HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-11, Page 8iI {4-hoe COMPLETE VERY SUCCESSFUL SEASON Lucknow Novice Team Lose Out To Gaderich hi Grand ChamPienshiP Series The • Grand championship Novice tournament was held in Walkerton on Saturday and' Sunday, April 7th-and 8th. Rep- resenting each group were God- erich "A", Walkerton "B", Mit- . chell "C", Chesley "DD", now "D", and Zurich "E". The A. B and C played a round robin series with Goderich coming out on top. Likewise the DD, 'D, and E played a round rob- in series with Lucknow being vic- torious. • Lucknow .had two very close games defeating Chesley in the first game 3. to 2 in overtime and by the same score of 3 to 2 they knocked off Zurich' in regulation time. This set up the champion- • ship game for Sunday between ,Goderich and Lucknow. The local boys played their hearts out but to no, avail as, the Goderich team edged them out 4 w 0. It was •a hard fought game and Goderich knew they were in a battle before it was over. "Congratulations on a real good effort boys", also on a Peal impressive record for the season. Following are the point getters for 'this three game series: Paui Hamilton and Stephen Simpson 2 . goals and 3 assists each, Paul Murray, '1 goal and 2 assists, Larry MacPher;on 1 goal, Barry Elphick, Doug Dorscht and Brad. Humphrey 1 assist each. • During the season: these boys played 50 games including sched ule, playoffs, exhibition games and tournaments. Their record is very impressive; 40 wins, 9 losses, 1 tie ,; 244 goals for and 101 against, giving the goal tend- ers and defense a goals against. average of 2.02 goals per game. A list of the individual scoring for the season will appear later because of lack of time this week. * ,t****************, FRIDA k, * o* APRIL 1 Y 3 wG#7.* 131t SPECIAL ), 2 admissions fir tie rice * I — Fril3 s..14 ;If s..15 ; Muni Minim Good! ( PETER SELLERS bOLDI NAM sere" 4.riLe4freatio GODERICH, ONT. 524-7:11 WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL THE LLICKNOW -SENTINEL" 13.1.CKNOW, ONTARIO ;01fiCe. Team Win d Up .Successful Year' From ''fl'ats, to, new tires, we're prepared; to fully serve your every tire need , Standing: Paul Finlay, Barry. Elphick , Brad Humphrey, Paul Hamilton, Larry MacPherson, Blair Alton,iBrian Elphidk, Alan. Rivett, Donald Elliott , Paul Murray. Back tow: Torn Pritchard, man- ager; Harold Greer, coach; char- lie Murray, coach. Absent Mike. Dennis. Girls Lose 5-1 On Wednesday, April'4th, the Luc know girls hockey team met ° the Belmore girls in the Mildmay arena. The game 'got off to a fast start for Belmore with 2 easy goals and then another one with a pen- alty shot. In the second period, Lucknow fought back hard and no goals were scored. In the third period Donna Greer broke the shut 'out to Make 'the score 3-1; Then another 2 goals were scored by the Belmore girls team: The final score was 5-1 for Belmore. Novice Runners-Up At Mildmay On. Saturday, March 31stIuck-- now Novice hockey team once again took in the annual Novice. Tournament in. Mildmay. This . is for towns of 1000 population or less plus LudknoW. Lucknow' show- ed up as the team 'to beat as they defeated Creemore in their first game by 'a score of 6 to 2 and then in their second 'game of the day. they put TeesWater out by a score of 4-2. The local boys then won the toss and got a bye 'into the final game April 2 against Mildmay. The biggest upset of the tourna- ment then took place as fired up N'Iildmay team defeated Lucknow by a score of .3 to 1 and won the tournament; The,Luclmow team was awarded the runner-up trophy. Point getters. for the three games were as follows: Paul Ham. ilton 3 goals and 3 assists, Steph- en Simpson 2 goals arid 3 assists , Larry 1,.',acPherson 2 goals and 2 and I assist, Blair Alton 1 assist. cm Pritchard, Harold Greer and aarlie. Murray would like to . thar,k the boys and parents for the gifts presented to them fol- lowing this tournarrient. Midgets Had Good Record For Season Lucknow's Midget Hockey club' went down in two , games straight to Mildmay in the W.O..A.A. Finals. The, second game was played last Wednesday night in Mildmay and Lucknow was troun- ced to the tune of 8-2. ,It was ,a very disappointing finish to a sea-- son that saw the team have a • ' near excellent schedule and the previous series that they defeated Exussels in two straight. Except fora a glimmer in' the second per , the boys looked 'ftar from their potential. Playing in 'two play-off series in one week simp- ly didn't pay off and' is almost an impossibility. One would be remiss if they didn't mention the fine turnout • of fans who travelled to Mildmay and tried their hest' to cheer, the boys on. In regular season play, t summary of games was asf 17 wins, 1 loss and 4 ties, 'impressive record 4 that ph the team first place for se sort, in a '7 team group Lucknow placed three pl in the top five scoring lead Dave MacDonald of Ripley the league with 46 goals a assists for 66,points; Luckn Kevin Murray placed seem 26 goals and 36 assists for 6 points; Stewart Mann place -with 39 •goals and 21 'assists 60 points; Ian. Montgomery 27 goals and 17 assists, was with 44 •points, and Greg Ripley with 19 goals and' 22 assists for 41 points was Ian Montgomery was out of for a month but still plac the top five. With the closing of not season a special thanks to faithful fans and the co-op tion of the' parents for the portation provided. t4-04401‘0-$4" Kneeling: left to right, Ray tuay, Doug Dorscht, Stephen MacPherson, Stephen Simpson, Brian Murray. assists, Paul Murray 1 goal and. 3 assists, Doug Dorscht 3 '&ad Humphrey 1/goal and l'assist, Stephen !.lacPherson 1 goal and .1 assist „Donald Elliott I goal. ADMISSION PRICES: Adults $1.82 & .180 .$1.00 Students $1.36 &,.140'- $1.50 Children (f2 and under) .750 Thu.12 Fra.13 so.14 LtetirDor FRINGE! OK-TEL Illartzerm =HMV gra*• • • . . . Il.01(07‘0.),,~4.9•40•44x.96`7.4.).6r.:01 -4,12-x4x..9,49>te.ex.6°049-4.0-at.Onti9-0.4-44914~,..01 Saturday Metinee14. COLUMBIA P.CTURES AUDIS BRODERICK MyRPHY -GRAVIFORU 7610C JOHN C JOH!it SHAM BRUCE BALABAN OUE gLAIIPER nuts BaLcAzARP,04,rt:^ IECHNISCOrr / 1• suu.15 mm1.16 bell '1111,11ia LIKE a thilller ;‘• b ,-491,49x42-ktent.a>,..01,-061‘0144'4‘01c470.4x491 v Wetil8 Thu.I9 , Fri 20 Sat. 21 find Sat. hliyi21 Sun. Mat. 22 and Sung 22 hilin23 Tue.24 ADMISSION PRICES: Adults $1.82 & .180 . $2.00 Students $1.36 & .14C • $1.50' tii ''-. On thy, Children (12 and Under) ./50 ,0, 7. 11 These prices prevail . ' 1'" 1, , . for all Shows including .,• g• . Saturday and Sunday ,. Matinee i I` t. ..• ivi-4i,iANOrsON .... ..PATTY MAE , RICWARO tri06,4•5 -4 ROSEMARY MIIRPHy ......... SIAN EIARRARA mil., . ,............b.. ..,•e. • e...... ow.. ,—. i 0.414,1,.. E611, ER Ofi THE BOO! ;:01::