HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-05-09, Page 5ICY, MAY'9,1913 ING • EVENTS PER CASH BING°e Rall, LucknoW, Ver .. Y ,t8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold 'inner take all. 14 reg , $1O each. 2 ShareSpecial, Spe games, A .. $30 ,game for$100 on 56 o consolation prize. SALAD SUPPER E Salad supper at Nile birch on the 23rd of May Adults $2.00, child- i.schoolers admitted OO DAY °w Guides and twit be selling cookies eland area this week. IPRING TEA einvited to a Spring Tea, [a and Apron, Sale to be ikon United Church raid Room on Saturday, It2: p.m. IREMEN'S BALL Pre Department will be tbeirr Annual Firemens' iw, June 1 at. the Ripley g�gh School. Music by rnton. Tickets avail-. any member of the !Went, -ART OF THE FAIRS ',Friday, July 6th for of Lucknow's Miss. of the Fairs Contest 'c School. Dancing 'to Orchestra 9:30 to 1. girls over 16 interest- ' g this contest phone, for further information. SING RECEPTION ' g Reception will be Lucknow. Legion Hall 'themarriage of Bar- ,dntyre and Andrew Saturday, May 12th. I MMAGE SALE the tremendous res - the Rummage Sale, . by the Olivet Unit of 's U.C.W., Ripley. in Silyerwood's: Building, the sale will be continu- day, May 12th from ,to 5 p.m. IETY CONCERT Agricultural Society nett, featuring local numbers from the 'hoes Talent Show, 'will aturrday, May 12, 8:15 Mow Central Public CROP COMPETITION bow Agricultural Soc- k Ontario Ministry of ,are sponsoring six 6 year bay, mixed ley,. grain corn, ensil- and beans. Anyone one in lase contact the secre- $3'on or before May 15. RECEPTION n will be held for Mr. Wayne Rhody on Fri - jut in the Lucknow Music by The Em Ladies please bring. L Everyone welcome. ,ULAR MEETING bilYi Agricultural. Soc their next meeting ;ay, May. 17th in the i•at 9 p.m; Fall Fair ;Willbe revised Any - 8 to see the Photo - is invited to, Ripley IETY CONCERT Concert in the �. Frlda y Ripley Y, Ma 25th at talent from sur - teas• Sponsored by the E of. St,. Andrews U.C; ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TENDERS WANTED ; FOR SALE • • EY TENDER TENDERS will be received on the Kinloss Recreation Commit- tee's swimming equipment con- sisting of . two rafts. These can be seen by contacting the 'reeve or clerk. Tenders to be in to clerk by June 4th at 6 p.m. Clerk, Fraser MacKinnon TENDER INTERIOR AND. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Interior and exterior mainten- ance Projects at various schools in the County. Maintenance Pro- jects will involve all construction trades. Tender forms and specifications are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. , Deadline for tender submissions is 12:00 noon, May 25, 1973. R. McVean Plant Superintendent Huron Co. Bd. of Education Clinton, Ontario TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum- tenders will be received by . the under- signed until 12 noon E.D.T. May , 31st, 1973 forthe construction of the FALLS RESERVE MAINTENANCE BUILDING in accordance with plans and specifications asprepared by Snider, . Huget & March, 37 Allan Street West, Waterloo. Plans and specifications: are available at the above address. The lowest er anytender shall not necessarily be, accepted. Marlene R. Schiell, Secretary Treasurer • • Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Boxy, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2XO NOTICE NOTICE Anyone who has twine booked, twine is now available for pickup. Lucknow District Co-op HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in' Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. . Try. our Fresh Home Made Sausage/ Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE. TOWNSHIP• OF HURON The Township dump will be kept. open Saturday mornings from 9 - 12 as well as Monday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Earl Tout, .Clerk Township of Huron OPENING SOON Watch • for the opening of The Village Shop new addition (form- erly Lucknow Pro Hardware),. featuring antiques, gifts and crafts.. , CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The child health clinic of the Bruce County Health Unit for pre- school children and infants will be held in the Legion Rooms, Luck - now on Tuesday, May 15th from 10 to .11:30 a.m. ATTENTION FARMERS For highest prices for fat cattle and old cows, sheep and lambs, sell through. ' GAMBLE AND ROGERS LTD. TORONTO The only "gamble" is in the name. Contact the local ' agent P. C. VAN EYL Lucknow, phone 528-3618 See last week's prices elsewhere in the paper. ATTENTION FARMERS . Now that you are working on the land we wish to remind you that we can weld or machine parts for your equipment. Call Lucknow Machine Shop 528-3835 for prompt service. GIVE ... so, more will live HEART FUND Holyrood W.I. Host To Area Senior Citizens KINLOUGH NEWS Holyrood hall, decorated with baskets of Spring flowers,.was the setting for a most pleasant afternoon when 29 residents and 4 attendants from Brucelea Haven Walkerton.and'5 'residents from. the Carruthers Nursing home, con- cession 6 Kinloss, as well as local Senior Citizens and friends in the community assembled for their fun day. This was sponsored by the Holyrood Women's Insti- tute. The committee in charge, Mrs. P. A. Murray and Mrs. Lyman Sutton, received the visi- tors at the door. Mrs. Sutton was chair lady for the program which opened with•a welcome and a'poem "God bless you" by Mrs.. P. A. Murray. Wal• ter Dexter of the Town and Country Club of Lucknow favour- ed with 3 songs. M. Jack Peter- baugh and Mrs. J. Lizmore of Bervie provided some toe tapping music. Mrs. George Young of' Bervie and Mrs. Walter Dexter each'gave readings. A musical .song title contest and &.,travelling parcel contestwerein charge of Miss Edna Boyle. Miss Margaret Malcolm of Luclfnow• won the prize.. A humorous skit, "The - Proposal, was acted by Mrs. Oliv€ Irwin and Elleda Irwin of the Lucknow Club. A recipe for living, by Mrs. Lyman Sutton, closed the program. 'Mrs. P A. Murray thankedeveryone and Mr. and Mrs. 'Maicolrri Lane were givena hearty applause in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mac thanked everyone and told a humorous. story. A. Muir from Walkerton.,' on behalf of the Brucelea Haven residents, thanked the Holyrood ladies for the pleasant afternoon and for their kindness to them. Delicious refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. H. D. PURDON Real Estate limited 'u M.L.S. REALTOR ATTRACTIVE 11. storey 6 room brick coated home, situated in Lucknow, 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath down, living room with wall to wall rug, dining room, kitchen, oil heated. Attached garagewith asphalt drive, , spacious grounds. A very well kept home. LOTS FOR SALE — quiet resi- dential area, near public school, close to high, school buses,. price $1800. SOMEONE IS WAITING • CASH IN HAND • TO BUY A HOUSE WITH A LITTLE LAND Member of London. and St. Thomas Real Estate Board for M.L.S. Listings with 700 members salesmen to sell for you ROSS and' PHYLLIS HOGGART Phone Wingham 357.3692 MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE BROKER HOME 1 storey bungalow in Lucknow, 4 piece bath. 2 bedrooms, 1 block from main street. 4Asking price $11,500. WANTED LISTINGS Have prospective clients for all kinds of properties LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bus. 528-2031 Res. 528-3821 6 Belgrave. Man Is Grand Master More than 170 delegates from the Grand Orange Lodge of Ont.= ario: West met recently at Barrie for the lodge's 114th annualcon- vention. ' The last Orange Lodge conven- tion in Barrie was held in 1928. The greater part of the two • - day convention dealt with gener- al business Elections were held, Speaker for the: finale banquet was Dr. C.K.S. Moffatt., grand *master and sovereign of Canada. Dr. Moffatt has written nunier- ous articles in support of the re- tention of the monarchy and the commonwealth. Earlier, the Black Chapter of the lodge held its convention in Barrie. . Walter Scott of Belgrave is Master of the Grand Black Chap- ter of Ontario 'West. Ontario West covers an area from Oshawa in the east to Wind- sor in the south, and north, and west to the Manitoba border. BROWNIE NEWS The Brownies opened their meet Ing on Tuesday, May 1st with games of "Human Ladders" and "One, Two, Three". Linda Wisser was Fairy Queen and she set out the. Toadstool for Brownie' Ring. The Sixers collect- ed Fairy Gold. Brownie Ring was closed with Brownie Prayer. At Pow Wow Tawny Owl pres- ented Marion Raynard with her. Golden Hand Badge. Kimberley , Cooke showed the three things she had rhade for her. Woodwork- er Badge and,told the Brownies about being tested for'. her Pet Keeper. Betty Stanley showed her three articles she had made for the Toy -maker Badge. Sylke ,Becker had three interest- ing things of nature to show the Pack. Brown Owl told the Brown- ies that were to be tested for their Observer and Explorer Bad- ges to be at the Town Hall on Saturday at ten o'clock, .to go. on a hike. The Brownies were told • about the Mother and Daughter Banquet that will be held on May 24th. For work period Snowy Owl went over the Finger Code Alpha- bet• with the Brownies. Sylke Becker passed her test for sewing on two kinds of buttons and for cleaning a pair of shoes. The meeting was closed with the Squeeze and Taps. PAGE FIVE Farm labor in the United States during June, 1971, totaled 5.,250,400 persons of whom , 3,602,800 were family members and the remainder hired workers. iINTEE .. cs f) FOR SALE I OCATED, ONLY 3 MILES from Goderich, 100 acre farm with 90 acres workable; 4 bedroom brick home recently redecorated, oil furnace, 4 piece bathand every convenience. A lovely lawn and shade trees makes this a very desirable property. Possession of the home and barn in 60 days and the land in the fall: 250 ACRE FARM in West Waw anosh Twp.; approximately 200 acres workable; 8 room well cared. for home with all conven- iences; onveniences; drilled well. Barn 72. x 38 and 40 x 40. Present owner carrying on mixed farming. Pos- session' can be arranged. 150 ACRE FARM in Kinloss Twp:, nearly all workable, slightly rol- ling, good drainage. Two storey brickhome with new kitchen, bathroom and furnace.' Barn 40 x 72 with loose pens for .beef cattle;, 2 silos 18 x 50 and 14 x 48. This farm is well located; possession and terms canbe ar- ranged. COUNTRY HOME located in vil- • lage on one acre of land. Four bedroom home with 3 piece bath, oil furnace: Taxes $135.00 a year. If you are looking for a retire- ment or summer property make an appointment to see this home. LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 21; a 2 bedroom cottage recently redec- orated, modern kitchen, bath- room, panelled, walls and new ceiling; oil furnace. Priced at $8,900 with immediate possession. 6 ROOM FRAME HOME and modern building 48 x 48 plus equipment. Presently manufact- uring playground equipment, loc- ated on .lot 127' x 267'. This building -o'ould be suitable for welding, metal fabricating or re- lated line of work. Inquire for further particulars. 100 ACRE FARM, /rolling land all in grass; some bush. Located on a good road. Listed at $12,000; asking $5,000 down, balance at 9%. Immediate possession. COUNTRY STORE .and 4 bed- room home located in a good farming area: Excellent brick building. Merchandise consists of groceries, meats, feed and hard- ware. Ill health of the owner is the reason for selling. If you are tired ' of your present job, look this home and business over and be your' own boss. 20 ACRES on thea Lucknow river; bush and park like area in the Port Albert district. This acre- age would , be hard to duplicate, 60 rods of river frontage. If you are thinking of buying or have property for sale give usa call • WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 • Wilfred Mcifltee & Co. Limited WALKERTON Member of the Gred Bruce Multiple Listing pService •.List M.L.S. — Over 60 Salesmen • Working For . You