HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 14Spring is just around the corner, and did you know that grass
can grow 6 inches in the time it takes to service your equipment
during the 'spring rush. Get your power mower and your rota
tiller serviced NOW.
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Don't :discard *of',
old: air-cooled motor!!
teehurch Women's Institute
eir Curator and Annual
lig on Monday, April 9 in
hutch Community Memor-
Curator Mrs. Victor Em-
opened the meeting with a
to members and visitors
d the two lovely bouqUets
els were from the Walters
in memory of their moth-
passed aWay last week.
erton gave two.poems
Sired Cowsand The Old
p.- The Ode was sung
Mary Stewart Collect
ed in unison. The roll
Each member write a'
log, bring and read it' was
y15 members. 'The
HOW grandma made her
as given by Mrs. Wni•
and Mrs. Victor Emerson
of stoves. Mrs. Robert
d a poem Pioneers and
ed an otalcontest on Do
president Miss Merle Wil-
esided for the regular. meet.'
Thank you notes were re -
for boxes from' Mrs. Annie
Brucelea Haven, and Mr.
Ben McClenaghan,, A
on was made, to Lucknow
tune Society.
evernent Day for 4-H Was . need to be held at Walker
d Kincardine. The differ-
n tourses were discussed..
deciiied to get more infor-o
vatering at the Hobby
Ail'ire to' let Xis. Nettie w at the
May meeting.
hitechurch W.I.
ct Officers
18 Piece Chicken Pack .
Regularly $5.50 A most enjoyable evening
was spent in Holyrood hall when
friends in the community gather-
ed, for a farewell party for Mr.
and Mrs. John Maxwell and fam-
ily and Miss, Leone Fischer.
Twelve lables of euchre were
played. Prizes were - high lady,
Mrs. Fischer; high gent, Ross
Cayley; special ladies prize,
Mrs. Ed Thompson; special man's
prize, P. A.' Murray. An ad'
dress of good wishes was read by
Mrs. P. A. Murray and Cliff
Johnston and P. A. Murray pres-
ented Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell
with a mirror and each of the
Come In and check with'us on
the savings possible with the
use of a Short 13lock. It will
renovate your old motor like
new at half the cost of a new
Hold Party. For
Maxwell Family
children received a remembrance.
Mrs. Cliff Johnston presented a
gift for Miss Leone Fischer, *ho
was unable to be present. John on
behalf of their family made a fit-
ting reply. "For they are' jolly
good fellows" _was sung, and lunch'
was served.
.We welcome two new families
to our community. Mr. and Mrs.
Donald. Murray and family are
moving to the Holyrood Store and'
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Baker came
recently to their new home, the
former Max Bushell farm, con-
cession 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Ai ead of St.
Catharines spent the eek end
'with Richard Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Elliott, Bruce and David.
their intentions of what. they wish
to do on the bus trip to Toronto.
Reports were given by P.R.O. , '
Mrs. Wm. Rintoul; Agriculture',
Mrs. Jim Currie for Mrs: John.
Currie; Citizenship and World
.Aifairs, Mrs. Torn Metcalfe;
Education'and Cultural
Activities, Mrs. Dan Tiffin; Fam-
ily and Consumer Affairs, Mrs.
Ed Walker; Resolutions by Mrs.
Victor' Emerson for Mrs. Russell
Ross; Curator, Mrs. Victor Emer-
son; Sunshine and Cheer, Mrs.
Fred Tiffin; Auditor's report,
Mrs., Tom Metcalfe.
The annual meeting was then
held with Mrs. Dan Tiffin presid-
ing for the election'of officers -
Pasi President, Mrs. Dan Tiffin;
President, Miss Merle Wilson;
'2nd Vice, Mrs. Lorne Durnin;
Sec. Treas.',. Mrs. Victor Emer-
son; District Director , Mrs. Georg
Fisher; Alternate, Mrs. Bill
EVans; P.R.O. , Mrs. Wrn.
Rintoul. Branch Directors, Mrs.
Russel Ross, Mrs. Albert ,Coultes
Mrs. Garnet Farrier',. Mrs. Vic-
tor Emerson, Mrs.' Russel Gaunt;
Pianist, Mrs. Garnet Farrier,
Mrs. Dan. Tiffin;, Programme
Committee', Mrs: Wallace .Conn.
'Mrs. Garnet Farriet, Mrs. Russel
ROSS, Mrs. Bill Gibson; ,Auditors,
Mrs. Garnet Fairier Mrs. Wm.
Rintoul; Delegates to District
Annual, Mrs. George Fisher,
Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs. Russel
McGuixe ,,Mrs. Victor. .Emerson;
Alternate, ,Mrs. 'Jean Mcthnes;
Delegate to Convention, Mrs.
Wm. Rintoul; Alternate,Mrs.
RusSel Gaunt; Curator, /Irs, Vic-
tor Emerson, Mrs. Robert Ross,
Mrs; Wm. Evans, Mrs. Earl
The Penny AuctiOn was held
and lunch was then served.
In lieu of attending Bruce
County's Professional Develop-
ment Day held at Port Elgin's'
Saugeen District High School on
April 13, the 'staff of RDHS 'journ-
eyed to Paris, Ontario to
appraise'their secondary school .
system which combines some
elementary grade's as, well as the
higher lev'els. The school at
Paris currently consists of.grades
eight to thirteen to make, a total
population. of 1100 students. Next
year-they plan ,to include srade
seven as well. ,
Teachers toured all the facilit-
ies of the school, and 'talked
with principal Mr. Green. Each
teacher, then sought out the ,
department heads of his particular
field of teaching for consultation.
Several of the Ripley. elementary
teachers attended ,a "Graveyard"
session in which grade eight stud- •
ents were "orienteering" or map
making and have a historic study.
Kevin Irwin visited over Sun-
day .with his friend , Paul Macln-
tyre. • • 4,-•
Week end visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira fickle were
Mrs. Alex Jones (Caroline Dickie)
and son Christopher, Mr. and
Mrs. Ian Nemecek and Walter
Dickle,, all of Toronto.
Mrs. Evan Keith, treasurer of
Maitland Presbyterial, 'attended
the Synodical held in Wingharn
Presbyterian Church on Tuesday
and. Wednesday of last week..
Miss Verda Alderson is visiting
at present with Mr. and Mrs'.
Lorne Sparks.
The annual meeting for Kair -
shea Women's Institute is plan-
ned for this Thursday„ April 19
at'7.30 p.m. in the Kairshea
Hall. Mrs. Dick MeQUillin is
hostess. ,
Some members of South Kin-
loss choir met Monday evening
at•the home of Mrs. Lorne Sparks
in preparation for a musical
number , for the South Kinloss
W. M.S. Tbanhoffering on Wed -
nesclay evening.' Murray Morri- •
son will be guest speaker,
Last Tuesday,, April 10th, the
level III history class accomPan-
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Andy Burg-
ess travelled to Toronto for a
day of sigh-seeing: The'group
left RDHS at 8.00 a.m. on board
a Bruce County Coach Lines van
from Kincardine. On arriving
in Toronto they, first visited the
Royal Ontario Museum with
special interest centered to the
Ancient History display, since
level III is entirely focused on
ancient history. From there they'
toured the Ontario Science. ,
Centre which proved popular to
everyone. The group 'had some
free time at the Yorkdale Plaza
before seeing the show "Cabaret".
Around 12 a, m. the group return-
ed to Ripley after a fun-filled day
in Toronto
Be sure and circle your calend-
ar for Friday, May 4,,as "Mac-
Kenzie" formally "Callous" will
play for our dance. Dancing is
from 9 til 12 and everyone is
guaranteed to have the time of
their lives I
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1970 CHEV' 1/2 ton 6 cylinder ,
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1970 FORD Cuitom 500, 4 door V8 automatic
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