HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 23THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L.LICKNOW; ONTARIO HiSDAY, APRIL 4, 1973 PAGE TWENTY-THREE • • • • ..„%, Lawn & Garden. Need's!. • :•;t••. ..x.x.:4••••••••••••;••••• ,4k• J&M SUPER KING SIZE7 WIDE' GRAVITY, BOX • (.Approx. capacity-210 bu.) • Pugged built for top job performance featuring: Door Opening is automatically secured by spring tension—will not drop! Box and under structure of formed steel ibility.and strength Increased slope to handle .the many types of farm products and dry fertilizers • Tapered graiR,chute and ladder at.each end • Drop off ,at clod,- maintained for easy handling of ear corn. J & M ADDED FEATURES: Extra support braces to. back of bOx for more support against side thrust . Floor of ted com- pletely tied in with baCk and front to preventcenter sag • Corners are 20% larger • Corner reinforcements, extra heaVy 12 ga. steel, welded inside and out • Only 131/2 " overhang over main brace on backside • tin-der-structure support brace welded.on INSIDE as well as.out. ousammovanomeggammo.......4.o.uma:'..momesi:wwww?:i!iiiiiniommiew.:::,,,,,,,,,,,:fami • HYDRAULIC AUGER 10-1214 FOOT. MOKLS NO AUXILIARY POWER.UNIT NEEDED ....OPERATES OFF TRACTOR 'HYDRAULIC SYSTEM NO.529-450 NO. 529-401, #• NO..529-452 Size l0 ft: ti Size 12 ft. Size 14 ft.' . Farm Sale Price Farm Sale Price Farm Sale Price ill' • • • . • • 288la 308,7.1.328" - " :kVA "UNIVERSAL" CATTLE MINERAL/FEEDER ' NO.577-037 FARM SALf PRICE 451? METAL WIND VANE: Sturdy 16 gauge metal roof easily turns in slightest wind. RUST PROOF GAL- VANIZED ROOF completely shields tub, NON•CORROS1VE TUB is made of rubber, —100 lb. capacity. DESIGNED TO ROLL, NOT TIP, • • Auger. Tube is one piece, .14 ga. seamless steel., 6 inch.. diameter • 180° swing • Easily attaches to most gravity grain boxes • Will deliver approximetely 15 ,bu. per minute under normal conditions • Works, efficiently on dry fertilizer, bulk feed and small grains • ,Will discharge satisfactorily from 'highot to lowest vertical working range. IMPORTANT: Tractor must have MINI- MUM OF 8 GALLON PERAINUTE tractor rated pressure system. 'BEATTY' CHAIN HARROW NO. 535-506 FARM SALE PRICE Includes No.518-500and No.518-503 FARM SALE PRICE -164r The Beatty Harrow cleans itself; digs itself in:breaks the crust and harrows pasture in one operition. Use for spreading manure, breaking stubble and many other jobs. ' Size 8, ft. x 11 ft. x 1/2 " Diam. • Heavy duty drive assembly • Sealed bearings • Rugged motor mount—easily adjusted • No. 55 Chain with easy adjust tension • Length, 24 ft. • Nylon • chain Sprocket requires no lubrication. 129 99 COMPLETE Easy spin recoil gets yqu .off to a good start. New turbo-lift blade—perfectly balanced for af:e quiet operation. Safety lock blade clutch-gives you maxi- mum. blade protection. 7" 'x 1.50" wheek-adjusteble from 3/4 " to 36'. Safety float lock chrome plata' handle—Can't slip out of position. Throttle'control on he'nolle. POwerf ul 31/2 H.P. Briggs and Stratton, engine. Finished in red and white enamel. • NYLON REINFORCED 50' GARDEN HOSE NO. 591-247g237 SALE Ea. • 9 Better quality nylon reinforced garden hose is popular /2" diameter. Nylon woven jacket provides amazing strength and light weight. THRIFTY OSCILLATING 'SPRINKLER • DELIVERS OVER AN AREA OF 2200 FEET NO. 591-446 A77 Regular Value SALE Ea., ' Covers a rectangular area up le 2200 feet. Moves easily on aluminum sled-like ..runners. Easily adjusts left or right. For full or .partial coverage with no waste of water, FOLDING GARDEN PANELS NO'. 563-575 443 . SALE I, Ea. Folds to fit any shapeflower bed 'or lawn edging. White baked on ' -enamel finish. Measures 15" high, 10' long. FERTILIN 10.6-4 TURF FERTILIZER No. 270-040 40 lb. No. 270.041 80 lb. SALE. SALE , For, healthier. greener lawns this sum- mer . . The vital nutrients that feed your grass, are gradually released' as required. Available in both 40 lb. and 80 lb. bags. CO-OP AUTOMATIC SINGLE WATER BOWL No. 532095 FARM SALE PRICE Fully euimatie Bowls are Made of cast, iron, all brass valve control mechanisrli. No chamber cleaning ever necessary, •• 10! FEATURES: • Strongly copstructed,steel sections: Morn frame hot dip zinc galvanized for long life • 1600 lb. capacity • Complete unit can be moved by tractor 3 point hitch using mounting pins and brackets. already installed, , . „ r , FARM SALE PRICE (For agriculture purpilie. supported with valid end user's certificated at the time of sale.) 5999e 4.• CANADA No. 1 LAWN SEED CO-OP STANDARD LAWN SEED This quality mixture contains 60% Kentucky Blue plus Creeping Red Fescue, park Kentucky Blue grass and annual rye grass. This ideal blend will produce a thick, fine textured, rich coloured, long lasting lawn over a wide range of soil and growing conditions, with very moderate amounts of care. 1 lb. No. 270.900 SALE 5 lb. No. 270•901 SALE 1.09 4.59 CO-OP SHADED LAWN SEED An excellent blend for shaded, dry or less fertile soils. Very good lawns may even be achieved on heavy, poorly drained soils with this mixture. 50% Red Fescue plus Poa Tnviahs, Kentucky Blue, Annual Rye. 1 lb. No. 270905 SALE 5 lb. No. 270.906 SALE 1.25 4.79 • • • •.• •••••• • ..,...:•:•:•;•••;•:•:•?;••.,...,.•••••••••••:•.•,....••••••• • •