HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-25, Page 20The Lord Simcoe hasat somethingo nelxytr$a5f90.9r 0y.olut.inh.c'isuda night
delu spexeacciCaolinfom
r two
bdation for two V nights, dinner in the famous Captain's Table complete with a champagm
cocktail, breakfast each morning and a sightseeing toil of Toronto's many- exciting attractions —, all for bill) $59,90, subject ,to, advance registration. The, LOrt
Simcoe is in the heart of downtown Toronto', close ti
pping , theatres e
and entertainment.lseh taes
-special, You
e ci a 1, at
the Lora
Simcoe — it's frie'ndly hospitality you will enjoy throirgh
Out your stay with us. •
Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned,
Lord Sinicoe Hotel
See your travel agent or contact us at:
150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 362-1848,
We couldn't forget an occasion
some day.
Custom Farm Work
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Sterling Trusts Corporation
Guaranteed Trust. Certificate
Today's interest rate:
3/4 0
Let your money make money, Good
interest it guaranteed with our 5 year
termimni deposits.mum
.• Mr. Alex MacNay,
Trusts representative:
Call or visit /Our nearest Sterling
372 Bay Street Toronto 415.364.7495
Miller MacKenzie
ZenYeg 3:21 Box 125, Lucknow, Ontario '
Phone: 528.3100 Head Office
4. •
• . •
EnioY a 2 Night S
pecia Neighbours Honour
McInnes Family
R. V R. 4 Ripley was in collision
with a parked vehicle owned by
James Beecroft , London.- Damage
to the parked vehicle was approx-
imately, $700;00.
On February 24, a two vehicle
collision occurred on Cty. Rd. 7
at the Jct. of Conc. 10 , Huron
Twp. A vehicle operated by Jos-
eph Hodgins, Ripley was in colli-
sion with a vehicle operated by
Patricia Henderson, Ripley. Dam•
age to the vehicles was approxim-
ately $400:00. ,
On Ontario highways in 1971
there, were 459 collisions involv -
ing bicycles. These collisions •
resulted in the death of 34 bicyc-
lists and injuries to. 376.
In. 1972 collisions increased to
504, causing death to .35 bicyc-
lists and injuries to 422.
The bicycle is a vehicle and
the operator must be treated in
much the same manner as •the ,
operator of, a motor vehicle.
On Sunday, April 8, Constable
Burgess investigated a car and
horse accident on Conc. 12,
Huron Twp. VA vehicle operated .
by Harry Smit, R. R. # 4 Kincar-
dine was in Collision with a horse
owned by Gordon Stewart, R. R.
2, Ripley. '
Neighbours 'on the 10th conees-
.sion gathered on Wednesday even-
ing at the home of Mr. and• Mrs,
Gerald Murray and fdmily in
honour of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc -
Jones and family Who are moving
to Blyth.
Games were played. Euchre
prizes went to Mrs. P. A. Murray
and Stewart MacDonald.
Mrs. 'Gerald Murray read an
address expressing regret in losing,
this family and wishing them the'
best in their new home. Mrs.
Grant F.ckenswiller presented
them with a swag lamp. Ruth
and Karen Eckenswiller presented
Bob, Dale and Nancy with gifts.
After Dan thanked everyone,
lunch was served and a' social
time was spent. ••
Holyrood, Ontario,
April 18, 1973.
Dear Anne, Dan, Bob, Dale and
We 'have put the mat of welcome
And opened wide the door
We've shined up all the windo*
And then mopped up the floor
We've put our party dresses on,
And now with smiles of glee
We're glad so many here could
come, , ,
To visit, and have a cup of tea.
But then behind each smile there
is a tear,
Because we never really thought
we'd lose you
After all these twenty-three years.
left the road and struck a hydro
pole. •
Motorists ! Know what to .do if
a tire blows •while you're travel-
ling at highway speed? The Ont-
ario Driver's Handbook says
don't jam on the brakes. Instead,
take your foot off the accelerator.
concentrate on steering• and let
your car roll to a safe stop.- Rern
ember, jamming on' the brakes
when a tire blows could cause
your car to overturn.
. On Monday, April 2, Constab-
le Burgess investigated an accid-
ent involving' two southbound
vehicles on #21 highway just 1
north of Pine River. 'A vehicle
operated by Marion McLean,
R. R. # 4,.•Ripley was in conj.'.
sion with a vehicle operated by
Paul Wilcox, Owen Sound.
Damage to the vehicles was
approximately $809.00. '
On Tuesday, April 3, Con- ,
stable Wiwczaryk investigated, a
two vehicle collision in Lucknow;
A vehicle operated by Elleda
Irwin, R. R. 5, Lucknow 'was in
collision with a •second vehicle
operated by Delmar MacKie,
R. R. 3 Holyrood. The accid-
ent occurred at the Jct. of Have-
lock and Campbell Streets.
Lucknow , Ontario.,
On Thursday , April 5, Con=
stable Whitelaw investigated a
two vehicle collision. A Vehic-
le operated by Melvin Irwin was in
collision with a second vehicle .
operated. tty—Kennanaiger, Luck -
now. Damage to the vehicles• was
approximately $200,00,
Public Information Officer.
like this,
When your're Moving from our
We know you won't forget us
But hope all your thoughts are
fine. .
Some of us did some shopping too,
And we hope you like what •we
got for you. .
NoW it give us the very greateit
• of pleasure
To present these gifts that 'we hope
you will treasure -
We trust you will find them useful
each day .
While keeping•house in your new
home by the way.
We hope in the future you all will
be spared
Many more years like the 'ones
with us :you have shared.
May all that is brightest and
In life, be your portion, and share,
Be Happy! God's blessing attend
Is ever our. wish and our prayer.
'We hope you like your new home
Not so far away - in
When a knock at your door you
may hear,
It could be God sending some new
friends, -
Or it could be just some of us
dropping by •
For a bit of a visit., you bet,
Cause you'll not be that "gosh
awful" far away
That we can't getthere, surely,
Best wishes,
Your Friends and Nei
Former Teat
Heads New P
The Ontario Youth Sec
is a newly-created gover
organization aimed at sea
Ontario'S. youth,
, Wally Coulthard , who t
at Luc know District High
and Woodstock's Huron P
ondary School before joi
Ministry of Education in l
has been appointed direct
He described the future
new organizatiOn. 'We
acting as a Co-ordinating
with every ministry in the
rent• that has programs in
youth. In order to find th
typesV of programs availab
will need to identify and
priorities V to all youth-rel
Projects in the provincial
ment , at well as keep to
Ottawa's Opportunities for
programs," he said:
The. Youth Secretariat
be an information source
both agencies and individ
working with young peopl
will act as a' monitoring
Over a vast number of you
jects , programs and grou
on Sunday, April 22, Constab-
le Poland investigated a single
vehicle accident -involving a
vehicle operattd by John Travis,
R. R. # 2, Tiverton. The'north-
.bound vehicle left the road and
struck a fence in the east slgelr.
On Thursday, Apri119, P, c.
Whitelaw investigated a single
car accident in Huron Ridge. A
vehicle operated by Raye McLel-
land, R. R. # 4, Kincardine left,
the road and struck a culvert. '
On Friday, April 20, Constable.
Whiteldw investigated a single
car accident at, Point Clark. A
vehicle operated by Erna Dessen,
Kitchener left Vthe roadway and
struck a mailbox.
On Friday, April 20, Constable
Whitelaw investigated a single
car accident in Underwood. A
southbound vehicle operated by
John Elliott, Brucefield left the
road and struck a mailbox.
PARENTS! If your child rides
a bicycle, make sure he knows
and obeys the traffic rules for
safe cycling. Here are some tips .
for safer cycling. (1) signal turns
and stops with the proper signals,..
the left arm'•out and up for a
right turn... out .straight for a left
' V turn...out and down for a stop.
(2) after signalling, return, your
left hand to the handle bar
promptly.. and keep both hands
on the handle bars. (3) ride in
-single. file . close to the curb.
(4) carry parcels in a carrier ...
not in your hand. And remember,
a regulation bike is for one rider..
no passengers allowed. '
Public Information Officer.
On February 22, a westbound
vehicle operated by David Hus-
ton, R. R. 1, Kincardine overturn
ed in the ditch west of Ripley.
Damage was approximately
On February 22, a snowplough
operated" by Peter Guikema
On. Tuesday, April 10, a two
vehicle collision was investigated
by Constable Daulby. On the
Douglas Point Access Road, a
vehicle operated by Kenneth
Stanley, Inverhuron was in colli-
sion with a vehicle operated by
John Norman, R. R. # 5, Kin-
cardine./ Damage to the vehicles •
was extensive and both drivers
were injured.
On Friday, April 13, a Vehic-
le operated by Donald Taylor,
R. R..# 2, LucknoW struck a
dog on the South Line, Kincar-
dine Twp. The accident ,was '
investigated by Constable Poland;
On Sunday, April 15, Constable.
Wiwczaryk investigated a single
vehicle accident on Conc.. 2,
Kinloss Twp. A vehicle operat-
ed -by Conrad Wyatt, Huron Park