HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 10THE I.UCKNOW SENTINEL-LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE' ELEVEN' •
.Foursome Part of Area Group On Cruise
:njoy a 2 Night Special
Lord'Siincoe „has something extra for you. It's a 2 ght
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41 get something else that's special at the Lord
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lour TV in every rOom, fully air conditioned.
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etestam Butchering — Curing and Smoking
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Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill
With Two Big Coolers, W. A Able To 'Hang Your Beef From
1 WI, Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are
For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Horne Killed Beef, Pork
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ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 3954961
SPAY, APRii. 111, 1973
ig the;Caribbean -7 aboard •
I America's ship Nieuw
lam are Mr. 'and Mrs.
jok, Lucknow and Mr...
up of area people.recently
from a cruise to the Car -
area, . 1 • /
s a continuation of fast
tory. •
i from those listed as
the cruise in the original
s Mrs. Lillian Hogben of
lay - up bright and early
(fast as usual either, in the
or at the Lido deck
o Grenada B. W.I. Dress:
ach of these Islands pres-
problem to some, as one
t go dressed as you. liked
T as they required, We
foreigners and they the
la discovered by Christo-
Ludas in 1498
ed it Conception. It is
a when it got its present
stile Caribe Indians
early attempts at settle,
I it wasn't until 1650
Island became the prop-
Le French govern.ment
lique that any permanent
ion was established.
and Mrs. Oliver Mcdharles,
Lochalsh. The foursome and ,
other area residents recently sail-
ed from Port Everglades, Florida.
on a 10-day cruise to interesting
ports' Of call; Curacao, La Guaira ,
Grenada , Guadeloupe and St.
Thomas, befOre returning back to
again after a trip by tender made
us love our floating,.hoiel.. The
Buffet that 'evening was a "picture
in, food"; ,
March '17th just couldn't go by
without some one doing something
,special and two of the Canadians
dressed for the occasion and did
an Irish Jig, led in an Irish sing
song and received the awards Of
good sportsmanship. Although
at no time was anyone allowed in
the dining room with 'casual cloth-
ing, these two venturesome
people arrived dressed in green
shorts, green mini skirt and creat-
ed quite a stir When the Captain
escorted them into the dining
Sunday, we-from Canada were
at Church at 10 a.m. and off to
Guadeloupe F. W.I. for the after- '
Going by tender was the rough
ride over tides that gave us a thrill
of a boat ride. No stores were
open in Gaudeloupe with the ex-
ception of a liquor store and most
took a .tour to see the Cock fight,
the old Fort. Coral' Beach ; This
Island was discovered by Colum-
bus on his second trip in 1493.,
The Island however was never,
colonized by the Spanish, and
with continuous friction between
'English and French had no lasting
influence and.the people con-
tinue to be Patois. Sugar, rum
and bananas are' its main exports.
-It is 'a tourists' paradise and a
luxurious type of holiday haVen
Back on board and entertain=.
ment for all. Banjo Ben, Cost-
ume Parade and prizes to many
of our group. Ask to see the pic-
Monday we docked at St.
Thomas, Virgin Island U.S.A.
Located about 40 miles'east of
'Puerto Rico, the island is 13
miles long, 3 miles wide,
population 17,000, serves as corn'
acquired the Virgin Island from.
Denmark in World War 1, because
of their proximity to the Panama
Canal. It has a rich burbulant
history.. The 'richest slave mark-
et in the world, gold wheeled
through the streets in wheel bar-
rows, fighting and trbuble lasted
from its 'discovery until 1917
when it Was sold to the States.
The Emancipation Garden
where' the abolition of slavery
occurred, Blue-beards castle
and Black Beards tower were most
interesting and now are tourist
hotels. Cable colOuted TV from
U.S, was-here.
TUesday we received notice .
of the activities for the rest of
the cruise. Prizes were awarded
for champion shuffle board play-
ers, tours of the ship. Sorrie
'were fortunate enough to be takeii
to the Bridge and the engine room.
Both Oliver and Marion were, given
the 'chance to try the
steering gear'of the ship. Sailing
over 17,000 feet of water, no land
in sight, what a chance the others
took - all inIun as always the
proper controls were being taken
care of autornatkally:
A gala farewell dinner by the
Captain was,one you have to see
to believe.. The table boys
carrying flaming baked. Alaska to.
almost 700 people seated in
the dining rOom, these boys then
sang to the audience and a spec -
ial song.for the Canadians will
long betemembered.
Tuesday night was also Canad.-
ianentertainment and 8 from the
Lucknow, •Kincardine, Ripley area
danced 'and wore the. Canadian
Maple Leaf tartan Otitfits.
Pictures by the hundreds were
taken, food by the ton eaten and
dancing done . by those who never•
danced before., The staff enter-
tained until time for the, Great
Destroyer at midnight.
Wednesday morning all were
making ready 'for the final day at
•sea and cramming in every avail-
able minute in all area of enter-
tainment , swimming in the pools,
eating On deck, singing, dancing,
having fun. By. Wednesday even-
ing the party broke loose and
dinner was •barely over when
singing, dancing, and fun began
before they left the
dining room: On into the wee
small hours every place one look-
ed could be found a group enjoy-
ing the last opportunity to be to-
Thursday, up bright and early
to see the ship dock at 8 a.m. at
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers
R. R. 1, Lucknow attended the
graduation exercises held at the
Ontario Department of Health,
Nursing Asfistant Centre, York St.
London, on Friday, April 13. at
2 p.m. Their daughter. Lois was
one of the graduating class.
On Sunday, April 15, a social
gathering took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Struthers, Havelock Street, Luck
now, followed by a dinner at .
5 p.m. at the Log Cabin Restaur-
ant in. Lucknow.
Those present for the occasion
were Mrs. Annie Swan, Dave
Slyan, Miss Susan Swan, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Struthers,
Acton; Miss Carol Wa.tta'm, Wing-
ham; Richard Leenders, London;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnian,.God-
erich; Mr. and Mrs. LaWrence
McLeod , R. R. 5 Lucknow; Miss
Lynda Lyons, R. R. 1 Luc know;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Donais
Luc know; Mr..and Mri.
Bob Struthers, Sharon and Cindy,
Lucknow, Doug Struthers and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers,'
R. R. .1 Lucknow.
Lois received many lovely
gifts and cards of congratulations
and best wishes. On.May 7', she
joins the nursing' staff at Victoria
Hospital, London.
at 6:30 p.m.
Program Consultant with the' Ontario TBRD Association in
Toronto.• See "Christmas Seals in Action."
Tickets 2.50 from area representatives or from 121 Welling-
ton St., Stratford.
• JP
Ieturn From Cruise To Carribbean
Eventually Grenada passed the
French Crown which. was respon-
'sible for the introduction of
cocoa; coffee and Cotton to the
Island early in the
18th century. Grenada was ced-
ed to England permanently in
1783 by the Treaty of Versailr
les, although under
'English control, there is still a
vestige of French influence, ,
particularly in speech. •
St. Georges, built in 1705.,
the capital city, is .one of the I -.
most picturesque of the West
Indies and the Spice Island.. One
felt insecure, as taxi drivers'
and peddlers had to be held back
by police in order for the tourist
,to go.anywhere. . Quaint narrow
streets, lush green open areas,
up anil down hills and around
bends looking at the Sea one
moment into the poverty areas
the next., Old Fort Frederick,
Grand Anse Beach, where we
swam inmater so warm'one •
would hardly believe it could be
in the Sea. 'In short, one can
readily see why Grenada was
chosen the filming site for the
motion picture Island-in-the-Sun.
A Gala show On board ship •
Fort Lauderdale, through customs
and aboard our plane home to
Canada and snow.
One of our group suffered' a mis
fortune and Came home with a
few scars to show, but 'was the
best sport one could imagine.
Another one or two had to spend'.
a day or two in their cabins due
to illness, but all had the time
of their lives and have made
plans for• another dream trip in
the future..
Lois Struthers
Graduates As
Nursing Assistant