone 529-7129. FARM FOR SALE'- small acre- age, good land, barn, nearly new house, electric heat, full .base- ment. ' Phone Marvin Durnin, Dun- gannon 529-7937. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS; ONTARIO Are now featuring SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL WIRE; AND .FEED.. - SALE . ' PRICES' • 'ON ALL FOOTWEAR 1 GALLON, ICE CREAM - 85c Open Daily 8:30 a.rn. :- 9:00 p.m.; :Closed Tues., Fri.,, Sun., evenings Phone 395-2215 THE FANS GO WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Nowon sale at The Lucknow Sentinel . for ' $5.95. Don't ' miss. it. Mail' orders accepted at the same price. 4. FURNACE FOR SALE - oil fur- nace with some pipes, also in- cludes . grates for converting 'to wood or coal. Mrs. L. ' C. Thomp- son, phone 528-2049. RABBIT CAGES AND SUPPLIES are available ' at Sleepy Hollow Rabbitry. A variety of styles and prices on feeders .and water cups. 11A ' miles. ' south of Whitechurch, Concession 13, East Wawansh, phone 357-2485. / THE LUCKNOW ~SENTINEL - is for 'sale at Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and, Koyle's •Supertest in Lucknow: EXCAVATING • AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. ,. • BRIAN, RINTOUL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Whitechurch' - Phone 357-2349 SCOUREX FOR CALF .SCOURS contains 14 different compon ents to ` produce a balanced four- way ' action. Promotes fast recov- ery without ' permanent' damage. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharm- acy, Lucknow. ' FOR SALE =-- 9' x 18' two room tent; Bill Searle, Lucknow, phone 528.3942. PAPERING - PAINTING ' Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, ainting, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck - now. PLAYING CARDS - a brand rew selection of single' and double decks of cards now in stock ,make an excellent gift; al- so euchre cards, jumbo index cards . for those with sight prob- lems, bridge and euchre tallies, The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - 45 gallon steel bar- rels with open end, good for burn- ing garbage or 'feed barrels' on farm; also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered: Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird Boz 51, Blyth; .Ontario. • BRIDGE 'TALLIES 2 and 3 table bridge tallies now available at the Lucknow Sent - WEDNESDAY, MAY \1 \ . \ �: +. '••'CO'\. .+1:•$':•::<:$i:�}?':N:{.}:9::x:•:4::•:•:4::}:;::•:•!�;��;:;: 5':'(�'::i:•:;: FOR SALE FOR SALE- livestock truck • racks for 1 ton stepside, phone 529-7247. FOR SALE - stove and frig in good condition, suitable for cot- tage or home; 23 inch ' cut riding. lawn : mower - in excellent working, condition, •, priced t reasonable: Phone 5246371. , FOR SALE 110 volt electric fencers, 5' year guarantee, repairs for any chopper type fencers in- cluding American. Prices start. at $45.00, shipped anywhere with- in 100 miles, thousands in service. Alvin Beuerman, • R.R. ,1 Dublin,• phone, 345-2306. HELLO BADGES -= for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to 'clothing for, simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. VOR' SALE - 1966 Ford Meteor; 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes, good .'running condition,' phone Tom Morrison 528-2345. BEFORE THE • AGE OF MIR- ACLES IRACLES - memoirs of a country doctor, by Dr. W.. V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. TABLE, PAPER - white or col- ''oured designs for covering ban- quet- or picnic tables, The Luck - now Sentinel. AQUARIUMS, TROPICAL FISH Everythingfor the' fish hobby- ist. This week only free Aquar= ium Thermometer with every purchase over $5.00' ' THE FISH ''BOWL R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 395.5443 FOR SALE 30" Frigidaire range with timer. ' Priced. •',for' quick sale. Greer T.V. and Elec- tric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. . • . FOR SALE Marzone Atrazine, $1.79 per pound in 5 pound bags. Vincent Austin, R.R. '1 Dungan- non, '.phone ' 529-7240. SERVIETTES . - new , patterns and colours for spring just' ar-' rived, see them, at The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE hardwood ' slabs,' please order early. Borden Litt, phone Teeswater 392-6895. CALCULATORS - will add, sub- tract, 'multiply and divide at the press of a button. Thereare. doz- ens of different machines and' dozens of different' prices, but you• should tee the Commodore mach- ine 'at The Lucknow Sentinel for $79.95. AUCTIONEER SERVICE. Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace' Ballagh, Teeswater • Licensed Auctioneers Sales of . all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 THE TEESWATER' NEWS is available at The Lucknow Sent- inel, .10c per copy. If you are in- terested in the news of. Teeswater and District, 'pick up a copy. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and ' Installation. Free Estimates: Year Round Service, Doug. Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. BERG STABLE ' EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan - ging. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. FOR SALE --1966 Plymouth 6 cylinder automatic, 4 door, good` condition. Apply Donald ,Gillies,: phone 3955244, FOR SALE THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE • Norman Robertson's History of Bruce. County, first published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also • have available the sequel of this book, The History. of The .County of Bruce 1907 1968. written by Norman McLeod . - same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. FOR SALE - 'Van Dale' Silo Un loaders, George Wraith, Box' 95 Goderich. Phone Residence 524- 7002 or Shop' 524-6511. FOR. SALE =' bronze :tone ' kitchen table and six chairs; Frigidaire fridge; wine chesterfield chair; 2 colonial.. arm chairs, , boy's C.C. M. bike, phone Isabel Mullin 528- 3005 .• EASY BOOKKEEPING Payroll books, for .8' and 16 em- ployees, available ' at, The Luck - now Sentinel: ' BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing: * Westeel-Rosco Granaries. *. Zero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. THE TACK' SHACK. Now open for business.' See us for the best in Western and Eng- lish : riding equipment. Now is the time for worming your horse. We have . Anthon, horse' wormer, on special for $3:i0. Pony. saddles' $39.95. Come in and talk horses with us. ' THE TACK SHACK R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 395-5443 Open weekdays .4 - 9 ' p.m. Saturdays 1 6 p.m. LORENZ +DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; $16.00 cows over 1000 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. , ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free ' estimate. call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. ' . PICTURE FRAMING ' - our ,specialty, wood and metal. Sny- der Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. WRAPPING PAPER - Kraft roll, for home or •office, 49c. The Lucknow Sentinel. ATRAZINE Due to a large purchase we have Ciba Geigy Aatrex , with prices equivalent to •80W at $1.75 in ,larger quantities for a limited time. Not animport but the gen- uine Aatrex. ' We also carry a large supply of all types• of farm weed sprays. New Calsa weed sprayers avail- . able for immediate delivery, Al- so weed sprayers for .rent: Used John Deere No. 42 pull combine in A-1 shape. JIM ARMSTRONG • Highway 86, 11/2 miles east of Wingham Phone 357-1651 4,4:::i 01 1;111;::`:}4f:• C COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion ' Hall, Lucknow, • every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth . games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $100 on 56 calls or $25 consolation prize.. LEGION MEETING All members of/Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309 are requested to, attend 'the regular meeting on Tuesday, May 29 at 8:45•p.m.El- ection ' of officers. SPRING PARIS Fashion show at F. E. Madill Secondary School on May 31 at 8:15: p.m. Draw for a rug, pillow, mystery . prize.. Tickets at the door. Admission 25c. HORTICULTURE. TEA & 'SPRING FLOWER DISPLAY Bring your spring flowers in a container for display ' and join us for .tea and cookies at the Legion Hall, Monday, May 28th 2 - 4p.m. RECEPTION SATURDAY A Reception will be held in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broome (Marlene, Girling) on. ' Saturday,. May 26th in Dungannon Agricul- tural Hall. Music by The Alley Cats. Lunch will be provided. Everyone welcome. RECEPTION' . A reception will be held in the Legion Hall in Lucknow Friday, :May 25th following the marriage of 'Andrea Culbert. and ' George MacDonald. Music ' by The Em- mertons. Everyone welcome. ANNIVERSARY 'SERVICES,' Anniversary services will be held in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch on May 27, 1973 at 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. Rev. Gordon. L. Fish of Scarborough will be guest speaker. Everyone welcome... BAND CONCERT Lucknow Band Concert, Satur- day, May 26 at 8:30 p.m., Luck- now Central Public School. VARIETY CONCERT Variety Concert' in the Ripley Town Hall, Friday, May 25th at 8:30 p.m,, sharp, talent from sur- rounding areas. Sponsored by the Olivet Unit' of St. Andrews' U.C. W., Ripley. • GARDEN PARTY Trinity U.C.W. Garden Party will be held in the church base- ment on Tuesday, June 5th from 5:30 to 8 p.m: (1 block west of Belfast). Adults $2.00. Children 10 years and under $1.00; Pre-school free. WESTERN CANADA including Calgary Stampede, 22 -day fully escorted deluxe motor coach, tour leaving June • 23 and June' 30 to Winnipeg, Regina, Jasper,' •Van- couver, ,Victoria, Lake Louise, Banff, algary including Stam- pede then :Via Yellowstone Na- tional Park... MARITIMES, 13 -day motor coach tour ' departs Sun- days weekly 'from June 17 to Sep- tember 23 also 19 -day Newfound- land tours June 30; August 11 and September 8. CALIFORNIA AND WESTERN CANADA, September departures. SUNFLIGHT SUM. MER VACATION to Jamaica Bar- bados, Freeport and Nassau week- ly departures. CHARTER FLIGHTS to London, Glasgow, Am- ste pea ndam and Frankfurt. Euro- escorted tours with many departures. For membership fol- Jers or free information, contact anover Travel Service, phone 3843270 ' FOR RENT FOR RENT - 4 bedroom 1 on Main Street, Lucknow 1 528-3815. ' FOR RENT main floor fut ed apartment on Campbel Lady or couple preferred, i able July 1st. Apply Gi Apartments, phone 528-3n3. WANTED WANTED genera p cabinets, formica and arb tops.. Elmer Culbert. Phone 5298 or 395-5516. HELP WANTED At The Bruce County Boat Education Administration A ing, Chesley, bntario, ` ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLE Typing and adding mac knowledge required, Salary range $3,800 - $5,200' generous staff benefits. Apply in writing not' laterI May 31 giving details of qui cations and experience to: '. •THE BRUCE COUNTY B01 OF EDUCATION Box 190, Chesley, 0ntano Attention: Mr, T. K,'Veeust • C. A., , Chief Accountant:, HELP WANTED FRAMERS - Kitchener's lea contractor requires framers; hourly . or piece work assem components. for tract..housio Waterloo region, Permanent'. ployment with .top' rates benefits. . Apply B. Craig TAMPA HALL' LTD. 14 Hoffman 'Street; Kitche phone 576-8910 13 WANTED rain spoil musty hay, call 357-2878. WORK WANTED. - all't carpentry and masonry, Co Wm. Howald, phone 528- 524-7858. 2&524-7858. WANTED '1967 - 1978 station wagon or light van. 357-3569. WANTED - . someone to 11 and care for 3 children f first three weeks in July. Box C,' Lucknow Sentinel, now, Ontario. WANTED - back -hoe work tact Donald Curran, R.R. 1: gannon, phone 529.7459. WANTED - let us do you .r corn and gra ll Showalter. ' WANTED TO BUY -Dead We pay up to $15,00 for cows and up to $20.00 for horses, smaller animals ad ing , to size. Call collect 86 Walkerton or Graf Stock 830 toll charges) moval: STRAY�D STRAYED --- from Lot I,. cession 4, Kinloss Township' er ' weighing approximately lbs,, branded on right 395.2821, Leo Murray. . SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTINOE ARNOLD STOTH P:HQNE 529.1403 ', FOR ESTIMA