HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 8SUMMER.
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Got Trouble.
Solve It Here
We've got the know-how when it comes to
solving any auto problems. Just drive your
•car in and leave the problems to us. Our
service is fast . . and economical always.
\••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Riders Roost Hold First Trail Ride
Of Season, Visit Carlow Horse Stables
On Sunday; April the twenty-
ninth, the Riders Roost Saddle
• Club hekd their first trail ride of
the season at the farm of Phillip
and Sadie MacMillan. Twenty-
three riders took part in this
event and started to arrive at '
10.15 a.m!. and the ride got under
way about 12.45 with about 23
• horses and ponies of all. shapes,
sizes and breeds taking part.
Ralpli/Aalders (Trail Boss) did an
• excellent job of getting everyone
safely through the woods and
streams and other obstacles, and
never losing a horse or rider.
Granted, we did have our little
accidents, as there were some
who fell off or slid off their
mounts (even in the creek).
One lad was kicked in the side
• of the head but wadable to con-
tinue. •One was thrown when his
horse tripped while going at full
speed. Slow doWn boy, • we want
•you around for awhile. •
, We even had a large Doberman
join us and run interference all
afternoon and frightening our
horses. •
Cookie (Ken Taylor) did his
usual fine job as chuck wagon
boss and with the help of Pat
Aalders and Sheila Gunby and a
• few other volunteers fed the
hungry riders who had ridden for
• about an hour and a half.
On Tuesday evening, fifty-one
club members enjoyed a bus trip
• to the stables of Bert Bean at
Good news from club members
was called for by Carolyn Taylor,
. Isobel Sheppard, our trusty bus,/
• driver, has her mare (Lady),
light chestnut colour, home; Lyn
Sheppard reports that they .had
Wimpy their stallion gelded
April the twenty-seventh. Sherri
Leeson's pony mare (Tanzy) has
a baby fo.7.1 (Little White Dove).
Official date for our club Olimp-
iad is set for August 26. A riding
meet will be held at the Taylor
P.M.A. Stables on May 15th
at 7.30 p.m. A trail ride is
planned for May 27th at the
home of. Bernie and Nina Silver-
stone. •This is to be a lake shore
ride. We are to plan transporta-
tion for belies.
Bert Bean has a large enclosed
arena where he trains and works
his horses so we could watch the
•proceedings and be comfortable.
Beit has as his topic for the even-
ing, showing on the line, and
preparing and grooming, clipping
of 'mane and feet and proper
stance for the horse as well as
proper bridle or halter and proper
dress for person showing:, Bert had
as/models American Saddle Bred
Stallion (Charlie), liver chestnut
in colour, eight years old; Palam-
ino stallion (Golden Cascade) or
Cheko for short; Palamino Saddle
Bred (gelding) four year old stock
horse, Name of Lieutenant.
These were all very high spirited
horses but Bert could make them
stand as -still as statues or anything
he asked of them.. Bert was pres-
ented with a brush on -behalf of the
club by Theresa Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Noels,
Crediton R. 1, were Sunday vis-
itors with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm and
Anni.versary Services in the
United Church, Whitechurch,
are planned for June with Rev.
John Roberts of Belgrave guest,
speaker. At Chalmers Presbyter-
ian, the anniversary service is
planned for end of May with Rev.
Gordon Fish of Toronto guest
speaker. •
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Duncan of
Port Credit spentthe week end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Millan Moore and working on
their new house.
M. and Mrs Jim Toth, Robie
and Billie of Kitchener spent
Friday evening with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie of
East Wawanosh.
This community extends their
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs, Dave
Gibb in the passing of'his mother
Mrs. Gibb of Clinton, whose
funeral was on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leroy Rintoul,
Carol, Kimberley and Debbie of
Kettleby spent the week end with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul and family and her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black
and family of Belgrave. • Little
Kimberley remained for a week's°
visit with her grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul.
Catherine Andrew
Is New President
For 630 League
The ladies 6.30"Bowling
League held their annual dinner
and social evening at the Angli-
can Parish Hall, 7 p.m. Monday,
April 39 .
A delicious turkey dinner was
enjoyed by all the ladies present.
The tables were nicely decora-
ted with novelty place cards
made by each captain for her
team and dainty glass swans filled
• with after dinner mints as indiv-
idual giftsto each lady of the
league. •
• '
Several draws were made dur-
ing the dinner, the winners. being:
Lena Robinson, Ruth Thompson,
yana Gammie, Annie, Gaunt,
Wilma Clark, Margaret Thomp-
Mildred Cameron, expressed
thanks to the Anglican ladies and
Mrs. Clare Johnstone replied.
• Following the dinner the pres-!
entatiori of trophies and gifts
was conducted by the President
Grace Elliott. •
The "Bud Hamilton": Trophy
was presented, by Catherine And-
.rew to the -Captain of the Oysters
Kathleen MacDonald, winners
of the regular season's bowling,
to which she made a fitting reply.
Catherine also presented individ-
ual trophies to each member of
the team, who are: Marion Mac-
Kinnon, Hazel Webster, Gladys
Moffat, Joan Robinson,- Anne
Purney,. Donalda Jamieson, Ev-
elyn Cook, Dorothy Anderson.•
Runner -Up trophies for the reg-
ular season were presented by
Bernice Henry to the Lobsters and
replied to by the captain Isobel
Miller; •
• High teams in the play-offs, the
Clams,• were 'presented -with
• trophies by Ferne MacDonald
and replied to by the•captain
Vana Gammie;
High season's.average went to
Ferne MacDonald with 190, high
season single to Jean Phillips with
284, high season triple to Winnie
Fisher with 715, all presented by
Norma McDonagh.,
High play-off single of 284 and
high play -ort triple of 785, both
to Jean Phillips were presented by
Ena Henderson. •
Most improved bowler was Joan
Robertson, 18 pins above last year,
presented 1?y Beryl Hunter.
A short business meeting follow-
ed with Thelma Brown giving the
treasurer's report. Officers for
the 1973-74 season are: • President
Catherine Andrew; Vice President,
Jessie Joynt; Secretary, Anne
Purney; Treasurer, Thelma
Qrace.Elliott thanked the offic-
ers and .captains and all who had
made her two years as President
most enjoyable. Thanks was also
expressed to all who helped make
the banquet a success.
Betty Kirkland on behalf of the
ladies thanked Grace for her time
and effort in making each season
a pleasant one.
It is hoped that all the ladies .
will return to the 'league in the
fall. , •
The evening concluded with the
playingof Cotut.Whist with Kaib-
leen MacDonald winning high
prize and Maizie Mathers low.
••• •• • • " . • ",•",." •.. • • • " ... • • • • • • „ . • ..
Saturday, May 16
FROM 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M.
Saturday; June 2nd
There will be two summer swimming sessions
July 23 inclusive; July .30 to August 20 inclusive.
We extend sympathy to Jim
Smith and family in the sudden
passing of Mrs. Smith on Thursday
Mrs. Gerald Rhody was the dele-
gate from the Holyrood Women's
Institute tb the Conference at Wat-
erloo. •
Some from this area joined the
Silver Lake Women's Institute on a
bus trip to,Hespeler on Tuesday. •
Mrs. J. Munro of Winnipeg '
spentthe week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex, Percy and other mem-
bers of her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bertrand
of Simcoe spent the week end
with Miss Winnifred Percy, Bill
and Brian Percy and Bruce Orr.
Visitors over the week end • .
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby
were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ben-
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sak-
nagi and granddaughter Kim of
Mr. and Mrs. George Graham
were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. M. Johnston at Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and
Debbie of North Bay spent awhile
with her grandfather George Hal-
Mrs. Marretta Hodgins returned
to her home after spending the
winter in Niagara and District.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
George Graham were Mr. Jack,
Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ella-
cott of Toronto ,.Mr. and Mr.
Levi Eckenswiller of Ailsa Craig.
Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Currie of
Waterloo,' Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Walsh and family of Millarton
visited with Mrs. Gertrude Walsh.
Mrs. Ronald Thacker will be
hostess for the meeting of the
Anglican Church Women on Thurs-
ay afternoon.
What's Ne
• At Huronvi
Two, Family trios as
• the music .for Sunday ev
Christian Reformed song
Mrs. Vanderwaal and da
Arlene and Gail, Mrs. -A
Coby and Andri sang sev
numbers. Mr. Aeire Va
the service with the
al period taken by Rev,
Mrs. Mary Willis of S
,was welcomed to the Ho
the residents at Monday
afternoon's get -together,
Flynn joined the regulars
Mary Taylor, 1iormanS
Jerry. Collins, to provide
music for the occasion,
eers from the Clinton
Reformed Church were
to assist with the activit
wheel Chairs. There wa
attendance at the Anna
Tea and Craft sale On W
afternoon sponsored by
view Auxiliary.
The Huronia Male Ch
by Mrs. Caffrey, withp
accompaniment by Mn;
stiver, provided the Fa
• Night program, The
members from Exeter,
Zurich, Grand Bend and
wood areas presented
program. They are pre
for the Exeter Centenni
July. Mrs. Hilda Fig
expressed the appreciati
residents for the enjoya
The Provincial GoV
has declared June 174
Citizens' Week and Oa
being made to, hold ope
at the Home during that