HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-18, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, PASS TEN ir 4.).4.:4••••••••-• ' • • • GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU HELP. RED oss ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH ' 11:00 A.M. APRIL 22 — Easter Service at 11' A.M. in chare of the Sunday School. Soloist — Frank MacKenzie 100th Anniversary Services 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Gu speaker Dr. Finlay Stewart fr Kitchener. Soloists -- Mrs. Ebanks of London and Lloyd Ste art of Dundas and numbers by quartette assisted by the choir. - EVERYONE WELCOME APRIL 29 \ • I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ".•••1/4•WA.•^4.;••••."..9..A.1,"/"••••••••"4"0•4 •,.••••••:".".•%#.4.0,".",00•0 4%,,••••fte, 1 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH. Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister APRIL 22nd Easter Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School / 1t a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact ' Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A, B.D. Minister Phone '528-2740 1973. IS CENTENNIAL YEAR' "OF THIS' CHURCH. April 22nd Special Easter Service In Charge of Sunday School Sunday School meets• at 10:15 a.m. 11 a.m. Morning Worship Church Anniversary (100th) April 29th J. J W. Van Stempvoort Pastor GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 10:30 a.m. • Services: 10:00' a.m. Service, 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH • Lucknow Presbyterian Church Receive Church Members Sunday Nine pung people became members of Lucknow United Chuich by iirofession of faith on Sunday morning. • Joining were Sandra Joan Fin- - lay ..Mary Ellen Havens, Betty Anne :Hunter , 'Beverley Lynn Maize, Kathryn Ann Treleaven, Randall Lawrence Alton, Edwin Allan Johnson, Ralph Ernest 'Mor- rison, Roger Earl Morrison. Edgar Watson joined the Luck- now church by transfer of• mein- bership from St. Andrews United Church, Ripley. St. Peters A.C.W. St. Peter's A.C.W. held their -Thankoffering meeting Wednesday evening, April 11 in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Harvey Mole presided and in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Cliff Roulston recorded the minutes. Mrs. P. Caesar gave the open- ;lag prayer and Mrs. Mole read the scripture followed by the. A..C. W. Prayer and the Lord's . prayer. In the absence of Mrs. Tom „ Pritchard', Mrs. Fred McQuillin played the piano for hymns. ' Rev. Mr: Garratt spoke on the subject "Carer to me Lord, Pcn a Christian" and pointed out we all fall into this pitfallat times , feeling that we are better than ,the other man simply because we are -Christians, but God does help us if -we ask for it when we need Him- most. • Mrs. Walsh gave a lovely reading "At Eastertime".. Mrs. Hazelden read the closing thought and Mr. Garratt closed' with the ' benediction. ' Mrs, Cliff Roulston then , con- ducted a Bible contest. Lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Anyone wishing to go to the annual meeting in' London on April 26 are asked to contact either Mrs. Mole or Mrs. Roul- ston as soon as possible. Family Fun Night .. At United Church A Family Fun. Night was held at the Lucknow United Church last Sunday evening. One hundred and seventy people, adults and children enjoyed a pot hick smorgasbord supper at 6 p.m. Following the supper The Good Intentions, a singing group from Teeswater, provided a most en- joyable, program of music. .Name Group Busy Buddies.. The meeting of the. Busy, Buddies was held in the Lucknow Presbyterian Church basement, , Tuesday, April 10th at 8.00 p.m. At the last meeting- a name for this newly formed group was decided upon but omitted from the newspaper write up. The name, chosen was the Busy Bud- dies. It is to be noted that it's Bnddies, not Bodies! The meeting was opened with a scripture reading by. Lorene Conley. Following this Donna Moffat gave a reading about the Meaning of Easter in 1973. It was three people's feelings to- ward Easter. A discussion follow. ed, about the different aspects of the Easter celebrations. Psalm 190 was.sung froin the new Book of Praise. Lorene Conley led in Prayer. / .Yoga'exercises were led by Linda Johnston. • Lorene Conley and Donna Moffat gave a demonstration on' Block Printing., Everyone tried this craft using potatoes, art gum erasers, pencil erasers, and found objects.. • • • . A delicious lunch was, served by Donna and Linda Johnston. • The next. meeting will , be held on Tuesday, May 8th. ' Everyone is asked to bring used toys, clothing and literature such as Sunday School papers, etc. These are going to be forwarded to Toronto and put to good use. New Members Received At ,Dungannon Church DUNpANNON NEWS On Monday e;ening a special dinner was served at-Dungannon United Church in,the Sunday SChool moms for members of the, confirmation class and their par- ents. Members of the session were in attendance, and their wives assisted in' the kitchen.. There were two adtilt baptisms. ,The filin presented, "Is This ' Call For You?" was well receiv- ed. . On Sunday the following mem- bers were received, on Confession of faith: -Gary Alton, Brian Cranston, Betty Culbert, Mrs. Grant (Sandra) Curran, DOnna • Sue Errington, Williarn.Erring- ton Gerald Logtenberg,•Frances Logtenberg, Wayne Pearson, Elaine Stewart, Brian Stewart, Lbri Pentland , Sharon Young Judith Wintemute. Others 're- ceived by letter of transfer were: Mr. 'and Mrs. Keith Cran- ston', from Trinity United Church, Ashfield; Mrs. Thomas ,Culbert from Knox Presbyterian Church, LiStowel; Mrs. George Errington, from Chalmer's'Presbyterian 'Church, WhitechurCh; Mrs. Ar- thur (Diane) Dickson, from Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich; Mrs. Donald (Helen) Nicholson from Nile United Church, At this service of Confirmation and Holy CZ-Immunion special music was provided by the chair and Rev. Clarente McClenaghan's sermon was entitled "Who Dares to Love". • Kinlough A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS The Anglican. Church Women held their April meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Haldenby. Thii was the Quiet Day. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh gave the call to worship 'and welcomed everyone. The hymn "0 Master let '.me walk with thee" was sung and this was folloWed by prayer. The scripture lesson on the events leading up to Holy Week was read by Miss. May Boyle. Twelve ladies answered the roll call with the word "resur- rection" ., Mrs. Midford Wall read the communications. -Let- ters of appreciation were read and cards were signed for the ' sick and shut-ins. An invitation to join .with the Pres- byterian Missionary Society for their Thankoffering meeting was accepted.. The 'Diocesan Annual meeting will be held at London on April 26th. Mrs.- Walsh gave the prayer from the Diocesan President. • Mrs. Howard Thompson gave . a most fitting 'meditation "Think on these things"-, and concluded with the poem "Only one day". Mrs. Bert Nicholson took charge of the program which began with a prayer by Miss Edna Boyle. All joined in singing the hymn "Sweet the moments rich in blessing'. , Mrs. Art Haldenby led in the Lit- any and prayer and read a suitable poem "Because He Lives". "The Gift of Joy" from the •Living Message and a poem "Faith" and prayer for the sick were given by. Mrs. Bert Nichol- son. This part of the program concluded with "The old rugged Cross". The meeting closed with prayer and Grace. Mrs. Roy Collins gave the courte§y remarks and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Midford Wall and Mrs. Lloyd Husk. At this time Mrs. HoWard • • Thompson told some of the hi - Anglican Church LUCKNOW. PARISH EASTER DAY SERVICES St. Paul's, Ripley — 9:00 a.m. The Ascension, Kinlough 10:30 a.m. St. John's, Bervie 11:30' a.m. "ssmataiimmemsimatme St. Peter's Lucknow 1:00 p.m. CENTENNIAL YEAR SERVICES Trinity UCW The April meeting of Tr United Church Women was On Thursday afternoon, Apr at the home of Mri. D. A, gtt , with an attendance of ladies and one child. The ing .was opened with ,a verse by the president Mrs, Hunter , following which die call was answered' With an verse. Hymn 249 was sung Mrs. Marvin, Scott read the ture. The. Meditation was t. by Mrs Harvey Ritchie, Charles Wilkins gave the St Book, telling some of the m 'riage customs in India. Mrs Marvin Scott closed the dev with a prayer. One quilt was turned in ft one.of the groups quilting, nants were handed out that been reezikscji• om Easton's Simpson, The ladies repot the booklets which they are ing. Mrs . Ala Hackett wa chargi lf the Bible, Study. which was conducted with q tions and answers and was .v interesting. Mrs. Hummel some of the women to consi attending Westminster Week June or Alma School for Wo in August. Mrs. Warren Zi gave a very informative fin report . Mrs. Jim Hunter c the meeting and a lunch wa served by the committee in charge during which ma. c Wilkins gave the Trinity Ta which everyone always enjo The hostess for the next me will be. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie the . ladies are reminded that this Will be the annual plan t sale. litei Of her recent.trip to Fl and Mrs, Roy Schneller pass around pictures which were on their recent trip through United States. The May he is Mrs. Ronald Thacker and will' be a quilting. MONUMENTS For round counsel•and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from; quality material, rely 00 SKELTON MEMORIALS . Pat O'Hagan, Prop. . ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS ONTA WALKERTON 'PHONE 881.0234 POINT TO PONDER The resurrection of Jesus as- sures us that God,, not death, hai the final word in life. h.