HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-11, Page 21FURTHER INFORMATION AND QUESTIONNAIRE 'FORMS ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 60 YEARS OF AGE AND 'OVER AT THE: CLERK'S OFFICE A.E. HERBERT ALA:GE OF •WCKNOW SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAOCTWOHTY,ONE FROM BRUCELEA HAVEN Retirement Income through Life Insurance? CONTACT amiriimpoomeinor IOR CIT E • • py Andrew Muir warily ; I suppose, to the ent early spring and partly completion of the new March has been a very montliboth socially and bas cement spiy fot the and staff, and no ballad 'a lot .of worry and don too. ly in the month, those who their meals on the first floor area,have moved, if they willing to ,do so, into the floor of the neW wing which almostfully occupied, and of those who need some are now in the new 2nd 'le there are still some reno• to complete in the older the'enlarged and improved Rooms are resuming their nce of hives of activity the hymn singing; acrobatics by little Miss France, accompanied by Mrs. D. Sutherland on the ac- cordian; a song by a young lad accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Robert Wilson; a couple of square dances by the Senior Citi- zens group i .most of whom were in their seventy or eighties. On March 21st a group from the Belrnore Presbyterian Church gave us a lively entertainment With Mrs., Nichol as announcer. and Mrs. Mundell as pianist. We enjoyed a singtinie of hymns and old familiar songs and were much amused by the action songs of their comic band. by her and Miss J. Wrightson accoinpanied by Mrs. ,D. Wright- son at the piano. Each of the entertainments was,climaxed by treats of various kinds, fruit,' 'cake, ice cream, cookies, etc. During March we lost two of our residents, Mrs. Kirstine of Brant Township and Mrs. Jim Culbert of Lucknow. Our sym- pathy to their relatives and friends Rev. Leon Irschick, formerly of Mildmay, came recently from Gateway Haven to reside here.' On Sunday, March 4th. Rev. (*ell held service in the Chapel; March llth Rev. Alcock of Han- over Camp and on the 25th the , vation Army. No. service was he on the 18th, on account of the storm. We are pleased that Mrs. GraCe Dales'has returned to duty after a prolonged absence due to ill- , ness and that George Anstett and t/ally Hall, who each were in the hospital a few days, haVe both re- turned to the Haven. We were very sorry to hear that our good doctor, Dr. Robin- son, had been taken to.hospital and we all wish for him a. speedy recovery. For those in the know - A resid- ent: "What is the Meaning of Claustrophobia"? Nurse DolsOn: "It means a nervous hysterical reaction to being confined in a very small space. Fortunately I am not allergic to it." The surest way to cure our ills is to have Nurse Drury throw out our pills. • Ten Jobs Attract 220 High School Teacher Applicants TWo hundred and twenty second- ary school teachers competed for 10 teaching positions in Bruce County at an. interview day -recent ly. • Some applicants came from Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa, Sud- bury and London, reported Neil McConnell. superintendent of schoois for the Bruce County Board of Education. "his indicates that there is probably a scarcity of positions available.," Mr. McConnell • said, referring,to the large num- ber of people who appeared. /1, Appli.cations for work in' Bruce County schools came as early aS November , 1972, he added. The 10 positions now available in the 'county include seven full- time and three part-time teach- ' lng jobs. • Teachers are required' to advise the board of their intention to leave by May 31i and any jobs Available between now and that time will be filled from the list of applicants Who appeared for the interview. , Howick Township To Build $250,000 Sports Complex The people of Fordwich, Gor- rie and Wroxeter will proceed. with plans to build a commun- ity centre-artificial ice arena •complex to he located on proper- .ty adjacent to Howick Central ,School. The cost of the corn- plex was estimated between 4250 ,000 -$300 ;000; • . Residents of the three cornmun- .ities voted unanimously in favor .of the complex at a public meet- ing at Howick Central School. 'The .school's auditorium was three-quarters filled for the meet- ing which was chaired by Peter •Keil of Gorrie. Named as a committee in char- ge of the project were Douglas' Bunker of R. R. 2, Harriston,. Dave Neilsonof oorrie, Bob Edgar of Gorrie; Carl Stewart of Fordwich and Paul Statia of Vgroxeter. 'The. five men, headed by' Mr. Bunker , have been acting as a committee since January to invest• igate the poSsibilities of an arena- .community centre conplex•for the area. They were given the author ity to add neW members as they see fit. It is.the intentions of the com- mittee ands the three commynit- ies to finance the project through community canvasses and fund raising events and to operate it with volunteer labor, such as a similar complex at Honeywpod is operated. That community is also present , .ly in the midst of a'campaign to erect a swimrning'pool and is raising funds for this"purpose. ;,!4-,(49,to,c.601t.60-44v-tax.c, Attend Fall Fabric Show trying to get ready for the annual Tea and Bazaar. During March four different organizations provided entertain- ment for us-. On March 13th•the afternoon auxiliary of the Walk9, ton U.C. W. with Mrs. Rhody in the chair, put on a very interest- ing programme of music and singing with Iyks Strapp lead- ing and at the piano. A reading on Lent and a very informative talk on rural life in Cuba by Mrs. Inglis, as well' as, other items, . were included. On March 16th the Port Elgin U.C. W. sponsored a birthday party and presented gifts to those hiving birthdays in March as follows: Miss Margaret Strong, George *Mitchell, Zacharee La - Casse, Alfred Shelton and Cecil Baines. Some of the numbers on the program included songs by Mrs. Robert Reany who also led Then on March 22nd the Under- Wood W.I. were here to visit us, with the President, Mrs. Neeb Yn charge of a program which includ- ed a sing song led.by Mrs. Virtue and Mrs. Leggat with ,Mrs. J. McKenzie at the piano. Sever- al numbers were presented by their rhythm,band, songs by • Miss Kidson and musical numbers VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW 11111111110.1.11•1 ********** • IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER • IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! • IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE The Ontario Housing Corporation, at the request of your municipal council, is considering the development of senior citizen housing in the town. To determine the local interest in this typee of accommodation, sUrVey question- naires are now being distributed. Mn y By ,Filling Out A Questionnaire Can You Help To Determine Whether A Project Should Be Developed Attending the Fall 1973 Fabric Distributors Clinic'held April 7, .• 8, 9 at the new Sheridan Hotel in Toronto were Kay Crawford,. . Alene Clark, 'Eileen and Lloyd Ashton. This was sponsored by two•Vell knowns Toronto Suppliers of yard goods, Butteriek and ' Vogue Patterns., and Home Sew ing Associates Companies. Among the interesting speakers were Princes§ Irene Galitzine. a Russian born Princess, but a resid- ent of Italy since ten months old. She.and her company design pat- terns and sell.mariy to the Vogue and Butterick Pattein companies lin Canada and United States. Two Fashion Shows and Display Booths of Fall Yard Goods" and .. Accessories highlighted the event, Spealcers from fabric :and pattern manufacturers who are now working 9n Fall 1974 styles and materials made their prophecies of the new shades and styles for that period. - Paid AdvertiseMent (49x.01t491441ht.$9-04.0•4160k4I'x.01t4914.01 DAY, APRIL 1,1, 1973